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This study reports the distribution of microplastics (MPs) in surface water and estuarine sediments in South and North Setiu Wetland in the South China Sea. Sampling was conducted bimonthly for one year from November 2016 to November 2017, including the northeast and southwest monsoons. Water surface and sediment samples were collected from six different sampling stations (STs). Samples were sorted based on physical analysis (optical observation) and selected particles were further analyzed by chemical characterizations. The findings of this study indicate that a total of 0.36 items/L and 5.97 items/g particles of MPs were found from characterizations surface water and dry sediment, respectively. Among the selected stations included in this research, ST3 (1.375 ± 0.347 items/L) and ST2 (14.250 ± 4.343 items/g) were individually identified as high potential MP sinking areas, exacerbated during the northeast and southwest monsoons. Transparent, film, and filament MP types were consistently found across all stations. Microplastic filaments revealed a functional group of polypropylenes based on the main peak spectrum at 2893-2955 cm-1 (CH alkyl stretching), 1458 cm-1 (CH2 bending), and 1381 cm-1 (CH3 bending). Microplastic materials were thermally decomposed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Pyr-GC/MS) and identified as cyclohexane and cyclohexene derivatives, as well as precursors of polymer blends. The distribution of MPs in both matrices varied according to different seasons. These findings provide useful baseline information on the distribution of MPs from the estuarine area in Malaysia and South China Sea waters.This study investigated a new way to improve the performance of simultaneous nitrification denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) system by regularly changing the anaerobic/micro-aerobic/anoxic mode to the anaerobic/anoxic mode with 30 mg/L of nitrite dosing. The results indicated that the removal efficiency of total inorganic nitrogen and PO43--P was improved from 75.44% and 85.14% to 98.89% and 98.17%, respectively. And the good performance of the SNDPR showed a long-time sustainability when the C/N ratio was 5. The results of microbial community illustrated that the abundance of the main nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), Nitrospira sp., dropped from 5.71% to 0.85% and the abundance of denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (DPAOs), Pseudomonas sp. and Acinetobacter sp., increased by 5 times after nitrite stress. The high level of nitric oxide (NO) and free nitrite acid produced by addition of nitrite strongly suppressed the undesired organisms NOB and ordinary heterotrophic denitrifying organisms, and promoted the enrichment of DPAOs. The NO accumulated in the nitrite denitrification process could inhibit NOB and promote AOB. This study revealed that NO plays an important role in regulating the microbial community in the SNDPR system.Mine tailings pose physical and chemical challenges for plant establishment. Our aim was to learn from natural processes in long-term soil and ecosystem development to use tailings as novel parent materials and pioneer ecological-engineering plant species to ameliorate extreme conditions of tailings, and facilitate the establishment of subsequent native plants. A glasshouse trial was conducted using magnetite tailings containing various amendments, investigating the potential of the nitrogen (N)-fixing, non-native pioneer species Lupinus angustifolius (Fabaceae), narrow-leaf lupin, as a potential eco-engineer to promote soil formation processes, and whether amendment type or the presence of pioneer vegetation improved the subsequent establishment and growth of 40 species of native plants. We found that L. angustifolius eco-engineered the mine tailings, by enhancing the N status of tailings and mobilising primary mineral P into organic P via a carboxylate-exudation strategy, thereby enabling subsequent growth of native species. The substantial increases of the soil organic P (from ca. CDK inhibition 10 to 150 mg kg-1) pool and organo-bound Al minerals (from 0 to 2 mg kg-1) were particularly evident, indicating the initiation of pedogenesis in mine tailings. Our findings suggest that the annual legume L. angustifolius has eco-engineering potential on mine tailings through N-fixation and P-mobilisation, promoting the subsequent growth of native plants. We proposed Daviesia (Fabaceae) species as native species alternatives for the non-native L. angustifolius in the Western Australian context. Our findings are important for restoration practitioners tasked with mine site restoration in terms of screening pioneer eco-engineering plant species, where native plants are required to restore after mine operations.Different types of pots and growing and casing media, including biodegradable materials, are used for plant and mushroom production. The fungus Peziza ostracoderma has gained attention for its visible growth on growing media for plants and casing media for mushrooms. Through a review of the literature we aim to evaluate whether exposure to fungi from recyclable pots and different growing and casing media occurs and causes occupational health effects. Based on the published papers, specific fungal species were not related to a specific medium. Thus P. ostracoderma has been found on paper pots, peat, sterilized soil, vermiculite, and rockwool with plants, and on peat, pumice, and paper casing for mushrooms. It has been found in high concentrations in the air in mushroom farms. Also Acremonium spp., Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, Athelia turficola, Aureobasidium pullulans, Chaetomium globosum, Chrysonilia sitophila, Cladosporium spp., Cryptostroma corticale, Lecanicillium aphanocladii, Sporothrix schenckii, Stachybotrys chartarum, and Trichoderma spp. have been found on different types of growing or casing media. Most of the fungi have also been found in the air in greenhouses, but the knowledge about airborne fungal species in mushroom farms is very limited. Eight publications describe cases of health effects associated directly with exposure to fungi from pots or growing or casing media. These include cases of hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by exposure to A. fumigatus, A. niger, Au. pullulans, Cr. corticale, P. ostracoderma, and a mixture of fungi growing on different media. Different approaches have been used to avoid growth of saprophytes including chemical fungicides, the formulation of biodegradable pots and growing media and types of peat. To increase the sustainability of growing media different types of media are tested for their use and with the present study we highlight the importance of also considering the occupational health of the growers who may be exposed to fungi from the media and pots.Air pollution is the result of enormous emissions and unfavorable meteorological conditions. The role of meteorology, particularly extremely unfavorable meteorological events (EUMEs), in processing atmospheric PM2.5 pollution has not been fully addressed. This work examined the variations of PM2.5 mass and its chemical components associated with various meteorological parameters and three EUMEs based on meteorological observations and analysis combined with one-year long in situ measurement in 2018 in the suburban area of Tianjin, China. Analysis shows that the polluted days in 2018 were mostly related to the increase in sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium (SNA). Temperature between -2 to 13 °C is more favorable for the formation of SNA, while high temperature exceeding 28 °C is favorable for the formation of organic carbon and sulfate. Most of the ions and carbon components showed significant increase in concentrations when relative humidity exceeded 80%. The maximum decreasing rate of PM2.5 concentrations due to increase in wind speed and planetary boundary height could be 15.35 μg m-3 (m s-1)-1, and 34.37 μg m-3 (100 m)-1, respectively. EUMEs showed significant impacts on PM2.5 components, in which PM2.5 concentrations showed the most significant increase under temperature inversion (TI) events, and surface-based TI (SBTI) events usually have much stronger impacts on PM2.5 concentrations than elevated TI (ELTI). Nitrate was found to be the most sensitive component to EUMEs, especially under multiple EUMEs. The synthetic effects of multiple EUMEs could result in an increase of nitrate by 35.53 μg m-3 (523.3%). In addition, OC and sulfate are more sensitive to heat wave events. Our analysis provides improved understanding of the formation of PM2.5 pollution with respect to meteorology, particularly EUMEs. Based on such information, more attention may be needed on the collaborative prediction of EUMEs and air pollution episodes.Contamination levels and distribution patterns of ten typical phthalic acid esters (PAEs) were investigated in various types of water samples collected from Hanoi metropolitan area in Vietnam. Concentrations of 10 PAEs in bottled water, tap water, lake water, and wastewater samples were measured in the ranges of 1640-15,700 ng/L (mean/median 6400/5820 ng/L), 2100-18,000 ng/L (mean/median 11,200/9270 ng/L), 19,600-127,000 ng/L (mean/median 51,800/49,300 ng/L), and 20,700-405,000 ng/L (mean/median 121,000/115,000 ng/L), respectively. Among PAEs, di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) accounted for a major proportion of total concentrations (45%) in wastewater, followed by diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP, 10.3%), and dibutyl phthalate (DBP, 9.53%). Concentrations of PAEs in wastewater decreased significantly with distance from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Concentrations of PAEs in surface water samples did not vary greatly between locations. PAEs were found in bottled water in the following order DBP (22.4%), DiBP (22.3%), benzylbutyl phthalate (BzBP, 20.1%), and DEHP (15.5%). The estimated mean exposure doses of 10 PAEs through consumption of drinking water for adults and children in Vietnam were 254 and 256 ng/kg-bw/day, respectively. Capsule Highest concentrations of PAEs were measured in wastewater, followed by lake water, tap water, and bottled water.In this study, the ecology of biofilms collected from sediments and efflorescent crusts (EFC) along an acid mine drainage (AMD) system was determined using 16S bacterial metagenomics. The dissolution of coal tailing and EFC by bacteria hosted in biofilms was investigated. Results revealed the predominance of acidophilic bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Leptospirilum ferrooxidans, Acidithrix, Leptospirilum sp, Acidimicrobiaceae, Sulfobacillus, Acidiphilium, and Acidithiobacillus sp. in the biofilms, some of which have been reported to oxidize sulfide minerals and contribute to AMD formation. The experimental results further highlighted the ability of the bacteria in biofilms to leach out metals such as Co, Fe, and Zn, while decreasing the pH of the solution. The bioleaching of EFC was very fast, and increased diversity of the bacterial inoculum contributed to accelerating the leaching rate. Compared to abiotic leaching, the dissolution of minerals by acidophilic bacteria increased the percentage of free hydrated metal speciated forms over the inorganic complex speciated forms, suggesting the potential of biofilms to enhance the dispersion of metals in aquatic systems.

Autoři článku: Haydendennis7205 (Rowland Drew)