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Excessive ROS and RNS accumulations in roots affected the membrane lipids, promoting the tissue-specific programmed cell death (PCD) in rice. The activation of the antioxidant defense system played a major role in the ROS and RNS detoxification, thereby restricting the root aerenchyma formation in rice under drought stress. The results also displayed that drought tolerance in rice is associated with the formation of the Casparian strip, which limits the apoplastic flow of water in the water-deficient roots. Overall, our study revealed the association of nitro-oxidative metabolism with PCD and lysigenous aerenchyma formation in the cortical cells of root under drought stress in rice.In this study, we have explored the possible role of ascorbic acid (ASC) and glutathione (GSH) in alleviating arsenate (AsV ) toxicity in brinjal roots. Moreover, we have also focused our attention on the possible involvement of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) in accomplishing this task. AsV treatment negatively impacts the length and fresh weight of roots and shoots as well as the dry weight and fitness of roots, and this was accompanied by greater As accumulation in roots and shoots of brinjal. AsV treatment also declined the endogenous NO level by inhibiting Nitric Oxide Synthase-like (NOS-like) activity. Furthermore, AsV stimulated oxidative stress markers, caused protein damage by their carbonylation due to downregulation in antioxidants [particularly ascorbate (AsA)-GSH cycle], leading to disturbed cellular redox status. This, collectively, led to root cell death in brinjal. However, the addition of either ASC or GSH rescued brinjal roots from the toxic effects of AsV in. Interestingly, lycorine (an inhibitor of ASC biosynthesis) further increased AsV toxicity, while ASC rescued its effects. GSK1070916 order Moreover, buthionine sulphoximine (BSO, an inhibitor of GSH biosynthesis) interestingly increased further AsV toxicity, while GSH rescued the plant from the As toxic effects. An interesting notion of this study was that GSH rescued the toxic effect of lycorine, while ASC rescued the toxic effect of BSO, though the AsV toxicity mediated by either ASC or GSH was always accompanied by high endogenous NO level and NOS-like activity. All together, these results suggest that ASC and GSH independently mitigate AsV toxicity in brinjal roots, but both might be dependent on endogenous NO for accomplishing the AsV toxicity alleviatory tasks.Moniliophthora perniciosa causes witches' broom disease of cacao and inflicts symptoms suggestive of hormonal imbalance. We investigated whether infection of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) model system Micro-Tom (MT) by the Solanaceae (S)-biotype of Moniliophthora perniciosa, which causes stem swelling and hypertrophic growth of axillary shoots, results from changes in host cytokinin metabolism. Inoculation of an MT-transgenic line that overexpresses the Arabidopsis CYTOKININ OXIDASE-2 gene (35SAtCKX2) resulted in a reduction in disease incidence and stem diameter. RNA-sequencing analysis of infected MT and 35SAtCKX2 revealed the activation of cytokinin-responsive marker genes when symptoms were conspicuous. The expression of an Moniliophthora perniciosa tRNA-ISOPENTENYL-TRANSFERASE suggests the production of isopentenyladenine (iP), detected in mycelia grown in vitro. Inoculated MT stems showed higher levels of dihydrozeatin and trans-zeatin but not iP. The application of benzyladenine induced symptoms similar to infection, whereas applying the cytokinin receptor inhibitors LGR-991 and PI55 decreased symptoms. Moniliophthora perniciosa produces iP that might contribute to cytokinin synthesis by the host, which results in vascular and cortex enlargement, axillary shoot outgrowth, reduction in root biomass and an increase in fruit locule number. This strategy may be associated with the manipulation of sink establishment to favour infection by the fungus.Accurate recognition of antigens by specific T cells is crucial for adaptive immunity to work properly. The activation of a T-cell antigen-specific response by an antigen-presenting cell (APC) has not been clearly measured at a single T-cell level. It is also unknown whether the cell-extrinsic environment alters antigen recognition by a T cell. To measure the activation probability of a single T cell by an APC, we performed a single-cell live imaging assay and found that the activation probability changes depending not only on the antigens but also on the interactions of other T cells with the APC. We found that the specific reactivity of single naïve T cells was poor. However, their antigen-specific reactivity increased drastically when attached to an APC interacting with activated T cells. Activation of T cells was suppressed when regulatory T cells interacted with the APC. These findings suggest that although the ability of APCs to activate an antigen-specific naïve T cell is low at a single-cell level, the surrounding environment of APCs improves the specificity of the bulk response.Succulent halophytes can be used as convenient models for understanding the mechanistic basis of plant adaptation to salt stress. In this work, effects of salinity (0-1000 mM NaCl range) on growth, ion accumulation, and stomatal features were investigated in the succulent halophyte Sarcocornia quinqueflora. Elevated salinity levels up to 400 mM NaCl largely promoted dry matter yield, succulence, shoot surface area, and stomatal characteristics. Plant growth was optimal at 200 mM NaCl and reduced at concentrations exceeding 600 mM NaCl. Osmotic adjustment in a succulent shoot was achieved by a massive accumulation of inorganic ions, with Na+ and Cl- contributing approximately 85% of its osmolality, while organic compatible solutes and K+ were responsible for only approximately 15%. Shoot K+ was unchanged across the entire range of salinity treatments (200-1000 mM NaCl) and positively correlated with the transpiration rate (R = 0.98). Carbohydrates were not reduced at high salinity compared to plants at optimal conditions, implying that growth retardation at severe salt dosages was attributed to limitations in a vacuolar Na+ and Cl- sequestrations capacity rather than inadequate photosynthesis and/or substrate limitation. It is concluded that the superior salt tolerance of S. quinqueflora is achieved by the effective reliance on Na+ and Cl- accumulation for osmoregulation and turgor maintenance, and efficient K+ homeostasis for adequate stomatal functioning over the entire salinity range. The above findings could be instrumental in developing strategies to improve salinity stress tolerance in perennial horticultural crops and optimize their water-use efficiency.

Autoři článku: Hamptonmagnussen3423 (Falkenberg Aarup)