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Cheap Used Mobility Scooters For Sale Near Me

Consider getting a mobility scooter for your elderly loved ones if you wish them to lead an active lifestyle. These safe, quiet scooters will help them move throughout their home, neighbourhood and the surrounding community.

Anyone who wants to stay mobile can afford a mobility scooter. Before you purchase consider these five features.

1. Go-Go Elite Traveller (r)

The Pride Go-Go Elite Traveller 4 Wheel is a very compact and affordable used mobility scooter, is your best choice. This scooter can be easily dismantled and fits in the trunk of many full-size automobiles. It's also fairly light which makes it easy for you or a friend to lift it into place.

This four-wheeler was not made to be driven on a rough terrain but can still get you to work or social events in comfort. It can hold 300 pounds and has an 1.38 inch clearance from the ground. It can travel up to 6 miles in a single charge equipped with 12 AH batteries, and it can reach speeds of 4 5 mph.

The seat can be adjusted to suit your height, which can add comfort. The armrests can be adjusted in height, providing you with more options to optimize your riding experience. The Delta tiller can be adjusted to a desired angle.

The model is available in various colors, so you can choose the one that best fits your personality. This model is also a good option for those who want to personalize their scooter by putting on color panels that are removable.

The Pride Go-Go Elite Traveller is an excellent choice for those looking for a lightweight, portable mobility scooter can be taken with them on trips or to social gatherings. The small size of 19.5" allows it to fit through the majority of doors. The battery pack can be removed from its frame to allow for more convenient transportation. The mobility scooter has built-in charging ports in the tiller, and the maximum speed is 4 mph.

You can buy the Go-Go Elite Traveller with confidence because it is made by a manufacturer who has a reputation for quality and durability. The Go-Go Elite Traveller comes protected by a 6 month warranty and the batteries come with a separate manufacturer warranty. If you have any concerns, the customer service personnel at Marc's Mobility will be happy to assist you.

2. Go-Go Lite

The S2 Lite has some cool features and is easy to use. Hiboy has included high-quality grip tape that is built to last.

The Lite is made to be transportable and dismantling in just minutes (and without tools) into five pieces that easily fit into the back of your car or the the trunk of your scooter. It also comes with a convenient plastic front basket that is an excellent accessory. It's a great bike to use to get to public areas such as shopping centers, outdoor events or concerts.

The S2 Lite can hold up to 180 pounds. It is light and can carry you or your groceries, even for longer rides. Its slim frame is light as a feather, yet it still manages to be extremely stable. The electronic stability control and four wheels are the reason for this. You will also feel secure and safe as you ride thanks to the anti-tippers.

Its rear electric brake as well as front foot brake are both effective. This little machine can be brought to a halt quickly from high speeds, meaning you don't have to worry about a serious accident. The solid tires also resist flats, which means you'll be able to say goodbye to tire changes and annoying punctures.

The 250W motor is able to propel this little scooter up a decent amount of hills. It is not the best on hills however it can manage most of them without difficulty. It will bring you to your destination. It's not great on more difficult hills and will struggle on anything but smooth surfaces.

3. Go-Go XL

This scooter is one of the Go-Go models that are more affordable. It's made by Pride Mobility which is one of the most recognizable brands in the industry. The scooter is easy to maintain and comes with an excellent warranty program. This is crucial because the scooter could need to be repaired or replaced at some point in its lifespan. mobility scooters near me -designed warranty program can make a big difference.

It is essential to consider the condition of the wheels when looking for a used scooter near me. This will tell you how often the scooter was used and if it was stored in a safe manner. If the scooter was sitting for an extended amount of time, the tires could become flat, which can impact how well the scooter rides.

Another thing to look for is whether or not the scooter has any extra features. These could include frontal lug-boxes to store personal items, gadgets, or other accessories that you might want to use when you travel. This is especially important if you plan to take your scooter out in the open or in areas that have different types of terrain.

Apart from the unique features in addition, it's important to be aware of how the scooter is assembled and disassembled. It's crucial to know if a scooter is lightweight and can be easily disassembled to transport. This will save you time and effort when it comes to loading your scooter.

Lastly, if you are looking to purchase an used scooter, be sure to inquire with the seller about any maintenance records. These can be helpful in determining if the bike was taken care of and when any parts have been replaced. These records are especially helpful when you are planning to purchase a new scooter that no more has a manufacturer's guarantee.

4. Go-Go XXL

With a sleek design that lets you choose several different color panels to cover any scratches and scuffs The Go-Go XXL is a fantastic scooter that can help keep your independence while keeping up with your routine. This mobility scooter features powerful motors and an extensive range of travel options.

The Go-Go XXL offers top-of-the-line technology at a budget-friendly price with all the engineering quality you'd expect from Pride Mobility. It has front and rear CTS independent suspension for smooth rides across different terrains, along with standard lighting, the wraparound delta tiller LED curb lights, and a spacious under-carriage storage basket.

The Go-Go XL is the cheapest Go-Go model and still offers an excellent value. The scooter's assembly system, which is feather-touch, is quick and easy. It allows you to disassemble the scooter into five light parts without using any tools. It's also extremely stable thanks to its four-wheel design with scuff-free tires that are durable and won't leave marks on your floors. This is an excellent option for those who wish to have their scooter with them all the time but don't want spend a lot on it. Pride's industry leading warranty support makes this the best scooter for the price. You can even take it on trips easily since it can fit in almost any trunk, and it can be assembled quickly.

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