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The use of artificial intelligence radically changes the role of the doctor and his/her relationship with the patient, which becomes in fact a three-way relationship artificial intelligence-doctor-patient, in which the first component is able to heavily influence and sometimes oppress both the doctor and the patient. The black box model is an additional complicating factor because it does not allow the doctor to know the steps that led the machine to make the decision and this causes difficulties in sharing choices. It is considered useful to propose a methodological approach that can provide reasonable guarantees to both the patient and the doctor.Academic research should foster study projects focused on the efficacy of therapeutic pathways (patient-journey studies) instead of just individual drugs. The research for registration purposes gives us snapshots, thanks to which the new drugs arrive on the market. Selleckchem ML133 What is before the photo is not necessarily clear; for example, the characteristics of the patient population, which often differ between the trial and clinical practice that could begin years later. As it is not clear what there is after the photo; for example, the subsequent treatments which also change over time. Indeed, the time frame following the photo is often deliberately obscured by using surrogate endpoints that overestimate advantages. Regulatory agencies are called upon to decide on registration and reimbursement despite being essentially unable to fully understand the value, positioning and economic consequences of new drugs. This is the field in which independent research must try its hand in the coming years. By designing studies on therapeutic pathways, which assess the effectiveness of therapeutic sequences by looking at the entire patient-journey and not at the efficacy of individual drugs. Something like going from a series of snapshots to a movie.

Dementia is a global public health problem. Drugs for this indication have shown limited benefit. The aim of the present study is to synthesize and analyze the available scientific evidence about effectiveness of interventions on diet and / or physical exercise by considering cognitive function as an outcome measure, in people over 45 years of age with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in their evolution to Alzheimer's disease.

A bibliographic search of randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyzes published from May 2008 to May 2019 was carried out in the Medline and The Cochrane Library databases. A total of 169 publications were identified, of which 42 studies that fulfilled inclusion criteria were reviewed.

It was found that scheduled physical exercise of moderate-high intensity, performed 3 to 5 days a week, following a dietary pattern such as Mediterranean diet or DASH diet improve overall cognitive function in subjects with MCI. The results are enhanced when the studies combine both interventions and include cognitive stimulation exercises, allowing increasing the functionality of the subjects.

Intervention on modifiable factors such as physical exercise and diet provides cognitive protection in subjects with MCI, improving their quality of life, functionality and independence. The heterogeneity of the studies makes it difficult to draw up more concrete recommendations.

Intervention on modifiable factors such as physical exercise and diet provides cognitive protection in subjects with MCI, improving their quality of life, functionality and independence. The heterogeneity of the studies makes it difficult to draw up more concrete recommendations.Fe3GeTe2 is a layered crystal which has recently been shown to maintain its itinerant ferromagnetic properties even when atomically thin. Here, differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy is used to investigate the domain structure in a Fe3GeTe2 cross-sectional lamella at temperatures ranging from 95 to 250 K and at nanometre spatial resolution. Below the experimentally determined Curie temperature (T C) of 191 K, stripe domains magnetised along 〈0001〉, bounded with 180◦ Bloch type domain walls, are observed, transitioning to mixed Bloch-Néel type where the cross-sectional thickness is reduced below 50 nm. When warming towards T C, these domains undergo slight restructuring towards uniform size, before abruptly fading at T C. Localised loss of ferromagnetic order is seen over time, hypothesised to be a frustration of ferromagnetic order from ambient oxidation and basal cracking, which could enable selective modification of the magnetic properties for device applications.

Decoding neural activity has been limited by the lack of tools available to record from large numbers of neurons across multiple cortical regions simultaneously with high temporal fidelity. To this end, we developed the Argo system to record cortical neural activity at high data rates.

Here we demonstrate a massively parallel neural recording system based on platinum-iridium microwire electrode arrays bonded to a CMOS voltage amplifier array. The Argo system is the highest channel count in vivo neural recording system, supporting simultaneous recording from 65 536 channels, sampled at 32 kHz and 12-bit resolution. This system was designed for cortical recordings, compatible with both penetrating and surface microelectrodes.

We validated this system through initial bench testing to determine specific gain and noise characteristics of bonded microwires, followed by in-vivo experiments in both rat and sheep cortex. We recorded spiking activity from 791 neurons in rats and surface local field potential activity from over 30 000 channels in sheep.

These are the largest channel count microwire-based recordings in both rat and sheep. While currently adapted for head-fixed recording, the microwire-CMOS architecture is well suited for clinical translation. Thus, this demonstration helps pave the way for a future high data rate intracortical implant.

These are the largest channel count microwire-based recordings in both rat and sheep. While currently adapted for head-fixed recording, the microwire-CMOS architecture is well suited for clinical translation. Thus, this demonstration helps pave the way for a future high data rate intracortical implant.

Autoři článku: Haagensenthiesen8613 (Larkin Boone)