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The novel virtual reality 3D-microscope bears potential to provide benefits for various otologic procedures, which will be evaluated more quantitatively in clinical follow-up studies.

To explore GPs' perspectives on and daily experiences with the relational potential of email consultations.

Qualitative study with data from participant observation and semi-structured interviews.

General practice setting in Denmark.

Practice personnel from four clinics were observed and 16 GPs (seven women and nine men, between 35 and 70 years of age) interviewed. Field notes and interview data were analysed using an inductive thematic analysis approach.

Main themes and subthemes reporting GPs' perspectives on and experiences with the relational potential of email consultations.

The analyses showed that due to perceived interpretational shortcomings, the GPs generally experienced email consultation as unsuitable for communication about relational, socio-emotional and sensitive matters. In doctor-patient relationships founded on mutual knowledge and trust, the email consultation was however used as a supportive communication channel, as a way for the patient to express emotions and affect and for patient relationship.

Email consultations were highly context-variant. Within continuing relationships and in conjunction with face-to-face consultations, email consultation was used for supportive communication holding the potential for maintaining, strengthening and/or dissolving the GP-patient relationship. Therefore, email consultation is not simply an information-delivery tool but also holds more explicit relational potentials. KEY POINTS Overall, the GPs perceived email consultation as unsuitable for non-medical, relationship-oriented purposes. Nonetheless, the GPs experienced that email consultations oftentimes comprised communication about relational and socio-emotional issues. Knowledge of the patient was a vital factor for the GP's comfort in and acceptability of relational functions of email consultation. Email consultation is not simply an information-delivery tool as it holds the potential for maintaining, strengthening and/or dissolving the GP-patient relationship.

Metabolic factors underlying the recent increase in stone prevalence over the past decades are not well understood. Herein, we evaluate temporal, geographic and gender-specific trends in metabolic risk factors in recurrent kidney stone formers.

A systematic literature review of metabolic risk factors for stone formation was conducted, inclusive of the last four decades. Studies with inadequate 24 h urine metabolic data, pediatric or those with less than 50 patients were excluded. The primary outcome was prevalence of each metabolic risk factor, compared between studies published prior to the year 2000 vs those following. Tacrolimus in vitro Geographic and gender differences were secondary outcomes.

Twenty-eight articles met inclusion criteria, of which 10 (

 = 1578) were published prior to the year 2000 and 18 (

 = 8747) were published thereafter. Comparing these groups, an increase in hyperoxaluria (29% vs 33%;

 = 0.002), hypercalciuria (35 vs 36%;

 = 0.446), hyperuricosuria (17% vs 22%;

 < 0.0001), low urine vo the epidemiology, prevention and management of recurrent stone disease. Dietary modifications and innovative medical therapies are needed to decrease metabolic risk factors underlying nephrolithiasis.Impaired in vitro oxidation of clozapine has been reported in steatotic rat liver due to downregulation of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A. Pharmacokinetic changes of clozapine and its major metabolite, norclozapine, were evaluated in a rat model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) induced by orotic acid. Significantly slower in vitro CLint for formation of norclozapine from clozapine was observed in NAFLD rats than in control rats as a result of the reduced protein expression and metabolic activity of CYP1A1/2. However, systemic exposures to clozapine in NAFLD rats were comparable to those in controls after intravenous (4 mg/kg) and oral (10 mg/kg) administration of clozapine. Of note, the AUC of the norclozapine and AUCnorclozapine/AUCclozapine ratio following intravenous and oral administration of clozapine rather increased significantly in NAFLD rats, as a result of the slowed subsequent metabolism of norclozapine via CYP1A1/2. Steady-state brain concentrations of both clozapine and norclozapine were significantly higher in NAFLD rats than those in control rats following intravenous infusion of clozapine. Increased systemic exposure to norclozapine and elevated brain concentrations of clozapine and norclozapine observed in NAFLD rats imply that further studies are warranted on the pharmacotherapy of clozapine in patients with pre-existing or drug-induced hepatic steatosis.Many self-report inventories in social/personality psychology are developed and scored using dominance-based assumptions. Specifically, they assume that the relationship between item endorsement and the latent trait is monotonically increasing; thus, individuals with high standings on the trait would be likely to endorse all items. It is possible, however, that the item response process for these inventories follows an ideal point process in which respondents only endorse items that best describe them, leading to nonmonotonic relations between item responses and latent traits. This research examined whether the item response process underlying the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised-a commonly used self-report measure of adult attachment styles-is best understood as a dominance or ideal point process. Study 1 showed that the ideal point model provided a good account of the response process and provided better interpretability for the full trait continuum than a dominance model. Importantly, people who were the most insecure were the most likely to be scored differently under these two item response models. In Study 2, the association between attachment anxiety and subjective well-being scores was higher using ideal point than dominance-based scoring, and this was especially the case among subsets of people who were highly insecure. Study 3 demonstrated a similar pattern using simulation data. In summary, when dominance-based methods are used to measure adult attachment, people who are extremely insecure may be assessed in suboptimal ways.

Autoři článku: Gayhebert7567 (Morrison Timmons)