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To evaluate the perioperative complications associated with total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) in patients with spinal tumours, based on the extent and level of tumour resection.

In total, 307 patients who underwent TES in a single centre were reviewed retrospectively. There were 164 male and 143 female patients with a mean age at the time of surgery of 52.9 years (SD 13.3). A total of 225 patients were operated on for spinal metastases, 34 for a malignant primary tumour, 41 for an aggressive benign tumour, and seven with a primary of unknown origin. The main lesion was located in the thoracic spine in 213, and in the lumbar spine in 94 patients. There were 97 patients who underwent TES for more than two consecutive vertebrae.

Major and minor perioperative complications were observed in 122 (39.7%) and 84 (27.4%) patients respectively. The breakdown of complications was as follows bleeding more than 2,000 ml in 60 (19.5%) patients, hardware failure in 82 (26.7%), neurological in 46 (15.0%), surgical siteour resection. In addition to preoperative clinical and pathological factors, it is therefore important to consider these factors in patients who undergo en bloc resection for spinal tumours. Cite this article


The characteristics of perioperative complications after TES were different depending on the extent and level of the tumour resection. In addition to preoperative clinical and pathological factors, it is therefore important to consider these factors in patients who undergo en bloc resection for spinal tumours. Cite this article Bone Joint J 2021;103-B(5)976-983.Evaluating musculoskeletal conditions of the lower limb and understanding the pathophysiology of complex bone kinematics is challenging. Static images do not take into account the dynamic component of relative bone motion and muscle activation. Fluoroscopy and dynamic MRI have important limitations. Dynamic CT (4D-CT) is an emerging alternative that combines high spatial and temporal resolution, with an increased availability in clinical practice. 4D-CT allows simultaneous visualization of bone morphology and joint kinematics. This unique combination makes it an ideal tool to evaluate functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In the lower limb, 4D-CT has been used to diagnose femoroacetabular impingement, patellofemoral, ankle and subtalar joint instability, or reduced range of motion. 4D-CT has also been used to demonstrate the effect of surgery, mainly on patellar instability. 4D-CT will need further research and validation before it can be widely used in clinical practice. We believe, however, it is here to stay, and will become a reference in the diagnosis of lower limb conditions and the evaluation of treatment options. Cite this article Bone Joint J 2021;103-B(5)822-827.

The purpose was to evaluate early clinical, patient-reported, and radiological outcomes of the scapholunate ligament 360° tenodesis (SL 360) technique for treatment of scapholunate (SL) instability.

We studied the results of nine patients (eight males and one female with a mean age of 44.7 years (26 to 55)) who underwent the SL 360 procedure for reducible SL instability between January 2016 and June 2019, and who were identified from retrospective review of electronic medical records. Final follow-up of any kind was a mean of 33.7 months (12.0 to 51.3). Clinical, radiological, and patient-reported outcome data included visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain, Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH), Mayo Wrist Score (MWS), and Patient-Rated Wrist Examination (PRWE). Means were analyzed using paired


Before surgery, patients with SL instability were significantly impaired with respect to wrist flexion, extension, and grip strength (mean flexion, 51° (20° to 85°) vs 73° (45° to 9 favourable early clinical, patient-reported, and radiological outcomes at a mean of 33.7 months (12.0 to 51.3). The suture tape and tendon construct confers robust stability, permitting earlier mobilization without the inherent disadvantages of Kirschner wire stabilization. Cite this article Bone Joint J 2021;103-B(5)939-945.

The morphology of medial malleolar fracture is highly variable and difficult to characterize without 3D reconstruction. There is also no universally accepeted classification system. Thus, we aimed to characterize fracture patterns of the medial malleolus and propose a classification scheme based on 3D CT reconstruction.

We retrospectively reviewed 537 consecutive cases of ankle fractures involving the medial malleolus treated in our institution. 3D fracture maps were produced by superimposing all the fracture lines onto a standard template. We sliced fracture fragments and the standard template based on selected sagittal and coronal planes to create 2D fracture maps, where angles α and β were measured. Angles α and β were defined as the acute angles formed by the fracture line and the horizontal line on the selected planes.

A total of 121 ankle fractures were included. We revealed several important fracture features, such as a high correlation between posterior collicular fractures and posteromedial fra mechanisms and guiding diagnosis, as well as surgical strategies. Cite this article


Our findings yield insight into the characteristics and recurrent patterns of medial malleolar fractures. The proposed classification system is helpful in understanding injury mechanisms and guiding diagnosis, as well as surgical strategies. Cite this article Bone Joint J 2021;103-B(5)931-938.

The aim of this study was to identify the minimal clinically important difference (MCID), minimal important change (MIC), minimal detectable change (MDC), and patient-acceptable symptom state (PASS) threshold in the Forgotten Joint Score (FJS) according to patient satisfaction six months following total knee arthroplasty (TKA).

During a one-year period 484 patients underwent a primary TKA and completed preoperative and six-month FJS and OKS. At six months patients were asked, "How satisfied are you with your operated knee?" Their response was recorded as very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. The difference between patients recording neutral (n = 44) and satisfied (n = 153) was used to define the MCID. MIC for a cohort was defined as the change in the FJS for those patients declaring their outcome as satisfied, whereas receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine the MIC for an individual and the PASS threshold. Distribution-based methodology was ed to assess whether there is clinical difference between two groups and whether a cohort/patient has had a meaningful change in their FJS, respectively. The MDC90 of 12 points suggests a value lower than this may fall within measurement error. A postoperative FJS of 22 or more was predictive of achieving PASS. Cite this article Bone Joint J 2021;103-B(5)846-854.During winter 2020-2021, a severe virus-like disease outbreak was observed in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) hybrids 'Monarca' (F1) and 'Angela' (F1) growing under protected conditions in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. In three greenhouses, the percentage of infected plants reached 100% leading to crop abandonment. Symptoms included leaf mottling and yellowing accompanied with plant stunting and apical necrosis. Extensive fruit damage was due to severe malformation and necrotic lesions on the calyx, peduncle and the endocarp (Sup. Fig. 1). To identify the causal agent, total RNA was extracted from a symptomatic eggplant fruit with PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific, USA), which was subjected to high throughput sequencing (HTS) analysis (Illumina Inc., USA). The de novo assembly of the obtained 25 million, 75 bp, single-end reads with Geneious Prime (Biomatters, New Zealand) and the annotation of the resulting contigs with BLASTn revealed the presence of only eggplant mottled crinkle virus (EMCV, genun Italy (Russo et al., 2002) and the virus is considered by the European Food Safety Authority as an exotic virus of the genera Cydonia, Malus, and Pyrus that meets all the criteria to qualify as an EU quarantine pest (Bragard et al., 2019). Τhe severity of the disease observed in Crete leading to the destruction of eggplant greenhouse cultivations, constitutes EMCV as an emerging threat to eggplant and other solanaceous crops for Greece and Europe.Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) is an important economic crop and its rhizome can be used as seasoning agent and traditional medicine in China. During July 2018 and 2019, decay symptoms occurred in the ginger planting area of Tangshan City, Hebei Province, with incidence rates of 15%~20%. The pathogen infected the rhizomes and leaves. The symptoms included leaves chlorosis and gradually wilting, even the whole plant wilted, the rhizome became soft and presented light brown maceration. In serious cases, the interior of rhizome was completely eroded, gray-white juice overflowing the epidermis, and with foul smell. The rhizome surfaces of ginger plants were disinfected with 1% NaOCl, and colonies were isolated and purified on nutrient agar (NA) solid medium by streaking. Eight isolates were obtained from 15 diseased tissue samples. Further morphological, physiological and biochemical identification of the pure cultured bacteria were carried out. Three strains of bacteria were picked for further analysis. All aves browned and died. The pathogenicity test was repeated 4 times and all controls were healthy. Pathogens were reisolated from symptomatic plants and rhizomes and identified as C. freundii based on the morphological, biochemical and molecular methods described previously, fulfilling Koch's hypothesis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of ginger rot caused by C. freundii in China.Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott.] is an important root crop in the world with great economic value. In recent years, outbreaks of soft rot were observed on taro plants in several plantation areas located in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, China (25°7'57" N, 113°19'5" E). Root tubers of taro (Paodan variety) infected by soft rot had water-soaked lesions with a dark brown-black margin including a rotten smell, they also had internal rot that was also found in root tubers with no external symptoms. In some areas, the incidence of soft rot can reach up to 30%. To isolate the causal agent, ten pieces of taro root tubers with typical symptoms were surface-sterilized with 75% ethanol and 0.1% HgCl2 solution and then washed thrice with sterile water. The tuber slices were soaked in 50 ml sterile water and shaken at 28°C, 200 rpm for 2 h, and 100 µl was streaked onto the modified Yeast Extract Beef (YEB) agar medium (1% peptone, 0.5% yeast extract, 0.5% sucrose, 0.5% NaCl, 1 Mmol/L MgSO4•7H2O, 1.5% agar, pH 7.0) ption, soft rot symptoms were observed in inoculated taro, while all control taro plants remained symptom-free. Small and pale yellow with irregular margins colonies consistent with morphological characteristics of those of D. fangzhongdai were re-isolated from symptomatic taro tubers and the housekeeping genes presence was verified by sequencing as described above, fulfilling Koch's postulates. D. fangzhongdai is a newly emerging bacterial pathogen, which causes bleeding cankers in pear trees (Tian et al. 2016), and soft rot of Phalaenopsis (Zhang et al. 2018). This is the first report of D. click here fangzhongdai causing soft rot disease in taro. Considering the high incidence of soft rot, this pathogen might pose a significant threat to taro and other economically important crops. Therefore, further researches are needed to investigate host range of the pathogen and develop appropriate integrated management to contain this disease spreading.

Autoři článku: Garnerabrams1531 (Calhoun Richard)