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The results showed quasi-spherical GNPs as pentakis dodecahedron (λLSPR = 560 nm), triakis icosahedron (λLSPR = 535 nm), and tetrakis hexahedron (λLSPR = 525 nm) in a size range from 12 to 16 nm. Chemical effects of ultrasound irradiation were suggested in the disproportionation process, electrons of AuCl2- are rapidly exchanged through the gold surface. After AuCl4- and Cl- were desorbed, a tetrachloroaurate complex was recycled for the two-electron reduction by citrate, aurophilic interaction between complexes AuCl2-, electrons exchange, and gold seeds, the deposition of new gold atoms on the surface promoting the growth of GNPs. These mechanisms are enhanced by the effects of ultrasound, such as cavitation and transmitted energy into the solution. These results show that the plasmonic response from the reported GNPs can be tuned using a simple methodology with minimum infrastructure requirements. Moreover, the production method could be easily scalable to meet industrial manufacturing needs.

South Africa has the highest HIV prevalence globally, which disproportionately affects women. DMH1 in vitro Hazardous alcohol use reduces antiretroviral adherence which can lead to adverse health. Few evidence-based interventions addressing hazardous alcohol use and HIV have been implemented in real-world settings. This study aimed to evaluate implementation outcomes from the Women's Health CoOp (WHC)-an evidence-based gender-focused HIV intervention-which was implemented in Cape Town.

We conducted this implementation science trial using a modified stepped-wedge design. Four health clinics were paired with four substance use rehabilitation programs and randomized into four cycles. Women living with HIV and who use alcohol or other drugs were recruited into each cycle (n = 120 each cycle). We assessed adoption, acceptability, appropriateness, cost, and fidelity using a mixed methods approach.

Adoption 100 % of staff trained in the WHC and designated as interventionists delivered one or more workshops. Acceptability Interventionists found the WHC content beneficial to their patients and the WHC improved connections between clinical units in facilities. Appropriateness The WHC aligned with facility goals to improve antiretroviral adherence and reduce alcohol use; however, there were implementation challenges, including staff shortages, stigma, and few places to refer women for supportive services. Cost The cost of implementing the WHC was 20.59 ZAR (1.40 USD) per attendee. Fidelity Interventionists implemented the WHC with high fidelity and quality.

The findings suggest it is feasible to integrate the WHC into usual-care settings. Future efforts to scale up the intervention will need to address social and structural implementation challenges.

NCT02733003 approved 1/21/2016.

NCT02733003 approved 1/21/2016.Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally inherited disorder caused by homoplasmic mutations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). LHON is characterized by the selective degeneration of the retinal ganglion cells (RGC). Almost all LHON maternal lineages are homoplasmic mutant (100% mtDNA copies are mutant) for one of three frequent mtDNA mutations now found in over 90% of patients worldwide (m.11778G > A/MT-ND4, m.3460G > A/MT-ND1, m.14484 T > C/MT-ND6). Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) were generated from a patient carrying the homoplasmic m.3460G > A/MT-ND1 mutation using the Sendai virus non-integrating virus.To produce in vitro models of human chondrodysplasias caused by dominant missense mutations in TRPV4, we used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to introduce two heterozygous patient mutations (p.F273L and p.P799L) into an established control human iPSC line. This control line expressed a fluorescent reporter (tdTomato) at the SOX9 locus to allow real-time monitoring of cartilage differentiation by SOX9 expression. Both TRPV4 mutant iPSC lines had normal karyotypes, expressed pluripotency markers, and could differentiate into cells representative of the three embryonic germ layers. These iPSC lines, with the parental isogenic control, will be used to study TRPV4 chondrodysplasia mechanisms and explore therapeutic approaches.Human induced pluripotent stem cell line (JUCTCi011-A) was generated from skin fibroblasts obtained from a 34-year-old healthy male subject from Jordan. The generated iPSCs showed typical embryonic-like characteristics. They retained their normal karyotype similar to their parental dermal fibroblast cells, expressed pluripotency markers and showed a differentiation potential into three germ layers as demonstrated by immunostaining and flow cytometry. This generated cell line can be used in disease modeling studies, to serve as a healthy control line and to help in developing novel therapeutic strategies for patients with hereditary neuromuscular diseases.The ability to read and quantify nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA using sequencing technologies has revolutionized our understanding of life. With the emergence of synthetic biology, these tools are now being put to work in new ways - enabling de novo biological design. Here, we show how sequencing is supporting the creation of a new wave of biological parts and systems, as well as providing the vast data sets needed for the machine learning of design rules for predictive bioengineering. However, we believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and end by providing an outlook on recent advances that will likely broaden the role of sequencing in synthetic biology and its deployment in real-world environments.Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are increasingly recognized as non-enzymatic players in the processes of radicle elongation growth and endosperm weakening during seed germination. NADPH oxidases (EC, also known as respiratory burst oxidase homologues (Rbohs), are key enzymes for the production of ROS. We previously reported that ROS are involved in the radicle elongation growth and endosperm weakening during lettuce seed germination. However, the function of the gene(s) encoding Rbohs during lettuce seed germination remains to be elucidated. In this study, one lettuce Rboh gene LsRbohC1 was cloned, and over-expression and RNAi-lines of this gene were generated. It was found that LsRbohC1 was abundantly expressed in germinating seeds, especially in the endosperm cap and hypocotyl. Over-expression/knock-down of this gene observably increased/decreased the production of superoxide radicals in the radicle and endosperm cap, and significantly promoted/delayed the germination process. The results suggest that LsRbohC1 plays a role in lettuce seed germination.In this article we describe a new and simple analytical method based on the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe technique followed by dispersive solid-phase extraction clean-up with C18 and Lipifiltr® and LC-HRMS for simultaneously extracting six phthalate diesters and six of their metabolites (phthalate monoesters) from highly consumed seafood species. The method was validated for seafood with high and low lipid contents. Apparent recoveries were up to 79% for all compounds. Matrix effect values ranged from -8 to -48% for all compounds in both types of matrices. Method limits of detection were 1-25 ng g-1 dry weight (d.w.) for most compounds. Five seafood species were analysed using this method, and several phthalate diesters and monoesters were successfully quantified. Phthalate diesters were found at concentrations of up to 982 ng g-1 (d.w.) and phthalate monoesters were found at concentrations of up to 178 ng g-1 (d.w.).The electrostatic complex coacervation between scallop Patinopecten. yessoensis male gonad hydrolysates (SMGHs) and κ-carrageenan (κ-C) were monitored by using turbidimetry at various pH (1-12) and biopolymer mixing ratio (91-19). The pHc exhibited ratio-independent behavior, and pHφ1, pHmax exhibited ratio-dependent behavior, respectively. The decreasing ratio enhanced the gel strength of SMGHs/κ-C at higher pH while inversely at lower pH, ascribing to more SMGHs aggregates and stronger neutralization between positively charged patches in SMGHs and κ-C at lower pH and higher ratio. Moreover, SMGHs/κ-C gel at acid condition exhibited lower relaxation times (T21 and T23). link2 Furthermore, the rheological and relaxation time T2 data were well associated with microscopy images which indicated that SMGHs/κ-C gel showed a well-distributed network structure at more acidic domains, supporting stronger gel rigidity and water-holding capacity.This study aimed to reveal amino acid deamination and decarboxylation activities of spoilage microbiota in chill-stored grass carp fillets. Results showed that microbial deamination activities of umami/sweet-taste amino acids were higher than that of bitter-taste amino acids. link3 The total deamination activity of tested amino acids decreased during the late period of storage, which inhibited the increase of ammonia in fish flesh. Microbial decarboxylation activity of ornithine was much higher than lysine and histidine, which was consistent with the rapid increase of putrescine in fish fillets. Meanwhile, putrescine could be produced in large quantities through arginine deiminase pathway of spoilage bacteria. Glucose utilization by spoilage microbiota was active during the late period of storage, which was consistent with the rapid consumption of lactate and total sugar in fish flesh. Overall, results of this study could be beneficial for revealing fish spoilage mechanisms and providing theoretical guidance for developing fish preservation technologies.Endophytic bacteria are always related to the host different traits, including the secondary metabolites production. However, the effect and mechanism of endophytic bacteria in the mushrooms fruit body on mycelia are still not clear. In this study, we investigated the effect of endophytic bacterial metabolites on the quality of Lyophyllum decastes mycelia. Soluble sugars, starch, protein, free amino acids, 5'-Nucleotides, EUC, and organic acids contents of mycelia were analyzed. We found that endophytic bacterial metabolites significantly increased the contents of soluble sugars, starch, protein, free amino acids, organic acids, and EUC. The present study thus suggests that endophytic bacteria could promote the quality of Lyophyllum decastes by improving non-volatile taste components of mycelia.Curcumin is a powerful coloring agent widely used in the food industry. Its extraction from the plant Curcuma longa is commonly done with aqueous solvent solutions. In contrast to the conventional extraction methods, the present study aimed to compare two different green and bio-based surfactant-free microemulsion (SFME) extraction systems, which are approved for food and yield a higher extracting power of curcuminoids. Two SFMEs, water/ethanol/triacetin and water/diacetin/triacetin, were investigated via dynamic light scattering. Curcumin solubility in binary mixtures consisting of ethanol/triacetin or diacetin/triacetin was studied both experimentally and theoretically using UV-Vis measurements and COSMO-RS. The SFMEs were further examined and compared to a common ethanol/water (80/20) extraction mixture with respect to their extracting ability using high performance liquid chromatography. The SFMEs containing ethanol were found to extract ~18% more curcuminoids than the SFMEs containing diacetin and ~53% more than the ordinary ethanol/water mixture.

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