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Objectives The nocturnal blood pressure (BP) is a strong predictor of hypertensive target organ damage including that in cardiovascular diseases. The use of ambulatory BP (ABP) monitoring has enabled the evaluation of nocturnal BP and detection of non-dippers. This study compared nocturnal BP values, nocturnal decline in BP, and the prevalence of non-dippers based on ABP and home BP (HBP) measurements in a general population. Methods Data on HBP measured with HEM 747-IC-N (Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd.) and 24-hour ABP measured with ABPM-630 (Nippon Colin) were obtained from fifty-five participants aged ≥ 20 years (mean age 65.1 years, 78.2% women). To exclude a systematic difference between the two methods, we conducted a validation study for HBP and ABP in another population that consisted of hypertensive outpatients (mean age 65.4 years, 53.4% women). Results After adjusting for the systematic difference in BP between the two methods calculated in the validation study (3.9 mmHg for systolic and 3.0 mmHg for diastolic), morning and daytime (average of morning and evening) HBP were significantly lower than morning (average of 2 h after waking) and daytime (average of being awake) ABP, respectively. No significant difference was found in nocturnal BP between HBP and ABP monitoring regardless of the quality of sleep during nocturnal HBP measurement. Agreement between HBP and ABP in the detection of non-dippers was low mainly due to the difference in daytime BP values. Conclusion HBP monitoring may be a reliable alternative to ABP for the assessment of nocturnal BP.Four previously undescribed hydroxypropionylated d-glucose derivatives, astrabhotins A-D (1-4), along with ten known compounds α-d-glucose (5), β-d-glucose (6), quebrachitol (7), 3-hydroxypropionic acid (8), oleic acid (9), isoliquiritigenin (10), liquiritigenin (11), odoratin (12), 7β-hydroxysitosterol (13) and daucosterol (14), were isolated from the roots of Astragalus bhotanensis. Their structures were elucidated based on the analyses of extensive spectroscopic data and physicochemical properties. Astrabhotin A (1) reduced the writhing response remarkably with 52.5% inhibition by acetic acid induced writhing test. The analgesic effect of 1 was stronger than the standard drug aspirin. In addition, compounds 1 and 3 showed significant antioxidant activities with IC50 values of 9.9 ± 0.2 and 7.9 ± 0.4 μg/mL, and exhibited weak or moderate cytotoxicity against HepG2 cells with IC50 values of 106.6 ± 2.7 and 42.0 ± 0.9 μg/mL, respectively.A new coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, was first discovered in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. As of April 7, 2020, the new coronavirus has spread quickly to 184 countries and aroused the attention of the entire world. No targeted drugs have yet been available for intervention and treatment of this virus. The sharing of academic information is crucial to risk assessment and control activities in outbreak countries. In this review, we summarize the epidemiological, genetic and clinical characteristics of the virus as well as laboratory testing and treatments to understand the nature of the virus. We hope this review will be helpful to prevent viral infections in outbreak countries and regions.Aim Identify factors patients consider regarding CYP2C19 genotyping test to guide choice of antiplatelet therapy. Patients & methods Patient's perception and attitude toward use of CYP2C19 genotyping test was gathered according to an interview guide. Thematic analysis was conducted. Results A total of 14 patients were interviewed. The main factors found to influence uptake of CYP2C19 genotyping test are, convenience of genotyping test (n = 4), physician's recommendation (n = 11), prior explanation of genetic testing by medical personnel (n = 5) and inclination toward clopidogrel, with three sub-factors; less frequent dosing (n = 3), lower cost (n = 7) and lower risk of bleeding (n = 9). Conclusion This study provided the information needed to develop a discrete choice experiment to empirically quantify patients' preference and willingness to pay for genetic testing and to simulate uptake.Long non-coding RNAs and microRNAs are functional regulators in tumour progression. Herein, we revealed the level LINC02163 was up-regulated in CRC tissues and cell lines, and the expression of LINC02163 negatively correlated with prognosis of CRC patients. Functional experiments demonstrated knockdown of LINC02163 significantly attenuated CRC cells proliferation and metastasis. Mechanism analysis showed miR-511-3p could bind LINC02163 and AKT3, and the expressional level of miR-511-3p negatively correlated with the abundance of LINC02163 and AKT3. Inhibition of LINC02163 suppressed cell proliferation, while transfection of miR-511-3p inhibitor or AKT3 in LINC02163-depletion cells restored cell growth and abolished the cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase. Therefore, it was indicated that LINC02163 exerted pro-tumour effect through miR-511-3p/AKT3 axis and was prognostic marker for colorectal cancer.Two triterpenes (14S,17S,20S,24R)-25-hydroxy-14,17-cyclo-20,24-epoxy-malabarican-3-one (CEM, 1a) and (14S,17S,20S,24R)-20,24,25-trihydroxy-14,17-cyclomalabarican-3-one (CM, 2a) with a cyclobutane ring were reported, which have the same NMR data as ocotillone (1b) and gardaubryone C (2b), respectively. An incorrect structure might be reported. Therefore, the structure reanalysis of these triterpenes was achieved by CASE algorithm and DFT chemical shift predictions, and the results showed that the structures of CEM and CM might be incorrect. To further verify the structure of compound 1, the HMBC, 1H-1H COSY and HSQC-TOCSY spectra were employed. Herein, we revised the structure of CEM and CM, and our study also showed that CASE algorithm and DFT chemical shift predictions can hold the post of effective structure reassignment method.The world is currently suffering through one the greatest crises of the last century. The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic is taking an enormous toll on public health and stretching medical resources in an unprecedented fashion. Our priorities are rightly focusing on meeting this existential threat. Nonetheless, we wish to call to attention that during major catastrophes the health consequences of chronic diseases, in particular cardiometabolic risk factors (CMRFs), continue unabated. In fact, new and serious problems arise part-and-parcel with the catastrophe and conspire to hamper our already imperfect ability to control CMRFs1,2. Our objective is to raise awareness that we need to anticipate (and not just be reactive to) the possible coming of a second crisis we term "disastrous CMRFs". This refers to the worsening of CMRFs and their control rates during and following a major disaster. Health care providers, in particular cardiologists, need to recognize the potential for this serious problem as it could promote a burgeoning of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality if not addressed. The COVID-19 pandemic should also serve as a wake-up call to the antiquated flaws in our healthcare model that collude to undermine the successful management of CMRFs in general. This current crisis can be a catalyst for optimizing practices and creating critical new capacities that will be beneficial moving forward and serve as a bulwark against future crises.Although connexins are known to be the major genetic factors associated with HI, only a few studies have investigated GJB4 and GJC3 variants among hearing-impaired patients. This study is the first to report GJB4 and GJC3 variants from an African HI cohort. We have demonstrated that GJB4 and GJC3 genes may not contribute significantly to HI in Ghana, hence these genes should not be considered for routine clinical screening in Ghana. However, it is important to study a larger population to determine the association of GJB4 and GJC3 variants with HI.Aim To evaluate the relative importance of CYP2C19 genotype-guided treatment attributes to patients. Patients & methods A discrete choice experiment questionnaire was administered to 63 patients with acute coronary syndrome. Attributes examined in the discrete choice experiment questionnaire were cost of genetic testing (S$50, S$100, S$200); cost of antiplatelet medication (S$100, S$500, S$1000); heart attack or stroke risk (5 in 100, 15 in 100, 25 in 100); bleeding risk (5 in 100, 15 in 100, 25 in 100); doctor's recommendation (yes, neutral). Mixed logit model was used for analysis. Results & conclusion All attributes were important in patients' decision-making. Most displayed strong preference for doctor's recommendation and reduced heart attack or stroke risk. Genotyping was chosen by 63.5% of the patients.The minor lipophilic composition of seed oils obtained from two medicinal plants (C. capsularis and H. sabdariffa L.), tocopherol, tocotrienols, sterols, carotenoids and squalene, was studied. The oil yield from the seeds of H. sabdariffa and C. capsularis was 19.1 and 12.7%, respectively. The main three fatty acids of the oils from both species were - linoleic, oleic, and palmitic acid (over 95% of all). γ-Tocopherol consisted of over 65% of total tocopherol content of four detected homologues, in both species. Nine and ten sterols were detected in H. sabdariffa and C. capsularis seed oil, respectively. β-Sitosterol was the main sterol (over 50% of all). Lutein was the main carotenoid detected in both species. The total amount of tocopherols, carotenoids and sterols in C. capsularis vs. H. sabdariffa seed oil were 117.2 vs. 159.2, 0.27 vs. 0.74, and 247.1 vs. 968.0 mg/100 g oil, respectively.The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted healthcare delivery worldwide. In hotspot areas such as Wuhan, Lombardy, and New York City, the disease has forced hospitals to focus on COVID-19 patients. Anecdotal reports have suggested that the pandemic has led to a decrease in patients presenting to these hospitals with serious cardiovascular and neurologic diseases such as ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and stroke. We sought to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency transfers for STEMI, stroke, and acute aortic emergencies within our regional health system.Information is needed for comparative assessment and agronomic practices for phytoavoidation in multi-pollutant field. A field study was conducted to explore 97 Brassica pekinensis L. genotypes with permissible limit of contaminants growing in a severely Cd, moderately nitrate and slightly Pb multi-polluted field. Thirteen genotypes, i.e. KGZY, CXQW, CAIB, JINL, JQIN, JFEN, WMQF, XLSH, TAIK, BJXS, JUKA, XYJQ and GQBW, were identified with permissible limit for nitrate, Cd and Pb based on their resistance to heavy metal and nitrate accumulation in leaves when grown in co-contaminated soils. Furthermore, the correlation between essential and toxic elements concentrations in plant of B. pekinensis were inconsistent. Generally speaking, application of increasing Ca, K and S fertilizers in appropriate forms and dosages tended to increase the yield and quality of B. pekinensis cultivated in multi-pollutant field.Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic associated with a high risk of mortality. Human serum albumin (HSA) is an acute phase reactant with antioxidant property; however, its behavior and impact on survival in COVID-19 patients have never been studied so far. Among 319 COVID-19 patients followed up for a median of 19 days, 64 died. Compared with survivors, nonsurvivors had more prevalence of intensive care unit (ICU) admission, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart failure, elevated levels of D-dimer, high-sensitivity C reactive protein (hs-CRP) and troponins, and lower values of albumin. At the Cox regression analysis, albumin (hazard ratio [HR] 0.38, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.23-0.63, p less then 0.001) and age (HR 1.03, 95% CI 1.01-1.06, p = 0.001) were independently associated with mortality, irrespective of adjustment for gender, ICU admission, heart failure, COPD, and hs-CRP levels. Our observation leads to the hypothesis that HSA analysis may be used to identify patients at higher risk of death in COVID-19 patients.This study investigated, soil salinity and moisture content under the exotic Tamarix in the Olifants River, South Africa, where they predominantly occur. Soil electro-conductivity (EC) was mapped using the electromagnetic induction (EMI) device (EM38 sensor), in three transects laid along the river from as close to the water source outward towards the bank of the River at 50 m apart. This was supported by three soil EC and moisture measurements from each of the three transects at a soil depth of 0-100 cm at intervals of 10 cm using soil EC meter and Amplitude Domain Reflectometry (ADR) sensor, respectively. The highest salt concertation (3,000 mS/m or 19,500 ppm) was found at a depth of 30-40 cm under the dense Tamarix species. The highest soil moisture (20-40%) was also found at the same depth under the Tamarix, suggesting a hydraulic lift of water to the top 30-40 cm, where the Tamarix fine roots for water absorption occur. It also confirms that the distance from water point and Tamarix plant density affect salt leaching depth and amount of litter decomposition, respectively, which is the main source of salt deposition in soil.ABSTRACT Nigeria has the highest burden of mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) worldwide. Pregnant women living with HIV in Nigeria face challenges adhering to antiretroviral therapy (ART). We explored the perspectives of pregnant women living with HIV, family members, friends and health professionals to understand adherence to ART. Pregnant women, family members, friends and health professionals recruited from four HIV treatment sites in Nigeria participated in semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Thematic analysis was conducted and themes and sub-themes were mapped against the Theory of Planned Behaviour comprising behavioural, normative and control beliefs. Overall, 74 participants took part in the study. Common behavioural beliefs comprised maintaining the mother's and unborn child's health and success of having HIV-negative children from previous pregnancies. Common normative beliefs involved partner and family support for medication taking and medication refill visits. Common control beliefs comprised fear of discrimination and stigmatisation. Results showed that adherence to ART in pregnancy is intricate. Hence, before interventions are developed to change adherence behaviours in pregnant women tailored strategies should be devised that address the salient beliefs that influence adherence during pregnancy.Objectives The current study focuses on the association between social anxiety (e.g. fear of social interactions or negative judgment by others) and intimate loneliness (lacking meaningful relationships, i.e. having low quantity/quality of intimate companionship) in older and younger adults. We assessed whether social anxiety, a factor which hampers intimacy, may be associated with intimate loneliness to a greater extent in older adults versus younger adults.Method Measures of loneliness (Revised UCLA loneliness scale) and social anxiety (Leibowitz social anxiety scale) were obtained from 342 participants (220 younger adults, age = 19-40, and 122 older adults, age = 61-89).Results Age differences were evident for non-intimate types of loneliness but not for intimate loneliness. Further, older adults were less socially anxious. Critically, the strength of the social anxiety-intimate loneliness link was more robust among older adults. Effects remained significant after controlling for demographic and computer/social media variables.Conclusions Older adults with high levels of social anxiety displayed greater intimate loneliness relative to younger adults. On a theoretical level, the results reveal that the pruning mechanism of investing more in closer and more rewarding relationships among older adults may be challenged under high social anxiety. The results suggest that older adults with higher intimate loneliness may benefit from interventions aimed at decreasing their social anxiety.Chronic pain and heavy drinking are common comorbid conditions among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). An integrated approach to address these co-occurring conditions in a manner that facilitates treatment utilization would represent an important advance in HIV-care. This study examined the acceptability and feasibility of a tailored, videoconferencing intervention to reduce chronic pain and heavy drinking among PLWHA. Participants in HIV-care (n = 8) completed baseline assessments and an in-person intervention session followed by 6 videoconferencing sessions. Acceptability and feasibility were assessed with patient satisfaction ratings and interview responses 8 weeks following baseline along with videoconferencing use during the intervention period. Treatment satisfaction and comprehensibility ratings were high and supported by interview responses indicating the value of the intervention content, treatment alliance, and format. All participants successfully enabled videoconferencing on their own smartphones and completed a median number of 4.5 (out of 6) video-sessions. Changes in heavy drinking and pain provided additional support for the potential utility of this approach. Results suggest that this videoconferencing intervention is an acceptable and feasible method of addressing chronic pain and heavy drinking among PLWHA. Findings provide the basis for future work to examine the efficacy of this approach in a Stage 1b trial.Farmland and mining ecotypes of the potential cadmium (Cd)-hyperaccumulator Solanum photeinocarpum were collected to study the effects of reciprocal grafting on the growth of, and Cd accumulation in, the post-grafting generations. The post generations of the following plant materials were evaluated in a pot experiment the un-grafted farmland ecotype, grafted plants with the farmland ecotype as the scion or the rootstock, the un-grafted mining ecotype, and grafted plants with the mining ecotype as the scion or the rootstock. The results showed that reciprocal grafting increased the biomass, the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and catalase, and the soluble protein content in the post-grafting generations of both ecotypes S. photeinocarpum. Reciprocal grafting also increased the Cd content in, and amount of Cd extracted by, the post-grafting generations of both ecotypes S. photeinocarpum as a result of lower soil pH and higher soil available Cd concentrations. Additionally, grafting affected the DNA methylation levels by inducing hypermethylation or demethylation in the post-grafting generation. Therefore, reciprocal grafting can enhance the Cd accumulation (phytoremediation) capacity of post-grafting generations of both ecotypes S. photeinocarpum by affecting DNA methylation levels.Selenoproteins incorporate the 21st amino acid selenocysteine into their polypeptide chain. Seven members of this family reside in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), controlling the redox and ionic environment to maintain proteostasis. Noteworthy, selenoprotein T (SELENOT) is the only ER-resident selenoprotein whose gene disruption induces embryonic lethality. As expected for essential genes, its structure is remarkably conserved across eukaryotes. Its thioredoxin-like domain supports selenosulfide/disulfide reactions, an oxidoreductase activity which is essential to maintain ER redox homeostasis. Reduction of SELENOT expression in transgenic cell and animal models leads to an accumulation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, depletion of Ca2+ stores, and activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Expectedly, hormone secretion is impaired in endocrine and neuroendocrine cells due to ER stress. When ER stress could not be alleviated, cell viability is compromised. Mechanistically, SELENOT is anchored to the ER membrane and is able to bind the STT3A-type oligosaccharyltransferase complex in order to regulate N-glycan occupancy of specific substrates including glycohormones and GPI-anchored proteins which have key roles in cell adhesion and communication. Given the importance of limiting the ER stress that occurs in different pathologies such as neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, metabolic and immune diseases, further work should be performed to better understand the role of SELENOT, and to design small mimetics such as selenopeptides to improve ER proteostasis and to prevent ER stress. In this review, we present the current state-of-art on the role of SELENOT in ER homeostasis, based on our observations that SELENOT is essential to alleviate ER stress.Background Measurement of testosterone (T), androstenedione (A4) and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) usually requires a venous serum sample which may have implications for sample stability or collection. Objective A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay was developed for samples collected using Mitra devices. Analytical validation was completed, and sample comparisons were undertaken to assess Mitra versus venous samples. Method Sample was combined with deionized water and internal standard. After mixing, MTBE was added for extraction. The supernatant was transferred to a deep-well plate and dried prior to re-constitution. A HSS T3 column and Waters TQS Micro was used, the detected quantifier transitions were T m/z 289.2 > 96.95, A4 287.2 > 96.95 and 17OHP 331.25 > 96.95. Results Mean recovery was 102% for T, 98% for A4 and 97% for 17OHP. Lower limit of quantification was 1 nmol/L for T/A4 and 4 nmol/L for 17OHP. T was linear up to 41.6 nmol/L, A4 41.9 nmol/L and 17OHP 72.6 nmol/L. Ion suppression was less then 10% for all analytes. A4 and 17OHP showed minimal bias for Mitra samples collected from finger prick blood. The bias for T differed between capillary and venous blood, indicating differences in constituency. Discussion A simple, fast and reproducible LC-MS/MS assay has been developed for measurement of blood collected using Mitra devices for T, A4 and 17OHP. Further comparisons with serum and capillary blood collected onto Mitra devices serum may pave the way for future use in a clinical setting.Aims Doxorubicin cardiomyopathy is a lethal pathology characterized by oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and contractile impairment, leading to cell death. Although extensive research has been done to understand the pathophysiology of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy, no effective treatments are available. We investigated whether monoamine oxidases (MAOs) could be involved in doxorubicin-derived oxidative stress, and in the consequent mitochondrial, cardiomyocyte and cardiac dysfunction. Results We used neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVMs), and adult mouse ventricular myocytes (AMVMs). Doxorubicin alone (i.e., 0.5 µM doxorubicin) or in combination with H2O2 induced an increase in mitochondrial formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), that was prevented by the pharmacological inhibition of MAOs in both NRVMs and AMVMs. The pharmacological approach was supported by the genetic ablation of MAO-A in NRVMs. In addition, doxorubicin-derived ROS caused lipid peroxidation and alterations in mitochondrial function (i.e., mitochondrial membrane potential, permeability transition, redox potential), mitochondrial morphology (i.e., mitochondrial distribution and perimeter), sarcomere organization, intracellular [Ca2+] homeostasis, and eventually cell death. All these dysfunctions were abolished by MAO inhibition. Of note, in vivo MAO inhibition prevented chamber dilation and cardiac dysfunction in doxorubicin-treated mice. Innovation and Conclusion This study demonstrates that the severe oxidative stress induced by doxorubicin requires the involvement of MAOs, that modulate mitochondrial ROS generation. MAO inhibition provides evidence that mitochondrial ROS formation is causally linked to all disorders caused by doxorubicin in vitro and in vivo. Based upon these results, MAO inhibition represents a novel therapeutic approach for doxorubicin cardiomyopathy.Molecular processes within cells have traditionally been studied with biochemical methods due to their high degree of specificity and ease of use. In recent years, cell-based assays have gained more and more popularity since they facilitate the extraction of mode of action, phenotypic, and toxicity information. However, to provide specificity, cellular assays rely heavily on biomolecular labels and tags while label-free cell-based assays only offer holistic information about a bulk property of the investigated cells. Here, we introduce a cell-based assay for protein-protein interaction analysis. We achieve specificity by spatially ordering a membrane protein of interest into a coherent pattern of fully functional membrane proteins on the surface of an optical sensor. Thereby, molecular interactions with the coherently ordered membrane proteins become visible in real time, while nonspecific interactions and holistic changes within the living cell remain invisible. Due to its unbiased nature, this new cell-based detection method presents itself as an invaluable tool for cell signaling research and drug discovery.The presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) near the surface of a Cu electrode promotes the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to fuels. CTAB increases the CO2 reduction rate by as much as 10× and decreased the HER rate by 4×, leading to ∼75% selectivity toward the reduction of CO2. Surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) was used to probe the effects of CTAB adsorption on the structure of interfacial water and CO2 reduction intermediates. HER suppression was found to arise from the displacement of interfacial water molecules from CTAB adsorption within the double layer. The enhanced CO2 reduction rate can be correlated to an increased population of atop-bound CO and the emergence of a low frequency atop-CO band. These results unravel the role of additives in improving CO2-to-fuels electrocatalysis and establishing this as a powerful methodology for directing product selectivity.We have discovered a new mode of reactivity of 1-thiosugars in the presence of Cu(II) or Co(II) for a stereoselective O-glycosylation reaction. The process involves the use of a catalytic amount of Cu(acac)2 or Co(acac)2 and Ag2CO3 as an oxidant in α,α,α-trifluorotoluene. Moreover, this protocol turned out to have a broad scope, allowing the preparation of a wide range of complex substituted O-glycoside esters in good to excellent yields with an exclusive 1,2-trans-selectivity. The late-stage modification of pharmaceuticals by this method was also demonstrated. To obtain a closer insight into the reaction mechanism, cyclic voltammetry was performed.Synthetic immune-stimulatory drugs such as agonists of the Toll-like receptors (TLR) 7/8 are potent activators of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), however, they also induce severe side effects due to leakage from the site of injection into systemic circulation. Here, we report on the design and synthesis of an amphiphilic polymer-prodrug conjugate of an imidazoquinoline TLR7/8 agonist that in aqueous medium forms vesicular structures of 200 nm. The conjugate contains an endosomal enzyme-responsive linker enabling degradation of the vesicles and release of the TLR7/8 agonist in native form after endocytosis, which results in high in vitro TLR agonist activity. In a mouse model, locally administered vesicles provoke significantly more potent and long-lasting immune stimulation in terms of interferon expression at the injection site and in draining lymphoid tissue compared to a nonamphiphilic control and the native TLR agonist. Moreover, the vesicles induce robust activation of dendritic cells in the draining lymph node in vivo.A protocol for FeCl2-catalyzed oxidative decarbonylative α-alkylation of acyl furans using alkyl aldehydes as the alkylating agents has been developed. This protocol affords α-alkyl-α-acylfurans in moderate to good yields in a practical and sustainable fashion. Mechanistic studies suggest that the reaction proceeds via generation of an alkyl radical from the alkyl aldehyde, addition of the radical to the furan ring, and subsequent rearomatization.Atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are carried out to examine the effect of molecular weight Mw (= 0.6, 0.86, 1.12, and 2.15 kDa) and pH (or equivalently, degree of ionization, α+ = 0, 50, and 100%) on the structure, state of hydration, and dynamics of linear and branched poly(ethylene imine) (PEI) chains in infinitely dilute salt-free aqueous solutions. It is found that the degree of ionization is the key factor determining the type of molecular conformation adopted by PEI, regardless of molecular architecture and chain length, resulting in a stable trans conformation for fully ionized solutions and in a stable gauche+/gauche- state for neutral or alternate ionized ones; in the latter case, a strong electrolyte behavior is verified for both linear and branched PEI. Linear PEI is observed to be significantly stiffer than branched PEI of the same molecular weight at 100% degree of ionization, but the effect subsides as the degree of ionization decreases. Also, linear PEI diffuses markedly slower than branched PEI of the same Mw. From the MD results, scaling exponents are deduced and reported for the conformation, solvent-accessible surface area, and dynamics of the two different PEI structures with Mw.Diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS) is an effective strategy for the quick creation of diverse and high three-dimensional compounds from simple starting materials. The selection of a starting material is the key to constructing useful, chemically diverse compound libraries for the development of new drugs. Here, we report a novel, general, and facile strategy for the creation of diverse compounds with high structural diversity from readily available natural products, such as zerumbone, as the synthetic starting material. Zerumbone is the major component of the essential oil from wild ginger, Zingiber zerumbet Smith. It is noteworthy that zerumbone has a powerful latent reactivity, partly because of its three double bonds, two conjugated and one isolated, and a double conjugated carbonyl group in an 11-membered ring structure. In fact, zerumbone has been shown to be a successful example of natural material-related DOS (NMRDOS). We will report that zerumbone can be converted in one chemical step from four zerumbone derivatives into rare and markedly different scaffolds by transannulation.Two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides possess inherent structural characteristics that can be harnessed for enhancement of tribological properties by making them dispersible in lube media. Here, we present a hydrothermal approach to preparing MoS2 nanosheets comprising 4-10 molecular lamellae. A structural-defect-mediated route for grafting of octadecylamine (ODA) on MoS2 nanosheets is outlined. The unsaturated d orbitals of Mo at the sulfur vacancies on the MoS2 surface are coupled with the electron-rich nitrogen center of ODA and yield ODA-functionalized MoS2 (MoS2-ODA). The MoS2-ODA nanosheets exhibit good dispersibility in lube base oil and are used as an additive (optimized dose 0.1 mg·mL-1) to mineral oil. It is shown that even at low concentration, MoS2-ODA nanosheets significantly reduce the friction (48%) and wear (44%). Microscopy (field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM)) and spectroscopy (Raman and elemental mapping) analyses of worn scars revealed the formation of MoS2-based protective thin films for lowering of friction and wear. This work, therefore, presents a pathway for low-friction lubricants by deploying functionalized low-dimensional material systems.This paper emphasizes the synthesis of novel hybrid drug nanoparticles (Hyb-D-AuNPs) based on gold-temozolomide (TMZ) complexes combined with gemcitabine (GEM) and decitabine (DAC) to improve the efficiency and reduce the resistance of U87 malignant glial cells against TMZ. All products were evaluated by several spectroscopic techniques (Raman, UV-Vis) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Besides, for therapeutic purposes, the effect of these nanoparticles on cell proliferation and toxicity was evaluated, which clearly showed a synergic action of TMZ and GEM. Through the analysis of the exometabolome by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), the metabolic changes in the culture medium were measured in glial cells. Moreover, these nanoparticles are especially appropriated to the thermal destruction of cancer in the case of photothermal therapy due to their photothermal heating properties. This study presents an original chemical approach that it could play a central role in the field of nanomedicine, with novel perspectives for the development of new drugs and active targeting in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cancer therapy.To build a sustainable society, it is of significant importance but highly challenging to develop remalleable, healable, and biodegradable polymeric materials with integrated high strength and high toughness. Here, we report a superstrong and ultratough sustainable supramolecular polymeric material with a toughness of ca. 282.3 J g-1 (395.2 MJ m-3) in combination with a tensile strength as high as ca. 104.2 MPa and a Young's modulus of ca. 3.53 GPa. The toughness is even higher than that of the toughest spider silk (ca. 354 MJ m-3) ever found in the world, while the material also exhibits a superior tensile strength over most engineering plastics. This material is fabricated by topological confinement of the biodegradable linear polymer of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) via the naturally occurring dendritic molecules of tannic acid (TA) based on high-density hydrogen bonds. Simply blending TA and PVA in aqueous solutions at acidic conditions leads to the formation of TA-PVA complexes as precipitates, which can be lity and broad applicability.Background To assess the prevalence of masked hypertension (MH) in young Saudi National Guard soldiers based on 24h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Methods A prospective study of 196 soldiers, aged between 21-50 years, without a history of hypertension or antihypertensive medication use. Each participant was fitted with a 24h- ABPM. Patients were considered to have MH if the office blood pressure (OBP) was less then 140/90 mm Hg and the 24h-ABPM average was ≥130/80 mm Hg. Results The mean age of the MH group was 34.5 years compared to 32.4 years of the normotensive group. By pairing the average OBP with the 24h-ABPM, the prevalence of MH was estimated to be 29/196 (14.8%), with the SBP (systolic blood pressure) and DPB MH (diastolic blood pressure) prevalence 12.8% and 7.7%, respectively. For the systolic blood pressure, the OBP compared with the 24h-ABPM was 120.0 ± 8.1 vs. 134.7 ± 4.5 (p less then 0.001) and for the diastolic blood pressure, 70.7 ± 7.0 vs. 79.9 ± 4.2 (p less then 0.001). Conclusions The prevalence of MH among this sample of healthy military soldiers was 14.8%. It is important not to rely solely on the OBP and to consider MH when screening for hypertension in apparently healthy individuals.Introduction Type A aortic dissection (AAD) is a life-threatening disease with very high mortality. The gold standard treatment is surgical, as medical treatment has been proven to be ineffective. It is still unclear the role of pre-operative neurological dysfunction in the prognosis of the patient. Therefore, the choice of performing surgery in patients with neurological symptoms is still left to the surgeon at the time of the diagnosis. The aim of this study is to make a narrative review of the current literature about the management of patients with neurological symptoms in AAD patients. Evidence acquisition A bibliographical research was performed on PubMed, looking for papers containing the words "(preoperative neurological symptoms in type a aortic dissection) OR brain injury type A aortic dissection) AND ("2010"[Date - Publication] "3000"[Date - Publication])". A total of 35 papers were found. Evidence synthesis A total of 6 papers were chosen to be reviewed. All of them concluded that even patients with severe neurological symptoms (up to comatose state) had a good chance to recover neurological functions after surgery if treated in the first hours from the onset of symptoms. Interestingly, a hemorrhagic stroke was rarely found. Conclusions Pre-operative neurological dysfunction have been long considered a contro-indication to surgery. Nevertheless, several authors show neurological and survival good results in patients with pre-operative neurological dysfunction. They also stress the importance of surgical timing finding in 5 to 10 hours the surgical time limit to improve neurological dysfunction. A pre-operative neurological dysfunction could be considered a strong advise to surgical intervention. It is time to change and consider prompt surgery not only for survival but also for cerebral protection.Background Hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) is an important component of residual risk. The knowledge regarding its treatment might not be at a desired level, which might prevent patients from receiving the maximum benefit. We aimed to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of Turkish cardiologists who responded to a survey regarding HTG treatment. Methods A multiple-choice survey was conducted to analyse Turkish cardiologists' management of HTG. The questionnaire was submitted by the Turkish Society of Cardiology to all its members. Results A total of 160 cardiologists responded to the survey. The mean age was 37.5 ± 8.5 years, and 35 (21.9%) of the participants were female. Most of the participants (88%) thought HTG was a risk factor, and 75% of them felt confident in diagnosing and treating HTG. Patient compliance (41%), polypharmacy (33%), and lack of treatment options (15%) were the most common problems obstructing treatment of HTG. A proportion of 96% of the participants knew about non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is a good surrogate marker of atherogenic dyslipidaemia; however, only 39% were using it as a treatment goal. In the case of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol at goal but with HTG (residual risk), the first choice for treatment was fibrates (94%). Half of cardiologists had never used omega-3 fatty acids as a treatment option. Conclusions Although most of the participating cardiologists felt competent treating HTG, there was a knowledge gap in the treatment of atherogenic dyslipidaemia and management of residual risk. Evidence of the benefit of lowering triglycerides from cardiovascular outcome trials is eagerly awaited. There is also an unmet need of increasing patient compliance and managing polypharmacy.Introduction The brutal occurrence of a stroke upsets the life of a parent, within his or her family and circle of friends. Context The lack of medical-social interventions and support from a health professional for parents who have suffered a stroke forces family caregivers to provide care for their parents. The aim of this study is to describe and understand the subjective lived experience of family caregivers of stroke patients in such a context. Method Using a clinical method and interpretative phenomenological analysis, eight clinical interviews were conducted at home with four family caregivers (two interviews per caregiver) from two separate families (two caregivers per family), recruited at the neurology unit in the internal medicine department at Yaoundé military hospital. Results Throughout the whole care process, family caregivers have a difficult experience, with painful affects and psychological fatigue. They are forced into subjugation by unconscious alliances through the quality of the bond they have with the parent who has had the stroke. The strengthening of this bond enables them to avoid the risk of psychological and relational collapse.In recent years, professional skills and the nursing profession in France have undergone major transformations. These have included the recognition of advanced nursing practice and its implementation in 2018, and the creation by the National Council of Universities in 2019 of a “Nursing” section (n° 92), which has paved the way for the development of research and teaching in nursing in an academic environment in France.To support these transformations, the Association de recherche en soins infirmiers (Arsi) (Nursing Research Association) has for several years been organizing seminars and symposia. The seminar “The discipline of nursing  Knowledge, teaching, and care,” held on November 16, 2019 in Paris, was a continuation of those organized in 2014 and 2016.This seminar focused on the acquisition of nursing knowledge, in particular through the analysis of clinical situations using two middle-range theories  comfort and symptom management.The first part of this article describes the objectives and the working methodology of the seminar. The second part provides a recap of the theoretical foundations, while the third and final part presents the results of what the workshops participants produced.While complexity theory has gradually influenced the field of health and social sciences, it has also had an impact on nursing care by introducing a wealth of terminology into the field. The terms “complex patient,” “complex case,” “complex care,” “complex practice,” and “complex needs” have been proposed to describe different aspects of complexity in nursing care. As these qualifiers reflect, nurses become actors in multidefined care and must integrate complexity into their reflective practice. By way of a narrative literature review, this article aims to offer a new perspective on nursing by explaining the different terms used in the discipline, using a multi-level approach. At the end of this review, the authors propose a new integrative conceptual framework for complexity in nursing practice.Nursing research continues to grow and become self-sustaining. It was in this context that we received funding from the Hospital Program for Nursing and Paramedical Research for our research project on schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects 1% of the general population, and is a crippling disease both cognitively and socially. Cognitive remediation and therapeutic education are nursing practices deemed suitable for the psychosocial rehabilitation of schizophrenia patients. We hypothesized that a therapeutic education program placed upstream of cognitive remediation would have beneficial effects. We planned to include eighty patients aged eighteen to sixty, randomized into two groups, one combining cognitive remediation and therapeutic education, the second using just cognitive remediation. Each patient was assessed using a range of neuropsychological scales. Due to difficulties encountered in including and following up with participants, our statistical results could not be used. We therefore turned our focus to the factors that facilitate and hinder the setting up of a nursing research project. We organized these factors into three areas those related to the nurse ; those related to the care facility and the organization ; and those related to the research. The results were consistent with the literature and show how important it is to encourage nurses to be more involved in a scientific approach.Introduction In critical care units, improper alarm settings for bedside monitoring systems promotes numerous alarms and may lead to nurse fatigue. Purpose Achieve an integrative review of the literature to identify the factors that influence the nurse in her decision to set and modulate the alarm parameters of bedside monitoring systems in the intensive care unit. Method An integrative review of the literature according to the five steps of the Whittemore and Knafl method was carried out from the literature related to the field of critical care. Results The factors related to the nurse’s decision to set or modulate the alarm parameters of the monitoring systems are divided into two themes personal factors and contextual factors. Discussion Certain factors identified in this integrative review were also identified as elements that contribute to the clinical surveillance process carried out by expert nurses in a critical care context. Conclusion The results of this study suggest the need to focus empirically on the factors influencing the nurse’s decision to adjust and modulate alarm parameters in critical care monitoring systems.Context The elder population is growing up and sexual and gender diversity older adults (SGDOA) live discrimination from healthcare professionals. In this context, this scoping review sought to describe the extent of knowledge about nursing practice among SGDOA and to synthesize the implications for clinical nursing practice. Method The scoping review method according to the framework of Peters et al. of the Joanna Briggs Institute has been adopted. Results The recommendations were grouped into five axes raising awareness of the existence of SGDOA, their historical context and their health problems ; refrain from heterocissexist and heterocisnormative assumptions by adopting an inclusive language and an open attitude ; support SGDOA and their caregivers or their family of choice ; create a safe and confidential environment ; and promote the inclusion of SGDOA in the health care system. Conclusion The results could be used by nurses and other health professionals to optimize the quality of care for SGDOA and to promote their inclusion.Many health programs provide “counseling” services that aim to support clients in their self-care. Although the concept of adapted education for the elderly is important for nursing practice, there is currently no consensus of its definition. An analysis of “adapted education for the elderly” following the six steps of Rodgers’ evolutionary approach was conducted in order to identify the essential characteristics of the concept and to define its use in nursing. A literature review drawing upon several databases (Abstract in Social Gerontology, AgeLine, CINAHL, ERIC, and PsycINFO) identified twenty-six papers on this subject published between 1988 and 2016. After analysis, four key characteristics were identified to describe the concept the uniqueness of the older learner, the presence of a competent and aware educator, the four-step process of the session, and the use of adapted teaching strategies for the older learner. Finally, the use of this concept in nursing remains erratic. To facilitate its operationalization, more studies and theories must be developed on the subject.Background In France, home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is managed by two parallel healthcare systems in approved specialist centers (HPN > 12 weeks), and outside of these approved specialist centers (HPN less then 12 weeks). Objective To prospectively evaluate infectious and vascular complications in adult cancer patients undergoing HPN administered via a central venous line, outside of approved specialist HPN centers. Methods Our observational prospective study included adult patients with cancer, hospitalized for 48 hours or more, and under HPN. They had a WHO performance status of ≤ 2 and had had a nutritional consultation before discharge. Results 25 patients were included in the study, with a median age of 63 years [19–74]. Weight loss of ≥ 5% was reported in 79% of patients. The Ingesta score was less then 7 in 96% of cases. 87% of patients presented chill or body temperature variation episodes, with a median of 2 episodes [1–6] per patient. The median delay between end of hospitalization and the first chill episode was 11 days [1–85]. A vascular complication (obstruction without thrombosis) was reported in one patient. Discussion This high number of infectious episodes requires improvement of patient care when it comes to strictly adhering to the recommendations. Getting the approved specialist HPN centers to work together and share care protocols could be the first important step.Background Despite the extensive use of mixed methods across health sciences, there has been a limited discussion about the methodological rigour and quality in mixed methods research (MMR). Although the empirical and methodological literature about mixed methods is increasing, there are few practical examples of the implementation of rigour criteria. Aim To discuss and illustrate the application of 'legitimation criteria' to the design and conduct of a sequential exploratory MMR study of nurse educators' challenges when teaching undergraduate students. Discussion The legitimation criteria can establish philosophical and methodological validity and rigour in MMR. MMR is complex and daunting, so maintaining rigour is crucial in ensuring the conclusions drawn are plausible and researchers, practitioners and policymakers use them to guide research and practice. Conclusion The legitimation criteria are specific to MMR and are useful in improving the conduct and execution of studies. They enable researchers to maintain quality throughout their studies, from the development of a research question to the generation of conclusions. Implications for practice This illustration of the legitimation criteria for the design and conduct of MMR will guide researchers in establishing rigour and lessen the threats to their studies' validity.When making prescribing decisions, it is important for healthcare professionals to remember that individual patients may respond differently to medicines. For example, some patients may experience a therapeutic benefit while others may experience an adverse drug reaction. The aim of personalised medicine is to tailor treatment based not only on a patient's clinical factors, but also on their genetic profile. Pharmacogenomics is a branch of personalised medicine that is concerned with how differences in people's genomes affect their response to medicines. Pharmacogenomic testing, which recently has become less expensive and increasingly available, can inform nurses' prescribing decisions and improve patient outcomes. This article discusses personalised medicine and pharmacogenomics, including how pharmacogenomic testing can optimise medicine prescribing, and explains the role of nurses in the process.Objective The current study reported a case series to illustrate the early computed tomography (CT) findings of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in pediatric patients. Materials and methods All pediatric patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19 and who underwent CT scan in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University from January 20, 2020 to February 28, 2020 were included in the current study. Data on clinical and CT features were collected and analyzed. Results Four children were included in the current study. All of them were asymptomatic throughout the disease course (ranging from 7 days to 15 days), and none of them showed abnormalities in blood cell counts. Familial cluster was the main transmission pattern. Thin-section CT revealed abnormalities in three patients, and one patient did not present with any abnormal CT findings. Unilateral lung involvement was observed in two patients, and one patient showed bilateral lung involvement. In total, five small lesions were identified, including ground-glass opacity (n = 4) and consolidation (n = 1).

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