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The effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on deposition and surface water chemistry were investigated in an area south of the Alps. Long-term data provided by the monitoring networks revealed that the deposition of sulfur and nitrogen compounds in this area has stabilized since around 2010; in 2020, however, both concentrations and deposition were significantly below the average values of the previous decade for SO4 and NO3. Less evident changes were observed for NH4 and base cation. The estimated decrease of deposition in 2020 with respect to the previous decade was on average - 54% and - 46% for SO4 and NO3, respectively. The lower deposition of SO4 and NO3 recorded in 2020 was caused by the sharp decrease of SO2 and particularly of NOx air concentrations mainly due to the mobility restrictions consequent to the COVID-19 lockdown. The limited effects on NH4 deposition can be explained by the fact that NH3 emission was not affected by the lockdown, being mainly related to agricultural activities. A widespread response to the decreased deposition of S and N compounds was observed in a group of pristine freshwater sites, with NO3 concentrations in 2020 clearly below the long-term average. The rapid chemical recovery observed at freshwater sites in response to the sharp decrease of deposition put in evidence the high resilience potential of freshwater ecosystems in pristine regions and demonstrated the great potential of emission reduction policy in producing further substantial ameliorations of the water quality at sensitive sites.Conspecific aggressiveness often increases after social isolation for species that are not entirely solitary, and this increased aggression could also be reversed after resocialization. However, literature on this aggression plasticity refers to either permanently social or low-level subsocial species in invertebrates. Examinations of conspecific aggressiveness reversibility in high-level subsocial invertebrates, in which offspring cohabitate with parents for a certain period of time after sexual maturation, would enhance the understanding of the role of conspecific-aggression plasticity in social evolution. Here, using the lactating spider Toxeus magnus, which exhibits extremely high-level subsociality, we assessed three questions. (1) Is its conspecific aggression affected by social living and/or kinship? The results indicated that conspecific aggression increased after social isolation, while kinship did not affect aggressiveness. (2) Could the social-isolation-induced higher aggression be reversed after resocialization? The results showed that the increased aggression of the spiders could be reversed 3 days after resocialization. (3) What is the proximate mechanism that caused the aggression reversibility by resocialization? A simulated resocialization experiment in which single spider was provided with mirrors demonstrated that the visual cues of conspecifics alone could reverse the aggression after 6 days. These results indicate that the high-level subsocial invertebrate showed aggressiveness reversibility without chemical cues. This is more similar to permanently social species rather than to low-level subsocial species, and visual cues could be vital to induce aggression change. These results suggest that conspecific-aggression reversibility might play a key role in social evolution and may functionally enhance species' adaptiveness under variable conditions.While strengths approaches are important to recovery-oriented practice, implementation can be challenging. This study implemented the strengths model of case management (SMCM) in 11 CM teams and assessed the fidelity of delivery and staff perceptions of the model after 36 months using the SMCM fidelity scale and the Readiness Monitoring Tool. Paired sample t-tests assessed change in fidelity from baseline to 36 months. Adjusted regression analyses compared survey responses of direct and management staff. While fidelity ratings significantly improved across all domains, at 36 months they remained suboptimal in supervision practices and use of model tools. Staff perceptions were generally positive but consistently lower for front-line than management staff. Implementing SMCM into existing case management practice with good fidelity is feasible. However, clear support from management may strengthen staff motivation and delivery. A review of practice later in implementation can flag challenges for sustainability and guide implementation support.In this work, we provide a general mathematical formalism to study the optimal control of an epidemic, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, via incentives to lockdown and testing. In particular, we model the interplay between the government and the population as a principal-agent problem with moral hazard, à la Cvitanić et al. (Finance Stoch 22(1)1-37, 2018), while an epidemic is spreading according to dynamics given by compartmental stochastic SIS or SIR models, as proposed respectively by Gray et al. (SIAM J Appl Math 71(3)876-902, 2011) and Tornatore et al. (Phys A Stat Mech Appl 354(15)111-126, 2005). More precisely, to limit the spread of a virus, the population can decrease the transmission rate of the disease by reducing interactions between individuals. However, this effort-which cannot be perfectly monitored by the government-comes at social and monetary cost for the population. To mitigate this cost, and thus encourage the lockdown of the population, the government can put in place an incentive policy, in the form of a tax or subsidy. In addition, the government may also implement a testing policy in order to know more precisely the spread of the epidemic within the country, and to isolate infected individuals. MK-8617 chemical structure In terms of technical results, we demonstrate the optimal form of the tax, indexed on the proportion of infected individuals, as well as the optimal effort of the population, namely the transmission rate chosen in response to this tax. The government's optimisation problems then boils down to solving an Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. Numerical results confirm that if a tax policy is implemented, the population is encouraged to significantly reduce its interactions. If the government also adjusts its testing policy, less effort is required on the population side, individuals can interact almost as usual, and the epidemic is largely contained by the targeted isolation of positively-tested individuals.

To investigate the predictive factors and the best predictive model for relapse in granulomatosiswithpolyangiitis (GPA) patients.

All patients referred to our tertiary university hospital with confirmed diagnosis of GPA based on 1990-ACR criteria and/or revised Chapel Hill nomenclature, who were followed more than 24months between 2012 and 2021 were included. Patients were classified into relapsing and non-relapsing groups. Disease activity was assessed based on Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score (BVAS) and BVASforGPA (BVAS-GPA). All demographic, clinical, laboratory, and radiologic parameters were compared between two groups.

Data of 133 patients (male = 52 (39.1%); mean age = 46.5 ± 14.5years) with a mean follow-up period of 49.4 ± 24.1months were evaluated. Of those, 91 (68.4%) experienced at least one relapse episode. The mean duration of relapse-free-survival (RFS) was 12.5months with 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year RFS rates of 46.6%, 34.6%, and 31.6%, respectively. The risk of relapse was higher if e mean follow-up period of 50months, 68.4% experienced at least one relapse episode • Patients with baseline BVAS > 12, renal involvement, and elevated NLR are more vulnerable to relapsing disease • Patients on rituximab for induction and maintenance less experienced relapse episodes compared to other treatment regimens.

 12, renal involvement, and elevated NLR are more vulnerable to relapsing disease • Patients on rituximab for induction and maintenance less experienced relapse episodes compared to other treatment regimens.

Tubal ligation is the most common contraceptive method worldwide. Apart from a very low pearl index and anxiety relief, other benefits are not commonly recognised. In young patients, there is the post-operative risk of regretting the decision with the need for In-Vitro-Fertilisation or refertilising surgery. Positive side effects have not been widely published. In our study we investigated the change in the female sexual function index score after tubal ligation.

In this survey the FSFI score of participants around the time of the tubal ligation was compared with the FSFI score of intermediate and long-term time distance to the ligation.

The data indicate an increase in younger women seeking information on permanent contraception and whilst the FSFI score of the early group indicates a risk of female sexual dysfunction, the intermediate and long-term FSFI scores are comparable to published control groups.

Besides the obvious benefit of a low pearl index, tubal ligation may contribute to reduce the risk of female sexual dysfunction in the mid and long term. Informed consent is essential for the surgeon and patient to weigh up the risks and benefits individually including possible future perspectives on family planning.

Besides the obvious benefit of a low pearl index, tubal ligation may contribute to reduce the risk of female sexual dysfunction in the mid and long term. Informed consent is essential for the surgeon and patient to weigh up the risks and benefits individually including possible future perspectives on family planning.β-Glucanases are a suite of glycoside hydrolases that depolymerize β-glucan into cellooligosaccharides and/or monosaccharides and have been widely used as feed additives in livestock. In this study, two novel glucanase genes, IDSGluc5-26 and IDSGluc5-37, derived from sheep rumen microbiota, were expressed and functionally characterized. The optimal temperatures/pH of recombinant IDSGLUC5-26 and IDSGLUC5-37 were 50 °C/5.0 and 40 °C/6.0, respectively. Notably, IDSGLUC5-26 showed considerable stability under acidic conditions. Both IDSGLUC5-26 and IDSGLUC5-37 showed the highest activities toward barley β-glucan, with Vmax values of 89.96 ± 9.19 µmol/min/mg and 459.50 ± 25.02 µmol/min/mg, respectively. Additionally, these two glucanases demonstrated hydrolysis of Icelandic moss lichenan and konjac gum, IDSGLUC5-26 releasing cellobiose (G2; occupying 17.37% of total reducing sugars), cellotriose (G3; 23.97%), and cellotetraose (G4; 30.93%) from barley β-glucan and Icelandic moss lichenan after 10 min and suggestive of a typical endo-β-1,4-glucanase (EC. In contrast, IDSGLUC5-37 was capable of liberating dominant G3 (64.11% or 67.55%) from barley β-glucan or Icelandic moss lichenan, suggesting that the enzyme was likely an endo-β-1,3 - 1,4-glucanases/lichenase (EC3.2.1.73). These findings describe the expression and characterization of two novel glucanase genes from sheep rumen microbiota. The two recombinant enzymes, particularly the acid-stable IDSGLUC5-26, will be of interest for potential application in food-/feed-additive development.School refusal is a complex problem that refers to difficulty attending/remaining at school due to emotional distress about attendance. Despite its occurrence being associated with negative outcomes, many are unresponsive to the current treatment options. While parent factors have a key role to play in school refusal, they are not adequately addressed in existing treatments. Further research is needed to consolidate understanding and implement new treatments. Employing the PRISMA method, this review aims to identify modifiable parent factors associated with child and/or adolescent school refusal. Eight studies met inclusion criteria from which nine factors were identified. Factors found to be associated with school refusal included parent psychopathology, family functioning and maternal overprotection (communication subdomain). Other factors such as maternal overprotection (affection, assistance and travel subdomains) and parental self-efficacy had weak or inconsistent results warranting further investigation.

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