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Patterns of trait expression within some plant species have recently been shown to align with the leaf economics spectrum paradigm. Resistance to herbivores is also expected to covary with leaf economics traits. We selected 36 mature Populus tremuloides genotypes in a common garden to assess whether aspen leaf economics patterns follow those observed among species globally. We also evaluated leaf economics strategies in the context of insect resistance by conducting bioassays to determine the effects of plant traits on preference and performance of Lymantria dispar. see more We found that (1) intraspecific trait patterns of P. tremuloides parallel those exhibited by the interspecific leaf economics spectrum, (2) herbivores preferred leaves from genotypes with resource-acquisitive strategies, and (3) herbivores also performed best on genotypes with resource-acquisitive strategies. We conclude that a leaf economics spectrum that incorporates defense traits is a useful tool for explaining intraspecific patterns of variation in plant strategies, including resistance to herbivores.Softwood kraft lignin is a major bioresource relevant to the production of sustainable bio-based products. Continued challenges to lignin valorization, however, include poor solubility in organic solvents and in aqueous solutions at neutral pH. Herein, an alkaline tolerant laccase was used to graft acrylate functionalities onto softwood kraft lignin, which is expected to enhance the reactivity of lignin with isocyanate when producing bio-based polyurethanes. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and high-performance liquid chromatography were used to confirm successful grafting of the acrylate monomer onto lignin and verify the importance of including tert-butyl hydroperoxide as an initiator in the grafting reaction. Laccase-mediated grafting of softwood kraft lignin under alkaline conditions produced lignin products with approximately 30% higher hydroxyl value and higher reactivity toward isocyanate. The reported enzymatic and aqueous process presents an opportunity for the sustainable valorization of softwood kraft lignin. KEY POINTS • Softwood kraft lignin displayed high phenolic hydroxyl content, polydispersity index and average molecular weight • Grafting hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) monomer onto kraft lignin by laccase was successful at 60 °C and alkaline conditions • Lignin-HEA grafted copolymer showed an increase in total OH value and an increase in average molecular weight.

Neuroendoscopic procedures inside the ventricular system always bear the risk for an unexpected intraoperative hemorrhage with potentially devastating consequences. The authors present here their experience, and a stage-to-stage guide for the endoscopic management of intraoperative hemorrhages.

A step-by-step guide for the management to gain control of and stop the bleeding is described including a grading system. More advanced techniques are presented in cases examples.

Most of intraoperative hemorrhages can be controlled by constant irrigation and coagulation. More advanced techniques can be applied quickly and easily to ensure control of the hemorrhages and avoid the need for a microsurgical conversion.

Most of intraoperative hemorrhages can be controlled by constant irrigation and coagulation. More advanced techniques can be applied quickly and easily to ensure control of the hemorrhages and avoid the need for a microsurgical conversion.

Osteonecrosis with progressive collapse and segmental kyphosis can lead to intersegmental instability in some osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCFs). These conditions are known as Kümmell's disease and often require anterior column reconstruction in elderly patients.

We attempted anterior column reconstruction by percutaneous transpedicular intracorporeal cage grafting (PTICG) with short-segment pedicle screw fixation and described the steps, with discussions on the surgical indications and pros and cons.

PTICG is expected to be an alternative to vertebral anterior column reconstruction, which can preserve the thoracolumbar posterior arch and paravertebral musculature.

PTICG is expected to be an alternative to vertebral anterior column reconstruction, which can preserve the thoracolumbar posterior arch and paravertebral musculature.Studies comparing individuals with loss of control (LOC) eating who do and do not have objectively large binge episodes have found that degree of LOC is more important than binge size to psychological and behavioral outcomes. However, the relative importance of these characteristics has not been investigated in a population with binge eating disorder (BED), who by definition all have objectively large binge episodes. Persons with BED and higher weight (N = 34) were enrolled in a BED treatment trial and completed the Loss of Control Over Eating Scale, the Eating Disorder Examination, and measures of eating behavior, mood, and quality of life. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from measured height and weight. The size of the largest binge episode (measured in kilocalories) and degree of LOC were entered into multiple regression equations to determine their relationships with disordered eating symptoms, depression, quality of life, and BMI in this pilot study. Greater LOC had a stronger independent association than binge size with higher total eating psychopathology, shape dissatisfaction, hunger, food cravings and food addiction symptoms. Larger binge size had a stronger independent association than LOC with higher weight concern and lower general and social quality of life. Both characteristics were associated with higher eating concern and neither were associated with depression or BMI. Both binge size and degree of LOC are associated with important psychosocial treatment targets in patients with BED. Future research should validate the largest binge episode measurement method and replicate the present findings in a larger sample.Perinatal health and health behaviors play a crucial role in maternal and neonatal health. Data examining psychosocial factors which predict self-reported health and health behaviors as well as objective indicators downstream of health behaviors among pregnant women are lacking. In this longitudinal study design with 131 pregnant women, perceived social support was examined as a predictor of self-rated health and average levels of sleep quality, health-promoting and health-impairing behaviors, and red blood cell (RBC) polyunsaturated fatty acids across early, mid, and late pregnancy. Participants provided a blood sample and fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography. Measures included the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Prenatal Health Behavior Scale. Regression models demonstrated that, after adjustment for income, race/ethnicity, age, relationship status, pre-pregnancy body mass index, greater social support was associated with better self-rated health (p = 0.001), greater sleep quality (p = 0.001), fewer health-impairing behaviors (p = 0.02), and higher RBC omega-3 fatty acids (p = 0.003). Associations among social support with health-promoting behaviors, RBC omega-6 fatty acids, or gestational weight gain were not significant. Findings underscore the benefits of perceived social support in the context of pregnancy. Examination of pathways that link social support with these outcomes will be meaningful in determining the ways in which perinatal psychosocial interventions may promote health.As animals explore an environment, the hippocampus is thought to automatically form and maintain a place code by combining sensory and self-motion signals. Instead, we observed an extensive degradation of the place code when mice voluntarily disengaged from a virtual navigation task, remarkably even as they continued to traverse the identical environment. Internal states, therefore, can strongly gate spatial maps and reorganize hippocampal activity even without sensory and self-motion changes.Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is the key enzyme in phenylalanine metabolism, deficiency of which is associated with the most common metabolic phenotype of phenylketonuria (PKU) and hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA). A bulk of PKU disease-associated missense mutations in the PAH gene have been studied, and the consequence of each PAH variant vary immensely. Prior research established that PKU-associated variants possess defects in protein folding with reduced cellular stability leading to rapid degradation. However, recent evidence revealed that PAH tetramers exist as a mixture of resting state and activated state whose transition depends upon the phenylalanine concentration and certain PAH variants that fail to modulate the structural equilibrium are associated with PKU disease. Collectively, these findings framed our understanding of the complex genotype-phenotype correlation in PKU. In the current study, we substantiate a link between PAH protein stability and its degradation by the ubiquitin-mediated proteasomubiquitinates and stabilizes PAH further protecting it from rapid degradation. 4. USP19 increases the enzymatic activity of PAH, thus maintaining normal Phe levels.Clinical course and outcomes of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination remain variable. We retrospectively collected data on patients > 12 years old from 01/01/2021 to 12/30/2021 who received COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccination and were diagnosed with myocarditis within 60 days of vaccination. Myocarditis cases were based on case definitions by authors. We report on 238 patients of whom most were male (n = 208; 87.1%). The mean age was 27.4 ± 16 (range 12-80) years. Females presented at older ages (41.3 ± 21.5 years) than men 25.7 ± 14 years (p = 0.001). In patients > 20 years of age, the mean duration from vaccination to symptoms was 4.8 days ± 5.5 days, but in < 20, it was 3.0 ± 3.3 days (p = 0.04). Myocarditis occurred most commonly after the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine (n = 183; 76.45) and after the second dose (n = 182; 80%). Symptoms started 3.95 ± 4.5 days after vaccination. The commonest symptom was chest pain (n = 221; 93%). Patients were treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory darditis.

The potentially inappropriate use of the proton pump inhibitors is prevalent in older adults.

To evaluate the impact of a clinical pharmacist-led stewardship program for the appropriate use of acid suppression therapy in older hospitalized patients.

This parallel nonrandomized controlled study was conducted at an internal medicine service of a tertiary training and research hospital between September 2019 and August 2021. Older patients (≥ 65 years old and received proton pump inhibitors within 48h of admission) were allocated to two groups according to their number of medical file records, whether odd or even, two groups control and clinical pharmacist-led stewardship program for the appropriate use of acid suppression therapy (including medication reconciliation and medication review) during the hospital stay. Primary outcome measures were the rate of appropriate use of proton pump inhibitors during hospitalization and potentially inappropriate proton pump inhibitor use at discharge.

The rate of appropriate proton pump inhibitor use during hospitalization was significantly higher in the clinical pharmacist-led program (n = 100) than in the control group (n = 97) (46.

Autoři článku: Hackettburnette8964 (Grantham Costello)