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It describes what the clinician might say and when, what recommendations to offer and how to frame them, and how to comport oneself while providing care. CONCLUSIONS Personality-informed care operationalizes several aspects of personalized medicine, and it offers a heuristic framework that may facilitate and enhance the implementation of evidence-based care. The Macromolecular Neutron Diffractometer known as MaNDi is located on beamline 11B of the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. buy C646 Neutrons are produced in discrete pulses at the Spallation Neutron Source, which enables Laue diffraction data through measuring the time-of-flight and thus wavelength of each diffracted neutron. The MaNDi diffractometer is optimized to collect diffraction data from protein crystals with unit cell axes between 30 and 300Å. The instrument is designed to provide flexibility in several instrumental parameters such as wavelength bandwidth and beam divergence to allow data collection from a range systems. Data collection is possible at room temperature or 100K using a standard nitrogen gas stream cooler combined with standard X-ray style mounting pins and loops. UT-Battelle, LLC, under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S Department of Energy.IMAGINE is a high intensity, quasi-Laue neutron crystallography beamline developed at the 85MW High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This state-of-the-art facility for neutron-diffraction enables neutron protein structures to be determined at or near atomic resolutions from crystals with volumes of less then 1mm3 and unit cell edges of less then 150Å. The beamline features include elliptical focusing mirrors that deliver neutrons into a 2.0×3.2mm2 focal spot at the sample position, and variable short and long wavelength cutoff optics that provide automated exchange between multiple wavelength configurations. The beamline is equipped with a single-axis goniometer, neutron-sensitive cylindrical image plate detector and room temperature and cryogenic sample environments. This article describes the beamline components, the diffractometer and the data collection and data analysis protocols that are used, and outlines the protein deuteration, crystallization and conventional crystallography capabilities that are available to users at ORNL's neutron facilities. We also present examples of the scientific questions being addressed at this beamline and highlight important findings in enzyme chemistry that have been made possible by IMAGINE. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Adding hydrogen atoms and protonation states to structures of membrane proteins requires successful implementation of neutron macromolecular crystallography (NMX). This information would significantly increase our fundamental understanding of the transport processes membrane proteins undertake. To grow the large crystals needed for NMX studies requires significant amounts of stable protein, but once that challenge is overcome there is no intrinsic property of membrane proteins preventing the growth of large crystals per se. The calcium-transporting P-type ATPase (SERCA) has been thoroughly characterized biochemically and structurally over decades. We have extended our crystallization efforts to assess the feasibility of growing SERCA crystals for NMX-exploring microdialysis and capillary counterdiffusion crystallization techniques as alternatives to the traditional vapor diffusion crystallization experiment. Both methods possess crystallization dynamics favorable for maximizing crystal size and we used them to facilitate the growth of large crystals, validating these approaches for membrane protein crystallization for NMX. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.By combining the normal practice for X-ray crystallography of collecting diffraction data at 100K with neutron crystallography the structures of cryo-trapped enzyme intermediates have been determined, revealing the positions of the previously hidden hydrogens that are essential to a better understanding of the involved mechanism. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Flavoenzymes comprise a large class of proteins that carry out a diverse range of important redox chemistry. Although X-ray crystal structures of many flavoenzymes have been determined, there are still unresolved questions regarding the actual oxidation state of the flavin cofactors in these structures due to photoreduction by the ionizing radiation of the X-ray beam during the diffraction experiment. Additionally, the ability to visualize hydrogen atoms in X-ray structures is difficult due to the weak scattering capability of these atoms. Since hydrogen atoms affect the electrostatic nature of enzyme active sites and play important roles in the chemistry of key amino acid residues, visualizing the precise positions of these atoms provides a more detailed understanding of their role in enzyme catalysis. Single crystal neutron diffraction is an alternative method to structure determination, circumventing problems associated with photoreduction of the sample thus providing a clearer view of the structural features of a flavoenzyme in different redox states. Additionally, the larger neutron scattering factors for hydrogen and deuterium atoms enables one to visualize these atoms much more easily than from X-ray scattering measurements. In this chapter we give an overview of neutron and X-ray crystallography studies on the flavoenzyme, cholesterol oxidase and how the observations of unusual hydrogen atom positions provide insight into the redox chemistry of the flavin cofactor. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Enzyme catalysis is the primary activity in energy and information metabolism and enzyme cofactors are key to the catalytic ability of most enzymes. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) cofactor, derived from Vitamin B6, is widely distributed in nature and has significant latitude in catalytic diversity. X-ray crystallography has revealed the structures of diverse PLP dependent enzymes from multiple families. But these structures are incomplete, lacking the positions of protons essential for understanding enzymatic mechanisms. Here, we review the diversity of PLP and discuss the use of neutron crystallography and joint X-ray/neutron refinement of Fold Type I aspartate aminotransferase to visualize the positions of protons in both the internal and external aldimine forms. Strategies used to prepare extremely large crystals required for neutron diffraction and the approach to data refinement including the PLP cofactor are discussed. The observed positions of protons, including one located in a previously unknown low-barrier hydrogen bond, have been used to create more accurate models for computational analysis.

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