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IOTA technology offers performance and flexibility to enable a reliable environment for electronic health records.

IOTA technology offers performance and flexibility to enable a reliable environment for electronic health records.

Mobile-based social media play an important role in the dissemination of information during public health emergencies.

This study aimed to analyze the contents and trends of public messages posted on Telegram during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

A content analysis of the 1781 messages, posted in a public Telegram channel with more than one million subscribers performed over 9-weeks. The messages were categorized into seven categories.

In total, 39% (n=703) of all messages were related to COVID-19. With the official confirmation of the case of COVID-19 in Iran, the number of COVID-related massages started to rise. Overall, the most frequent messages were of joke and humor (n=292, 41.5%), followed by educational messages (n=140, 19.9%).

Our study showed that the most popular messages during first weeks of COVID pandemic were satirical, indicating that people may not had taken the risks of this pandemic seriously. It is crucial for health organizations to develop strategies for dissemination of reliable health information through social media.

Our study showed that the most popular messages during first weeks of COVID pandemic were satirical, indicating that people may not had taken the risks of this pandemic seriously. It is crucial for health organizations to develop strategies for dissemination of reliable health information through social media.Reducing passenger flow through highly frequented bottlenecks in public transportation networks is a well-known urban planning problem. This issue has become even more relevant since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the necessity for minimum distances between passengers. We propose an approach that allows to dynamically navigate passengers around dangerously crowded stations to better distribute the passenger load across an entire urban public transport network. This is achieved through the introduction of new constraints into routing requests, that enable the avoidance of specific nodes in a network. These requests consider walks, bikes, metros, subways, trams and buses as possible modes of transportation. An implementation of the approach is provided in cooperation with the Munich Travel Corporation (MVG) for the city of Munich, to simulate the effects on a real city's urban traffic flow. Among other factors, the impact on the travel time was simulated given that the two major exchange points in the network were to be avoided. With an increase from 26.5 to 26.8 minutes on the average travel time, the simulation suggests that the time penalty might be worth the safety benefits.

There is a lack of secure official communication channels for peer review and peer feedback on medical findings.

We aimed to utilize the existing Austrian eHealth infrastructure to enable review and feedback processes.

We extended the IHE XDW workflow document to enable the exchange of text messages (i.e., comments on documents or images) over an XDS infrastructure.

The workflow enables the exchange of comments on specific sections of CDA documents or radiological images and was verified in an XDS test environment.

The presented solution is a proof of concept and the potential basis for the specification of a new IHE workflow definition.

The presented solution is a proof of concept and the potential basis for the specification of a new IHE workflow definition.

Mobile apps may encourage a lifestyle that avoids unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking or poor nutrition, which promotes cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Yet, little data is available on the utilization, perception, and long-term effects of such apps to prevent CVD.

To develop a mobile app concept to reduce the individual CVD risk and collect information addressing research questions on CVD prevention while preserving data privacy and security.

To validate the concept, a prototype will be built, and usability studies will be performed.

We expect to determine whether it is possible to reach a broad user base and to collect scientific information while protecting user data sufficiently.

To address CVD prevention, we propose a mobile coaching app. We expect high acceptance rates in validation studies.

To address CVD prevention, we propose a mobile coaching app. We expect high acceptance rates in validation studies.Experiences of war and persecution often lead to mental health problems, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorders. In this work, we design a digital platform that aims at helping refugees coming to Switzerland by providing exercises for their mental health and information about daily life in Switzerland. In collaboration with the Swiss Red Cross (SRC), we collected requirements and developed a concept for information provision through in this platform. The architecture of a progressive web application (PWA) was identified as to best fulfill the given requirements. Based on the collected requirements mockups were created. In user interviews, we received feedback regarding the future system. We learned that the platform should include an avatar, which guides the user through the entire platform and asks questions. All texts should be accessible by a read-aloud function and exercises should be provided as videos. In summary, we learned that it is essential to involve the future user group in the development process since it is characterized by cultural diversity that has to be considered in the development and design. Enriched by this input, the next step is to realize the application in terms of a prototype.Care pathways and supporting health information systems (HIS) have been permeate the discipline of Health Information Systems Research (HISR) over years. Traditional objectives of workflow assistance are increasingly extended by interdisciplinary goals from technology, medicine, management and public health research. A systematic literature review is dedicated to this integrating character. It examines the interdisciplinary mesh of objectives associated with care pathways and pathway-supporting HIS in the HISR literature. From 47 identified articles, 6 thematic themes were derived. Their consolidation supports in particular design and development processes as it describes the solution space of future pathway-supporting HIS addressing requirements stated by multiple stakeholders.

Physical activity helps improve the overall quality of life. The correct execution of physical activity is crucial both in sports as well as disease prevention and rehabilitation. Little to no automated commodity solutions for automated analysis and feedback exist.

Validation of the Apple ARKit framework as a solution for automatic body tracking in daily physical exercises using the smartphones' built-in camera.

We deliver insights into ARKit's body tracking accuracy through a lab experiment against the VICON system as Gold Standard. We provide further insights through case studies using apps built on ARKit.

ARKit exposes significant limitations in tracking the full range of motion in joints but accurately tracks the movement itself. Case studies show that applying it to measure the quantity of execution of exercises is possible.

ARKit is a light-weight commodity solution for quantitative assessment of physical activity. Its limitations and possibilities in qualitative assessment need to be investigated further.

ARKit is a light-weight commodity solution for quantitative assessment of physical activity. Its limitations and possibilities in qualitative assessment need to be investigated further.

Considering the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health service delivery, the US Office for Civil Rights (OCR) updated the policies on health data processing, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

In this study, we investigated discourses on HIPAA in relation to COVID-19.

Through a search of media sources in the Factiva database, relevant texts were identified. We applied a text mining approach to identify concepts and themes in these texts.

Our analysis revealed six central themes, namely, Health, HIPAA, Privacy, Security, Patients, and Need, as well as their associated concepts. Among these, Health was the most frequently discussed theme. It comprised concepts such as public, care, emergency, providers, telehealth, entity, use, discretion, OCR, Health and Human Services (HHS), enforcement, business, and services.

Our discourse analysis of media outlets highlights the role of health data privacy law in the response to global public health emergencies and demonstrates how discourse analysis and computational methods can inform health data protection policymaking in the digital health era.

Our discourse analysis of media outlets highlights the role of health data privacy law in the response to global public health emergencies and demonstrates how discourse analysis and computational methods can inform health data protection policymaking in the digital health era.In healthcare studies, the analysis of claims data is gaining an increasingly important role. Observational studies should be reported in a manner that promotes internal and external validity assessment, with the exact and standardized description of items. Several international guidelines and checklists for reporting on secondary data are available. The aim of this work was to analyse the applicability of reporting guidelines especially for claims data. The STROSA-2 guidelines recommendations were evaluated by means of a report on a study on triptan medications in Austria. selleckchem Six items were identified which could be expanded to support complete and transparent report on Austrian claims data. Therefore, we would suggest to add some details in the STROSA-2 guidelines concerning study design, legal foundations, data protection, data flow, descriptive results and risk of bias. The guidelines for reporting on Austrian claims data were successfully compiled with additional items. New guidelines should be further processed and tested with strong recommendations to focus on data limitations and legal aspects.Hydrogen breath tests are a well-established method to help diagnose functional intestinal disorders such as carbohydrate malabsorption or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. In this work we apply unsupervised machine learning techniques to analyze hydrogen breath test datasets. We propose a method that uses 26 internal cluster validation measures to determine a suitable number of clusters. In an induced external validation step we use a predefined categorization proposed by a medical expert. The results indicate that the majority of the considered internal validation indexes was not able to produce a reasonable clustering. Considering a predefined categorization performed by a medical expert, a novel shape-based method obtained the highest external validation measure in terms of adjusted rand index. The predefined clusterings constitute the basis of a supervised machine learning step that is part of our ongoing research.

Autoři článku: Halbergwren1774 (Lykkegaard Smidt)