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Silicone rubber production using bis(2,4)-dichlorobenzoylperoxide (2,4-DCBP) as cross-linking agent was recently found to emit significant amounts of the non-Aroclor PCB congeners PCB 47, PCB 51 and PCB 68 into ambient air. Emissions were reported initially to be associated with flue gas condensate flakes deposited in the direct vicinity of the production site. These flakes were mainly composed of 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid and were contaminated with PCBs in the range of 150-300 mg/kg. Analysis of ambient air proved that also substantial gaseous emissions of the specific PCB congeners occur. The PCB congeners PCB 47, PCB 51 and PCB 68 were also found in bulk deposition samples, bio-indicators (dandelion, kale) and soil samples in the vicinity of the production site. Substitution of 2,4-DCBP by other cross-linking agents and mitigation measures led to a significant decrease of environmental impact.The optimization of process parameters for biochar activation is crucial for enhancing its surface area and adsorptive potentials. This work attempts to investigate the influence of activating agent (e.g., steam and KOH), temperature (700-900 °C) and activation time (60-120 min) using Taguchi L18 (21 × 32) experimental design for the activation of biochar derived from food waste and agricultural crop residues such as canola hull and oat hull. Among all the factors, activating agent and temperature influenced surface area considerably. KOH-assisted chemical activation of biochar at 800 °C for 90 min was found to be optimal with higher specific surface areas of 1760, 1718 and 1334 m2/g for food waste, canola hull and oat hull derived biochar, respectively. Finally, the comparative evaluation of the performances of biochar and activated carbon samples was achieved through the adsorption of common dyes such as methylene blue, methyl violet and rhodamine B. Activated carbon samples derived from food waste biochar and canola hull biochar exhibited a complete removal of methylene blue and methyl violet from model aqueous solution within 1-2 h of contact time at room temperature, whereas in case of rhodamine B only 91-94% removal was achieved.Wetlands play an important role in sustaining ecosystems on the earth, which regulate water resources, adjust local climate and produce food for human beings, etc. However, wetlands are facing huge challenges due to human activities and other natural evolution, such as area shrinkage, function weakening and biodiversity decrease, and so on, therefore, some wetlands need to be urgently restored. In this study, the main technology components of close-to-natural restoration of wetlands were summarized. The ecological water requirement and water resource allocation can be optimized for the water balance between social, economy and ecology, which is a key prerequisite for maintaining wetland ecosystem. The pollution of wetland sediments and soils can be assessed by various indicators to provide the scientific basis for natural restoration of wetland base, and suitable strategies should be taken according to the actual conditions of wetland bases. The hydrological connectivity in wetlands and with related water system can be numerically simulated to make the optimal plan for improvement of hydrological connectivity. The ecological restoration of wetlands with the synergetic function of plants, animals and microorganisms was summarized, to improve the quality of wetland water environment and maintain the ecosystem stability. Based on the wetland close-to-natural restoration strategies, a brief ecological restoration plan for a typical wetland, Zaozhadian Wetland, near Xiong'an New Area in the north China was proposed from water resource guarantee, base pollution management, hydrological connectivity improvement and biological restoration. The close-to-natural restoration shows more effective, sustainable and long-lasting and thus a practical prospect.Treating the effluents from industries by using biological and agricultural wastes is an emerging field of research. In this study, three different biosorbents are prepared from tamarind seeds such as; raw, sulphuric acid-modified and ultrasonic-assisted surface-modified tamarind seed powder has been utilized to expel the Pb (II) ions from synthetic solution. The surface characteristics of the newly synthesized raw and surface modified agro-waste biomass were studied by FTIR and SEM. An experimental study was carried out to investigate the effect of different parameters on adsorption of Pb(II) ions using raw, sulphuric acid-modified and ultrasonic-assisted surface-modified tamarind seeds. The maximum Pb(II) ions adsorption was found at pH - 6.0, temperature - 303 K, biosorbent dosage - 3.5 g/L and contact time - 60 min for raw tamarind seeds and 30 min for sulphuric acid-modified and ultrasonic-assisted surface-modified tamarind seeds. The adsorption mechanism was described by Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-first order kinetic model. Among the three biosorbents, ultrasonic-assisted surface-modified tamarind seeds show higher adsorption capacity (18.86 mg/g) of Pb(II) ions removal from the synthetic solution. The thermodynamic study declared that the present Pb(II) ions adsorption onto the prepared biosorbents was spontaneous, exothermic and followed physical adsorption process. Results have shown that tamarind seed was found to be the best adsorbent in the expulsion of Pb(II) ions from the wastewater environment.The water content in the recycled alginate solutions from aerobic granular sludge was nearly 100%. Forward osmosis (FO) has become an innovative dewatering technology. In this study, the FO concentration of sodium alginate (SA) was investigated using calcium chloride as a draw solute. The reverse solute flux (RSF) of calcium ions in FO had a beneficial effect, contrary to the findings of previous literature. The properties of the concentrated substances formed on the FO membrane on the feed side were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, verifying that calcium alginate (Ca-Alg), which can be used as a recycled material, was formed on the FO membrane on the feed side owing to the interaction between SA and permeable calcium ions. Water flux increased significantly with the increase in calcium chloride concentration, while the concentration of SA had little influence on the water flux in FO. Based on this discovery, we propose a novel method for the concentration and recovery of alginate, in which the RSF of calcium ions is utilized for recovering Ca-Alg by FO, with calcium chloride as a draw solute.This paper reports results of a 5-year trial study of a natural treatment system for wastewater (NTSW) on a livestock pig farm on Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). The pilot plant consist of a rotary screen, a first-generation multi-chamber digester, and two horizontal subsurface flow treatment wetlands (HSFCW) with a pond installed between them. Results show that the removal efficiency of total chemical oxygen demand (CODt), total suspended solids (TSS), volatile solids (VS) and total dissolved solids (TDS) of the treatment were 91.77%, 95.99%, 82.62%, and 55.78%, respectively. Other removal values include 93.79% for total nitrogen (TN) and 93.05% for phosphorus (P2O5). The results demonstrate the suitability of NTSW solutions applied to livestock waste in pig farms and their potential application to other farms of similar size.Biosurfactant producing bacterial strains were isolated from oil-contaminated sites at Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Chennai, the potential strain was selected and identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa TEN01 by 16 S rRNA sequencing technique. Biosurfactant was produced from cassava solid waste from the sago industry. Further, it was extracted by solvent extraction and partially purified by column chromatography. The partially purified biosurfactant was qualitatively analyzed by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), quantitatively analyzed by anthrone assay and characterized by Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Rf value and chemical groups confirm the presence of glycolipid in the partially purified biosurfactant. GC-MS results confirmed the presence of long-chain fatty acids and carbohydrate which is found to be mainly present in glycolipids. Biosurfactants are surface-active molecules which have been found to be the best alternative to chemiate for application in numerous environmental fields.This work presents the use of osmotic microbial fuel cell (OsMFC), for the first time, to concentrate nutrients and recover water and energy from source separated urine. Four sets of concentration of fresh urine as feed and NaCl as draw were examined 10% fresh urine vs 0.25 M NaCl; 10% fresh urine vs 2 M NaCl; fresh urine vs 0.25 M NaCl; and fresh urine vs 2 M NaCl. A maximum water flux of 14.27 LMH was attained when 10% of fresh urine and 2 M of NaCl were used as feed and draw solutions, respectively. Additionally, OsMFC concentrates ~99% of TOC, TN, NH4+, and 100% of PO43- and NO3- from urine at the feed side. Polarization studies indicate that the power generation in OsMFC is related to the rate of change of conductivity and the initial conductivity of the anolyte. The maximum (0.12187 W m-3) and minimum power densities (5.3372 × 10-4 W m-3) were obtained for the conditions of fresh urine vs 0.25 M NaCl and 10% fresh urine vs 0.25 M NaCl, respectively. The study shows that OsMFC is an effective pretreatment process to concentrate nutrients from urine by recovering water and energy, simultaneously.The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident (FDNPPA) derived 134Cs, 137Cs and 110mAg in blue sharks captured in the Northwest Pacific during 2011-2018 were assessed for the first time in the aspects of radioactive contamination, temporal variation, maternal-to-fetus transfer, tissue distribution and radiation dose, to demonstrate the impacts of the FDNPPA on blue sharks. The contribution of the FDNPPA derived radiocesium in blue sharks (>52%) was estimated based on 134Cs/137Csactivity ratios. The effective and ecological half-lives of the FDNPPA derived 134Cs (270 d, 410 d), and 137Cs (430 d, 450 d) were calculated. These contaminations decreased with time and returned to the level before the FDNPPA during the period of Sep. 2017-Sep. 2018.134Cs and 137Cs tended to distribute in muscles, while 110mAg mainly distribute in their guts. 134Cs and 137Cs were also transferred to fetuses and the activities were up to ~30% of the maternal activities. Dose assessment demonstrated that the highest FDNPPA derived dose rate in blue sharks (~0.42 nGy/h) was far below the ERICA ecosystem screening benchmark of 10 μGy/h and the committed effective dose in humans from ingesting blue shark meat (0.06-0.90 μSv) was far less than that from annual consumption of food and water. It was far from causing radiation harm to blue sharks and humans, suggesting that the impacts of the FDNPPA on blue sharks were not significant.Penguins dominate the Antarctic avifauna. As key animals in the Antarctic ecosystem, they are monitored to evaluate the ecological status of this pristine and remote region and specifically, they have been used as effective bioindicators suitable for long-term monitoring of metals in the Antarctic environment. However, studies about the role of this emblematic organism could play in the recycling of trace metals (TMs) in the Antarctic ecosystem are very limited. CDK inhibitor In this study we evaluate, using the peer review research articles already published and our own findings, the distribution of metals (i.e., Ca, Fe, Al, Na, Zn, Mg, Cu, K, Cd, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ni, Pb, Hg, V, Ba, Co, La, Ag, Rb, Hf, Sc, Au and Cs) and metalloids (As and Sb), measured in different biotic matrices, with emphasis on guano, of the Chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarcticus), Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and Gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) penguins. Regarding bioactive metals, the high concentrations (μg g-1 dry weight) of Cu (2.0 ± 1.4) x 102, Fe (4.1 ± 2.9) x 102, Mn (30 ± 34) and Zn (210 ± 90) reported in the guano from all the penguin species studied including our data, are of the same order of magnitude as those reported for whale feces (μg g-1 dry weight) Cu (2.

Autoři článku: Gloverstefansen9197 (Kemp Anker)