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aining in how to address taboo topics is recommended. Students endorsed almost all sexual health topics, which suggests that a comprehensive curriculum is appropriate.

Sexual history taking seldom occurs during a chronic care consultation and this research focussed on consultation interaction factors contributing to failure of screening for sexual dysfunction.

This study aimed to quantify the most important barriers a patient and doctor experienced in discussing sexual challenges during the consultation and to assess the nature of communication and holistic practice of doctors in these consultations.

The study was done in 10 primary care clinics in North West province which is a mix of rural and urban areas.

One-hundred and fifty-five consultation recordings were qualitatively analysed in this grounded theory research. Doctors and patients completed self-administered questionnaires. A structured workplace-based assessment tool was used to assess the communication skills and holistic practice doctors. Template analysis and descriptive statistics were used for analysis. The quantitative component of the study was to strengthen the study by triangulating the data.

Twenty-one doctors participated in video-recorded routine consultations with 151 adult patients living with hypertension and diabetes, who were at risk of sexual dysfunction. No history taking for sexual dysfunction occurred. Consultations were characterised by poor communication skills and the lack of holistic practice. Patients identified rude doctors, shyness and lack of privacy as barriers to sexual history taking, whilst doctors thought that they had more important things to do with their limited consultation time.

Consultations were doctor-centred and sexual dysfunction in patients was entirely overlooked, which could have a negative effect on biopsychosocial well-being and potentially led to poor patient care.

Consultations were doctor-centred and sexual dysfunction in patients was entirely overlooked, which could have a negative effect on biopsychosocial well-being and potentially led to poor patient care.

The overwhelming uptake of contraception in Kenya at 58% suggests huge potential for a continued increase, but discontinuation threatens efforts to achieve new targets. Further increases in contraceptive prevalence will depend more on continuation and re-adoption amongst past users because unintended pregnancies would increasingly result from discontinuation. Eliminating discontinuations from side effects and method failure could increase continuation rates by 10%.

To establish the prevalence and factors associated with contraceptive discontinuation.

Kenya, with a successful family planning programme, but also the challenge of discontinuation rates of 31%.

Contraceptive calendar data from the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey were used in the survival analysis approach.

Overall discontinuation rates were 37% (24 months) and 74% at (36 months), whilst discontinuation in need was 36%. Side effects accounted for 40% of discontinuations, whilst injection and pill recorded the highest rates. Curre contraceptive options and improving the quality of service can scale up switching and thus help reduce discontinuation and unintended births.

Globally, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) is rising because of increased levels of physical inactivity and obesity. In South Africa, information about teachers' physical activity (PA), body fatness and MS is limited.

To assess the relationship between PA, body fatness and MS in urban South African teachers.

The study setting was in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District in the North West province of South Africa.

A cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary data drawn from the sympathetic activity and ambulatory blood pressure in Africans (SABPA) study of 216 teachers (aged 25-65 years). Variables included anthropometry, biochemical measurements, objectively measured PA and lifestyle behaviours.

Twenty-nine percent of the total participants were classified with MS, with 46% in men compared to 13% in women; 33% were sedentary and 67% participated in light activity. A weak significant negative relationship was found between the mean 7-day awake metabolic equivalent of tasks (METs) and triglycer the regulation of triglycerides. Focused PA interventions in school teachers that advocate the benefits of PA and healthy lifestyle choices to reduce dietary fat intake (and alcohol) are recommended.

Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death among children under five years old globally. It remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality among this age group in Nigeria. Using simple home management, mothers play important roles in the prevention and control of diarrhoea among these children.

This study aimed to assess mothers' knowledge, attitude and practice in the prevention and home management of diarrhoeal diseases among children under five years old in Lagos, Nigeria.

This study was conducted within the communities of Kosofe local government area of Lagos State, Nigeria.

A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted using a multistage sampling technique. Data were collected using a structured interviewer-administered questionnaire and analysed using EPI info version 7.2.1. Chi-square statistic was used to test the association between variable at the level of significance of 5%.

A total of 360 respondents participated in this study. The mean age of the respondents was 32.5 ± 5.5 years. About 59.2% of respondents had good knowledge, 59.2% of them had positive attitude, and 53.1% of them had good practice towards prevention and home management of diarrhoea. Age (p= 0.007), occupation (p= 0.008) and level of education (p= 0.001) were significantly associated with practice of home management of diarrhoea among children under five years old.

Educated, employed, and married mothers were more likely to have good prevention and home management practices towards diarrhoea in their children under five years old.

Educated, employed, and married mothers were more likely to have good prevention and home management practices towards diarrhoea in their children under five years old.

Handgrip strength (HGS) serves as a proxy for the functional ability and its association with body composition (BC) and physical activity (PA) in South African adults are less clear.

We investigated the relationships between PA, body composition and HGS amongst adults.

Rural and urban population from North West Province, South Africa.

A cross-sectional study design was performed on 688 (198 men; 490 women) adults aged 35-70 years from the 2015 measurement wave of the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study from the North West province of South Africa. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF) assessed and a dynamometer determined HGS in kilogram. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference were used as measures of body composition. Spearman correlation coefficients determined the relationship between PA, BMI and HGS.

In the study, 22% and 26%, respectively, were overweight and obese with women being more overweight and obese compared to men. Sixty percof strength activities, for an adult population are urgently recommended.

The South African National Policy Framework and Strategy on Palliative Care (NPFSPC) recommends that when integrating palliative care (PC) into the health system, a PC indicators tool should be used to guide clinicians to recognise a patient who should receive PC. The policy document recommends 'a simple screening tool developed for use in South Africa that would assist healthcare professionals (HCPs) to recognise patients who may have unmet palliative care needs'.

This research study sought to develop South African consensus on indicators for PC to assist clinicians to recognise a patient in need of PC.

The South African healthcare setting.

A Delphi study was considered suitable as a methodology to develop consensus. The methodology was based on the Conducting and REporting of DElphi studies (CREDES) guidance on Delphi studies to ensure rigour and transparency in conducting and reporting. Six different Delphi rounds were used to develop consensus. Each round allowed participants to anonymously rate sthat may assist HCPs to recognise patients who may have unmet PC needs.

The Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool for South Africa (SPICTTM-SA) is a simple screening tool for South Africa that may assist HCPs to recognise patients who may have unmet PC needs.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) has serious consequences for those affected. Little is documented on the lifestyle determinants of type 2 DM in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLWHIV).

This study aimed to assess the lifestyle determinants of type 2 DM amongst PLWHIV who were on antiretroviral treatment (ARV).

This study was undertaken in 10 community health clinics and 140 clinics in South Africa's Eastern Cape province.

This case control study was undertaken amongst PLWHIV who were on ARV in OR Tambo district.

Cases and controls showed statistically significant differences on the duration of time on ARV (p 0.0001), vigorous work (p= 0.019), participation in moderate sport (p= 0.007) and consuming daily fruit and vegetable servings (p= 0.021). Those reporting to be on ARVs for 6 to 10 years were three times more likely to be diabetic than those who had only been on ARV for a year or less (odds ratio [OR] = 3.0;p= 0.017) and in comparison, to participants who reported having one serving, participants who had four fruit and vegetable servings daily were 3.2 times more likely to be diabetic (OR = 3.2;p= 0.002).

This study revealed significant nutritional imbalances on fruit and vegetable servings and on participation in moderate sport resulting in poor diabetic control. Routine screening and measurements need to focus on dietary and physical lifestyle determinants of type 2 DM in order to counsel patients on ARV on balanced nutrition and optimise outcomes in the quality care of PLWHIV.

This study revealed significant nutritional imbalances on fruit and vegetable servings and on participation in moderate sport resulting in poor diabetic control. Routine screening and measurements need to focus on dietary and physical lifestyle determinants of type 2 DM in order to counsel patients on ARV on balanced nutrition and optimise outcomes in the quality care of PLWHIV.No abstract available.Molecular hybridization is a widely used ligand design method in drug discovery. In this study, we present MolHyb, a web server for structure-based ligand design by molecular hybridization. The input of MolHyb is a protein file and a seed compound file. MolHyb tries to generate novel ligands through hybridizing the seed compound with helper compounds that bind to the same protein target or similar proteins. PI3K inhibitor To facilitate the job of getting helper compounds, we compiled a modeled protein-ligand structure database as an extension to crystal structures in the PDB database by placing the bioactive compounds in ChEMBL into their corresponding 3D protein binding pocket properly. MolHyb works by searching for helper compounds from the protein-ligand structure database and migrating chemical moieties from helper compounds to the seed compound efficiently. Hybridization is performed at both cyclic and acyclic bonds. The users can also input their own helper compounds to MolHyb. We hope that MolHyb will be a useful tool for rational drug design.

Autoři článku: Gilmoremose0598 (Goldstein Vilstrup)