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Objective. To study the characteristics of asthenic syndrome and the potential for treating it in the postcovid period. Materials and methods. A continuous sampling method was used to select 129 patients (mean age 49.8 ± 8.9 years) after COVID-19. Study patients were selected at the clinical out-patient and polyclinic facilities in Samara in the period July-August, 2020. All patients signed informed consent. The envelope method was used to randomize patients into two groups the study group (n = 64) received ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (Neurox) 1 tablet (125 mg) three times daily for four weeks; medications in the reference group (n = 65) did not include any substances of the pharmacological antihypoxant/antioxidant/nootrope groups. Three visits (V) were made the first (V1) was before inclusion in the study; the second (V2) was at 14 days; the third (V3) was on day 28 from treatment initiation. The dynamics of overall status (weakness, fatigue, concentration of attention, vertigo, headache, sleep impairment) were evaluated on a visual analog scale (VAS); the subjective perception of the severity of asthenia (tiredness, physical and mental fatigue, decreased motivation and activity) was evaluated using the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, MFI-20); cognitive functions were assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSA); and autonomic tone was assessed using the Kérdö index. Results. At the end of the study (V3), statistically significant changes in measures (VAS, MFI-20) were seen only in patients of the study group; the Kérdö Index showed no statistically significant differences. Analysis of MMSE data revealed a decline in cognitive functions in both groups, which may be linked with pseudocognitive deficit due to asthenia. Conclusions. Our studies yielded evidence of a high incidence of asthenic syndrome after COVID-19. Neurox decreased the severity and extent of the symptoms of asthenia.Diminazene is an anti-infection agent for animals and is a member of the diarylamidine group. This study reports the first detection of its inhibitory effect on AMPA-type ionotropic glutamate receptors. Experiments were carried out on isolated Wistar rat neurons striatal giant cholinergic interneurons were used to study calcium-permeable AMPA receptors and hippocampal field CA1 pyramidal neurons were used to study calcium-impermeable AMPA receptors. Cells were isolated by vibrodissociation and currents were recorded by voltage clamping in the whole cell configuration. Diminazene produced concentration-dependent inhibition of currents evoked by application of kainate in both neuron types. IC50 values for calcium-permeable and calcium-impermeable AMPA receptors were 60 ± 11 and 160 ± 30 μM, respectively. Of note is that the inhibitory action of diminazene increased with increases in agonist concentration. The plot of the voltage dependence of inhibition at a fixed diminazene concentration for calcium-permeable AMPA receptors was biphasic minimal inhibition was seen at positive potentials and maximum at -40 to -60 mV, while further hyperpolarization produced a gradual decrease in blockade efficacy. All these properties provide evidence that diminazene blocks AMPA receptor channels, perhaps with penetration through channels into cells.Analysis of the age-related dynamics of olfactory behavior in the odor preference and food search testsshowed that all male Wistar rats, regardless of age, preferred valerian essential oil, whose components have the properties of pheromones in rodents, when given a selection of eight essential oils; young rats displayed better food-seeking results than adult and old animals. Acute prenatal hypoxia (PH) on E14 (7% O2 for 3 h) led to impairment of the valerian odor preference at all ages studied and to decreased productivity of food searches. Neurodegenerative processes were seen in the piriform cortex after PH, with reductions in the number of neurons and increases in glial elements. We have previously observed these changes in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus, but not in the olfactory bulbs. This suggests that PH-induced decreases in olfactory function in rats may result from impairments to the formation of the central elements of the analyzer during the first months of postnatal ontogeny.Objectives. To study the prevalence of anxious-depressive disorders and sleep impairments in their structure among patients hospitalized with the new coronavirus infections (COVID-19) and to develop differential guidelines for their treatment in COVID-19 patients. Materials and methods. This report presents preliminary results from our own observations. We report here analysis of data from 119 patients (age 47-69 years, male and female) obtained at detailed interviews, including using telemedicine technologies, with evaluation on the following scales the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) for subjective assessment of asthenia, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results. Results on the HADS indicated that clinically severe anxious-depressive symptomatology was seen in 33 of 119 patients (28%) hospitalized with diagnoses of COVID-19 of these, 11% of cases (n = 13) showed clinical signs of significant anxiety only, while five (4%) showed clinically significant depression and 13% displayed increases on both the anxiety and depression subscales (n = 15). Increases on the MFI-20 scale (>20 points) were seen in 87 patients (73%) and sleep impairments on the PSQI were recorded in 32 patients (27%). Conclusions. The results of this study showed that most patients with COVID-19 had not only depressive symptomatology, but also anxious and hypochondriac disorders, asthenic symptom complex, and sleep impairments with difficulty going to sleep and poor sleep quality. Etomoxir price Differential guidelines were developed for the treatment of these states taking account of the side effects of the drugs prescribed, interactions between drugs, and the features of the patients' somatic condition. Drug selection must be based on the severity of the impairments found.The paper gives a formal analysis of public lies, explains how public lying is related to public announcement, and describes the process of recoveries from false beliefs engendered by public lying. The framework treats two kinds of public lies simple lying update and two-step lying, which consists of suggesting that the lie may be true followed by announcing the lie. It turns out that agents' convictions of what is true are immune to the first kind, but can be shattered by the second kind. Next, recovery from public lying is analyzed. Public lies that are accepted by an audience cannot be undone simply by announcing their negation. The paper proposes a recovery process that works well for restoring beliefs about facts but cannot be extended to beliefs about beliefs. The formal machinery of the paper consists of KD45 models and conditional neighbourhood models, with various update procedures on them. Completeness proofs for a number of reasoning systems (converse belief logic, public lies logic, lying and recovery logic, conditional neighbourhood logic, plus its dynamic version) are included.

To examine the effect of family and perceived organizational support on the relationship between nurse adaptability and their experience with COVID-related PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) symptoms in frontline nurses working on COVID-19 units.

Proximity to and survival of life-threatening events contribute to a diagnosis of PTSD, which is characterized by avoidance of reminders of trauma, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks of events, sleep disturbances, and hypervigilance. Using the job-demands and resource model, we examined the effect of adaptability, family support, and perceived organizational support on PTSD symptoms for nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we tested whether perceptions of environmental supports-i.e., family and organizational support-moderated the relationship between nurse adaptability and COVID-related PTSD symptoms.

A sample of frontline nurses working on COVID-19 units during the COVID-19 pandemic in Texas (

= 277) participated in this cross-sectional, observuggest additional support for nurses with families to adapt to crisis.The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 is ongoing. Individuals with sarcoidosis tend to develop severe COVID-19; however, the underlying pathological mechanisms remain elusive. To determine common transcriptional signatures and pathways between sarcoidosis and COVID-19, we investigated the whole-genome transcriptome of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients with COVID-19 and sarcoidosis and conducted bioinformatic analysis, including gene ontology and pathway enrichment, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network, and gene regulatory network (GRN) construction. We identified 33 abnormally expressed genes that were common between COVID-19 and sarcoidosis. Functional enrichment analysis showed that these differentially expressed genes were associated with cytokine production involved in the immune response and T cell cytokine production. We identified several hub genes from the PPI network encoded by the common genes. These hub genes have high diagnostic potential for COVID-19 and sarcoidosis and can be potential biomarkers. Moreover, GRN analysis identified important microRNAs and transcription factors that regulate the common genes. This study provides a novel characterization of the transcriptional signatures and biological processes commonly dysregulated in sarcoidosis and COVID-19 and identified several critical regulators and biomarkers. This study highlights a potential pathological association between COVID-19 and sarcoidosis, establishing a theoretical basis for future clinical trials.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play critical roles in regulating virus infection and replication. However, the mechanism by which miRNA regulates Zika virus (ZIKV) replication remains elusive. We aim to explore how the differentially expressed miR-103a-3p regulates ZIKV replication and to clarify the underlying molecular mechanism.

Small RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) was performed to identify differentially expressed miRNAs in A549 cells with or without ZIKV infection and some of the dysregulated miRNAs were validated by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The effect of miR-103a-3p on ZIKV replication was examined by transfecting miR-103a-3p mimic or negative control (NC) into A549 cells with or without p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor SB203580 and expression levels of ZIKV NS5 mRNA and NS1 protein were detected by qRT-PCR and Western blot, respectively. The potential target genes for miR-103a-3p were predicted by four algorithms and further validated by mutation analysis through luciferase reporteret gene of miR-103a-3p. MiR-103a-3p over-expression or OTUD4 silencing activated p38 MAPK signaling and enhanced ZIKV replication. In contrast, OTUD4 over-expression inhibited p38 MAPK activation and decreased ZIKV replication. In addition, OTUD4 over-expression attenuated the stimulating effect of miR-103a-3p on ZIKV replication and activation of p38 MAPK signaling.

Zika virus infection induced the expression of miR-103a-3p, which subsequently activated p38 MAPK signaling pathway by targeting OTUD4 to facilitate ZIKV replication.

Zika virus infection induced the expression of miR-103a-3p, which subsequently activated p38 MAPK signaling pathway by targeting OTUD4 to facilitate ZIKV replication.

Autoři článku: Heathjoyce9508 (Pallesen Clemons)