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The multimodal learning style was preferred by 70% of the respondents, with the remaining 30% having a unimodal style preference. The aural (A) and the kinesthetic (K) styles were the most preferred unimodal styles. Overall, the most common style was the quad-modal (VARK type 2) style, with 21.20% having this preference.

No statistically significant differences were observed between male and female students concerning their learning preferences. The participants' preferred learning style or learning model was also observed to have no statistically significant impact on GPA and academic performance.

No statistically significant differences were observed between male and female students concerning their learning preferences. The participants' preferred learning style or learning model was also observed to have no statistically significant impact on GPA and academic performance.

This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between fluorodeoxyglucose metabolism and smoking history in healthy adults by analyzing lung standardized uptake value (SUV).


F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (

F-FDG PET/CT) studies of 347 patients who did not show signs of having malignant diseases or lung inflammation were retrospectively evaluated. Four circular regions of interest (ROI) were manually drawn on the upper and lower lung regions. The averages of maximum SUV (SUVmax-avr) and mean SUV (SUVmean-avr) were calculated, and the mean values of each parameter for non-smokers, ex-smokers, and current smokers were compared. The correlation between SUVmax-avr and smoking history (tobacco burden and the duration of smoking cessation) was assessed based on present smoking status. The ex-smokers and current smokers were divided into three groups according to their tobacco burden, and the SUVmax-avrs of the two groups were compared.

Both the mean values of SUVmaly decreases after the cessation of smoking, which is in line with previous reports studied by analyzingfluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) metabolism of lung specimens.

The findings indicate that lung SUV increases in current heavy smokers and partially decreases after the cessation of smoking, which is in line with previous reports studied by analyzingfluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) metabolism of lung specimens.In an effort to synthesize a library of bioactive molecules, we present an efficient synthesis of fused-thiazole derivatives of natural products and approved drugs by using an environmentally usable solvent, acetic acid, and without any external reagent. Cholestenone, ethisterone, progesterone, and nootkatone-derived epoxyketones have been utilized to synthesize 50 novel compounds. The plausible mechanism of the reaction has been determined by theoretical calculation using M06-2X/6-31+G(d,p). These novel molecules have been tested against cancer cell lines and pathogenic bacterial strains. Several ethisterone-based fused-thiazole compounds are found to be potent growth inhibitors of cancer cell lines at submicromolar concentrations.Interest gaps exist between the university and the small firms when running a business assistance program, leading to the importance of practical guidance that could accommodate both partners' interests. However, there is relatively little literature about how the university team should implement business assistance to a small partnering firm. Accordingly, this research used three stages and a mixed-method approach to solve the problem, involving qualitative and quantitative techniques and action research. This study introduced PROSEM, an acronym for problem rooting, solution treatment, and measurement, to guide university business assistance to small firms by adopting the design thinking paradigm. The results revealed a significant impact on the SME's business performance. The PROSEM process further proved that a measurable and well-planned treatment based on the root causes could increase revenue and production volume and reduce the returned product rate. At the same time, this study enriches researchers' knowledge and skills in developing the concept and guidelines of a systematic problem-solving method using unique, real cases in the small business community. As such, the PROSEM affirms that design thinking is an open and adjustable concept which can be embedded and modified in various problem-solving procedures.Ordinary differential equation (ODE) models are popularly used to describe complex dynamical systems. When estimating ODE parameters from noisy data, a common distribution assumption is using the Gaussian distribution. It is known that the Gaussian distribution is not robust when abnormal data exist. In this article, we develop a hierarchical semiparametric mixed-effects ODE model for longitudinal data under the Bayesian framework. For robust inference on ODE parameters, we consider a class of heavy-tailed distributions to model the random effects of ODE parameters and observations errors. An MCMC method is proposed to sample ODE parameters from the posterior distributions. Our proposed method is illustrated by studying a gene regulation experiment. Simulation studies show that our proposed method provides satisfactory results for the semiparametric mixed-effects ODE models with finite samples. Supplementary materials accompanying this paper appear online.

Supplementary materials for this article are available at10.1007/s13253-021-00446-2.

Supplementary materials for this article are available at10.1007/s13253-021-00446-2.This paper, which is the introduction to this special issue on 'Spaces of Organised Crime', aims to analyse the nexus between organised crime groups and territories. Such groups are able to exploit resources that circulate within territorial contexts in which they are embedded. They also operate concretely as entities that can take part to the transformation of spaces into places. Accordingly, we will lay out an analytical model about the processes through which organised crime groups contribute to create and shape territories. We show how these processes link with the main types of organised crime groups on a differentiated basis. In the last section of this introduction, we present the papers included in the special issue and the logic connecting them to one another.The scientific world witnessed a surge of researches, from all corners of the world, regarding the humanitarian crisis precipitated by COVID-19 pandemic, more specifically its impact on people's mental health. However, researchers exploring the association between COVID-19 related fear and mental health are yet to understand the conditions through which potential benefits may occur. Many factors could buffer the effects of COVID-19 related fear on mental health; support system is probably the predominant one. Thus, the present study examined the moderating effects of support system in the association between COVID-19 related fear and mental health outcomes - somatic symptoms, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and depression. Using a web-based cross-sectional survey, we collected data from 163 volunteers assessed with demographic information, COVID-19 related fear, support system, and mental health outcomes. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis and simple effect tests revealed that high levels of support from family, friends, and significant others might buffer/lessen the psychological sequelae (e.g., somatic symptoms, anxiety, and depression during public health emergencies, such as COVID-19 pandemic. Given the potential for negative mental health outcomes following pandemics, such as COVID-19, efforts to enhance peoples' support system may be especially important.We empirically examine the effect of local religious beliefs on the risk-taking behaviour of U.S. life insurers headquartered in that region. We distinguish between insurers that predominantly write annuities and insurers that predominantly write life insurance policies; the annuity business is relatively riskier than writing life insurance. Insurers headquartered in high-Catholic or low-Protestant areas are more likely to be annuity writers. Annuity writers located in high-Catholic or low-Protestant areas invest more in risky assets and exhibit higher investment return volatilities, as well as a higher volatility of their return on assets. Overall, our results suggest that local culture has significant influences on life insurers' behaviour.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1057/s41288-021-00211-z.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1057/s41288-021-00211-z.Grit, the passion and perseverance for long-term goals, has received attention from personality psychologists because it predicts success and academic achievement. Grit has also been criticized as simply another measure of self-control or conscientiousness. A precise psychometric representation of grit is needed to understand how the construct is unique and how it overlaps with other constructs. Previous research suggests that the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) has several psychometric limitations, such as uncertain factor structure within and across populations, uncertainty about reporting total or subscale scores, and different assessment precision at low and high levels on the construct. We conducted modern psychometric techniques including parallel analysis, measurement invariance, extrinsic convergent validity, and Item Response Theory models on two American samples. Our results suggest that the Grit-S is essentially unidimensional and that there is construct overlap with the self-control construct. Subscale factors were the result of an item doublet, where two items had high correlated uniquenesses, showed similar item information, and were more likely to exhibit measurement bias. Findings replicated across samples. Finally, we discuss recommendations for the use of the Grit-S based on the theoretical interpretation of the unidimensional factor and our empirical findings.Option pricing problem is one of the central issue in the theory of modern finance. Uncertain currency model has been put forward under the foundation of uncertainty theory as a tool to portray the foreign exchange rate in uncertain finance market. This paper uses uncertain differential equation involved by Liu process to dispose of the foreign exchange rate. Then an American barrier option of currency model in uncertain environment is investigated. Mizoribine cost Most important of all, the authors deduce the formulas to price four types of American barrier options for this currency model in uncertain environment by rigorous derivation.The wide-spreading SARS-CoV-2 virus has put the world into boiling water for more than a year, however pharmacological therapies to act effectively against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) remain elusive. Chloroquine (CQ), an antimalarial drug, was found to exhibit promising antiviral activity in vitro and in vivo at a high dosage, thus CQ was approved by the FDA for the emergency use authorization (EUA) in the fight against COVID-19 in the US, but later was revoked the EUA status due to the severe clinical toxicity. Herein, we show that supramolecular formulation of CQ by a macrocyclic host, curcurbit[7]uril (CB[7]), reduced its non-specific toxicity and improved its antiviral activity against coronavirus, working in synergy with CB[7]. CB[7] was found to form 11 host-guest complexes with CQ, with a binding constant of ∼104 L/mol. The CQ-CB[7] formulation decreased the cytotoxicity of CQ against Vero E6 and L-02 cell lines. In particular, the cytotoxicity of CQ (60 µmol/L) against both Vero E6 cell line and L-02 cell lines was completely inhibited in the presence of 300 µmol/L and 600 µmol/L CB[7], respectively.

Autoři článku: Hamrickwest3946 (Bonner Ochoa)