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Syphilis has received its classical designation as one of "the great imitators," reflecting a wide variety of symptoms and presentations, which can cause difficulties in diagnosis. Here we report an unusual case of secondary syphilis in a person with acute necrotizing tonsillitis and Sweet syndrome. A 33-year-old female presented with fever, bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, tonsillar enlargements with ulcerated pus-filled lesions on the right tonsil, and multiple pseudovesicular, mammillated, edematous plaques on her neck, face, and extremities. Syphilis serology was positive and a skin biopsy demonstrated a neutrophil-rich dermatitis characteristic of Sweet syndrome. The association of Treponema pallidum infection with Sweet syndrome may be a coincidence; nevertheless, our case serves as a reminder that secondary syphilis should remain in the differential diagnosis of the acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis.Wearable hand robots are becoming an attractive means in the facilitating of assistance with daily living and hand rehabilitation exercises for patients after stroke. Pattern recognition is a crucial step toward the development of wearable hand robots. Electromyography (EMG) is a commonly used biological signal for hand pattern recognition. However, the EMG based pattern recognition performance in assistive and rehabilitation robotics post stroke remains unsatisfactory. Moreover, low cost kinematic sensors such as Leap Motion is recently used for pattern recognition in various applications. This study proposes feature fusion and decision fusion method that combines EMG features and kinematic features for hand pattern recognition toward application in upper limb assistive and rehabilitation robotics. Ten normal subjects and five post stroke patients participating in the experiments were tested with eight hand patterns of daily activities while EMG and kinematics were recorded simultaneously. Results showed that average hand pattern recognition accuracy for post stroke patients was 83% for EMG features only, 84.71% for kinematic features only, 96.43% for feature fusion of EMG and kinematics, 91.18% for decision fusion of EMG and kinematics. The feature fusion and decision fusion was robust as three different levels of noise was given to the classifiers resulting in small decrease of classification accuracy. Different channel combination comparisons showed the fusion classifiers would be robust despite failure of specific EMG channels which means that the system has promising potential in the field of assistive and rehabilitation robotics. Future work will be conducted with real-time pattern classification on stroke survivors.Three-dimensional scanners have been widely applied in image-guided surgery (IGS) given its potential to solve the image-to-patient registration problem. How to perform a reliable calibration between a 3D scanner and an external tracker is especially important for these applications. This study proposes a novel method for calibrating the extrinsic parameters of a 3D scanner in the coordinate system of an optical tracker. We bound an optical marker to a 3D scanner and designed a specified 3D benchmark for calibration. We then proposed a two-step calibration method based on the pointset registration technique and nonlinear optimization algorithm to obtain the extrinsic matrix of the 3D scanner. We applied repeat scan registration error (RSRE) as the cost function in the optimization process. Subsequently, we evaluated the performance of the proposed method on a recaptured verification dataset through RSRE and Chamfer distance (CD). Gambogic manufacturer In comparison with the calibration method based on 2D checkerboard, the proposedlimitations of the scanner-based image-to-patient registration method and discussed its possible development.Despite the appealing concept of central pattern generator (CPG)-based control for bipedal walking robots, there is currently no systematic methodology for designing a CPG-based controller. To remedy this oversight, we attempted to apply the Tegotae approach, a Japanese concept describing how well a perceived reaction, i.e., sensory information, matches an expectation, i.e., an intended motor command, in designing localised controllers in the CPG-based bipedal walking model. To this end, we developed a Tegotae function that quantifies the Tegotae concept. This function allowed incorporating decentralised controllers into the proposed bipedal walking model systematically. We designed a two-dimensional bipedal walking model using Tegotae functions and subsequently implemented it in simulations to validate the proposed design scheme. We found that our model can walk on both flat and uneven terrains and confirmed that the application of the Tegotae functions in all joint controllers results in excellent adaptability to environmental changes.Endowing robots with the ability to view the world the way humans do, to understand natural language and to learn novel semantic meanings when they are deployed in the physical world, is a compelling problem. Another significant aspect is linking language to action, in particular, utterances involving abstract words, in artificial agents. In this work, we propose a novel methodology, using a brain-inspired architecture, to model an appropriate mapping of language with the percept and internal motor representation in humanoid robots. This research presents the first robotic instantiation of a complex architecture based on the Baddeley's Working Memory (WM) model. Our proposed method grants a scalable knowledge representation of verbal and non-verbal signals in the cognitive architecture, which supports incremental open-ended learning. Human spoken utterances about the workspace and the task are combined with the internal knowledge map of the robot to achieve task accomplishment goals. We train the robot to understand instructions involving higher-order (abstract) linguistic concepts of developmental complexity, which cannot be directly hooked in the physical world and are not pre-defined in the robot's static self-representation. Our proposed interactive learning method grants flexible run-time acquisition of novel linguistic forms and real-world information, without training the cognitive model anew. Hence, the robot can adapt to new workspaces that include novel objects and task outcomes. We assess the potential of the proposed methodology in verification experiments with a humanoid robot. The obtained results suggest robust capabilities of the model to link language bi-directionally with the physical environment and solve a variety of manipulation tasks, starting with limited knowledge and gradually learning from the run-time interaction with the tutor, past the pre-trained stage.A core feature of drug-resistant epilepsy is hyperexcitability in the motor cortex, and low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a suitable treatment for seizures. link2 However, the antiepileptic effect causing network reorganization has rarely been studied. Here, we assessed the impact of rTMS on functional network connectivity (FNC) in resting functional networks (RSNs) and their relation to treatment response. link3 Fourteen patients with medically intractable epilepsy received inhibitive rTMS with a figure-of-eight coil over the vertex for 10 days spread across two weeks. We designed a 6-week follow-up phase divided into four time points to investigate FNC and rTMS-induced timing-dependent plasticity, such as seizure frequency and abnormal interictal discharges on electroencephalography (EEG). For psychiatric comorbidities, the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) were applied to measure depression and anxiety before and after rTMS. FNC was also compare suppression by rTMS, it is possible to achieve temporary clinical efficacy by modulating network reorganization in the DMN and SMN for patients with refractory epilepsy.This mini-review provides a detailed outline of studies that have used multimodal approaches in non-invasive brain stimulation to investigate the pathophysiology of the three common movement disorders, namely, essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, and dystonia. Using specific search terms and filters in the PubMed® database, we finally shortlisted 27 studies in total that were relevant to this review. While two-thirds (Brittain et al., 2013) of these studies were performed on Parkinson's disease patients, we could find only three studies that were conducted in patients with essential tremor. We clearly show that although multimodal non-invasive brain stimulation holds immense potential in unraveling the physiological mechanisms that are disrupted in movement disorders, the technical challenges and pitfalls of combining these methods may hinder their widespread application by movement disorder specialists. A multidisciplinary team with clinical and technical expertise may be crucial in reaping the fullest benefits from such novel multimodal approaches.Training under high interference conditions through interleaved practice (IP) results in performance suppression during training but enhances long-term performance relative to repetitive practice (RP) involving low interference. Previous neuroimaging work addressing this contextual interference effect of motor learning has relied heavily on the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) response using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methodology resulting in mixed reports of prefrontal cortex (PFC) recruitment under IP and RP conditions. We sought to clarify these equivocal findings by imaging bilateral PFC recruitment using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) while discrete key pressing sequences were trained under IP and RP schedules and subsequently tested following a 24-h delay. An advantage of fNIRS over the fMRI BOLD response is that the former measures oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin changes independently allowing for assessment of cortical hemodynamics even when there is neurovasport long-term performance.Background Benzodiazepines have been widely used in clinical practice for over four decades and continue to be one of the most consumed and highly prescribed class of drugs available in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The literature indicates that Benzodiazepine users at a significantly increased risk of Motor Vehicle accidents compared to non-users but the impact on injuries at workplace is not well-defined. We aimed to investigate whether use of benzodiazepine is associated with increased risk of occupational injuries (OI). Methods PubMed, Embase, and Scopus databases were searched. A meta-analysis was performed to calculate odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) among case controls, cross-sectional studies, either questionnaire or laboratory exams based. Results A total of 13 studies met inclusion criteria, involving 324,168 OI from seven different countries, with an estimated occurrence of benzodiazepine positivity of 2.71% (95% CI 1.45-4.98). A total of 14 estimates were retrieved. Of them, 10 were based on laboratory analyses, three on institutional databases, while one study was based on questionnaires. Regarding the occupational groups, three estimates focused on commercial drivers (0.73%, 95% CI 0.12-4.30), that exhibited a reduced risk ratio for benzodiazepine positivity compared to other occupational groups (RR 0.109, 95% CI 0.063-0.187). Eventually, no increased risk for benzodiazepine positivity was identified, either from case control studies (OR 1.520, 95% CI 0.801-2.885, I 2 76%), or cross sectional studies, when only laboratory based estimates were taken in account (OR 0.590, 95% CI 0.253-1.377, I 2 63%). Conclusions Even though benzodiazepines have the potential to increase injury rates among casual and chronic users, available evidence are insufficient to sustain this hypothesis, particularly when focusing on laboratory-based studies (i.e., studies the characterized the benzodiazepine immediately before the event).

Autoři článku: Gammelgaardkelleher9654 (Mahler Jimenez)