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Arabidopsis PLDζ1 and PLDζ2 localize to the trans-Golgi network and to compartments including the trans-Golgi network, multi-vesicular bodies, and the tonoplast, respectively, depending on their N-terminal regions containing PX-PH domains. Phospholipase D (PLD) is involved in dynamic cellular processes, including membrane trafficking, cytoskeletal reorganization, and signal transduction for gene expression, through the production of phosphatidic acid in membrane compartments specific to each process. ALK signaling pathway Although PLD plays crucial roles in various plant phenomena, the underlying processes involving PLD for each phenomenon remain largely elusive, partly because the subcellular localization of PLD remains obscure. In this study, we performed comparative subcellular localization analyses of the Arabidopsis thaliana PX-PH-PLDs PLDζ1 and PLDζ2. In mature lateral root cap cells, own promoter-driven fluorescence protein fusions of PLDζ1 localized to the entire trans-Golgi network (TGN) while that of PLDζ2 localized to partial protein first localized to punctate structures, and then accumulated predominantly on the tonoplast. Further domain dissection analysis revealed that the N-terminal moiety preceding the PX-PH domain of PLDζ2 was required for the tonoplast-predominant accumulation. These findings suggest that PLDζ1 and PLDζ2 play partially overlapping but nonetheless distinctive roles in post-Golgi compartments along the membrane trafficking pathway from the TGN to the tonoplast.

To investigate what findings are new on contrast-enhanced abdominopelvic CT in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Contrast-enhanced CT of the abdomen and pelvis of patients with COVID-19 at a tertiary oncologic center acquired over a 2-month period were reviewed independently by two readers and scored for new imaging abnormalities compared with a prior scan. CT scans were included if the study was performed between - 3 and 45days from the time of COVID-19 diagnosis. Clinical information was gathered from the medical records.

A total of 63 patients (34 male, 29 female; mean age 60.6years, range 24.4-85.0years) were included in this retrospective cross-sectional study. Aside from new ground glass opacities seen at the lung bases (29/63, 46.0%), the most common findings were new thickening of the stomach, small bowel or colon or fluid-filled colon (14/63, 22.2%), new small volume ascites (7/63, 14.3%), gallbladder distention in those without prior cholecystectomy (3/43, 7.0%), and single cases each of acutarison, and provide supportive evidence that some of these findings may be related to SARS-CoV-2 infection.The role of radiation therapy (RT) varies across hematologic malignancies (HM). Radiation oncology (RO) resident comfort with specific aspects of HM patient management is unknown. The International Lymphoma RO Group (ILROG) assessed resident HM training opportunities and interest in an HM away elective. RO residents (PGY2-5) in the Association of Residents in RO (ARRO) database (n = 572) were emailed an anonymous, web-based survey in January 2019 including binary, Likert-type scale (1 = not at all, 5 = extremely, reported as median [interquartile range]), and multiple-choice questions. Of 134 resident respondents (23%), 86 (64%) were PGY4/5 residents and 36 (27%) were in larger programs (≥ 13 residents). Residents reported having specialized HM faculty (112, 84%) and a dedicated HM rotation (95, 71%). Residents reported "moderate" preparedness to advocate for RT in multidisciplinary conferences (3 [2-3]); make HM-related clinical decisions (3 [2-4]); and critique treatment planning (3 [2-4]). They reported feeling "moderately" to "quite" prepared to contour HM cases (3.5 [3-4]) and "quite" prepared to utilize the PET-CT five-point scale (4 [3-5]). Overall, residents reported feeling "moderately" prepared to treat HM patients (3 [2-3]); 24 residents (23%) felt "quite" or "extremely" prepared. Sixty-six residents (49%) were potentially interested in an HM away elective, commonly to increase comfort with treating HM patients (65%). Therefore, HM training is an important component of RO residency, yet a minority of surveyed trainees felt quite or extremely well prepared to treat HM patients. Programs should explore alternative and additional educational opportunities to increase resident comfort with treating HM patients.

It is reported that recovery from COVID-19 chemosensory deficit generally occurs in a few weeks, although olfactory dysfunction may persist longer. Here, we provide a detailed follow-up clinical investigation in a very young female patient (17-year-old) with a long-lasting anosmia after a mild infection, with partial recovery 15months after the onset.

Neuroimaging and neurophysiologic assessments as well as olfactory mucosa swabbing for microbiological and immunocytochemical analyses were performed. Olfactory and gustatory evaluations were conducted through validated tests.

Chemosensory evaluations were consistent with anosmia associated with parosmia phenomena and gustatory impairment, the latter less persistent. Brain MRI (3.0T) showed no microvascular injury in olfactory bulbs and brain albeit we cannot rule out slight structural abnormalities during the acute phase, and a high-density EEG was negative. Immunocytochemistry of olfactory mucosa swabs showed high expression of ACE2 in sustentacular cellate the persistence of chemosensory impairment, which could have a relevant impact on the daily life.

Up to 50% of motor neuron disease (MND) patients show neuropsychological deficits which negatively affect prognosis and care. However, disability-related logistical issues and uneven geographical coverage of healthcare services may prevent MND patients from accessing neuropsychological evaluations. This study thus aimed to standardize for the Italian population the ALS Cognitive Behavioral Screen-Phone Version (ALS-CBS™-PhV), an MND-specific, telephone-based screening for frontotemporal dysfunction.

The cognitive section of the ALS-CBS™-PhV, the Italian telephone-based Mini-Mental State Examination (Itel-MMSE), and the Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS) was administered to 359 healthy individuals (143 males, 216 females; age, 52.7 ± 15.8; education, 13.1 ± 4.4). Norms were derived through equivalent scores. Validity, factorial structure, reliability, diagnostic accuracy, and item difficulty and discrimination were examined. Statistical equivalence between the telephone-based and in-person vertandardization allows for (1) improvements in tele-healthcare for MND patients, (2) epidemiological applications, and (3) effective assessments in decentralized clinical trials. The ALS-CBS™-PhV can be also suitable for assessing bedridden and visually impaired patients with motor disorders.Primates are popular species in wildlife tourism contexts and provide economic benefits to habitat countries where primate-based tourism activities are a part of the country's tourism economy. Primate tourism runs a broad gamut from safari-like expeditions within remote primate habitats to designated monkey parks and incidental primate tourism. In most forms of primate tourism, primate ecology and behaviour are directly influenced by humans, making these interfaces particularly relevant for examination using the lens of ethnoprimatology. While several studies have assessed the impact of tourism on primates, little is known about people's motivations for observing monkeys for recreational purposes. Here we present two case studies-the Jigokudani Monkey Park, Japan, and the Telaga Warna Nature Recreational Park, Indonesia-where we provide quantitative assessments of people's motivations for visiting managed (monkey parks) and unmanaged (incidental) monkey tourism sites. We further show that management regimes, e Japanese respondents, most of the Indonesian respondents engaged in feeding macaques. These findings suggest that management regimes as well as socio-demographic attributes may influence people's motivations to visit macaque tourism sites.The rapidly changing marine environmental chemistry associated with growing industrialisation, urban population expansion, and the unabated rise in atmospheric CO2 necessitates monitoring. Traditional approaches using metres, dataloggers, and buoys to monitor marine acidification have limited application in coastal oceans and intertidal zones subjected to direct wave action. The present study trialled a system to biomonitor coastal acidification (carbonate ion and pH) based on the dissolution of living gastropod shells. We extended on an approach that ranked shell erosion (SER) in Nerita chamaeleon (Nc) in environments where such erosion was found to correlate with exposure to acidified water. We assessed the spatial scale at which the Nc-SER marker could detect change in acidification along rocky shores, and whether snail body size affected this marker. We found that proportional and unique Nc-SERs not only varied between acidified and non-acidified reference shores at a coarse spatial scale (10 km), but also in predictable ways at fine scales (metres), vertically and horizontally within a shore. Differences between acidified and reference shores in the relationship for snail size and Nc-SER were accentuated by less weathered shells at reference localities, highlighting the value of including small, juvenile snails in monitoring protocols. Gastropod shells are shown to be useful for assessing point sources of acidification and the spatial area of affected coastal zones. This cost-effective and easy-to-use approach (potentially even by citizen-scientists) offers an early warning system of acidification of rocky shore ecosystems, where the deployment of instruments is precluded.A nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted in long-term survivors of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in childhood to investigate the effect of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) on quality of life (QOL) and differences in QOL assessments between raters. QOL was evaluated by a visual analogue scale (VAS). Assessments were compared between the survivor, guardian, and attending pediatrician for those aged 15 years or younger, and between the survivor and attending pediatrician for those aged 16 years or older. For cGVHD, severity scores were obtained by organ and their association with the VAS score was analyzed. The average pediatrician-rated VAS score was higher than that of other raters for both patient age groups ( 16 years). By organ, involvement of the skin, digestive organs, and joints in GVHD affected the VAS scores. A high joint score was associated with a low VAS score, and conversely, a high lung score was associated with a low pediatrician-rated VAS score. Our results indicate that differences between raters must be considered when evaluating QOL of HSCT survivors, because patients appeared to experience grater inconvenience and difficulties due to joint GVHD than their pediatricians perceived.Monitoring aquatic health from environmental pollutants is critical, none more so than bisphenol-A (BPA), a ubiquitous endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC). The present study brings out the responses of selected transcripts, hormone levels, and tissue histomorphology in a widely distributed fish species Cyprinus carpio (Linn.), following exposure to environmentally relevant (10, 100 ng/L) and higher (1000 ng/L) concentration of BPA. The response of cyp19a1a, cyp19a1b, and c3 significantly decreased, while that of vtg increased in their respective tissue domains. The hematological parameters TEC, Hb, and Hct decreased significantly in contrast to TLC (p less then 0.05) at all exposure concentrations, whereas none of the erythrocytic indices (MCV, MCH, and MCHC) was perturbed. The steroidogenic hormone levels, such as estradiol and progesterone, increased significantly with increasing BPA concentrations. In contrast, the testosterone and all the thyroid hormones (T3, T4, and TSH) were suppressed significantly (p less then 0.

Autoři článku: Hagengoodman6806 (Broe Hvidberg)