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The conspicuous absence of personal articulations of miscarriage in mainstream discourses attests to the stigmatised nature of the experience. Notably, there exists a growing body of infertility comics which foreground the authors' lived realities of miscarriage. In a close reading of select graphic memoirs such as Jenell Johnson's Present/Perfect, Paula Knight's The Facts of Life, Phoebe Potts' Good Eggs, and Diane Noomin's Baby Talk, this article examines how the authors use comics to foreground their predicament. In so doing, the essay argues that these narratives attempt to accord a cultural legitimacy to the hitherto silenced experiential realities of miscarriage.This study examined the effect of instructions and feedback on the integration of two tasks. Task-integration of covarying tasks are thought to help dual-task performance. With complete task integration of covarying dual tasks, a dual task becomes more like a single task and dual-task costs should be reduced as it is no longer conceptualized as a dual task. In the current study we tried to manipulate the extent to which tasks are integrated. We covaried a tracking task with an auditory go/no-go task and tried to manipulate the extent of task-integration by using two different sets of instructions and feedback. A group receiving task-integration promoting instructions and feedback (N = 18) and a group receiving task-separation instructions and feedback (N = 20) trained on a continuous tracking task. The tracking task covaried with the auditory go/no-go reaction time task because high-pitch sounds always occurred 250 ms before turns, which has been demonstrated to foster task integration. The tracking task further contained a repeating segment to investigate implicit learning. Results showed that instructions, feedback, or participants' conceptualization of performing a single task versus a dual task did not significantly affect task integration. However, the covariation manipulation improved performance in both the tracking and the go/no-go task, exceeding performance in non-covarying and single tasks. We concluded that task integration between covarying motor tasks is a robust phenomenon that is not influenced by instructions or feedback.To develop a comprehensive understanding of pharmaceutical drug substance manufacturing (DSM) processes, we conducted a data mining study to examine 50 new drug applications (NDAs) approved in 2010-2016. We analyzed the prevalence of several frequently deployed in-process control (IPC) techniques and postreaction workup procedures, as well as the operational conditions specified for reactions and workups. Our findings show that crystallization and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were the most commonly used workup steps and in-process controls, respectively, in drug substance manufacturing. mTOR inhibitor On average, each NDA implemented 12.6 in-process controls and 11.3 workups. Operation time for reactions and workup procedures varied from a few minutes to multiple days, though 61% of these were between 1 and 10 h.The aim of this study was to assess the in vitro adsorption of antibiotics vancomycin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and tigecycline on both polyethyleneimine-treated polyacrylonitrile membrane of AN69ST filter and polysulfone membrane of AV1000 filter using porcine blood as a model close to in vivo conditions. The porcine blood with antibiotic dissolved in it was pumped into hemofiltration circuit (with AN69ST or AV1000 filter), ultrafiltration fluid was continuously returned to the reservoir containing blood with antibiotic. Blood samples to determine antibiotic concentrations were taken at minutes 0, 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 from the pre- blood pump of the hemofiltration circuit. To assess possible spontaneous degradation of the drug in the solution there was an additional reservoir prepared for each antibiotic, containing blood with the drug, which was not connected to the circuit. In the case of vancomycin, ciprofloxacine and tigecycline, a statistically significant decrease in the drug concentration in the hemofiltration circuit in comparison to initial value as well as to the concentrations in the control blood was observed, both for polyacrylonitrile and plolysulfone membrane. In the case of gentamicin, significant adsorption was noted only on polyacrylonitrile membrane. Our studies demonstrated that in full blood adsorption of antibiotics may be big enough to be of clinical significance. In particular in the case of polyacrylonitrile membrane.This study reveals the ovary micromorphology and the course of oogenesis in the leech Batracobdella algira (Glossiphoniidae). Using light, fluorescence, and electron microscopies, the paired ovaries were analyzed. At the beginning of the breeding season, the ovaries were small, but as oogenesis progressed, they increased in size significantly, broadened, and elongated. A single convoluted ovary cord was located inside each ovary. The ovary cord was composed of numerous germ cells gathered into syncytial groups, which are called germ-line cysts. During oogenesis, the clustering germ cells differentiated into two functional categories, i.e., nurse cells and oocytes, and therefore, this oogenesis was recognized as being meroistic. As a rule, each clustering germ cell had one connection in the form of a broad cytoplasmic channel (intercellular bridge) that connected it to the cytophore. There was a synchrony in the development of the clustering germ cells in the whole ovary cord. In the immature leeches, the ovary cords contained undifferentiated germ cells exclusively, from which, previtellogenic oocytes and nurse cells differentiated as the breeding season progressed. Only the oocytes grew considerably, gathered nutritive material, and protruded at the ovary cord surface. The vitellogenic oocytes subsequently detached from the cord and filled tightly the ovary sac, while the nurse cells and the cytophore degenerated. Ripe eggs were finally deposited into the cocoons. A comparison of the ovary structure and oogenesis revealed that almost all of the features that are described in the studied species were similar to those that are known from other representatives of Glossiphoniidae, which indicates their evolutionary conservatism within this family.

Autoři článku: Hartvigburke3913 (Gallagher Newton)