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We further demonstrated that DNase I treatment in this mouse model did not alter circulating tumor cells but decreased metastasis through steps after intravasation. Taken together, our genetic studies show that PAD4 plays a cell autonomous role in cancer metastasis, thus revealing a novel strategy for preventing cancer metastasis by inhibiting cancer cell endogenous PAD4. IMPLICATIONS This study shows that PADI4 can mediate the formation of CECNs in 4T1 cells, and that endogenous PADI4 plays an essential role in breast cancer lung metastasis. VISUAL OVERVIEW http// ©2020 American Association for Cancer Research.Autophagy captures intracellular components and delivers them to lysosomes for degradation and recycling. Conditional autophagy deficiency in adult mice causes liver damage, shortens life span to 3 mo due to neurodegeneration, and is lethal upon fasting. As autophagy deficiency causes p53 induction and cell death in neurons, we sought to test whether p53 mediates the lethal consequences of autophagy deficiency. Here, we conditionally deleted Trp53 (p53 hereafter) and/or the essential autophagy gene Atg7 throughout adult mice. Compared with Atg7 Δ/Δ mice, the life span of Atg7 Δ/Δ p53 Δ/Δ mice was extended due to delayed neurodegeneration and resistance to death upon fasting. Atg7 also suppressed apoptosis induced by p53 activator Nutlin-3, suggesting that autophagy inhibited p53 activation. To test whether increased oxidative stress in Atg7 Δ/Δ mice was responsible for p53 activation, Atg7 was deleted in the presence or absence of the master regulator of antioxidant defense nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). Nrf2-/-Atg7 Δ/Δ mice died rapidly due to small intestine damage, which was not rescued by p53 codeletion. Thus, Atg7 limits p53 activation and p53-mediated neurodegeneration. In turn, NRF2 mitigates lethal intestine degeneration upon autophagy loss. These findings illustrate the tissue-specific roles for autophagy and functional dependencies on the p53 and NRF2 stress response mechanisms. © 2020 Yang et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Ddi1 and its homologs in higher eukaryotes have been proposed to serve as shuttling factors that deliver ubiquitinated substrates to the proteasome. Although Ddi1 contains both ubiquitin-interacting UBA and proteasome-interacting UBL domains, the UBL domain is atypical, as it binds ubiquitin. MSAB manufacturer Furthermore, unlike other shuttling factors, Ddi1 and its homologs contain a conserved helical domain (helical domain of Ddi1, HDD) and a retroviral-like protease (RVP) domain. The RVP domain is probably responsible for cleavage of the precursor of the transcription factor Nrf1 in higher eukaryotes, which results in the up-regulation of proteasomal subunit genes. However, enzymatic activity of the RVP domain has not yet been demonstrated, and the function of Ddi1 remains poorly understood. Here, we show that Ddi1 is a ubiquitin-dependent protease, which cleaves substrate proteins only when they are tagged with long ubiquitin chains (longer than about eight ubiquitins). The RVP domain is inactive in isolation, in contrast to its retroviral counterpart. Proteolytic activity of Ddi1 requires the HDD domain and is stimulated by the UBL domain, which mediates high-affinity interaction with the polyubiquitin chain. Compromising the activity of Ddi1 in yeast cells results in the accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins. Aside from the proteasome, Ddi1 is the only known endoprotease that acts on polyubiquitinated substrates. Ddi1 and its homologs likely cleave polyubiquitinated substrates under conditions where proteasome function is compromised. Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.During development, organisms acquire three-dimensional (3D) shapes with important physiological consequences. While basic mechanisms underlying morphogenesis are known in eukaryotes, it is often difficult to manipulate them in vivo. To circumvent this issue, here we present a study of developing Vibrio cholerae biofilms grown on agar substrates in which the spatiotemporal morphological patterns were altered by varying the agar concentration. Expanding biofilms are initially flat but later undergo a mechanical instability and become wrinkled. To gain mechanistic insights into this dynamic pattern-formation process, we developed a model that considers diffusion of nutrients and their uptake by bacteria, bacterial growth/biofilm matrix production, mechanical deformation of both the biofilm and the substrate, and the friction between them. Our model shows quantitative agreement with experimental measurements of biofilm expansion dynamics, and it accurately predicts two distinct spatiotemporal patterns observed in the experiments-the wrinkles initially appear either in the peripheral region and propagate inward (soft substrate/low friction) or in the central region and propagate outward (stiff substrate/high friction). Our results, which establish that nonuniform growth and friction are fundamental determinants of stress anisotropy and hence biofilm morphology, are broadly applicable to bacterial biofilms with similar morphologies and also provide insight into how other bacterial biofilms form distinct wrinkle patterns. We discuss the implications of forming undulated biofilm morphologies, which may enhance the availability of nutrients and signaling molecules and serve as a "bet hedging" strategy.Mounting experimental evidence suggests a role for the spatial organization of chromatin in crucial processes of the cell nucleus such as transcription regulation. Chromosome conformation capture techniques allow us to characterize chromatin structure by mapping contacts between chromosomal loci on a genome-wide scale. The most widespread modality is to measure contact frequencies averaged over a population of cells. Single-cell variants exist, but suffer from low contact numbers and have not yet gained the same resolution as population methods. While intriguing biological insights have already been garnered from ensemble-averaged data, information about three-dimensional (3D) genome organization in the underlying individual cells remains largely obscured because the contact maps show only an average over a huge population of cells. Moreover, computational methods for structure modeling of chromatin have mostly focused on fitting a single consensus structure, thereby ignoring any cell-to-cell variability in the model itself. Here, we propose a fully Bayesian method to infer ensembles of chromatin structures and to determine the optimal number of states in a principled, objective way. We illustrate our approach on simulated data and compute multistate models of chromatin from chromosome conformation capture carbon copy (5C) data. Comparison with independent data suggests that the inferred ensembles represent the underlying sample population faithfully. Harnessing the rich information contained in multistate models, we investigate cell-to-cell variability of chromatin organization into topologically associating domains, thus highlighting the ability of our approach to deliver insights into chromatin organization of great biological relevance.Hfq (host factor for phage Q beta) is key for posttranscriptional gene regulation in many bacteria. Hfq's function is to stabilize sRNAs and to facilitate base-pairing with trans-encoded target mRNAs. Loss of Hfq typically results in pleiotropic phenotypes, and, in the major human pathogen Vibrio cholerae, Hfq inactivation has been linked to reduced virulence, failure to produce biofilms, and impaired intercellular communication. However, the RNA ligands of Hfq in V. cholerae are currently unknown. Here, we used RIP-seq (RNA immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing) analysis to identify Hfq-bound RNAs in V. cholerae Our work revealed 603 coding and 85 noncoding transcripts associated with Hfq, including 44 sRNAs originating from the 3' end of mRNAs. Detailed investigation of one of these latter transcripts, named FarS (fatty acid regulated sRNA), showed that this sRNA is produced by RNase E-mediated maturation of the fabB 3'UTR, and, together with Hfq, inhibits the expression of two paralogous fadE mRNAs. The fabB and fadE genes are antagonistically regulated by the major fatty acid transcription factor, FadR, and we show that, together, FadR, FarS, and FadE constitute a mixed feed-forward loop regulating the transition between fatty acid biosynthesis and degradation in V. cholerae Our results provide the molecular basis for studies on Hfq in V. cholerae and highlight the importance of a previously unrecognized sRNA for fatty acid metabolism in this major human pathogen. Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.Intracellular pathogen infection leads to proteotoxic stress in host organisms. Previously we described a physiological program in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans called the intracellular pathogen response (IPR), which promotes resistance to proteotoxic stress and appears to be distinct from canonical proteostasis pathways. The IPR is controlled by PALS-22 and PALS-25, proteins of unknown biochemical function, which regulate expression of genes induced by natural intracellular pathogens. We previously showed that PALS-22 and PALS-25 regulate the mRNA expression of the predicted ubiquitin ligase component cullin cul-6, which promotes thermotolerance in pals-22 mutants. However, it was unclear whether CUL-6 acted alone, or together with other cullin-ring ubiquitin ligase components, which comprise a greatly expanded gene family in C. elegans Here we use coimmunoprecipitation studies paired with genetic analysis to define the cullin-RING ligase components that act together with CUL-6 to promote thermotolerance. First, we identify a previously uncharacterized RING domain protein in the TRIM family we named RCS-1, which acts as a core component with CUL-6 to promote thermotolerance. Next, we show that the Skp-related proteins SKR-3, SKR-4, and SKR-5 act redundantly to promote thermotolerance with CUL-6. Finally, we screened F-box proteins that coimmunoprecipitate with CUL-6 and find that FBXA-158 and FBXA-75 promote thermotolerance. In summary, we have defined the three core components and two F-box adaptors of a cullin-RING ligase complex that promotes thermotolerance as part of the IPR in C. elegans, which adds to our understanding of how organisms cope with proteotoxic stress.There is extensive evidence that glucocorticoid hormones enhance memory consolidation, helping to ensure that emotionally significant events are well remembered. Prior findings suggest that the anteroventral region of bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (avBST) regulates glucocorticoid release, suggesting the potential for avBST activity to influence memory consolidation following an emotionally arousing learning event. To investigate this issue, male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent inhibitory avoidance training and repeated measurement of stress hormones, immediately followed by optogenetic manipulations of either the avBST or its projections to downstream regions, and 48 h later were tested for retention. The results indicate that avBST inhibition augmented posttraining pituitary-adrenal output and enhanced the memory for inhibitory avoidance training. Pretreatment with a glucocorticoid synthesis inhibitor blocked the memory enhancement as well as the potentiated corticosterone response, indicating the dependence of the memory enhancement on glucocorticoid release during the immediate posttraining period.

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