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As exosomes are also present in circulation, their contents can also be explored as biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer patients. In this review, we concentrate on the role of CAFs-derived exosomes in the communication between CAFs and cancer cells and other cells of the TME. First, we introduce the multiple roles of CAFs in tumorigenesis. Thereafter, we discuss the ways CAFs communicate with cancer cells and interplay with other cells of the TME, and focus in particular on the role of exosomes. Then, we elaborate on the mechanisms by which CAFs-derived exosomes contribute to cancer progression, as well as and the clinical impact of exosomes. We conclude by discussing aspects of exosomes that deserve further investigation, including emerging insights into making treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitor blockade more efficient.

The nutritional and immunization status of children can play an important role in determining their future health status of a particular country. The aim of the present study is to investigate the nutritional and immunization status of under-five children in India and Bangladesh, and to find the difference in the status between these two countries.

We have used the National Family Health Survey data, 2015-2016 of India and Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey, 2017-2018 datasets. The sample sizes are 222,418, among them 8759 and 8759 children for India and Bangladesh respectively. The nutritional status of under-five children is measured by standard anthropometric indicators of height-for-age (HAZ) and weight-for-age (WAZ). Regarding child immunization status, only BCG, DPT, polio and measles vaccinations are considered for the present study. Multiple binary logistic model has been used for analysing the data.

This study reveals that the prevalence of stunting and underweight of under-five children in Ises for better nutritional and immunization status of children. Mother's socio-economic factors have significant impact on determining the child's health status. Our findings can help to government of Indian and Bangladesh for taking health policy to improve under-five children nutritional and immunization status.

The study concludes that a remarkable number of under-five children are suffering from under nutrition for both countries, however Bangladeshi children have better nutritional and immunization status compared to Indian children. Higher wealth index, better educational attainment and lower unemployment of Bangladeshi mothers may be the causes for better nutritional and immunization status of children. Mother's socio-economic factors have significant impact on determining the child's health status. Our findings can help to government of Indian and Bangladesh for taking health policy to improve under-five children nutritional and immunization status.

Zinc is an essential trace element involved in various physiological functions. In Japan, zinc acetate dihydrate is administered to neonates and infants with hypozincemia. Since serum copper concentrations are reduced by the administration of zinc, we retrospectively investigated changes in serum zinc and copper concentrations in preterm infants with hypozincemia receiving zinc acetate dihydrate.

Sixty-three preterm infants were included in the present study. Serum zinc and copper concentrations, doses, and other clinical characteristics were retrieved from electronic medical records.

The medians and interquartile ranges of the dosage and duration of zinc acetate dihydrate were 2.1 (1.8-2.5) mg/kg/day and 12.0 (10.0-13.0) days, respectively. Its administration increased serum zinc concentrations in 39 patients (61.9%) and to more than 70 μg/dL in 16 patients (25.4%). The group with a serum zinc concentration of 70 μg/dL or higher after administration had a significantly higher zinc dose of 2.5 mg/kg/day when administering zinc to preterm infants with a lower postmenstrual age or milder hypozincemia because serum copper concentrations may decrease.

Although radiation therapy represents a core cancer treatment modality, its efficacy is hampered by radioresistance. The effect of ionizing radiations (IRs) is well known regarding their ability to induce genetic alterations; however, their impact on the epigenome landscape in cancer, notably at the CpG dinucleotide resolution, remains to be further deciphered. In addition, no evidence is available regarding the effect of IRs on the DNA methylome profile according to the methionine dependency phenotype, which represents a hallmark of metabolic adaptation in cancer.

We used a case-control study design with a fractionated irradiation regimen on four cancerous cell lines representative of HCC (HepG2), melanoma (MeWo and MeWo-LC1, which exhibit opposed methionine dependency phenotypes), and glioblastoma (U251). We performed high-resolution genome-wide DNA methylome profiling using the MethylationEPIC BeadChip on baseline conditions, irradiated cell lines (cumulative dose of 10Gy), and non-irradiated counterpainteraction with methionine dependency as a hallmark of metabolic adaptation in cancer.The World Health Organization described herd immunity, also known as population immunity, as the indirect fortification from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous exposure to infection. The emergence of COVID-19 vaccine is a step towards the achievement of herd immunity. Over one billion people across the globe have been vaccinated and Africa recorded only 2%. The objective of this article was to develop a forecast of the number of people to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity in the 13 WHO-identified priority African countries for COVID-19. Herd immunity is achieved when one infected person in a population causes less than one secondary case on average, corresponding to the effective basic reproduction number (R0). Vaccine delivery and distribution infrastructure including the cold chain remains weak. Vaccine hesitancy is also one of the limiting factors that may hinder herd immunity in Africa. In order to achieve herd immunity globally, African countries should not be excluded in fair and equal distribution of vaccines. Relevant stakeholders should foster commitment as well as community sensitization on COVID-19 vaccines and integration of COVID-19 vaccines in existing healthcare services.

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) represents an important pathogenic factor of lymphoma and is significantly associated with poor clinical outcome of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Circular RNAs (circRNAs) play an essential role in lymphoma progression. However, the underlying mechanism of circRNA on DLBCL progression related to EBV remains largely unknown.

CircRNA was screened by high-throughput sequencing in tumor samples of 12 patients with DLBCL according to EBV infection status. Expression of circEAF2, as well as the relationship with clinical characteristics and prognosis, were further analyzed in tumor samples of 100 DLBCL patients using quantitative real-time PCR. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments were conducted to investigate the biological functions of circEAF2 both in vitro and in vivo. The underlying mechanism of circRNA on DLBCL progression were further determined by RNA sequencing, RNA pull down assay, dual-luciferase reporter assay, rescue experiments and western blotting.

We identifiPC/β-catenin axis, referring circEAF2 as a potential prognostic biomarker. Therapeutic targeting EBV-encoded miRNA may be a promising strategy in treating EBV-associated lymphoid malignancies.Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a highly conserved cellular surveillance mechanism, commonly studied for its role in mRNA quality control because of its capacity of degrading mutated mRNAs that would produce truncated proteins. However, recent studies have proven that NMD hides more complex tasks involved in a plethora of cellular activities. Indeed, it can control the stability of mutated as well as non-mutated transcripts, tuning transcriptome regulation. NMD not only displays a pivotal role in cell physiology but also in a number of genetic diseases. In cancer, the activity of this pathway is extremely complex and it is endowed with both pro-tumor and tumor suppressor functions, likely depending on the genetic context and tumor microenvironment. D-Luciferin mouse NMD inhibition has been tested in pre-clinical studies showing favored production of neoantigens by cancer cells, which can stimulate the triggering of an anti-tumor immune response. At the same time, NMD inhibition could result in a pro-tumor effect, increasing cancer cell adaptation to stress. Since several NMD inhibitors are already available in the clinic to treat genetic diseases, these compounds could be redirected to treat cancer patients, pending the comprehension of these variegated NMD regulation mechanisms. Ideally, an effective strategy should exploit the anti-tumor advantages of NMD inhibition and simultaneously preserve its intrinsic tumor suppressor functions. The targeting of NMD could provide a new therapeutic opportunity, increasing the immunogenicity of tumors and potentially boosting the efficacy of the immunotherapy agents now available for cancer treatment.

Overweight and obese patients with solid tumors receiving anti-programmed cell death-1 (PD-1)/PD-ligand-1(PD-L1) immune checkpoint inhibitors exhibit improved survival and higher risk of immune-related adverse events (irAEs) than those with a normal body mass index (BMI). In classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), the impact of BMI on survival and immune-related toxicity is unknown. We evaluated for the first time associations of BMI with survival and irAEs in patients with relapsed/refractory (RR)-cHL undergoing PD-1 blockade.

Data from a multicenter study on 133 patients treated with the anti-PD1 antibody nivolumab (July 2015-December 2016) were retrieved from a prospective database. Progression-free (PFS), overall survival (OS), incidence and severity of irAEs according to BMI categories were estimated by Kaplan-Meier method, landmark-analyses and Cox regressions.

Patients, mostly males (63%, n = 84) with a median age of 35years (range, 15-82), advanced stage (75%), B symptoms (63%), bulky disease (24%), a m immune-related toxicity and does not represent a predictive tool for PD-1-targeted immunotherapies in cHL.

The RUBY randomised controlled trial demonstrated the benefit of proactive telephone peer support in promoting breastfeeding continuation in a setting with high breastfeeding initiation, where typically this is difficult to achieve. This paper describes the implementation and delivery of the peer support intervention with a focus on recruitment, training, and support of peer volunteers, and includes a description of the key components of the calls.

Data collection occurred between December 2012 and June 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. Volunteers completed enrolment forms at the training session and recorded data related to each call in a Call Log maintained for each mother supported. Data were summarised using descriptive statistics and responses to open-ended questions analysed using content analysis.

A total of 693 women expressed interest in the peer support role, with 246 completing training, that is, 95% of whom supported at least one mother. Each supported a mean of two mothers (range 1 to 11). Training session topics included respecting individual values, using positive language, confidence building, active listening, empathetic support, and normal baby behaviour.

Autoři článku: Godfreyfrye0414 (Gotfredsen McLean)