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The concept of community detection has long been used as a key device for handling the mesoscale structures in networks. Suitably conducted community detection reveals various embedded informative substructures of network topology. However, regarding the practical usage of community detection, it has always been a tricky problem to assign a reasonable community resolution for networks of interest. Because of the absence of the unanimously accepted criterion, most of the previous studies utilized rather ad hoc heuristics to decide the community resolution. In this work, we harness the concept of consistency in community structures of networks to provide the overall community resolution landscape of networks, which we eventually take to quantify the reliability of detected communities for a given resolution parameter. More precisely, we exploit the ambiguity in the results of stochastic detection algorithms and suggest a method that denotes the relative validity of community structures in regard to their stability of global and local inconsistency measures using multiple detection processes. Applying our framework to synthetic and real networks, we confirm that it effectively displays insightful fundamental aspects of community structures.In this article, the classical Rayleigh-Taylor instability is extended to situations where the fluid is completely confined, in both the vertical and horizontal directions. This article starts with the two-dimensional (2D) viscous periodic case with finite height where the effect of adding surface tension to the interface is analyzed. This problem is simulated from a dual perspective first, the linear stability analysis obtained when the Navier-Stokes equations are linearized and regularized in terms of density and viscosity; and second, looking at the weakly compressible version of a multiphase smoothed particle hydrodynamics (WCSPH) method. The evolution and growth rates of the different fluid variables during the linear regime of the SPH simulation are compared to the computation of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the viscous version of the Rayleigh-Taylor stability (VRTI) analysis with and without surface tension. The most unstable mode, which has the maximal linear growth rate obtained with both approaches, as well as other less unstable modes with more complex structures are reported. The classical horizontally periodic (VRTI) case is now adapted to the case where two additional left and right walls are included in the problem, representing the cases where a two-phase flow is confined in a accelerated tank. This 2D case where no periodic assumptions are allowed is also solved using both techniques with tanks of different sizes and a wide range of Atwood numbers. The agreement with the linear stability analysis obtained by a Lagrangian method such as multiphase WCSPH is remarkable.Quantum quenches to or near criticality give rise to the phenomenon of aging, manifested by glassylike dynamics at short times and far from equilibrium. The recent surge of interest in the dynamics of quantum many-body systems has rejuvenated interest in this phenomenon. Motivated by the ubiquitous long-range interactions in emerging experimental platforms, it is vital to study quantum aging in such settings. In this paper, we investigate the dynamical universality and aging in the d-dimensional O(N) model with the long-range coupling 1/x^d+σ and in the mean-field limit N→∞ that allows an exact treatment. An immediate consequence of long-range coupling is the emergence of nonlinear light cones. We focus on the correlation and response functions, and identify a rich scaling behavior depending on how the corresponding space-time positions are located relative to each other, via a local light cone, and to the time of the quench via a global quench light cone. read more We determine the initial-slip exponent that governs the short-time dependence of two-point functions. We highlight the qualitative features of aging due to the long-range coupling, in particular in the region outside the light cones. As an important consequence of long-range coupling, the correlation function decays as 1/x^d+σ outside the quench light cone while increasing polynomially with the total time after quench. This is while, for short-time differences, the two-time response function "equilibrates" at all distances even outside this light cone. Our analytic findings are in excellent agreement with exact numerics, and provide a useful benchmark for modern experimental platforms with long-range interactions.The breakup pathway of Rayleigh fission of a charged drop is unequivocally demonstrated by continuous, high-speed imaging of a drop levitated in an AC quadrupole trap. The experimental observations consistently exhibited asymmetric, subcritical Rayleigh breakup with an upward (i.e., opposite to the direction of gravity) ejection of a jet from the levitated drop. These experiments supported by numerical calculations show that the gravity induced downward shift of the equilibrium position of the drop in the trap causes significant, large amplitude shape oscillations superimposed over the center-of-mass oscillations. The shape oscillations result in sufficient deformations to act as triggers for the onset of instability below the Rayleigh limit (a subcritical instability). The concurrently occurring, center-of-mass oscillations, which are out of phase with the applied voltage, are shown to lead to an asymmetric breakup such that the Rayleigh fission occurs upwards via the ejection of a jet at the pole of the deformed drop. As an important application, it follows by inference that the nanodrop generation in electrospray devices will occur, more as a rule rather than as an exception, via asymmetric, subcritical Rayleigh fission events of microdrops due to inherent directionality provided by the external electric fields.Machine learning (ML) has been well applied to studying equilibrium phase transition models by accurately predicating critical thresholds and some critical exponents. Difficulty will be raised, however, for integrating ML into nonequilibrium phase transitions. The extra dimension in a given nonequilibrium system, namely time, can greatly slow down the procedure toward the steady state. In this paper we find that by using some simple techniques of ML, non-steady-state configurations of directed percolation (DP) suffice to capture its essential critical behaviors in both (1+1) and (2+1) dimensions. With the supervised learning method, the framework of our binary classification neural networks can identify the phase transition threshold, as well as the spatial and temporal correlation exponents. The characteristic time t_c, specifying the transition from active phases to absorbing ones, is also a major product of the learning. Moreover, we employ the convolutional autoencoder, an unsupervised learning technique, to extract dimensionality reduction representations and cluster configurations of (1+1) bond DP.

Autoři článku: Haysthompson1960 (Skov Topp)