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Dendrimeric peptide constructs based on a lysine core that comprises both B- and T-cell epitopes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) have proven a successful strategy for the development of FMD vaccines. Specifically, B2T dendrimers displaying two copies of the major type O FMDV antigenic B-cell epitope located on the virus capsid [VP1 (140-158)], covalently linked to a heterotypic T-cell epitope from either non-structural protein 3A [3A (21-35)] or 3D [3D (56-70)], named B2T-3A and B2T-3D, respectively, elicit high levels of neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) and IFN-γ-producing cells in pigs. To assess whether the inclusion and orientation of T-3A and T-3D T-cell epitopes in a single molecule could modulate immunogenicity, dendrimers with T epitopes juxtaposed in both possible orientations, i.e., constructs B2TT-3A3D and B2TT-3D3A, were made and tested in pigs. Both dendrimers elicited high nAbs titers that broadly neutralized type O FMDVs, although B2TT-3D3A did not respond to boosting, and induced lower Igiggers T-cell populations, highlighting their potential as next-generation FMD vaccines.Natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells (DCs) are crucial mediators of productive immune responses to infection and disease. NK cells and a subtype of DCs, the type 1 conventional DCs (cDC1s), are individually important for regulating immune responses to cancer in mice and humans. Recent work has found that NK cells and cDC1s engage in intercellular cross-talk integral to initiating and coordinating adaptive immunity to cancer. This NK cell-cDC1 axis has been linked to increased overall survival and responses to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in metastatic melanoma patients. Here, we review recent findings on the role of NK cells and cDC1s in protective immune responses to cancer and immunotherapy, as well as current therapies targeting this NK cell-cDC1 axis. Further, we explore the concept that intercellular cross-talk between NK cells and cDC1s may be key for many of the positive prognostic associations seen with NK cells and DCs individually. It is clear that increasing our understanding of the NK cell-cDC1 innate immune cell axis will be critical for the generation of novel therapies that can modulate anti-cancer immunity and increase patient responses to common immunotherapies.Germinal centers play a key role in the adaptive immune system since they are able to produce memory B cells and plasma cells that produce high affinity antibodies for an effective immune protection. The mechanisms underlying cell-fate decisions are not well understood but asymmetric division of antigen, B-cell receptor affinity, interactions between B-cells and T follicular helper cells (triggering CD40 signaling), and regulatory interactions of transcription factors have all been proposed to play a role. In addition, a temporal switch from memory B-cell to plasma cell differentiation during the germinal center reaction has been shown. To investigate if antigen affinity-based Tfh cell help recapitulates the temporal switch we implemented a multiscale model that integrates cellular interactions with a core gene regulatory network comprising BCL6, IRF4, and BLIMP1. Using this model we show that affinity-based CD40 signaling in combination with asymmetric division of B-cells result in switch from memory B-cell to plasma cell generation during the course of the germinal center reaction. We also show that cell fate division is unlikely to be (solely) based on asymmetric division of Ag but that BLIMP1 is a more important factor. Altogether, our model enables to test the influence of molecular modulations of the CD40 signaling pathway on the production of germinal center output cells.Wound infection is a common and serious medical condition with an unmet need for improved diagnostic tools. A peptidomic approach, aided by mass spectrometry and bioinformatics, could provide novel means of identifying new peptide biomarkers for wound healing and infection assessment. Wound fluid is suitable for peptidomic analysis since it is both intimately tied to the wound environment and is readily available. In this study we investigate the peptidomes of wound fluids derived from surgical drainages following mastectomy and from wound dressings following facial skin grafting. By applying sorting algorithms and open source third party software to peptidomic label free tandem mass spectrometry data we provide an unbiased general methodology for analyzing and differentiating between peptidomes. We show that the wound fluid peptidomes of patients are highly individualized. However, differences emerge when grouping the patients depending on wound type. Furthermore, the abundance of peptides originating from documented antimicrobial regions of hemoglobin in infected wounds may contribute to an antimicrobial wound environment, as determined by in silico analysis. We validate our findings by compiling literature on peptide biomarkers and peptides of physiological significance and cross checking the results against our dataset, demonstrating that well-documented peptides of immunological significance are abundant in infected wounds, and originate from certain distinct regions in proteins such as hemoglobin and fibrinogen. Ultimately, we have demonstrated the power using sorting algorithms and open source software to help yield insights and visualize peptidomic data.

Patients with cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) have immunosuppression, indicated by an increase in circulating immune-deficient monocytes. The aim of this study was to investigate simultaneously the major blood-immune cell subsets in these patients.

Blood taken from 67 patients with decompensated cirrhosis (including 35 critically ill with ACLF in the intensive care unit), and 12 healthy subjects, was assigned to either measurements of clinical blood counts and microarray (genomewide) analysis of RNA expression in whole-blood; microarray (genomewide) analysis of RNA expression in blood neutrophils; or assessment of neutrophil antimicrobial functions.

Several features were found in patients with ACLF and not in those without ACLF. Indeed, clinical blood count measurements showed that patients with ACLF were characterized by leukocytosis, neutrophilia, and lymphopenia. Using the CIBERSORT method to deconvolute the whole-blood RNA-expression data, revealed that the hallmark of ACLF was tgesting targets for future therapies.

Genomic analysis revealed that, among patients with decompensated cirrhosis, those with ACLF were characterized by dysregulation of blood immune cells, including increases in neutrophils (that had a unique phenotype) and macrophages M0-like monocytes, and depletion of several lymphocyte subsets (including memory lymphocytes). All these lymphocyte alterations, along with defective neutrophil superoxide anion production, may contribute to immunosuppression in ACLF, suggesting targets for future therapies.Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been implicated as a major cause of inflammation and an uncontrolled LPS response increases the risk of localized inflammation and sepsis. While some native peptides are helpful in the treatment of LPS-induced inflammation, the use of these peptides is limited due to their potential cytotoxicity and poor anti-inflammatory activity. Hybridization is an effective approach for overcoming this problem. In this study, a novel hybrid anti-inflammatory peptide that combines the active center of Cathelicidin 2 (CATH2) with thymopentin (TP5) was designed [CTP, CATH2 (1-13)-TP5]. CTP was found to have higher anti-inflammatory effects than its parental peptides through directly LPS neutralization. However, CTP scarcely inhibited the attachment of LPS to cell membranes or suppressed an established LPS-induced inflammation due to poor cellular uptake. The C-terminal amine modification of CTP (CTP-NH2) was then designed based on the hypothesis that C-terminal amidation can enhance the cell uptake by increasing the hydrophobicity of the peptide. Compared with CTP, CTP-NH2 showed enhanced anti-inflammatory activity and lower cytotoxicity. CTP-NH2 not only has strong LPS neutralizing activity, but also can significantly inhibit the LPS attachment and the intracellular inflammatory response. The intracellular anti-inflammatory effect of CTP-NH2 was associated with blocking of LPS binding to the Toll-like receptor 4-myeloid differentiation factor 2 complex and inhibiting the nuclear factor-kappa B pathway. In addition, the anti-inflammatory effect of CTP-NH2 was confirmed using a murine LPS-induced sepsis model. Collectively, these findings suggest that CTP-NH2 could be developed into a novel anti-inflammatory drug. This successful modification provides a design strategy to improve the cellular uptake and anti-inflammatory activity of peptide agents.Sickle cell disease (SCD), one of the most common hemoglobinopathies worldwide, is characterized by a chronic inflammatory component, with systemic release of inflammatory cytokines, due to hemolysis and vaso-occlusive processes. Patients with SCD demonstrate dysfunctional T and B lymphocyte responses, and they are more susceptible to infection. Although dendritic cells (DCs) are the main component responsible for activating and polarizing lymphocytic function, and are able to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines found in the serum of patients with SCD, minimal studies have thus far been devoted to these cells. In the present study, we identified the subpopulations of circulating DCs in patients with SCD, and found that the bloodstream of the patients showed higher numbers and percentages of DCs than that of healthy individuals. Among all the main DCs subsets, inflammatory DCs (CD14+ DCs) were responsible for this rise and correlated with higher reticulocyte count. The patients had more activated monocyte-derived DCs (mo-DCs), which produced MCP-1, IL-6, and IL-8 in culture. We found that a CD14+ mo-DC subset present in culture from some of the patients was the more activated subset and was mainly responsible for cytokine production, and this subset was also responsible for IL-17 production in co-culture with T lymphocytes. Finally, we suggest an involvement of heme oxygenase in the upregulation of CD14 in mo-DCs from the patients, indicating a potential mechanism for inducing inflammatory DC differentiation from circulating monocytes in the patients, which correlated with inflammatory cytokine production, T lymphocyte response skewing, and reticulocyte count.Microglia are key in the homeostatic well-being of the brain and microglial dysfunction has been implicated in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). Due to the many limitations to study microglia in situ or isolated for large scale drug discovery applications, there is a high need to develop robust and scalable human cellular models of microglia with reliable translatability to the disease. Here, we describe the generation of microglia-like cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) with distinct phenotypes for mechanistic studies in AD. We started out from an established differentiation protocol to generate primitive macrophage precursors mimicking the yolk sac ontogeny of microglia. Subsequently, we tested 36 differentiation conditions for the cells in monoculture where we exposed them to various combinations of media, morphogens, and extracellular matrices. The optimized protocol generated robustly ramified cells expressing key microglial markers. Bulk mRNA sequencing expression profiles revealed that compared to cells obtained in co-culture with neurons, microglia-like cells derived from a monoculture condition upregulate mRNA levels for Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 2 (TREM2), which is reminiscent to the previously described disease-associated microglia.

Autoři článku: Gotfredsengrady7466 (Britt Kline)