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Nitrogen requirements for modern agriculture far exceed the levels of bioavailable nitrogen in most arable soils. As a result, the addition of nitrogen fertilizer is necessary to sustain productivity and yields, especially for cereal crops, the planet's major calorie suppliers. Given the unsustainability of industrial fertilizer production and application, engineering biological nitrogen fixation directly at the roots of plants has been a grand challenge for biotechnology. Here, we designed and tested a potentially broadly applicable metabolic engineering strategy for the overproduction of ammonia in the diazotrophic symbiont Azospirillum brasilense. Our approach is based on an engineered unidirectional adenylyltransferase (uAT) that posttranslationally modifies and deactivates glutamine synthetase (GS), a key regulator of nitrogen metabolism in the cell. We show that this circuit can be controlled inducibly, and we leveraged the inherent self-contained nature of our posttranslational approach to demonstrate TANCE Nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient in modern agriculture. Free-living diazotrophs, such as Azospirillum, are common colonizers of cereal grasses and have the ability to fix nitrogen but natively do not release excess ammonia. Here, we used a rational engineering approach to generate ammonia-excreting strains of Azospirillum. Our design features posttranslational control of highly conserved central metabolism, enabling tunability and flexibility of circuit placement. We found that our strains promote the growth and health of the model grass S. viridis and rigorously demonstrated that in comparison to WT controls, our engineered strains can transfer nitrogen from 15N2 gas to plant biomass. Unlike previously reported ammonia-producing mutants, our rationally designed approach easily lends itself to further engineering opportunities and has the potential to be broadly deployable.Methanobactins (MBs) are small ( less then 1,300-Da) posttranslationally modified copper-binding peptides and represent the extracellular component of a copper acquisition system in some methanotrophs. Interestingly, MBs can bind a range of metal ions, with some being reduced after binding, e.g., Cu2+ reduced to Cu+. Other metal ions, however, are bound but not reduced, e.g., K+. The source of electrons for selective metal ion reduction has been speculated to be water but never empirically shown. Here, using H218O, we show that when MBs from Methylocystis sp. strain SB2 (MB-SB2) and Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b (MB-OB3) were incubated in the presence of either Au3+, Cu2, or Ag+, 18,18O2 and free protons were released. No 18,18O2 production was observed in the presence of either MB-SB2 or MB-OB3b alone, gold alone, copper alone, or silver alone or when K+ or Mo2+ was incubated with MB-SB2. In contrast to MB-OB3b, MB-SB2 binds Fe3+ with an N2S2 coordination and will also reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+. Iron reduction w methane concentrations are highest but also tolerate significant temporal fluctuations of this interface. Given that genomic surveys often show evidence of aerobic methanotrophs within anoxic zones, the ability to express MB (and thereby generate dioxygen) may be an important parameter in facilitating their ability to remove methane, a potent greenhouse gas, before it enters the atmosphere.Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) strains are the causative agents of severe foodborne diseases in both humans and animals. In this study, porcine pathogenic E. coli strains (n = 277) as well as porcine commensal strains (n = 188) were tested for their susceptibilities to 34 bacteriocin monoproducers to identify the most suitable bacteriocin types inhibiting porcine pathogens. Under in vitro conditions, the set of pathogenic E. coli strains was found to be significantly more susceptible to the majority of tested bacteriocins than commensal E. coli. Based on the production of bacteriocins with specific activity against pathogens, three potentially probiotic commensal E. coli strains of human origin were selected. These strains were found to be able to outcompete ETEC strains expressing F4 or F18 fimbriae in liquid culture and also decreased the severity and duration of diarrhea in piglets during experimental ETEC infection as well as pathogen numbers on the last day of in vivo experimentation. While the extents of the probiotic effect were different for each strain, the cocktail of all three strains showed the most pronounced beneficial effects, suggesting synergy between the tested E. coli strains. IMPORTANCE Increasing levels of antibiotic resistance among bacteria also increase the need for alternatives to conventional antibiotic treatment. Pathogenic Escherichia coli represents a major diarrheic infectious agent of piglets in their postweaning period; however, available measures to control these infections are limited. This study describes three novel E. coli strains producing antimicrobial compounds (bacteriocins) that actively inhibit a majority of toxigenic E. coli strains. The beneficial effect of three potentially probiotic E. coli strains was demonstrated under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. The novel probiotic candidates may be used as prophylaxis during piglets' postweaning period to overcome common infections caused by E. coli.Nitrogen limitation has been widely reported to affect the growth and development of fungi, and the transcription factor GCN4 (general control nonderepressible 4) is involved in nitrogen restriction. Here, we found that nitrogen limitation highly induced the expression of GCN4 and promoted the synthesis of ganoderic acid (GA), an important secondary metabolite in Ganoderma lucidum. The activated GCN4 is involved in regulating GA biosynthesis. In addition, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) also affects the synthesis of GA under nitrogen restrictions. The silencing of the gcn4 gene led to further accumulation of ROS and increased the content of GA. Further studies found that GCN4 activated the transcription of antioxidant enzyme biosynthesis genes gr, gst2, and cat3 (encoding glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferase, and catalase, respectively) through direct binding to the promoter of these genes to reduce the ROS accumulation. In conclusion, our study found that GCN4 directly interacts with the ROS signaling pathway to negatively regulate GA biosynthesis under nitrogen-limiting conditions. This provides an essential insight into the understanding of GCN4 transcriptional regulation of the ROS signaling pathway and enriches the knowledge of nitrogen regulation mechanisms in fungal secondary metabolism of G. lucidum. IMPORTANCE Nitrogen has been widely reported to regulate secondary metabolism in fungi. Our study assessed the specific nitrogen regulatory mechanisms in Ganoderma lucidum. We found that GCN4 directly interacts with the ROS signaling pathway to negatively regulate GA biosynthesis under nitrogen-limiting conditions. Our research highlights a novel insight that GCN4, the nitrogen utilization regulator, participates in secondary metabolism through ROS signal regulation. In addition, this also provides a theoretical foundation for exploring the regulation of other physiological processes by GCN4 through ROS in fungi.Laundering of textiles-clothing, linens, and cleaning cloths-functionally removes dirt and bodily fluids, which prevents the transmission of and reexposure to pathogens as well as providing odor control. Thus, proper laundering is key to controlling microbes that cause illness and produce odors. The practice of laundering varies from region to region and is influenced by culture and resources. This review aims to define laundering as a series of steps that influence the exposure of the person processing the laundry to pathogens, with respect to the removal and control of pathogens and odor-causing bacteria, while taking into consideration the types of textiles. Defining laundering in this manner will help better educate the consumer and highlight areas where more research is needed and how to maximize products and resources. The control of microorganisms during laundering involves mechanical (agitation and soaking), chemical (detergent and bleach), and physical (detergent and temperature) processes. Temperature plays the most important role in terms of pathogen control, requiring temperatures exceeding 40°C to 60°C for proper inactivation, while detergents play a role in reducing the microbial load of laundering through the release of microbes attached to fabrics and the inactivation of microbes sensitive to detergents (e.g., enveloped viruses). The use of additives (enzymes) and bleach (chlorine and activated oxygen) becomes essential in washes with temperatures below 20°C, especially for certain enteric viruses and bacteria. A structured approach is needed that identifies all the steps in the laundering process and attempts to identify each step relative to its importance to infection risk and odor production.The families of copper-containing membrane-bound monooxygenases (CuMMOs) and soluble di-iron monooxygenases (SDIMOs) are involved not only in methane oxidation but also in short-chain alkane oxidation. Here, we describe Rhodococcus sp. strain ZPP, a bacterium able to grow with ethane or propane as the sole carbon and energy source, and report on the horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of actinobacterial hydrocarbon monooxygenases (HMOs) of the CuMMO family and the sMMO (soluble methane monooxygenase)-like SDIMO in the genus Rhodococcus. The key function of HMO in strain ZPP for propane oxidation was verified by allylthiourea inhibition. The HMO genes (designated hmoCAB) and those encoding sMMO-like SDIMO (designated smoXYB1C1Z) are located on a linear megaplasmid (pRZP1) of strain ZPP. Comparative genomic analysis of similar plasmids indicated the mobility of these plasmids within the genus Rhodococcus. The plasmid pRZP1 in strain ZPP could be conjugatively transferred to a recipient Rhodococcus erythropolis strain in a mating experiment and showed similar ethane- and propane-consuming activities. Finally, our findings demonstrate that the horizontal transfer of plasmid-based CuMMO and SDIMO genes confers the ability to use ethane and propane on the recipient. IMPORTANCE CuMMOs and SDIMOs initiate the aerobic oxidation of alkanes in bacteria. Here, the supposition that horizontally transferred plasmid-based CuMMO and SDIMO genes confer on the recipient similar abilities to use ethane and propane was proposed and confirmed in Rhodococcus. This study is a living example of HGT of CuMMOs and SDIMOs and outlines the plasmid-borne properties responsible for gaseous alkane degradation. Our results indicate that plasmids can support the rapid evolution of enzyme-mediated biogeochemical processes.Precise prediction of drug absorption is key to the success of new drug development and efficacious pharmacotherapy. In this study, we developed a new absorption model, the advanced translocation model (ATOM), by extending our previous model, the translocation model. ATOM reproduces the translocation of a substance in the intestinal lumen using a partial differential equation with variable dispersion and convection terms to describe natural flow and micro-mixing within the intestine, under not only fasted but also fed conditions. In comparison with ATOM, it was suggested that a conventional absorption model, advanced compartmental absorption and transit model, tends to underestimate micro-mixing in the upper intestine, and it is difficult to adequately describe movements under the fasted and fed conditions. PCI-34051 in vivo ATOM explains the observed nonlinear absorption of midazolam successfully, with a minimal number of scaling factors. Furthermore, ATOM considers the apical and basolateral membrane permeabilities of enterocytes separately and assumes compartmentation of the lamina propria, including blood vessels, to consider intestinal blood flow appropriately.

Autoři článku: Griffithcrowder4532 (Berthelsen Karlsson)