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Concerning the pre-specified non-inferiority margin of -16.4, both results confirm the non-inferiority of HT to CBT. The results for the follow-ups six and twelve months after the end of the treatment support the primary results.

For ethical reasons the trial did not include a control group without treatment; therefore we can only indirectly conclude that both treatment conditions are effective.

This is the first study to demonstrate that HT was not inferior to CBT in MD, while employing rigorous methodological standards.

This is the first study to demonstrate that HT was not inferior to CBT in MD, while employing rigorous methodological standards.

Depression and anxiety occur frequently postpartum, calling for early detection and treatment. selleck chemicals llc Evidence on risk factors may support early detection, but is inconclusive. Our aim was to identify risk factors for postpartum depression and anxiety, before, during and after pregnancy.

We used data from 1406 mothers of the intervention arm of the Post-Up study. Risk factors were collected at 3 weeks and 12 months postpartum. Depression and anxiety symptoms were measured in the first month postpartum by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and 6-item State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-6), respectively. We used stepwise logistic regression to identify relevant risk factors.

Of the mothers, 8.0% had EPDS-scores ≥9 and 14.7% STAI-6-scores ≥42. Factors associated with higher risk of depression were foreign language spoken at home, history of depression, low maternal self-efficacy and poor current health of the mother. No initiation of breastfeeding was associated with lower risk of depression, no breastfeeding at 3 weeks postpartum increased the risk. Factors associated with higher risk of anxiety were higher educational level, history of depression, preterm birth, negative experience of delivery and first week postpartum, excessive infant crying, low maternal self-efficacy, low partner support and poor current maternal health.

Use of a self-report instrument, potential bias by postpartum mood status, and no inclusion of emerging depression cases after one month postpartum.

The shared and separate risk factors for postpartum depression and anxiety may help professionals in identifying mothers at increased risk and provide opportunities for preventive interventions and treatment.

The shared and separate risk factors for postpartum depression and anxiety may help professionals in identifying mothers at increased risk and provide opportunities for preventive interventions and treatment.

While the association between relationship status and the development of depressive symptoms in the general population were reported previously, its relation to the severity and the course of major depressive disorder (MDD) as well as the treatment patterns and response rates needs to be elucidated.

The present international multicenter cross-sectional study performed by the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression (GSRD) investigated socio-demographic and clinical patterns of relationship status in a real-world sample of 1410 adult in- and outpatients with MDD as primary diagnosis.

While 49.9% of all MDD patients were partnered, 25.4% were separated, and 24.8% were single. Single relationship status was linked to younger mean age, earlier mean age of onset, and current suicidal risk. Being separated was related to older mean age, unemployment, greater symptom severity, current suicidal risk, and add-on treatment strategies. Partnered relationship status was associated with less frequent curlenging clinical phenomena and their negative consequences.The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the economic and social activities, leading to large reductions in anthropogenic emissions on a global scale. Despite the reduction of primary emissions during the lockdown period, heavy haze pollution was observed unexpectedly in megacities in North and East China. In this study, we conducted online measurements of organic aerosol in a background site before and during the lockdown in Guanzhong basin, Northwest China. The oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) increased from 24% of total OA (3.2 ± 1.6 μg m-3) before lockdown to 54% of total OA (4.5 ± 1.3 μg m-3) during lockdown, likely due to substantial decrease of NOx emissions during lockdown which resulted in large increase of O3 and thus atmospheric oxidizing capacity. OOA showed higher mass concentrations and fractional contributions during lockdown than before lockdown, and increased with the increase of Ox in both periods. In comparison, aqueous secondary organic aerosol (aqSOA) showed high mass concentrations and fractional contributions in both polluted periods before and during lockdown with the increase of aerosol liquid water content (ALWC). The increase of aqSOA under high ALWC conditions is very likely the reason of pollution events during lockdown. Combined with trajectory analysis, the absence of Guanzhong cluster in polluted period during lockdown may play a key role in the OA variations between two polluted periods. In addition, when comparing the clusters from the same transmission directions between before lockdown and during lockdown, the OA fractions showed similar variations during lockdown in all clusters, suggesting the OA variations are widespread in northwest China.Sulfur could be introduced into paddy soils via dry or wet deposition, irrigation, and fertilization, which subsequently impacts the production of methylmercury (MeHg), a bioaccumulative neurotoxicant. However, effects of sulfur input on MeHg production are variable, possibly due to the multiple effects of sulfur on Hg mobility and/or microbial Hg methylators, leading to uncertainties in predicting MeHg risk. To address that, we explored the effects of different types and amounts of sulfur as well as concentrations of ambient sulfate on Hg methylation in paddy soils, and elucidated the mechanisms by quantifying changes in (1) Hg mobility and (2) microbial Hg methylators (e.g., sulfate-reducing bacteria, SRB). Our results indicated that MeHg levels increased by 40-86% and 30-96% in soils under various types (i.e., 200 mg kg-1 elemental sulfur, ammonium sulfate, sulfur-coated urea and potassium sulfate (K2SO4)) and different amounts (i.e., 100, 200 and 400 mg kg-1 K2SO4) of sulfur input. The enhanced MeHg production could be explained by increased Hg mobility but not changes in microbial Hg methylators.

Autoři článku: Haganeskesen3198 (Avila Wilson)