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In an attempt to reduce alcohol-related harm in night-time entertainment precincts, the Queensland state government (Australia) introduced the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence strategy in July 2016, including restrictions on late-night service of alcohol and-later-compulsory ID scanners at venues. In this article, we examined the impact of these changes on emergency department (ED) presentations and hospital admissions for alcohol-related harm.

We used data on ED presentations (July 2009-June 2019) and hospital admissions (July 2009-December 2018). Interrupted time series models using seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average methods were developed to test the impact of the policy change on presentations for alcohol intoxication, any injury or maxillofacial fractures, and admissions for rates of assault-related injuries or maxillofacial fractures. Analyses were conducted using state-wide Queensland data with a sub-analysis focussing on major Brisbane hospitals.

The introduction of 3am last driocal factors.Reef-building corals rely on intracellular algal symbionts to meet energetic demands. Increasing extreme weather driven by climate change often leads to disruption of this symbiosis and to coral death. Corals can better withstand stress after previous exposure to sublethal conditions, but the mechanisms for this resilience remain unclear. Here, we show that a three-day thermal preconditioning increases tolerance of acute heat stress through modulations in cell death pathways in the stony coral Pocillopora acuta. In preconditioned corals, the ratio of pro-survival (pa-Bcl-2 and pa-BI-1) to pro-death (pa-BAK and pa-BAX) gene expression increased and the corals underwent significantly less bleaching. When treated with Bcl-2 inhibitor, corals lost the improved thermal tolerance, suggesting an important role of programmed cell death in coral bleaching and acclimatization. During heat stress, the activity of acid phosphatase increased but caspase-3 did not, suggesting the involvement of autophagy/symbiophagy rather than apoptosis in this process. A similar shift in gene expression also occurs in thermally stressed corals that have been exposed to naturally higher temperatures during summer thermal maxima in Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawai'i, suggesting that corals can increase their resilience to realistic warming events during high-risk periods through alterations in cell signalling. These data suggest that programmed cell death pathways underly coral acclimatization and resilience and may be important for coral reef conservation and management.Altruistic donation (unspecified donation) is an important aspect of living donor kidney transplantation. GSK2245840 Although donation to a stranger is lawful and supported in many countries, it remains uncommon and not actively promoted. Herein, we ask the question if we have reached the limit in altruistic donation. In doing so, we examine important ethical questions that define the limits of unspecified donation, such as the appropriate balance between autonomous decision-making and paternalistic protection of the donor, the extent of outcome uncertainty and risk-benefit analyses that donors should be allowed to accept. We also consider the scrutiny and acceptance of donor motives, the potential for commercialization, donation to particular categories of recipients (including those encountered through social media) and the ethical boundaries of active promotion of unspecified kidney donation. We conclude that there is scope to increase the number of living donation kidney transplants further by optimizing existing practices to support and promote unspecified donation. A number of strategies including optimization of the assessment process, innovative approaches to reach potential donors together with reimbursement of expenses and a more specific recognition of unspecified donation are likely to lead to a meaningful increase in this type of donation.The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) is a hub for respiratory chemoregulation in the mammal brainstem that integrates chemosensory information from peripheral sites and central relays. Chemosensitive neurons of the RTN express specific genetic and molecular determinants, which have been used to identify RTN precise location within the brainstem of rodents and nonhuman primates. Based on a comparative approach, we hypothesized that among mammals, neurons exhibiting the same specific molecular and genetic signature would have the same function. The co-expression of preprogalanin (PPGAL) and SLC17A6 (VGluT2) mRNAs with duplex in situ hybridization has been studied in formalin fixed paraffin-embedded postmortem human brainstems. Two specimens were processed and analyzed in line with RTN descriptions in adult rats and macaques. Double-labeled PPGAL+/SLC17A6+ neurons were only identified in the parafacial region of the brainstem. These neurons were found surrounding the nucleus of the facial nerve, located ventrally to the nucleus VII on caudal sections, and slightly more dorsally on rostral sections. The expression of neuromedin B (NMB) mRNA as a single marker of chemosensitive RTN neurons has not been confirmed in humans. The location of the RTN in human adults is provided. This should help to develop investigation tools combining anatomic high-resolution imaging and respiratory functional investigations to explore the pathogenic role of the RTN in congenital or acquired neurodegenerative diseases.All seeds eventually die even under optimal storage conditions. The moment of viability loss is difficult to predict and detect. In order to differentiate between dead and viable dormant orthodox seeds, GC-MS analysis was used to non-invasively evaluate the volatile signature of seeds of Pyrus communis L. and Sorbus aucuparia L. Dormant seeds are capable of extended metabolic depression. However, their low metabolic rate remains largely unquantified, and there are no measurements of metabolites, i.e. volatile organic compounds (VOC) for physiologically dormant seeds during storage. Therefore, to address this issue, seeds were stored at a broad range of moisture content (MC) ranging from 2 to 30% under cryogenic (-196°C), cool (5°C) and elevated (40°C) temperatures. Volatile emission was highly dependent on seed MC and storage temperature and was higher under conditions associated with seed viability loss. However, changes in the emission of volatiles entrapped in seeds and released during 24 h after storage were detected for all conditions, providing insight into the processes occurring in dry dormant seeds.

Autoři článku: Hammondjefferson3772 (Hooper Burke)