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An emerging concern is the influences of early life exposure to environmental toxicants on offspring characteristics in later life. Since recent evidence suggests a transgenerational transference of aberrant phenotypes from exposed-parents to non-exposed offspring related to adult-onset diseases including reproductive phenotype. The transgenerational potential of arsenic a well know genotoxic and epigenetic modifier agent has not been assessed in mammals until now. In this experimental study, we evaluated the transgenerational effects of arsenic in a rat model with chronic exposure to arsenic. Rats chronically exposed to arsenic in drinking water (1 mg As2O3/mL) (F0) were mated to produce the arsenic lineage (F1, F2, and F3). The arsenic toxic effects on were evaluated over the four generations by analyzing the DNA methylation percentage, genotoxicity in WBC and physical and reproductive parameters, including sperm quality parameters and histopathological evaluation of the gonads. Chronic exposure to arsenic caused genotoxic damage (F0-F3) different methylation patterns, alterations in physical and reproductive parameters, aberrant morphology in the ovaries (F0 and F1) and testicles (F1-F3), and a decrease in the quality of sperm (F0-F3, except F2). Parental chronic arsenic exposure causes transgenerational genotoxicity and changes in global DNA methylation which might be associated with reproductive defects in rats. Combined with recent studies reveal that disturbances in the early life of an individual can affect the health of later generations.The classical M1/M2 polarity of macrophages may not be applicable to inflammatory lung diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) due to the complex microenvironment in lungs and the plasticity of macrophages. We examined macrophage sub-phenotypes in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in 25 participants with CD40 (a M1 marker) and CD163 (a M2 marker). Of these, we performed RNA-sequencing on each subtype in 10 patients using the Illumina NextSeq 500. Approximately 25% of the macrophages did not harbor classical M1 or M2 surface markers (double negative, DN), and these cells were significantly enriched in COPD patients compared with non-COPD patients (46.7% vs. 14.5%, p  less then  0.001). 1886 genes were differentially expressed in the DN subtype compared with all other subtypes at a 10% false discovery rate. The 602 up-regulated genes included 15 mitochondrial genes and were enriched in 86 gene ontology (GO) biological processes including inflammatory responses. Modules associated with cellular functions including oxidative phosphorylation were significantly down-regulated in the DN subtype. Macrophages in the human BAL fluid, which were negative for both M1/M2 surface markers, harbored a gene signature that was pro-inflammatory and suggested dysfunction in cellular homeostasis. These macrophages may contribute to the pathogenesis and manifestations of inflammatory lung diseases such as COPD.Human observers can accurately estimate statistical summaries from an ensemble of multiple stimuli, including the average size, hue, and direction of motion. The efficiency and speed with which statistical summaries are extracted suggest an automatic mechanism of ensemble coding that operates beyond the capacity limits of attention and memory. However, the extent to which ensemble coding reflects a truly parallel and holistic mode of processing or a non-uniform and biased integration of multiple items is still under debate. In the present work, we used a technique, based on a Spatial Weighted Average Model (SWM), to recover the spatial profile of weights with which individual stimuli contribute to the estimated average during mean size adjustment tasks. In a series of experiments, we derived two-dimensional SWM maps for ensembles presented at different retinal locations, with different degrees of dispersion and under different attentional demands. Our findings revealed strong spatial anisotropies and leftward biases in ensemble coding that were organized in retinotopic reference frames and persisted under attentional manipulations. These results demonstrate an anisotropic spatial contribution to ensemble coding that could be mediated by the differential activation of the two hemispheres during spatial processing and scene encoding.This paper proposes a regionalization method for streamflow prediction in ungauged watersheds in the 7461 km2 area above the Gharehsoo Hydrometry Station in the Ardabil Province, in the north of Iran. First, the Fuzzy c-means clustering method (FCM) was used to divide 46 gauged (19) and ungauged (27) watersheds into homogenous groups based on a variety of topographical and climatic factors. After identifying the homogenous watersheds, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was calibrated and validated using data from the gauged watersheds in each group. The calibrated parameters were then tested in another gauged watershed that we considered as a pseudo ungauged watershed in each group. Values of R-Squared and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) were both ≥ 0.70 during the calibration and validation phases; and ≥ 0.80 and ≥ 0.74, respectively, during the testing in the pseudo ungauged watersheds. Based on these metrics, the validated regional models demonstrated a satisfactory result for predicting streamflow in the ungauged watersheds within each group. These models are important for managing stream quantity and quality in the intensive agriculture study area.Polycrystalline Ge thin films have attracted increasing attention because their hole mobilities exceed those of single-crystal Si wafers, while the process temperature is low. In this study, we investigate the strain effects on the crystal and electrical properties of polycrystalline Ge layers formed by solid-phase crystallization at 375 °C by modulating the substrate material. The strain of the Ge layers is in the range of approximately 0.5% (tensile) to -0.5% (compressive), which reflects both thermal expansion difference between Ge and substrate and phase transition of Ge from amorphous to crystalline. For both tensile and compressive strains, a large strain provides large crystal grains with sizes of approximately 10 μm owing to growth promotion. The potential barrier height of the grain boundary strongly depends on the strain and its direction. It is increased by tensile strain and decreased by compressive strain. These findings will be useful for the design of Ge-based thin-film devices on various materials for Internet-of-things technologies.Ciliated protozoans form dormant cysts for survival under adverse conditions. The molecular mechanisms regulating this process are critical for understanding how single-celled eukaryotes adapt to the environment. Despite the accumulated data on morphology and gene coding sequences, the molecular mechanism by which lncRNAs regulate ciliate encystment remains unknown. Here, we first detected and analyzed the lncRNA expression profile and coexpressed mRNAs in dormant cysts versus vegetative cells in the hypotrich ciliate Pseudourostyla cristata by high-throughput sequencing and qRT-PCR. A total of 853 differentially expressed lncRNAs were identified. Compared to vegetative cells, 439 and 414 lncRNAs were upregulated and downregulated, respectively, while 47 lncRNAs were specifically expressed in dormant cysts. A lncRNA-mRNA coexpression network was constructed, and the possible roles of lncRNAs were screened. Three of the identified lncRNAs, DN12058, DN20924 and DN30855, were found to play roles in fostering encystment via their coexpressed mRNAs. These lncRNAs can regulate a variety of physiological activities that are essential for encystment, including autophagy, protein degradation, the intracellular calcium concentration, microtubule-associated dynein and microtubule interactions, and cell proliferation inhibition. These findings provide the first insight into the potentially functional lncRNAs and their coexpressed mRNAs involved in the dormancy of ciliated protozoa and contribute new evidence for understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating encystment.Gastric cancer (GC) is the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide, and poses a great threat to public health. Absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2), a member of the pyrin-HIN family proteins, plays various roles across different types of cancers. However, the possible role of AIM2 in GC, as well as the underling mechanisms, are equivocal and need to be further explored. Herein, we identified that AIM2 expression was significantly down-regulated in GC tissues. Furthermore, loss of AIM2 was significantly associated with tumor size, lymph node metastasis (LNM) and tumor, node, metastases (TNM) staging, as well as poor prognosis in GC patients. Knockdown of AIM2 in GC cells significantly promoted cellular proliferation and migration, whereas AIM2 overexpression did the opposite. Mechanistically, we discovered that AIM2 regulates the AKT signaling pathway. In fact, the enhanced proliferation and migration ability induced by AIM2 knockdown was partially impaired in cells treated with the AKT inhibitor. Overall, our findings suggests that AIM2 is an independent prognostic marker and highlights a new entry point for targeting the AIM2/AKT signaling axis for GC treatment.Recurrent deletions and duplications of chromosome 7q11.23 copy number variants (CNVs) are associated with several psychiatric disorders. Although phenotypic abnormalities have been observed in patients, causal genes responsible for CNV-associated diagnoses and traits are still poorly understood. Furthermore, the targeted human brain regions, developmental stages, protein networks, and signaling pathways, influenced by this CNV remain unclear. Previous works showed GTF2I involved in Williams-Beuren syndrome, but pathways affected by GTF2I are indistinct. We first constructed dynamic spatiotemporal networks of 7q11.23 genes by combining data from the brain developmental transcriptome with physical interactions of 7q11.23 proteins. selleck inhibitor Topological changes were observed in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks throughout different stages of brain development. Early and late fetal periods of development in the cortex, striatum, hippocampus, and amygdale were observed as the vital periods and regions for 7q11.23 CNV proteins. CNV proteins and their partners are significantly enriched in DNA repair pathway. As a driver gene, GTF2I interacted with PRKDC and BRCA1 to involve in DNA repair pathway. The physical interaction between GTF2I with PRKDC was confirmed experimentally by the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). We identified that early and late fetal periods are crucial for 7q11.23 genes to affect brain development. Our results implicate that 7q11.23 CNV genes converge on the DNA repair pathway to contribute to the pathogenesis of psychiatric diseases.The fitness consequences of cooperation can vary across an organism's lifespan. For non-kin groups, especially, social advantages must balance intrinsic costs of cooperating with non-relatives. In this study, we asked how challenging life history stages can promote stable, long-term alliances among unrelated ant queens. We reared single- and multi-queen colonies of the primary polygynous harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex californicus, from founding through the first ten months of colony growth, when groups face high mortality risks. We found that colonies founded by multiple, unrelated queens experienced significant survival and growth advantages that outlasted the colony founding period. Multi-queen colonies experienced lower mortality than single-queen colonies, and queens in groups experienced lower mortality than solitary queens. Further, multi-queen colonies produced workers at a faster rate than did single-queen colonies, even while experiencing lower per-queen worker production costs. Additionally, we characterized ontogenetic changes in the organization of labor, and observed increasing and decreasing task performance diversity by workers and queens, respectively, as colonies grew.

Autoři článku: Hardinggraversen5614 (Hess Rosenthal)