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Magnetic particle-based immunoassays are widely used in microbiology-related assays for both microbial capture, separation, analysis, and detection. Besides facilitating sample operation, the implementation of micro-to-nanometer scale magnetic beads as a solid support potentially shortens the incubation time (for magnetic immuno capture) from several hours to less than an hour. Analytical technologies based on magnetic beads offer a rapid, effective and inexpensive way to separate and concentrate the target analytes prior to detection. Magneto-immuno separation uses magnetic particles coated with specific antibodies to capture target microorganisms, bear the corresponding antigens, and subsequently separate them from the sample matrix in a magnetic field. The method has been proven effective in separating various types of pathogenic bacteria from environmental water samples and in eliminating background interferences. Magnetic particles are often used to capture target cells (pathogenic bacteria) from samples. In most commercially available assays, the actual identification and quantitation of the captured cells is then performed by classical microbiological assays. This review highlights the most sensitive analytic methods ( i.e., long-range surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) to detect magnetically tagged bacteria in conjunction with magnetic actuation.

In the present-day world, the aging elderly across the world are living longer. Most people are expected to live well into their sixties and even beyond. The increasing life expectancy of the aging population could be due to increased availability of healthcare facilities and improved quality care provided by them. Alongside increasing life expectancy, the individual's quality of life and also his/her oral health-related quality of life (OHR-QoL) are expected to improve so that they can enjoy their aging life.

The aim of this review article is to highlight aging-related oral health changes and their impact on the individual's quality of life.

Age-related oral changes are seen in the tooth structure making the enamel more brittle resulting in severe attrition. Autoimmune diseases like Sjogren's syndrome are followed by decrease in the salivary gland function and the reason is unknown, and medications like antihypertensive and analgesics are associated with the decrease in salivary flow, which increases tng with general examination and should avoid prescribing medications that have xerostomia as a side effect. The elderly individuals should be encouraged to keep their mouth moist using water or artificial saliva and maintain good oral and denture hygiene.

This case report shows how a feldspathic veneer with diagnostic wax-ups, subsequent mock-up, and reduction guides can lead to good patient esthetics and reports a 5-year follow-up.

Conservative tooth preparation is important for the long-term success of adhesive dentistry as it has been shown that bonding to enamel is more predictable in obtaining better long-term success than dentin. To preserve enamel for optimal bonding, diagnostic wax-ups and the subsequent mock-up are the first tools in a restorative dentist's arsenal to find and address differences between current and ideal tooth proportions and also help toward an overall conservative approach. Reduction guides are recommended in order to provide adequate tooth reduction and prevent over-reduction.

This case report shows a 5-year follow-up of feldspathic veneer restorations for a patient with excessive space among teeth, defective composite restorations on facial and incisal surfaces, and worn teeth. Veneers were delivered with conservative tooth preparation combining different tooth reduction guides.

This case report highlights the added benefits of tooth reduction guides and diagnostic wax-ups and the subsequent mock-up for long-term patient satisfaction.

Conservative tooth preparation, reduction guides, and wax-ups may increase the life span of veneer restorations and demonstrate good esthetics at 5 years.

Conservative tooth preparation, reduction guides, and wax-ups may increase the life span of veneer restorations and demonstrate good esthetics at 5 years.

The aim of the present case report is to describe the digital management of an implant prosthetic rehabilitation performed by the use of different digital technologies, which allowed to successfully perform in 1 day both the surgical and the prosthetical stages with a minimally invasive approach and a high standard of care.

Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting dental everyday practice. Clinicians have to reduce the number of patients per day and the time they spend in the dental office. Minimally invasive and digital approaches, with less possible exposure and interaction, are suggested to reduce the risk of infection.

The failure of a short-span implant prosthetic rehabilitation combined with pain and mobility of the involved teeth was the main complaint reported by a 78-year-old male patient, who asked an urgent appointment to solve the problem. 3,4-Dichlorophenyl isothiocyanate An intraoral scanner allowed the clinician to immediately take a preliminary digital impression of the arch to be treated. The resulting potentially infected materials from the office to the dental laboratory.

The possibility of performing an effective treatment saving time by using efficient technology and a minimally invasive procedure highlights the importance of digital planning in order to optimize every single step of the treatment. Digital workflow reduces also the movement of potentially infected materials from the office to the dental laboratory.

The purpose of this work is to investigate by electromyographic (EMG) surface analysis whether and how the variations in the occlusion due to the correction of the posterior crossbite using a rapid palatal expander (RPE) is accompanied by changes in the activity of the elevator muscles in the pediatric patients.

Posterior crossbite is a disgnathic jaw relationship common in patients undergoing growth. In the last 10 years, several studies demonstrated the effectiveness and reproducibility of surface EMG in the objective evaluation of temporal muscle and masseter activity and how this evidence can be an interesting aid in dental clinical practice.

The case subject BF is an 11-year-old boy with a right I class relationship and a left II class relationship treated with a rapid palatal expansion protocol with a turn of the transversal screw twice a day (0.25 mm each turn) for a week. In this case report, EMG was used to evaluate the temporal muscle and masseter activity immediately before, immediately after, and 4 months after the RPE protocol.

Four months after the treatment, a condition of well-being and neuromuscular equilibrium such as that of starting was preserved.

Electromyography is a noninvasive exam which evaluates the masticatory muscle activity by facial application of electrodes on masseter and temporal muscles. It can be an interesting aid in orthodontic clinical practice to evaluate preservation of a good muscular balance following orthodontic and orthognathic movements.

Electromyography is a noninvasive exam which evaluates the masticatory muscle activity by facial application of electrodes on masseter and temporal muscles. It can be an interesting aid in orthodontic clinical practice to evaluate preservation of a good muscular balance following orthodontic and orthognathic movements.

The aim of this case report was to describe regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) of the previously treated mature teeth with long-term results.

Regenerative endodontic procedures are aimed to treat apical periodontitis and regenerate the pulp-dentin complex in necrotic teeth. However, there is no consensus in using REPs in the previously treated mature teeth. The aim of this case report was to describe REPs of the previously treated mature teeth with long-term results.

A 25-year-old woman presented pain on chewing on 15 and swelling (WHO numbering system). The tooth had been endodontically treated and restored 4 years ago. After removing the old root canal filing, the roots were irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA using sonic activation. Calcium hydroxide (CH) was used as medicament for 3 weeks. At the second visit, CH was removed, and canals were irrigated as like as the first visit. Apical bleeding was induced, and concentrated growth factors (CGFs) were placed inside the root canal. The tooth has been followed up to 3 years.

The tooth was functional and asymptomatic at the recall visits. Since the first-year follow-up, the tooth responded to the electric pulp test and the thermal test. Radiological examinations revealed healing of apical lesion and hard tissue deposition.

Regenerative endodontic procedures can offer an advantage over traditional endodontic procedures in terms of tertiary healing, with a predictable, user-friendly procedure also for retreatment cases.

Regenerative endodontic procedures can offer an advantage over traditional endodontic procedures in terms of tertiary healing, with a predictable, user-friendly procedure also for retreatment cases.

The literature regarding the perception of the two-way relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease representing diabetic patients living in Australia is scarce. The study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of diabetic patients regarding the bidirectional link and the role of medical healthcare professionals in providing oral health advice to their patients.

A convenience sample of diabetic patients attending general practice-based medical and dental centers was invited to complete a questionnaire-based survey. The survey was anonymous, and the responses of the participants were not identifiable.

A total of 241 participants completed the questionnaire; however, three survey responses were excluded as most of the critical questions were not answered. The majority (87.81%) of the participants reported with type 2 diabetes mellitus, while 11.76% had type 1 diabetes mellitus. Just over 61% of the participants reported brushing their teeth twice a day. The majority of participantative approach will enhance patient care and improve the quality of life of individuals living with periodontal disease.

To compare the effectiveness of erbiumyttrium-aluminum-garnet laser, GentleWave irradiation, photodynamic therapy (PDT), and sodium hypochlorite in smear layer removal and dentin permeability with a scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Seventy-five recently extracted single-rooted teeth (maxillary second premolars) were randomly divided into 5 groups of 15 each. Group I teeth was the control group in which conventional root canal preparation (RCP) [17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)] was done without laser irradiation, group II teeth underwent RCP and GentleWave™ treatment, group III teeth were subjected to ErYAG laser irradiation, group IV uses low-level 660 nm (PDT), and group V samples were irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl. All samples were viewed under the SEM. Images at the coronal, middle, and apical part of the root canal were obtained at ×1000. A scoring system for smear layer removal and debris removal scoring was used for analysis.

Smear layer removal was significantly higher at different points (coronal, middle, and apical area) in group I, followed by V, IV, II, and group III in declining order (

< 0.

Autoři článku: Hardisonclifford5200 (Urquhart Eriksson)