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Furthermore, we observed an additional 62% reduction in natural slicks, reducing global CO2 fluxes by 19% considering known frequency of slick coverage. From our observation, we identified surfactant concentrations with two different end-members which lead to an error in global CO2 flux estimation if ignored. © 2020 The Author(s).This paper is concerned primarily with constructive mathematical analysis of a general system of nonlinear two-point boundary value problem when an empirically constructed candidate for an approximate solution (quasi-solution) satisfies verifiable conditions. A local analysis in a neighbour- hood of a quasi-solution assures the existence and uniqueness of solutions and, at the same time, provides error bounds for approximate solutions. Applying this method to a cholera epidemic model, we obtain an analytical approximation of the steady-state solution with rigorous error bounds that also displays dependence on a parameter. In connection with this epidemic model, we also analyse the basic reproduction number, an important threshold quantity in the epidemiology context. Through a complex analytic approach, we determine the principal eigenvalue to be real and positive in a range of parameter values. © 2020 The Author(s).The viscous froth model for two-dimensional (2D) dissipative foam rheology is combined with Marangoni-driven surfactant redistribution on a foam film. The model is used to study the flow of a 2D foam system consisting of one bubble partially filling a constricted channel and a single spanning film connecting it to the opposite channel wall. Gradients of surface tension arising from film deformation induce tangential flow that redistributes surfactant along the film. This redistribution, and the consequent changes in film tension, inhibit the structure from undergoing a foam-destroying topological change in which the spanning film leaves the bubble behind; foam stability is thereby increased. The system's behaviour is categorized by a Gibbs-Marangoni parameter, representing the ratio between the rate of motion in tangential and normal directions. Larger values of the Gibbs-Marangoni parameter induce greater variation in surface tension, increase the rate of surfactant redistribution and reduce the likelihood of topological changes. An intermediate regime is, however, identified in which the Gibbs-Marangoni parameter is large enough to create a significant gradient of surface tension but is not great enough to smooth out the flow-induced redistribution of surfactant entirely, resulting in non-monotonic variation in the bubble height, and hence in foam stability. © 2020 The Author(s).Motivated by real-world applications of unmanned aerial vehicles, this paper introduces a decentralized control mechanism to guide steering control of autonomous agents manoeuvring in the vicinity of multiple moving entities (e.g. other autonomous agents) and stationary entities (e.g. fixed beacons or points of reference) in a three-dimensional environment. The proposed control law, which can be perceived as a modification of the three-dimensional constant bearing (CB) pursuit law, provides a means to allocate simultaneous attention to multiple entities. We investigate the behaviour of the closed-loop dynamics for a system with one agent referencing two beacons, as well as a two-agent mutual pursuit system wherein each agent employs the beacon-referenced CB pursuit law with regards to the other agent and a stationary beacon. Under certain assumptions on the associated control parameters, we demonstrate that this problem admits circling equilibria with agents moving on circular orbits with a common radius, in planes perpendicular to a common axis passing through the beacons. As the common radius and distances from the beacon are determined by the choice of parameters in the pursuit law, this approach provides a means to engineer desired formations in a three-dimensional setting. © 2020 The Author(s).Shear banding is a plastic instability in large deformation of solids where the flow becomes concentrated in narrow layers, with broad implications in materials processing applications and dynamic failure of metals. selleck products Given the extremely small length and time scales involved, several challenges persist in studying the development of shear bands. Here, we present a new approach to study shear bands at low speeds using low melting point alloys. We use in situ imaging to directly capture the essential features of shear banding, including transition from homogeneous to shear banded flow, band nucleation and propagation dynamics, and temporal evolution of the flow around a developing band. High-resolution, time-resolved measurements of the local displacement and velocity profiles during shear band growth are presented. The experiments are complemented by an analysis of the shear band growth as a Bingham fluid flow. It is shown that shear banding occurs only beyond a critical shear stress and is accompanied by a sharp drop in the viscosity by several orders of magnitude, analogous to the yielding transition in yield-stress fluids. Likewise, the displacement field around a nucleated band evolves in a manner that resembles boundary layer formation, with the band thickness scaling with time as a power law. © 2020 The Author(s).Variable-order fractional operators were conceived and mathematically formalized only in recent years. The possibility of formulating evolutionary governing equations has led to the successful application of these operators to the modelling of complex real-world problems ranging from mechanics, to transport processes, to control theory, to biology. Variable-order fractional calculus (VO-FC) is a relatively less known branch of calculus that offers remarkable opportunities to simulate interdisciplinary processes. Recognizing this untapped potential, the scientific community has been intensively exploring applications of VO-FC to the modelling of engineering and physical systems. This review is intended to serve as a starting point for the reader interested in approaching this fascinating field. We provide a concise and comprehensive summary of the progress made in the development of VO-FC analytical and computational methods with application to the simulation of complex physical systems. More specifically, following a short introduction of the fundamental mathematical concepts, we present the topic of VO-FC from the point of view of practical applications in the context of scientific modelling.

Autoři článku: Gatesgarza1729 (Patton Schofield)