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Nevertheless, the transcriptome presented here provides a sound basis for future ecophysiological research on harpacticoid copepods. This article is part of the theme issue 'The next horizons for lipids as 'trophic biomarkers' evidence and significance of consumer modification of dietary fatty acids'.Eggs of marine organisms are increasingly being recognized as important components of marine food webs. The degree to which egg fatty acid profiles reflect maternal diet fatty acid profiles, and therefore the value of fatty acids in eggs as trophic biomarkers, depends on the species' reproductive strategy and the extent of modification of ingested fatty acids. We measured the dynamics of transfer of recently ingested fatty acids to spawned eggs in a batch-spawning teleost, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Results of 21 diet-shift experiments, from which the fatty acid profiles of the diets and eggs were compared, showed that 15 of 27 fatty acids measured (one saturated, two monounsaturated and 12 polyunsaturated fatty acids) in eggs were correlated with their levels in the recent diet, and the rate of incorporation into eggs was proportional to the magnitude of the diet shift. Large shifts in diet might occur naturally during spawning migrations or when prey communities vary over time. Results of this study indicate that fatty acids in red drum eggs can be useful for studying adult diet and exploring trophic linkages in marine systems. This article is part of the theme issue 'The next horizons for lipids as 'trophic biomarkers' evidence and significance of consumer modification of dietary fatty acids'.Omega-3 (ω3 or n-3) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), including eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), play physiologically important roles in vertebrates. These compounds have long been believed to have originated almost exclusively from aquatic (mostly marine) single-cell organisms. Yet, a recent study has discovered that many invertebrates possess a type of enzymes called methyl-end desaturases (ωx) that enables them to endogenously produce n-3 long-chain PUFA and could make a significant contribution to production of these compounds in the marine environment. Polychaetes are major components of benthic fauna and thus important to maintain a robust food web as a recycler of organic matter and a prey item for higher trophic level species like fish. In the present study, we investigated the ωx enzymes from the common ragworm, Hediste diversicolor, a common inhabitant in sedimentary littoral ecosystems of the North Atlantic. Functional assays of the H. diversicolor ωx demonstrated unique desaturation capacities. An ω3 desaturase mediated the conversion of n-6 fatty acid substrates into their corresponding n-3 products including DHA. read more A further enzyme possessed unique regioselectivities combining both ω6 and ω3 desaturase activities. These results illustrate that the long-chain PUFA biosynthetic enzymatic machinery of aquatic invertebrates such as polychaetes is highly diverse and clarify that invertebrates can be major contributors to fatty acid trophic upgrading in aquatic food webs. This article is part of the theme issue 'The next horizons for lipids as 'trophic biomarkers' evidence and significance of consumer modification of dietary fatty acids'.A priori knowledge of fatty acid modifications in consumers is essential for studies using fatty acids as biomarkers. We investigated fatty acid metabolism and possible modification pathways in benthic invertebrate Chironomus riparius larvae (Diptera). We conducted diet manipulation experiments using natural food sources (two chlorophyte algae, a diatom and a non-toxic cyanobacterium). We also did a diet-switch experiment on two different resources, fish food flakes TetraMin® and cyanobacterium Spirulina, to study fatty acid turnover in Chironomus. Results of the diet manipulation experiments indicate that Chironomus larvae have a strong tendency to biosynthesize 205n-3 and 204n-6 from precursor fatty acids, and that the dietary availability of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) does not control larval growth. Fatty acid modifications explain why low dietary availability of PUFA did not significantly limit growth. This has ecologically relevant implications on the role of benthic chironomids in conveying energy to upper trophic level consumers. A diet-switch experiment showed that the turnover rate of fatty acids in Chironomus is relatively fast--a few days. The compositional differences of algal diets were large enough to separate Chironomus larvae into distinct groups even if significant modification of PUFA was observed. In summary, fatty acids are excellent dietary biomarkers for Chironomus, if modifications of PUFA are considered, and will provide high-resolution data on resource use. This article is part of the theme issue 'The next horizons for lipids as 'trophic biomarkers' evidence and significance of consumer modification of dietary fatty acids'.Biochemical food quality constraints affect the performance of consumers and mediate trait variation among and within consumer species. To assess inter- and intraspecific differences in fatty acid retention and conversion in freshwater rotifers, we provided four strains of two closely related rotifer species, Brachionus calyciflorus sensu stricto and Brachionus fernandoi, with food algae differing in their fatty acid composition. The rotifers grazed for 5 days on either Nannochloropsis limnetica or Monoraphidium minutum, two food algae with distinct polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) profiles, before the diets were switched to PUFA-free Synechococcus elongatus, which was provided for three more days. We found between- and within-species differences in rotifer fatty acid compositions on the respective food sources and, in particular, highly specific acclimation reactions to the PUFA-free diet. The different reactions indicate inter- but also intraspecific differences in physiological traits, such as PUFA retention, allocation and bioconversion capacities, within the genus Brachionus that are most likely accompanied by differences in their nutritional demands. Our data suggest that biochemical food quality constraints act differently on traits of closely related species and of strains of a particular species and thus might be involved in shaping ecological interactions and evolutionary processes. This article is part of the theme issue 'The next horizons for lipids as 'trophic biomarkers' evidence and significance of consumer modification of dietary fatty acids'.

Autoři článku: Greenwoodtranberg9659 (Salisbury Lindhardt)