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Part-time sick leave (PTSL) where sick-listed individuals work a percentage corresponding to their remaining work capabilities is often used to promote return to work. The effects of PTSL are uncertain due to participant selection on personal and social factors, which are not easily captured by evaluations that primarily rely on register-data. More knowledge of health-related, workplace and personal characteristics that influence the propensity to utilize PTSL is needed. The objective of the present study was to explore whether individuals on PTSL and full-time sick leave (FTSL) differ in terms of self-reported health, workplace resources and psychological resilience while also considering known sociodemographic factors that influence PTSL selection.

The study utilized a cross-sectional sample of 661 workers sick listed for 8 weeks with a 50-100% sick-listing degree. Differences between those on PTSL and FTSL with regard to current self-reported health, previous long-term sick leave, workplace adjustment identified in previous research. These results are important for future evaluations of the effect of PTSL on RTW, suggesting more attention should be paid to self-reported health status and workplace characteristics that are not captured using register data.

The present study found differences between those on PTSL and FTSL with regards to self-reported health, workplace adjustment latitude and psychosocial work environment that were independent of differences identified in previous research. These results are important for future evaluations of the effect of PTSL on RTW, suggesting more attention should be paid to self-reported health status and workplace characteristics that are not captured using register data.

Equine small intestinal resection and anastomosis is a procedure where optimizing speed, without compromising integrity, is advantageous. There are a range of different needle holders available, but little is published on the impact surgical instrumentation has on surgical technique in veterinary medicine. The objectives of this study were to investigate if the needle holder type influences the anastomosis construction time, the anastomosis bursting pressure and whether the bursting pressure is influenced by the anastomosis construction time. Single layer end-to-end jejunojejunal anastomoses were performed on jejunal segments harvested from equine cadavers. These segments were randomly allocated to four groups. Three groups based on the needle holder type that was used 16.5 cm Frimand (Group 1), 16 cm Mayo-Hegar (Group 2) or 20.5 cm Mayo-Hegar (Group 3) needle holders. One (Group 4) as control without anastomoses. Anastomosis construction time was recorded. Bursting pressure was determined by pumping green ental setting, the Frimand needle holder produced anastomoses with higher bursting pressures. Further studies are required to determine clinical implications.

The tested needle holders had a significant effect on bursting pressure, but not on anastomosis construction time. In an experimental setting, the Frimand needle holder produced anastomoses with higher bursting pressures. Further studies are required to determine clinical implications.

From a recent meta-analysis it appeared that online post-dilution hemodiafiltration (HDF), especially with a high convection volume (HV-HDF), is associated with superior overall and cardiovascular survival, if compared to standard hemodialysis (HD). The mechanism(s) behind this effect, however, is (are) still unclear. In this respect, a lower incidence of intradialytic hypotension (IDH), and hence less tissue injury, may play a role. To address these items, the HOLLANT study was designed.

HOLLANT is a Dutch multicentre randomized controlled cross-over trial. In total, 40 prevalent dialysis patients will be included and, after a run-in phase, exposed to standard HD, HD with cooled dialysate, low-volume HDF and high-volume HDF (Dialog iQ® machine) in a randomized fashion. The primary endpoint is an intradialytic nadir in systolic blood pressure (SBP) of < 90 and < 100 mmHg for patients with predialysis SBP < 159 and ≥ 160 mmHg, respectively. The main secondary outcomes are 1) intradialytic left ventricle (LV) chamber quantification and deformation, 2) intradialytic hemodynamic profile of SBP, diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and pulse pressure (PP), 3) organ and tissue damage, such as the release of specific cellular components, and 4) patient reported symptoms and thermal perceptions during each modality.

The current trial is primarily designed to test the hypothesis that a lower incidence of intradialytic hypotension contributes to the superior survival of (HV)-HDF. A secondary objective of this investigation is the question whether changes in the intradialytic blood pressure profile correlate with organ dysfunction and tissue damage, and/or patient discomfort.

Registered Report Identifier NCT03249532 # ( ClinicalTrials.gov ). Date of registration 2017/08/15.

Registered Report Identifier NCT03249532 # ( ClinicalTrials.gov ). Date of registration 2017/08/15.

Seeking online health information (OHI) has become a common practice globally. The information seekers could face health risks if they are not proficient in OHI literacy. The OHI-seeking behaviors and skills of Chinese college students, the largest proportion of college students in the world, are understudied. This study was aimed to describe OHI-seeking behaviors and skills of college students in Guangdong, China.

College students in the Guangdong province with OHI-seeking experience were invited via WeChat, QQ, and Sina Weibo using QR code posters and flyers for participation in this online anonymized questionnaire-based study. Data on demographics, OHI literacy, information resources, search approaches, and behaviors were collected. The relationship between perceived OHI literacy and high-risk behaviors was investigated by bivariate logistic regression analysis.

Respondents were 1203 college students with a mean age of 20.6 years, females (60.2%), and undergraduates (97.2%). They sought health inform, 95%CI, 1.9-5.0).

This study reveals Chinese college students' heavy reliance on OHI to manage their own and others' health without sufficient knowledge/skills to identify misinformation and disinformation. The apparent risky information-seeking behaviors of Chinese college students warrant the provision of regulated, accurate, and actionable health information; assurance of cybersecurity; and health information literacy promotion in colleges by concerned authorities.

This study reveals Chinese college students' heavy reliance on OHI to manage their own and others' health without sufficient knowledge/skills to identify misinformation and disinformation. The apparent risky information-seeking behaviors of Chinese college students warrant the provision of regulated, accurate, and actionable health information; assurance of cybersecurity; and health information literacy promotion in colleges by concerned authorities.

Temperature influences biology at all levels, from altering rates of biochemical reactions to determining sustainability of entire ecosystems. iCRT3 Although extended exposure to elevated temperatures influences organismal phenotypes important for human health, agriculture, and ecology, the molecular mechanisms that drive these responses remain largely unexplored. Prolonged, mild temperature stress (48 h at 28 °C) has been shown to inhibit reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans without significantly impacting motility or viability.

Analysis of molecular responses to chronic stress using RNA-seq uncovers dramatic effects on the transcriptome that are fundamentally distinct from the well-characterized, acute heat shock response (HSR). While a large portion of the genome is differentially expressed ≥ 4-fold after 48 h at 28 °C, the only major class of oogenesis-associated genes affected is the vitellogenin gene family that encodes for yolk proteins (YPs). Whereas YP mRNAs decrease, the proteins accumulate and mislrature stress as well as phenotypes associated with chronic protein misfolding.

These data implicate chaperone titration during chronic stress as a molecular mechanism contributing to endocytic defects that influence multiple aspects of organismal physiology. Notably, HSF-1 overexpression improves recovery of viable offspring after exposure to stress. These findings provide important molecular insights into understanding organismal responses to temperature stress as well as phenotypes associated with chronic protein misfolding.

Pelvic sepsis after surgery for rectal cancer is a severe complication, mostly originating from anastomotic leakage. Complex salvage surgery, during which an omentoplasty is often used for filling of the pelvic cavity, is seldomly required. If this fails, a symptomatic recurrent presacral abscess with a risk of progressive inflammation can develop. Such patients have often undergone multiple surgeries and have disturbed abdominal wall integrity, adhesion formation, and presence of one or two stoma(s). Subsequent salvage surgery via the conventional anterior abdominal approach is therefore less suitable.We describe three cases with a chronic presacral sinus and failure of first salvage surgery. All three patients underwent a prone only approach with tailored sacrectomy. This novel approach provided direct access to the pelvic abscess with optimal exposure for complete and safe debridement. A unilateral or bilateral gluteal V-Y fasciocutaneous advancement flap was created to completely fill the cavity with weement flap. This resulted in favorable postoperative recovery with ultimate healing of the pelvic cavity.

The dorsal approach with tailored sacrectomy and gluteal V-Y advancement flap is a valuable option in highly selected patients to treat recurrent pelvic sepsis after multiple prior transabdominal interventions for chronic presacral sinus.

The dorsal approach with tailored sacrectomy and gluteal V-Y advancement flap is a valuable option in highly selected patients to treat recurrent pelvic sepsis after multiple prior transabdominal interventions for chronic presacral sinus.

Colorectal cancer has increased in Middle Eastern countries and exposure to environmental pollutants such as heavy metals has been implicated. However, data linking them to this disease are generally lacking. This study aimed to explore the spatial pattern of age-standardized incidence rate (ASR) of colon cancer and its potential association with the exposure level of the amount of heavy metals existing in rice produced in north-eastern Iran.

Cancer data were drawn from the Iranian population-based cancer registry of Golestan Province, north-eastern Iran. Samples of 69 rice milling factories were analysed for the concentration levels of cadmium, nickel, cobalt, copper, selenium, lead and zinc. The inverse distance weighting (IDW) algorithm was used to interpolate the concentration of this kind of heavy metals on the surface of the study area. Exploratory regression analysis was conducted to build ordinary least squares (OLS) models including every possible combination of the candidate explanatory variables and chose the most useful ones to show the association between heavy metals and the ASR of colon cancer.

Autoři článku: Harringtonsnyder4168 (Shaffer Hanna)