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The concept of a community of practice, firmly rooted in the authoritative knowledge and understanding of physiological birth, resulted in positive working practices and happy, motivated midwives who enhanced the birth experience for women. This supported the clinical and socially situated learning of student midwives and new colleagues through legitimate peripheral participation. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE, POLICY, EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Positive, committed and autonomous midwives make for a nurturing working environment and may therefore enhance the experience of birthing women. Midwives need to be able to work in an environment and community of practice which mirrors their own philosophy of care to promote professional wellbeing, and to develop the expert knowledge and skill in that area of practice over time. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to gain knowledge regarding how Norwegian nulliparous women experience planned home birth and why they choose this route of giving birth. DESIGN A qualitative approach was used, and the study data were derived from semi-structured individual interviews, which were analysed through systematic text condensation. PARTICIPANTS Ten Norwegian women aged nineteen to thirty-nine years were interviewed. BIBF 1120 datasheet They had each gone through with a successful planned home birth of their first child within the last two years. These women all resided in the middle, western and eastern areas of Norway. A certified midwife was present throughout the labour and birth, and no transfer to the hospital was necessary. FINDINGS The following two main themes were identified 'inner motivation' and 'giving birth in safe surroundings'. The women in this study had a strong inner faith in the normal physiological processes of labour and birth and had educated and prepared themselves carefully for their planned home birth. To be able to enter one's own inner world was considered crucial for labour, and the trusting relationship they had with their midwife made this possible. link2 KEY CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE Planned home birth may be experienced as a very positive occurrence for nulliparous women, and the care those women in this study received contained several elements that can help to promote normal labour and birth at a time in which reducing interventions in maternity care is of importance. Their positive birth experiences gave the women confidence both in their transition to motherhood as well as in other aspects of life. A DFT study was conducted to elucidate the mechanism of hexene hydrogenation catalysed by a series of ruthenium (II) monohydride catalysts RuH(CO)(Cl)(LL') where L and L' represent C(cyclohexyl), Me (methyl) and IMe (N, N '-bis (mesityl) imidazole-2-ylidene). This investigation explores the feasibility of two different proposed mechanisms the first describes the dissociated pathway and exploits a single phosphine complex. The second is the associative one and uses a two phosphines complex. The detailed pathways have been explored for the catalyst model with L = L' = Me. Three possibilities have been supported for the dissociative route. Pathway (A) begins with a phosphine release. The initial addition of hexane or a dihydrogen molecule on the ruthenium catalyst generates the pathways (B) and (C), respectively. Pathways (B) and (C) merge with the pathway (A) before and after the first proton transfer, respectively. Activation energies in the first hydrogen migration (the key-step of the mechanism) are close. Therefore, both mechanisms (A) and (B) are possible but the former is more probable. The substitution of the catalyst model RuHCl(CO)(PMe3)2 by the real catalysts RuHCl(CO)(PCy3)2 or RuHCl(CO)(IMes)(PMe3) shows no significant influence on the energetic barriers of hexene hydrogenation mechanism. The energy profile of the first hydrogen migration for the catalyst RuHCl(CO)(PCy3)2 is characteristic of a concerted asynchronous mechanism while our calculation led to two separated synchronous steps when the model catalyst is used. The associative pathway (D) integrates the two experimentally detected intermediates and generates activation energies close to those of dissociative pathways (A) and (B). The rationale to explain the experimentally detected species is achieved by considering the four proposed mechanisms where they occur simultaneously and with different rates (ie. The dissociative mechanism has the highest rate). The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), as an attractive target acted by neonicotinoid insecticides, was paid more and more attention in recent years. The mode of action study on neonicotinoids toward nAChR would present significant guidance on rational molecular design to further discover new insecticides. Four neonicotinoids including commercial agents imidacloprid and flupyradifurone, two previously synthesized compounds guadipyr and ethoxythiagua in our lab were docked into a putative model of aphid and honeybee nAChR, respectively, to explore the binding and selective mechanism of neonicotinoids in this study. The obtained results showed that a traditional H-bond interaction, as a dominating electrostatic driving force, always conferred the binding of four neonicotinoids not only to target aphid receptor but also to non-target honeybee one. Four neonicotinoids almost showed uniformly binding conformation into aphid receptor, namely, a vital electronegative nitro or butenolide group to be conserved gs on the diverse mode of action for neonicotinoids to target and non-target receptor would be helpful for on novel insecticides design with high bioactivity as well as good selectivity based on the structure of different insect nAChR. Tuberculosis (TB) is a deadly disease which causes millions of death annually worldwide. Although TB is treatable but the rise of cases of multidrug-resistant and totally drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) poses a great challenge to cure TB completely and this situation demands an urgent need for development of potential anti-tubercular drugs. In this regard, the antigen 85C (Ag85C) has emerged as an essential mycobacterial drug target as it plays a central role in synthesizing major components of the inner and outer layers of outer membrane of Mtb. In this research, we have identified four novel potential inhibitors as a potent inhibitor of the Mtb Ag85C from CHEMBL24, MolPort, Zinc and PubChem library by High Throughput Virtual Screening. The results of molecular dynamics show that these compounds bind to Ag85C protein with high stability. The ADMET profiling and pharmacophore analysis indicate that these compounds may act as potential anti-mycobacterial candidates. On the basis of findings our work, we propose that these compounds are novel potential inhibitors of Mtb Ag85C with similar or better properties than the classic inhibitor and they can potentially shorten the treatment duration and may have anti-mycobacterial activity against drug-resistant Mtb strains. In this work, molecular modeling simulations are used to study the flotation process of copper, cadmium and zinc ions present in wastewater, acid mine drainage and others, with xanthate collector. Simulations were conducted by DFT technique, with M06 functional at 6-31G(d,p)/LanL2DZ level. Characterizations of the molecular and electronic structures of the complexes formed applying NPA, AIM and CLPO analysis of the coordination bonds show the kind of main interactions between metals and the ligand. Results confirm the experimental evidence and show the ability of this technique to study this process. The interaction energy of the studied complexes is -56,39 kcal/mol for Cu, -25,86 kcal/mol for Cd and -7,29 kcal/mol for Zn complex. It was found that xanthate binds to copper over zinc and cadmium elements. Experimental results show that for copper, cadmium and zinc, the flotation effectiveness are 94,68%; 67,18% and 36,92% respectively. Structural study and relative stabilities of Li+-doped helium clusters Li+Hen (n = 1-18) has been reported in this work using two theoretical protocols. The first one is based on the basin-hopping optimization technique, where the total energy of each cluster is described by an additive model describing Li+-He and He-He interactions. link3 The second one is the DFT calculations, in which the initial structures are generated by ABCluster algorithm and CALYPSO software. The CSA shape was found where the first solvation shell is completed at n = 10. The relative stabilities of Li+Hen (n = 1-18) clusters have been discussed based on the variation of the binding energy, second-order difference in energy, fragmentation energy and HOMO-LUMO energy gap as a function of the cluster size. The results showed that Li+He10 is the most stable cluster. The dipole moment is calculated and showed the polar character of the Li+Hen clusters. Finally, the interatomic interactions have been examined topologically by the means of AIM and non-covalent reduced density gradient (NC-RDG) analyses. The effect of the Stone-Wales (SW) defect on the energetic, structural, electronic properties of Na/Na+ adsorption on the Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) nanographene is investigated using density functional theory calculations. We showed that two kinds of SW defects can be generated in the structure of HBC, and the defected sheets are less stable than the intrinsic HBC by about 63.2-65.3 kcal/mol. The heptagonal ring of SW defect is the most favorable site for the Na and Na+ adsorption and the adsorption energies increase from -0.8 and -33.2 kcal/mol on the intrinsic HBC to -16.7 and -39.3 kcal/mol on the SW-HBC, respectively. The predicted energy barrier for an Na atom to move from a heptagonal ring to another one in the SW-HBC is about 4.9 kcal/mol, indicating a high ion mobility compared to the pristine HBC. The SW defect increases the Na diffusion coefficient from 3.46 × 10-11 to 2.83 × 10-6 cm2/s. Although the SW defect increases the ion mobility, it has an undesirable effect on the cell voltage, if a HBC nanographene is used in the anode of Na-ion batteries. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to compare PET/MR enterography with ileocolonoscopy regarding patients' acceptance and their future preference. METHODS Between October 2014 and February 2018 one-hundred-eleven patients underwent PET/MR enterography and ileocolonoscopy within 2 weeks. Overall acceptance of each modality was rated using a 10-point Likert scale with higher score indicating worse experience. Wilcoxon test was used to assess difference. Patients' acceptance of bowel cleansing and oral intake of contrast agent was analyzed in the same way. Furthermore, to find out if diagnosis, gender and age might influence patients' acceptance and future preference, Mann-Whitney U test for ordinal and Chi-squared test for categorical parameters were applied. RESULTS 77 patients (47 females) with a mean age of 44.5 years and diagnosed ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 46) and Crohn's disease (CD; n = 31), were included in the analysis. Overall, ileocolonoscopy was significantly better rated than PET/MR enterography (p  less then  0.001). Bowel cleansing was worse tolerated than oral intake of liquid (p  less then  0.001). Patients with CD preferred PET/MR enterography as future screening method, while UC patients favored ileocolonoscopy (p = 0.012). PET/MR enterography tended to be better accepted by CD patients (p = 0.08). Females tolerated both bowel cleansing and oral contrast agent worse than males (p = 0.05 and 0.047). No significant difference between different age groups was found. CONCLUSIONS Ileocolonoscopy was rated as better tolerable than PET/MR and the overall rate for future preference was very similar. Optimization of both modalities might enhance patients' acceptance.

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