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Labyrinthine unit cells have existed for many years and have been central to the design of numerous metamaterial solutions. However, the literature does not present a reproducible analytical model to predict their behaviour both in transmission and reflection, thus limiting design optimization in terms of bandwidth of operation and space occupied. In this work, we present an analytical model based on the transfer matrix method for phase shift and intensity of transmission/reflection-based labyrinthine unit cells. We benchmark our analytical model by finding agreement with finite element method simulations - using commercial software - within 1 dB in amplitude and a 1° in phase. Finally, we compare our predictions with measurements on transmissive/reflective units with 4 and 6 horizontal baffles ("bars"), using different experimental methods. We found that some of the measurement methods lead to an agreement within 2 dB, while others are completely out of range, thus pointing out the challenges in characterizing this type of acoustic metamaterial.During sentence comprehension, young children anticipate syntactic structures using early-arriving words and have difficulties revising incorrect predictions using late-arriving words. However, nearly all work to date has focused on syntactic parsing in idealized speech environments, and little is known about how children's strategies for predicting and revising meanings are affected by signal degradation. This study compares comprehension of active and passive sentences in natural and vocoded speech. In a word-interpretation task, 5-year-olds inferred the meanings of novel words in sentences that (1) encouraged agent-first predictions (e.g., The blicket is eating the seal implies The blicket is the agent), (2) required revising predictions (e.g., The blicket is eaten by the seal implies The blicket is the theme), or (3) weakened predictions by placing familiar nouns in sentence-initial position (e.g., The seal is eating/eaten by the blicket). When novel words promoted agent-first predictions, children misinterpreted passives as actives, and errors increased with vocoded compared to natural speech. However, when familiar words were sentence-initial that weakened agent-first predictions, children accurately interpreted passives, with no signal-degradation effects. This demonstrates that signal quality interacts with interpretive processes during sentence comprehension, and the impacts of speech degradation are greatest when late-arriving information conflicts with predictions.Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) provides high-resolution acoustic imaging by processing coherently the backscattered signal recorded over consecutive pings as the bearing platform moves along a predefined path. Coherent processing requires accurate estimation and compensation of the platform's motion for high quality imaging. The motion of the platform carrying the SAS system can be estimated by cross-correlating redundant recordings at successive pings due to the spatiotemporal coherence of statistically homogeneous backscatter. This data-driven approach for estimating the motion of the SAS platform is essential when positioning information from navigational instruments is absent or inadequately accurate. Herein, the problem of platform motion estimation from coherence measurements of diffuse backscatter is formulated in a probabilistic framework. A variational autoencoder is designed to disentangle the ping-to-ping platform displacement from three-dimensional (3D) spatiotemporal coherence measurements. Unsupervised representation learning from unlabeled data offers robust 3D platform motion estimation. Including a small amount of labeled data during training improves further the platform motion estimation accuracy.The Burgers equation is a standard model for the propagation of progressive finite amplitude waves in a lossy medium. This paper is mainly devoted to the one-dimensional Burgers equation and its solution deduced from a convexification method. Its starting point is the Hopf-Cole solution in the inviscid limit, then the Legendre-Fenchel transform and the convex envelope construction are employed to obtain the single-value waveform. A fractional step method is used to numerically solve the Burgers equation in a segregated manner (nonlinearity and dissipation). Numerical results are obtained for nonlinear propagation of a wave packet with a Gaussian envelope and a narrowband noise (deterministic and non-deterministic signals). The convexification method provides a tool to solve the problems of nonlinear propagation, especially in the case of noise propagation with the formation and interaction (coalescence) of a large number of discontinuities (shocks).Tracking unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) in the presence of shipping traffic is a critical task for passive acoustic harbor security systems. In general, the vessels can be tracked by their unique acoustic signature caused by machinery vibration and cavitation noise. UNC0642 research buy However, cavitation noise of UUVs is quiet relative to that of ships. Furthermore, tracking a target with bearing-only measurements requires the observing platform to maneuver. In this work, it is demonstrated that it is possible to passively track an UUV from its high-frequency motor noise using a stationary array in a shallow-water experiment with passing boats. The motor noise provides high signal-to-noise ratio measurements of the bearing, range rate, and speed, which we combined in an unscented Kalman filter to track the target. First, beamforming is applied to estimate the bearing. Next, the range rate is calculated from the Doppler effect on the motor noise. The propeller rotation rate can be estimated from the motor signature and converted to the speed using a pre-identified model of the robot. The bearing-Doppler-speed measurements outperformed the traditional bearing-Doppler target motion analysis the bearing, bearing rate, range, and range rate accuracy improved by a factor of 2×, 16×, 3×, and 6×, respectively. Finally, the robustness of the tracking solution to an unknown vehicle model is evaluated.In this paper, an acoustic metamaterial, composed of rough neck embedded Helmholtz resonators, is proposed to achieve perfect sound absorption in the low-frequency range. The wall shape of the embedded neck in Helmholtz resonators can be adjusted to improve the low-frequency sound absorption performance of acoustic metamaterials. As a concern, a full-rough neck embedded Helmholtz resonator (FR-NEHR) is designed, which achieves perfect sound absorption (α>0.999) with a deep subwavelength thickness ( λ/44) at 150 Hz. A theoretical model is developed to predict the performance of the FR-NEHR, which is validated against the experimental measurement and numerical simulation. The results show that for the rough embedded neck, when the axial and circumferential roughness of the neck exist, the sound energy dissipation increases not only in the neck but also in the air cavity. As a result, the acoustic absorption peak value of the FR-NEHR increases 20.2%, and the peak position shifts 20.2% to a lower frequency. This work extends Maa's 50-year-old sound absorption theory from smooth channels to full-rough channels, further developing the traditional channel sound absorption theory. It provides useful guidance for the structural design of broadband low-frequency sound-absorbing metamaterials.In this work, the interactions between the axial translational motions and aspherical oscillations of two gas bubbles in an incompressible liquid are considered. Representing the surface function by the Legendre polynomial of first order, we derive a dynamic model to describe the motions of two aspherical bubbles in Lagrangian mechanics. An apple-shaped bubble from simulations based on the model can be well consistent with known experimental observation. The bubble appears as the shape of a sphere at maximum expansion. The maximum asymmetry of the bubbles occurs during collapse. The surface tension is a key factor to stable oscillatory deformation. It is also found that the aspherical amplitudes of two bubbles decrease with increasing distance or decreasing driving pressure.This paper investigates the feasibility of remotely generating a quiet zone in an acoustic free field using multiple parametric array loudspeakers (PALs). A primary sound field is simulated using point monopoles located randomly in a two-dimensional plane, or three-dimensional (3D) space, whereas the secondary sound field is generated by multiple PALs uniformly distributed around the circumference of a circle sitting on the same plane as the primary sources, or on the surface of a sphere for 3D space. A quiet zone size is defined as the diameter of the maximal circular zone within which the noise reduction is greater than 10 dB. The size of this quiet zone is found to be proportional to 0.19λN for N secondary sources with a wavelength λ when the primary and secondary sources are in the same plane, whereas it is found to be 0.55λN1/2 for the 3D case. The size of the quiet zones generated by PALs is similar to that observed with traditional omnidirectional loudspeakers; however, the effects of using PALs on the sound field outside the target zone is much smaller due to their sharp radiation directivity and slow decay rate along the propagation distance. Experimental results are also presented to validate these numerical simulations.Ocean sound speed and its uncertainty are estimated using travel-time tomography at ranges up to 2 km using a moving source in ∼600 m water depth. The experiment included two 32-element vertical line arrays deployed about 1 km apart and a towed source at ∼10 m depth transmitting a linear frequency modulated waveform. The inversion accounts for uncertainties in the positions and velocities of the source and receivers in addition to the background sound speed state. At these short ranges, the sound speed effects are small and the representational error of the candidate forward models must be carefully evaluated and minimized. This is tested stringently by a separate position parameter inversion and by cross-validating the estimates of sound speed and arrival time, including uncertainties. In addition, simulations are used to explore the effects of adding additional constraints to the inversion and to compare the performance of moving to fixed source tomography. The results suggest that the ray diversity available from the moving source reduces the posterior sound speed uncertainty compared to the fixed source case.Vortex-sheet (V-S) models of jets are widely used to describe the dynamics of modes, such as the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and guided acoustic waves. However, the absence of the free-stream acoustic modes in the V-S eigenspectrum is seldom pointed out in the literature. This family of modes is important if, for example, one is interested into the problems of sound emission or flow-acoustic interactions. In this work, it is shown how a distantly confined jet may be used as a surrogate problem for the free jet, in which the free-stream acoustic waves appear as a set of discrete modes. Comparing the modes observed in the free jet with those of the distantly confined jet, we show that other than the free-stream acoustic modes, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues converge exponentially with the wall distance. The proposed surrogate problem, thus, efficiently reproduces the dynamics of the original problem while accounting for the dynamics of the free-stream acoustic eigenmodes.

Autoři článku: Guzmanmccall5744 (Witt Trolle)