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Recently, self-supervised learning has proved to be effective to learn representations of events suitable for temporal segmentation in image sequences, where events are understood as sets of temporally adjacent images that are semantically perceived as a whole. However, although this approach does not require expensive manual annotations, it is data hungry and suffers from domain adaptation problems. As an alternative, in this work, we propose a novel approach for learning event representations named Dynamic Graph Embedding (DGE). The assumption underlying our model is that a sequence of images can be represented by a graph that encodes both semantic and temporal similarity. The key novelty of DGE is to learn jointly the graph and its graph embedding. At its core, DGE works by iterating over two steps 1) updating the graph representing the semantic and temporal similarity of the data based on the current data representation, and 2) updating the data representation to take into account the current data graph structure. The main advantage of DGE over state-of-the-art self-supervised approaches is that it does not require any training set, but instead learns iteratively from the data itself a low-dimensional embedding that reflects their temporal and semantic similarity. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets of real image sequences captured at regular time intervals demonstrate that the proposed DGE leads to event representations effective for temporal segmentation. In particular, it achieves robust temporal segmentation on the EDUBSeg and EDUBSeg-Desc benchmark datasets, outperforming the state of the art. Additional experiments on two Human Motion Segmentation benchmark datasets demonstrate the generalization capabilities of the proposed DGE.As a natural way for human-computer interaction, fixation provides a promising solution for interactive image segmentation. In this paper, we focus on Personal Fixations-based Object Segmentation (PFOS) to address issues in previous studies, such as the lack of appropriate dataset and the ambiguity in fixations-based interaction. In particular, we first construct a new PFOS dataset by carefully collecting pixel-level binary annotation data over an existing fixation prediction dataset, such dataset is expected to greatly facilitate the study along the line. Then, considering characteristics of personal fixations, we propose a novel network based on Object Localization and Boundary Preservation (OLBP) to segment the gazed objects. Specifically, the OLBP network utilizes an Object Localization Module (OLM) to analyze personal fixations and locates the gazed objects based on the interpretation. Then, a Boundary Preservation Module (BPM) is designed to introduce additional boundary information to guard the completeness of the gazed objects. Moreover, OLBP is organized in the mixed bottom-up and top-down manner with multiple types of deep supervision. Extensive experiments on the constructed PFOS dataset show the superiority of the proposed OLBP network over 17 state-of-the-art methods, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed OLM and BPM components. The constructed PFOS dataset and the proposed OLBP network are available at https// our paper titled "Lamb Waves and Adaptive Beamforming for Aberration Correction in Medical Ultrasound Imaging" [1], we mentioned that the superposition of the different symmetric (S) modes in the frequency-wavenumber (f-k) domain results in a high intensity region where its slope corresponds to the longitudinal wave speed in the slab. However, we have recently understood that this high intensity region belongs to the propagation of a wave called lateral wave or head wave [2-5]. It is generated if the longitudinal sound speed of the aberrator (i.e. the PVC slab) is larger than that of water and if the incident wavefront is curved. When the incidence angle at the interface between water and PVC is near the critical angle, the refracted wave in PVC re-radiates a small part of its energy into the fluid (i.e. the head wave). As discussed in [4], if the thickness of the waveguide is larger than the wavelength, the first arriving signal is the head wave. This is also the case in our study [1] where the ultrasound wavelength of a compressional wave in PVC was close to 1 mm, and a PVC slab with a thickness of 8 mm was used.Machine learning for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) has the potential to bring significant improvements in defect characterization accuracy due to its effectiveness in pattern recognition problems. However, the application of modern machine learning methods to NDE has been obstructed by the scarcity of real defect data to train on. JAK inhibitors in development This article demonstrates how an efficient, hybrid finite element (FE) and ray-based simulation can be used to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to characterize real defects. To demonstrate this methodology, an inline pipe inspection application is considered. This uses four plane wave images from two arrays and is applied to the characterization of cracks of length 1-5 mm and inclined at angles of up to 20° from the vertical. A standard image-based sizing technique, the 6-dB drop method, is used as a comparison point. For the 6-dB drop method, the average absolute error in length and angle prediction is ±1.1 mm and ±8.6°, respectively, while the CNN is almost four times more accurate at ±0.29 mm and ±2.9°. To demonstrate the adaptability of the deep learning approach, an error in sound speed estimation is included in the training and test set. With a maximum error of 10% in shear and longitudinal sound speed, the 6-dB drop method has an average error of ±1.5 mmm and ±12°, while the CNN has ±0.45 mm and ±3.0°. This demonstrates far superior crack characterization accuracy by using deep learning rather than traditional image-based sizing.Medical image segmentation has achieved remarkable advancements using deep neural networks (DNNs). link2 However, DNNs often need big amounts of data and annotations for training, both of which can be difficult and costly to obtain. In this work, we propose a unified framework for generalized low-shot (one- and few-shot) medical image segmentation based on distance metric learning (DML). Unlike most existing methods which only deal with the lack of annotations while assuming abundance of data, our framework works with extreme scarcity of both, which is ideal for rare diseases. Via DML, the framework learns a multimodal mixture representation for each category, and performs dense predictions based on cosine distances between the pixels' deep embeddings and the category representations. The multimodal representations effectively utilize the inter-subject similarities and intraclass variations to overcome overfitting due to extremely limited data. In addition, we propose adaptive mixing coefficients for the multimodal mixture distributions to adaptively emphasize the modes better suited to the current input. The representations are implicitly embedded as weights of the fc layer, such that the cosine distances can be computed efficiently via forward propagation. In our experiments on brain MRI and abdominal CT datasets, the proposed framework achieves superior performances for low-shot segmentation towards standard DNN-based (3D U-Net) and classical registration-based (ANTs) methods, e.g., achieving mean Dice coefficients of 81%/69% for brain tissue/abdominal multi-organ segmentation using a single training sample, as compared to 52%/31% and 72%/35% by the U-Net and ANTs, respectively.We address the problem of semantic nighttime image segmentation and improve the state-of-the-art, by adapting daytime models to nighttime without using nighttime annotations. Moreover, we design a new evaluation framework to address the substantial uncertainty of semantics in nighttime images. link3 Our central contributions are 1) a curriculum framework to gradually adapt semantic segmentation models from day to night through progressively darker times of day, exploiting cross-time-of-day correspondences between daytime images from a reference map and dark images to guide the label inference in the dark domains; 2) a novel uncertainty-aware annotation and evaluation framework and metric for semantic segmentation, including image regions beyond human recognition capability in the evaluation in a principled fashion; 3) the Dark Zurich dataset, comprising 2416 unlabeled nighttime and 2920 unlabeled twilight images with correspondences to their daytime counterparts plus a set of 201 nighttime images with fine pixel-level annotations created with our protocol, which serves as a first benchmark for our novel evaluation. Experiments show that our map-guided curriculum adaptation significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on nighttime sets both for standard metrics and our uncertainty-aware metric. Furthermore, our uncertainty-aware evaluation reveals that selective invalidation of predictions can improve results on data with ambiguous content such as our benchmark and profit safety-oriented applications involving invalid inputs.Objective measures of image quality generally operate by making local comparisons of pixels of a "degraded" image to those of the original. Relative to human observers, these measures are overly sensitive to resampling of texture regions (e.g., replacing one patch of grass with another). Here we develop the first full-reference image quality model with explicit tolerance to texture resampling. Using a convolutional neural network, we construct an injective and differentiable function that transforms images to a multi-scale overcomplete representation. We empirically show that the spatial averages of the feature maps in this representation capture texture appearance, in that they provide a set of sufficient statistical constraints to synthesize a wide variety of texture patterns. We then describe an image quality method that combines correlation of these spatial averages ("texture similarity) with correlation of the feature maps ("structure similarity). The parameters of the proposed measure are jointly optimized to match human ratings of image quality, while minimizing the reported distances between subimages cropped from the same texture images. Experiments show that the optimized method explains human perceptual scores, both on conventional image quality databases and texture databases. The measure also offers competitive performance on texture classification and retrieval, and show the robustness to geometric transformations. Code is available at https//

Cerebral edema characterized as an abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid has not been treated effectively. We propose a novel edema treatment approach to drive edematous fluid out of the brain by direct current utilizing brain tissue's electroosmotic property.

A finite element (FE) head model is developed and employed to assess the feasibility of the approach. First, the capacity of the model for electric field prediction is validated against human experiments. Second, two electrode configurations (S and D-montage) are designed to evaluate the distribution of the electric field, electroosmotic flow (EOF), current density, and temperature across the brain under an applied direct current.

The S-montage is shown to induce an average EOF velocity of 7e-4 mm/s underneath the anode by a voltage of 15 V, and the D-montage induces a velocity of 9e-4 mm/s by a voltage of 5 V. Meanwhile, the brain temperature in both configurations is below 38 °C, which is within the safety range. Further, the magnitude of EOF is proportional to the electric field, and the EOF direction follows the current flow from anode to cathode.

Autoři článku: Graversenlindgaard6427 (Winters Erlandsen)