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In multiple regression, no statistical difference was detected in the importance of surrounding land cover, flooding, or water quality in explaining the variance in either composition or structural metrics. This suggests that while a given forest metric may be strongly linked to either land cover, water quality, or flooding, all three are likely important and should be considered when characterizing these forests. With more human dependents in urban areas, the provisioning of important ecosystem services may be influenced by land use variables in addition to the more commonly measured metrics of water chemistry and flooding.Sexual activity and experimentation are normative parts of adolescent development that may, at the same time, be associated with adverse health outcomes, including the acquisition of sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancy, and teen dating violence. Anticipatory guidance regarding sexual and reproductive health for teens should address normal sexual development issues, such as identity and attractions, safe relationships, safer sex, and contraception. Health care providers can enhance the sexual education of the youth they see and help mitigate negative health outcomes. This practice point offers a '7-P' approach to ensure that health care providers obtain comprehensive sexual health assessments for adolescents. Teen issues such as identity, confidentiality, and consent, and dating violence are discussed, and Canadian Paediatric Society resources are cited to provide more detailed care pathways on related issues contraception, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections.It is universally accepted that human milk is the optimal, exclusive source of nutrition for infants 0 to 6 months of age, and may remain part of the healthy infant diet for the first 2 years of age and beyond. Despite advances in infant formulas, human milk provides a wide range of benefits, due in part to its bioactive matrix that cannot be replicated by any other source of nutrition. When there is an insufficient volume of mother's milk for the vulnerable newborn, pasteurized donor human milk should be made available, as a bridge to mother's milk and as the first alternative feeding choice, followed by commercial formula. There is a limited supply of donor milk in Canada and distribution is prioritized for sick, hospitalized neonates. Informal milk sharing is the practice of donating and receiving expressed human milk without going through a human milk bank. Informal milk sharing carries risk for bacterial and viral transmission as well as inconsistency and uncertainty regarding donor screening. Paediatricians and other health care providers need to be aware of the risks of informal milk sharing and be able to counsel families appropriately on safer alternatives.Il est universellement reconnu que le lait humain est la source de nutrition exclusive optimale pour les nouveau-nés de 0 à six mois et qu'il peut faire partie du régime du nourrisson en santé jusqu'à l'âge de deux ans et même après. Malgré les avancées dans le secteur des préparations lactées pour nourrisson, le lait humain apporte tout un éventail d'avantages, en partie grâce à sa matrice bioactive qu'aucune autre source d'alimentation ne peut reproduire. Lorsque la mère produit une quantité de lait insuffisante pour son nouveau-né vulnérable, du lait pasteurisé de donneuses devrait être rendu disponible pour compléter le lait maternel et être le premier choix proposé, suivi des préparations lactées commerciales. La quantité de lait de ce type est limitée au Canada, et sa distribution est priorisée auprès des nouveau-nés malades et hospitalisés. Le partage informel de lait humain consiste à donner et recevoir du lait humain exprimé sans passer par une banque de lait humain. Il comporte un risque de transmission de bactéries et de virus en plus d'être lié à des irrégularités et des incertitudes à l'égard du dépistage des donneuses. Les pédiatres et les autres dispensateurs de soins doivent connaître les risques du partage informel de lait humain et être en mesure de proposer des possibilités plus sécuritaires aux familles.The achievement of optimal brain health in very preterm babies is a challenge for modern neonatology. There has been limited success in this area of concern despite improvements in other neonatal outcomes. The barriers to progress are (a) the language and definitions that clinicians and scientists use to describe outcomes, (b) our representation of causation, and (c) the rigour with which we apply quality improvement science. Quality improvement science requires clear, relevant, and discriminating language to explain aims, drivers, processes, outcomes, interventions, and definitions. To date, clinical guidelines and research publications have not addressed prevailing flaws in language, causation, and definition. The persisting flaws have restricted identification of quality improvement opportunities and limited the impact of quality improvement efforts. Our community of neonatal caregivers and researchers needs a new and comprehensive approach to language, causation, and implementation science in order to address brain health in very preterm babies.Many attempts have been made to provide Quantum Field Theory with conceptually clear and mathematically rigorous foundations; remarkable examples are the Bohmian and the algebraic perspectives respectively. In this essay we introduce the dissipative approach to QFT, a new alternative formulation of the theory explaining the phenomena of particle creation and annihilation starting from nonequilibrium thermodynamics. It is shown that DQFT presents a rigorous mathematical structure, and a clear particle ontology, taking the best from the mentioned perspectives. Finally, after the discussion of its principal implications and consequences, we compare it with the main Bohmian QFTs implementing a particle ontology.Kůlna Cave is the only site in Moravia, Czech Republic, from which large assemblages of both Magdalenian and Epimagdalenian archaeological materials have been excavated from relatively secure stratified deposits. The site therefore offers the unrivalled opportunity to explore the relationship between these two archaeological phases. In this study, we undertake radiocarbon, stable isotope (carbon, nitrogen and sulphur), and ZooMS analysis of the archaeological faunal assemblage to explore the chronological and environmental context of the Magdalenian and Epimagdalenian deposits. Our results show that the Magdalenian and Epimagdalenian deposits can be understood as discrete units from one another, dating to the Late Glacial between c. click here 15,630 cal. BP and 14,610 cal. BP, and c. 14,140 cal. BP and 12,680 cal. BP, respectively. Stable isotope results (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S) indicate that Magdalenian and Epimagdalenian activity at Kůlna Cave occurred in very different environmental settings. Magdalenian occupation took place within a nutrient-poor landscape that was experiencing rapid changes to environmental moisture, potentially linked to permafrost thaw.

Autoři článku: Gracebjerregaard6757 (Kornum Woodward)