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To meet the high thickness accuracy requirements in cold-rolling processes, a roll eccentricity signal extraction method based on modified particle swarm optimization and wavelet threshold denoising (MPSO-WTD) with intrinsic time-scale decomposition (ITD) is proposed. The strong denoising ability of the wavelet is combined with the decomposition and recognition attributes of ITD for non-stationary signals. Periodic disturbances in strip thickness caused by roll eccentricity are actively compensated. First, the wavelet is used to denoise the signal and the MPSO algorithm is applied to determine a rational threshold and improve the calculation efficiency. Then, the denoised signal is decomposed into proper rotational components (PRCs) using the ITD method, and an appropriate PRC component representing the eccentricity signal is extracted. Finally, the eccentricity compensation signal is applied in the automatic gauge control (AGC) system of the cold rolling mill. During the rolling process, the rolling speed is not constant and will directly affect the frequency of the roll eccentricity signal. To solve this problem, an encoder is installed at the end of the roll and the compensation frequency of the roller eccentricity signal is determined in the roller eccentricity compensation system according to the pulse number output. The results of simulations and experiments show that roll eccentricity signals extracted using the proposed method can effectively remove the influence of interference signals. An average improvement of 62.3% in the roll eccentricity compensation effect was achieved under the stable rolling condition in the finishing rolling stage.Judgement bias testing has emerged as a potential tool for assessing affective states in animals. Researchers infer an animal's affective state based on an animal's response to an ambiguous stimulus that is intermediate to both the rewarded and punished conditioned stimuli. Animals can be classified as "optimistic" or having a positive affective state if the animal displays behaviors that suggest an increased expectation of reward in the face of ambiguous stimuli. Alternatively, animals can be classified "pessimistic" or having a negative affective state if the animal displays behaviors that suggest an increased expectation of punishment in the face of ambiguous stimuli. Recent reports in multiple species question what factors influence performance in judgement bias testing, and which may allow for erroneous conclusions regarding individual affective state. In order to better understand this concern, 25 female swine were subjected to behavioral assessments at critical rearing stages to determine response varioverall affective state and support the need for complementary measures in future JBT studies, including personality assessment.The higher airborne microbial concentration in indoor areas might be responsible for the adverse indoor air quality, which relates well with poor respiratory and general health effects in the form of Sick building syndromes. The current study aimed to isolate and characterize the seasonal (winter and spring) levels of culturable bio-aerosols from indoor air, implicating human health by using an epidemiological health survey. Microorganisms were identified by standard macro and microbiological methods, followed by biochemical testing and molecular techniques. Sampling results revealed the bacterial and fungal aerosol concentrations ranging between (300-3650 CFU/m3) and (300-4150 CFU/m3) respectively, in different microenvironments during the winter season (December-February). However, in spring (March-May), bacterial and fungal aerosol concentrations were monitored, ranging between (450-5150 CFU/m3) and (350-5070 CFU/m3) respectively. Interestingly, Aspergillus and Cladosporium were the majorly recorded fungi whereas, Staphylococcus, Streptobacillus, and Micrococcus found predominant bacterial genera among all the sites. Taken together, the elevated levels of bioaerosols are the foremost risk factor that can lead to various respiratory and general health issues in additional analysis, the questionnaire survey indicated the headache (28%) and allergy (20%) were significant indoor health concerns. This type of approach will serve as a foundation for assisting residents in taking preventative measures to avoid exposure to dangerous bioaerosols.Dinoflagellate species are traditionally defined using morphological characters, but molecular evidence accumulated over the past several decades indicates many morphologically-based descriptions are inaccurate. This recognition led to an increasing reliance on DNA sequence data, particularly rDNA gene segments, in defining species. The validity of this approach assumes the divergence in rDNA or other selected genes parallels speciation events. Another concern is whether single gene rDNA phylogenies by themselves are adequate for delineating species or if multigene phylogenies are required instead. Currently, few studies have directly assessed the relative utility of multigene versus rDNA-based phylogenies for distinguishing species. To address this, the current study examined D1-D3 and ITS/5.8S rDNA gene regions, a multi-gene phylogeny, and morphological characters in Gambierdiscus and other related dinoflagellate genera to determine if they produce congruent phylogenies and identify the same species. Data f to resolve species boundaries in the small minority of species where the D1-D3/ITS region phylogenies fail.SARS-CoV-2 has spread throughout the world since its discovery in China, and Malaysia is no exception. WGS has been a crucial approach in studying the evolution and genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in the ongoing pandemic. Despite considerable number of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences have been submitted to GISAID and NCBI databases, there is still scarcity of data from Malaysia. This study aims to report new Malaysian lineages of the virus, responsible for the sustained spikes in COVID-19 cases during the third wave of the pandemic. Patients with nasopharyngeal and/or oropharyngeal swabs confirmed COVID-19 positive by real-time RT-PCR with CT value less then 25 were chosen for WGS. The selected SARS-CoV-2 isolates were then sequenced, characterized and analyzed along with 986 sequences of the dominant lineages of D614G variants currently circulating throughout Malaysia. The prevalence of clade GH and G formed strong ground for the presence of two Malaysian lineages of AU.2 and B.1.524 that has caused sustained spikes of cases in the country. Statistical analysis on the association of gender and age group with Malaysian lineages revealed a significant association (p less then 0.05). Phylogenetic analysis revealed dispersion of 41 lineages, of these, 22 lineages are still active. Mutational analysis showed presence of unique G1223C missense mutation in transmembrane domain of the spike protein. For better understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 evolution in Malaysia especially with reference to the reported lineages, large scale studies based on WGS are warranted.

It remains unclear as to whether polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an additional risk factor in the development of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy in obese women. In the current study, we provide clarity on this issue by rigorously analysing patient LV geometry beyond the basic clinical measures currently used. Importantly, the cohort contained only normotensive patients that would normally be deemed low risk with no further intervention required.

The study comprised 24 obese women with PCOS and 29 obese Control women. Transthoracic echocardiography was used to evaluate LV structure/function. find more Basic clinical and metabolic data were collected for each participant consisting of age, BMI, blood pressure, fasting glucose, LDL-C, HLD-C, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Exclusion criteria; BMI < 30 g/m2, type 2 diabetes, hypertension.

Both groups exhibited concentric remodelling of the LV posterior wall at a prevalence of ~20%, this associated with grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Estimated LV mass/height2.7 was increased patients with PCOS (45 ± 2.2 vs 37 ± 1.6) with 33% exhibiting LV mass/height2.7 above ASE guidelines, compared to 7% in Controls. Furthermore, 25% of patients with PCOS were characterised with concentric hypertrophy, an alteration in LV geometry that was not observed in the Control group.

To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess LV geometric patterns in obese women with PCOS. The results suggest that obese women with PCOS are at greater risk of concentric hypertrophy than obese only women and provide justification for additional cardiovascular risk assessment in normotensive obese/PCOS women.

To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess LV geometric patterns in obese women with PCOS. The results suggest that obese women with PCOS are at greater risk of concentric hypertrophy than obese only women and provide justification for additional cardiovascular risk assessment in normotensive obese/PCOS women.

Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is defined as a weight-for-height < -3z scores of the median WHO growth standards, or visible severe wasting or the presence of nutritional edema. SAM related mortality rates in under-five children are well documented in Ethiopia but data on their predictors are limited. We aimed to document factors associated with SAM related mortality to inform better inpatient management.

A facility-based retrospective cohort study was conducted among children admitted due to SAM at Pawe General Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, from the 1st of January 2015 to the 31st of December 2019. Data from the records of SAM children were extracted using a standardized checklist. Epi-Data version 3.2 was used for data entry, and Stata version 14 was used for analysis. Bi-variable and multivariable Cox regression analyses were conducted to identify predictors of mortality. Variables with P<0.05 were considered significant predictors of mortality.

Five-hundred sixty-eight SAM cases were identifius on healthy nutrition and seeking early treatment. Inpatient mortality may be reduced by stricter adherence to treatment guidelines and recognizing early the key risk factors for death.Microdroplet arrays (MDAs) are powerful tools for digital immunoassays, high-throughput screening and single cell analysis. However, MDAs are usually produced with cleanroom processes, which are associated with high costs and low availability. Furthermore, in order to obtain robust and stable MDAs based on hydrophilic spots surrounded by a hydrophobic background, the chemistry must be strictly controlled, which is challenging using shared equipment. Here, we developed a new method to fabricate MDA substrates independently from the cleanroom. A small and low-cost in-house built system to collimate the light source was assembled for photopatterning a negative resist, and spots with diameters down to 4 μm were obtained, with only 3% to 5% spot-to-spot variation across the same sample and high batch-to-batch reproducibility. The use of a negative photoresist enabled the formation of a hydrophobic coating in solution which yielded high-quality MDAs. The feasibility for carrying out digital assays was demonstrated by measuring anti-Tau antibody in sample buffers containing bovine serum albumin, with no noticeable surface fouling.

Autoři článku: Gludhanson6556 (Potts Ulrich)