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Key points raised in the dialogues included the need for a more relational worldview, the need to repair severed relations with the land and nature, the importance of Indigenous ways of knowing, the importance of community building, and the need to question the fundamental assumptions undergirding contemporary Western societies.

While caution must be exercised in drawing conclusions and extrapolating from this modest pilot project, our experience underscores the value of processes that intentionally catalyze critical reflexivity and openness to other ways of seeing, informed by Indigenous ways of knowing and talking circle methodology.

While caution must be exercised in drawing conclusions and extrapolating from this modest pilot project, our experience underscores the value of processes that intentionally catalyze critical reflexivity and openness to other ways of seeing, informed by Indigenous ways of knowing and talking circle methodology.While past research has demonstrated the power of defaults to nudge decision makers toward desired outcomes, few studies have examined whether people understand how to strategically set defaults to influence others' choices. A recent paper (Zlatev et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 13643-13648, 2017) found that participants exhibited "default neglect," or the failure to set optimal defaults at better than chance levels. However, we show that this poor performance is specific to the complex and potentially confusing paradigms they used, and does not reflect a general lack of understanding regarding defaults. Using simple scenarios, Experiments 1A and 1B provide clear evidence that people can optimally set defaults given their goals. In Experiment 2, we conducted a direct and conceptual replication of one of Zlatev et al.'s original studies, which found that participants selected the optimal default significantly less than chance. While our direct replication found results similar to those in the original study, our conceptual replication, which simplified the task, instead found the opposite. Experiment 3 manipulated the framing of the option attributes, which were confounded with the default in the original study, and found that the original framing led to below-chance performance while the alternate framing led to above-chance performance. Together, our results cast doubt on the prevalence and generalizability of default neglect, and instead suggest that people are capable of setting optimal defaults in attempts at social influence.Retrospectively obvious events are frequently missed when attention is engaged in another task-a phenomenon known as inattentional blindness. Although the task characteristics that predict inattentional blindness rates are relatively well understood, the observer characteristics that predict inattentional blindness rates are largely unknown. Previously, expert radiologists showed a surprising rate of inattentional blindness to a gorilla photoshopped into a CT scan during lung-cancer screening. However, inattentional blindness rates were higher for a group of naïve observers performing the same task, suggesting that perceptual expertise may provide protection against inattentional blindness. Here, we tested whether expertise in radiology predicts inattentional blindness rates for unexpected abnormalities that were clinically relevant. Fifty radiologists evaluated CT scans for lung cancer. The final case contained a large (9.1 cm) breast mass and lymphadenopathy. When their attention was focused on searching for lung nodules, 66% of radiologists did not detect breast cancer and 30% did not detect lymphadenopathy. In contrast, only 3% and 10% of radiologists (N = 30), respectively, missed these abnormalities in a follow-up study when searching for a broader range of abnormalities. Neither experience, primary task performance, nor search behavior predicted which radiologists missed the unexpected abnormalities. These findings suggest perceptual expertise does not protect against inattentional blindness, even for unexpected stimuli that are within the domain of expertise.Treatment of brain-related diseases is one of the most strenuous challenges in drug delivery research due to numerous hurdles, including poor blood-brain barrier penetration, lack of specificity, and severe systemic toxicities. Our research primarily focuses on the delivery of natural therapeutic compound, α-asarone, for the treatment of brain-related diseases. However, α-asarone has poor aqueous solubility, bioavailability, and stability, all of which are critical issues that need to be addressed. This study aims at formulating a lipid nanoparticulate system of α-asarone (A-LNPs) that could be used as a brain drug delivery system. The physicochemical, solid-state properties, stability, and in vitro and in vivo studies of the A-LNPs were characterized. The release of α-asarone from the A-LNPs was prolonged and sustained. After intravenous administration of A-LNPs or free α-asarone, significantly higher levels of α-asarone from the A-LNPs were detected in murine plasma and brain parenchyma fractions, confirming the ability of A-LNPs to not only maintain a therapeutic concentration of α-asarone in the plasma, but also transport α-asarone across the blood-brain barrier. These findings confirm that lipid nanoparticulate systems enable penetration of natural therapeutic compound α-asarone through the blood-brain barrier and may be a candidate for the treatment of brain-related diseases.The accumulation of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in terrestrial ecosystems has become a global concern, as PTEs may exert a wide range of negative impacts on forest's ecological state due to local or transboundary pollution. Forest vegetation and soil display great potential as means of coping with the accumulation mechanisms, absorption and dissolving the pollutants. Therefore, it is crucial to study the transfer of PTEs across these basic components of the forest ecosystem. Investigation on the PTEs concentrations in the soil-plant system in relatively non-polluted environment of Central Balkan National Park (Sredna Stara Planina Mountain) provides more information about the role of the forest patterns and soil properties for the bioaccumulation processes in the context of ecosystem services concept. In this paper, the transfer of PTEs in soil-plant system in relatively clean environment is studied in order to assess and map the ecosystem capacity of different types of forest ecosystems to mediate toxic elements. Based on in situ observations and sampling, the PTEs concentrations in soil and aboveground vegetation were analyzed. The potential of each forest type to reduce the impact of PTEs and bioaccumulation as an indicator of ecosystem service is also discussed. The GIS analysis supports the study by creating a common database and setting the basis for ecosystem services assessment. The generated maps represent areas where the forest ecosystems have the greatest capacity to provide related ecosystem service and mediate toxic elements. The bioaccumulation of PTEs in forest territories results in medium to low rates and higher supply capacity is not present at any spatial unit as the accumulation process is focused in the soil. The obtained results highlight the ecological importance of soil in terms of acting as a buffer against pollution, especially in areas with intensive road traffic.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that is currently incurable. Selleck Belinostat Inhibition of inflammation can prevent the deterioration of RA. 2-[(Aminocarbonyl)amino]-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-thiophenecarboxamide (TPCA-1) suppresses inflammation via the inhibition of nuclear factor-κ (NF-κB) signaling pathway. Gold-based therapies have been used to treat inflammatory arthritis since the 1940s. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a targeting ligand for CD44 receptors overexpressed on activated macrophages. Therefore, a combined therapy based on TPCA-1, gold, and HA was explored for the treatment of RA in this study. We used gold nanocages (AuNCs) to load TPCA-1 and modified the TPCA-1 (T) loaded AuNCs with HA and peptides (P) to construct an anti-inflammatory nanoparticle (HA-AuNCs/T/P). An adjuvant-induced arthritis (AIA) mice model was used to investigate the in vivo anti-inflammatory efficacy of HA-AuNCs/T/P. In vivo distribution results showed that HA-AuNCs/T/P had increased and prolonged accumulation at the inflamed paws of AIA mice. Treatment by the HA-AuNCs/T/P suppressed joint swelling and alleviated cartilage and bone damage. By loading to HA-AuNCs/T/P, the effective concentration of TPCA-1 was greatly reduced from 20 to 0.016 mg/kg mice. This study demonstrated that HA-AuNCs/T/P could effectively suppress inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of AIA mice, suggesting a great potential of HA-AuNCs/T/P for the treatment of RA.The kappa opioid receptor (KOR) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that can signal through multiple signaling pathways. KOR agonists are known to relieve pain and itch, as well as induce dysphoria, sedation, hallucinations, and diuresis. As is the case with many other GPCRs, specific signaling pathways downstream of the KOR have been linked to certain physiological responses induced by the receptor. Those studies motivated the search and discovery of a number of KOR ligands that preferentially activate one signaling pathway over another. Such compounds are termed functionally selective or biased ligands, and may present a way of inducing desired receptor effects with reduced adverse reactions. In this chapter, I review the molecular intricacies of KOR signaling and discuss the studies that have used biased signaling through the KOR as a way to selectively modulate in vivo physiology.Generation of nitric oxide (NO) by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzymes plays multiple signalling roles in every organ system, with crucial roles in the cardiovascular system, mediated by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, encoded by NOS3) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS, encoded by NOS1) in regulation of blood pressure, flow, oxygen delivery and cardiac function. Loss of normal NO-mediated functions in cardiovascular disease state is associated with changes in nitroso-redox signalling that are not dependent solely upon altered NO generation, but increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The NOS enzymes can also generate ROS, in a catalytic mode whereby the generation of NO from L-arginine is 'uncoupled' from the reduction of molecular oxygen. NOS uncoupling is determined by several factors, including the availability and oxidation state of the required NOS cofactor, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). The duality of NOS functions as enzymes that generate both NO and ROS under different regulatory states has emerged as an important pathophysiologic mechanism, and is a potential therapeutic target, via agents that can maintain or restore NOS coupling, for example via effects on BH4 availability.To investigate adherence by Veterans Affairs (VA) providers to perinatal depression screening clinical practice guidelines (two prenatal and one postpartum screen). Women Veterans who enrolled in a multisite cohort study during pregnancy and delivered newborns between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2019 were included. VA electronic health record (EHR) and claims data identified the start of pregnancy care, depression screens, and medical history. Prenatal and postpartum telephone surveys collected demographics, pregnancy characteristics, and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores. Data from EHRs was combined with telephone survey data to create the analytic dataset (n = 663). Most (93%) Veterans had primary care at the VA during pregnancy; 41% saw a VA mental health provider. Perinatal depression screens were conducted with 43% of Veterans; 13% had both prenatal and postnatal screens. Screened Veterans were less likely to be diagnosed with depression by a VA provider in either the preconception or pregnancy time periods compared to those not screened (11% vs.

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