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Little is known about the population structure of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREfm) in Latin America (LATAM). Here, we provide a complete genomic characterization of 55 representative Latin American VREfm recovered from 1998-2015 in 5 countries. The LATAM VREfm population is structured into two main clinical clades without geographical clustering. Using the LATAM genomes, we reconstructed the global population of VREfm by including 285 genomes from 36 countries spanning from 1946 to 2017. In contrast to previous studies, our results show an early branching of animal related isolates and a further split of clinical isolates into two sub-clades within clade A. The overall phylogenomic structure of clade A was highly dependent on recombination (54% of the genome) and the split between clades A and B was estimated to have occurred more than 2,765 years ago. Furthermore, our molecular clock calculations suggest the branching of animal isolates and clinical clades occurred ~502 years ago whereas the split within the clinical clade occurred ~302 years ago (previous studies showed a more recent split between clinical an animal branches around ~74 years ago). By including isolates from Latin America, we present novel insights into the population structure of VREfm and revisit the evolution of these pathogens.The sinking of organic particles produced in the upper sunlit layers of the ocean forms an important limb of the oceanic biological pump, which impacts the sequestration of carbon and resupply of nutrients in the mesopelagic ocean. Particles raining out from the upper ocean undergo remineralization by bacteria colonized on their surface and interior, leading to an attenuation in the sinking flux of organic matter with depth. Here, we formulate a mechanistic model for the depth-dependent, sinking, particulate mass flux constituted by a range of sinking, remineralizing particles. Like previous studies, we find that the model does not achieve the characteristic 'Martin curve' flux profile with a single type of particle, but instead requires a distribution of particle sizes and/or properties. We consider various functional forms of remineralization appropriate for solid/compact particles, and aggregates with an anoxic or oxic interior. We explore the sensitivity of the shape of the flux vs. depth profile to the choice of remineralization function, relative particle density, particle size distribution, and water column density stratification, and find that neither a power-law nor exponential function provides a definitively superior fit to the modeled profiles. The profiles are also sensitive to the time history of the particle source. Varying surface particle size distribution (via the slope of the particle number spectrum) over 3 days to represent a transient phytoplankton bloom results in transient subsurface maxima or pulses in the sinking mass flux. This work contributes to a growing body of mechanistic export flux models that offer scope to incorporate underlying dynamical and biological processes into global carbon cycle models.Formaldehyde (FA) is a simple biological aldehyde that is produced inside cells by several processes such as demethylation of DNA and proteins, amino acid metabolism, lipid peroxidation and one carbon metabolism (1-C). Although accumulation of excess FA in cells is known to be cytotoxic, it is unknown if an increase in FA level might be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. We choose to use primary human fibroblasts cells in culture (foreskin, FSK) as a physiological model to gain insight into whether an increase in the level of FA might affect cellular physiology, especially with regard to the mitochondrial compartment. FSK cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of FA, and different cellular parameters were studied. Elevation in intracellular FA level was achieved and was found to be cytotoxic by virtue of both apoptosis and necrosis and was accompanied by both G2/M arrest and reduction in the time spent in S phase. A gene expression assessment by microarray analysis revealed FA affected FSK cells by altering expression of many genes including genes involved in mitochondrial function and electron transport. We were surprised to observe increased DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mitochondria after exposure to FA, as revealed by accumulation of γH2A.X and 53BP1 at mitochondrial DNA foci. This was associated with mitochondrial structural rearrangements, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and activation of mitophagy. Collectively, these results indicate that an increase in the cellular level of FA can trigger mitochondrial DNA double-strand breaks and dysfunction.Extracellular release of HMGB1 contributes to acetaminophen-induced liver injury. HMGB1 acts as a danger-associated molecular patterns during this toxic process but the mechanisms of action and targeted cells are incompletely defined. Here we studied, in vitro, the role of HMGB1 in amplifying the acetaminophen-induced hepatocyte necrosis process. Using cultured HepaRG cells, primary human hepatocytes and selective chemical inhibitors we evaluated acetaminophen-induced toxicity. We confirmed that addition of acetaminophen induced HepaRG cell death and HMGB1 release. We showed that inhibition of HMGB1 decreased acetaminophen-induced HepaRG cell death, suggesting a feedforward effect. We provide the first evidence that exposure of HepaRG cells to recombinant human HMGB1 (rhHMGB1) also resulted in cell death. Moreover, we found that both acetaminophen and rhHMGB1 induced programmed HepaRG cell necrosis through a RIPK3-dependent mechanism. Batimastat order By using TLR4 blocking antibody, we demonstrated the reduction of the HepaRG cell death induced by acetaminophen and rhHMGB1. Furthermore, inhibition of TRIF, known to induce a RIPK3-dependent cell death, reduced rhHMGB1-induced HepaRG cell death. Our data support that released HMGB1 from acetaminophen-stressed hepatocytes induced necrosis of neighboring hepatocytes by TLR4-TRIF-RIPK3- pathway. This in vitro study gives new insights in the role of HMGB1 in the amplification of acetaminophen-induced toxicity.

Autoři článku: Harperparrish7297 (Morales Morrow)