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Single crystals of tris-(2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10-octa-hydro-pyrimido[1,2-a]azepin-1-ium) tri-μ2-iodido-bis-[tri-iodido-bis-muth(III)], (C9H17N2)3[Bi2I9], were prepared by a solvothermal method, heating a mixture of BiI3, KI, 1,8-di-aza-bicyclo-[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) and ethanol at 443 K for six days. The asymmetric unit of the title compound, which crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/c, contains one [Bi2I9]3- anion and three protonated DBUH+ moieties. The dinuclear [Bi2I9]3- anions, which are composed of face-sharing BiI6 3- octa-hedra, are packed in columns parallel to the [010] direction, and separated by protonated DBUH+ moieties. The optical band gap of (C9H7N2)3Bi2I9 is 2.1 eV.The mol-ecule of title compound, C33H28N2O4, comprises an indole unit (A), an iso-quinoline moiety (B) and a benzene ring (C). The dihedral angles between these groups are A/B = 57.47 (1), A/C = 18.48 (1) and B/C = 57.97 (1) °. The ethyl acrylate group at the 2-position is nearly co-planar with the indole unit [3.81 (2)°], while that at the 7-position is distinctly non-coplanar [52.64 (1)°]. Intra-molecular π-π inter-actions between the indole unit and benzene ring help to establish the clip-shaped conformation of the mol-ecule. In the crystal, the mol-ecules are assembled into two-dimensional layers via C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, π-π and C-H⋯π inter-actions. Hirshfeld surface analysis illustrates that the greatest contributions are from H⋯H (63.2%), C⋯H/H⋯C (15.4%) and O⋯H/H⋯O (14.8%) contacts. The terminal C2H5 group of one of the ethyl acrylate side chains is disordered over two positions of equal occupancy.In the mol-ecule of the title compound, C16H13N3O2S, one hydrazinic nitro-gen atom is essentially planar, but the other is slightly pyramidalized. The torsion angle about the hydrazinic bond is 66.44 (15)°. Both hydrazinic hydrogen atoms lie anti-periplanar to the oxygen of the adjacent carbonyl group. The mol-ecular packing is a layer structure determined by two classical hydrogen bonds, N-H⋯O=C and N-H⋯Nthia-zole. The space group is P1 with Z = 1, which is unusual for an achiral organic compound.The title compound, C18H12N2O2, was synthesized from a di-nitro-biphenyl-benzene derivative using a novel modification of the Cadogan reaction. The reaction has several possible ring-closed products and the title compound was separated as the major product. The X-ray crystallographic study revealed that the carbazole compound crystallizes in the monoclinic P space group and possesses a single closed Cadogan ring. There are two independent mol-ecules in the asymmetric unit. In the crystal, the mol-ecules are linked by N-H⋯O hydrogen bonding.Ionic co-crystals are co-crystals between organic mol-ecules and inorganic salt coformers. Co-crystals of pharmaceuticals are of inter-est to help control polymorph formation and potentially improve stability and other physical properties. We describe the preparation, crystal structures, and hydrogen bonding of five different 21 benzamide or tolu-amide/zinc(II) chloride co-crystal salts, namely, bis-(benzamide-κO)di-chlorido-zinc(II), [ZnCl2(C7H7NO)2], di-chlor-ido-bis-(2-methyl-benzamide-κO)zinc(II), [ZnCl2(C8H9NO)2], di-chlorido-bis-(3-methyl-benzamide-κO)zinc(II), [ZnCl2(C8H9NO)2], di-chlorido-bis-(4-methyl-benzamide-κO)zinc(II), [ZnCl2(C8H9NO)2], and di-chlorido-bis-(4-hy-droxy-benzamide-κO)zinc(II), [ZnCl2(C7H7NO2)2]. All of the complexes contain hydrogen bonds between the amide N-H group and the amide carbonyl oxygen atoms or the chlorine atoms, forming extended networks.The substituted cyclo-penta-dienyl ring in the title mol-ecule, [Fe(C5H5)(C18H13ClN)], is nearly coplanar with the phenyl-1-(4-chloro-phen-yl)methanimine substituent, with dihedral angles between the planes of the phenyl-ene ring and the Cp and 4-(chloro-phen-yl)methanimine units of 7.87 (19) and 9.23 (10)°, respectively. The unsubstituted cyclo-penta-dienyl ring is rotationally disordered, the occupancy ratio for the two orientations refined to a 0.666 (7)/0.334 (7) ratio. In the crystal, the mol-ecules pack in 'bilayers' parallel to the ab plane with the ferrocenyl groups on the outer faces and the substituents directed towards the regions between them. The ferrocenyl groups are linked by C-H⋯π(ring) inter-actions. A Hirshfeld surface analysis of the crystal structure indicates that the most important contributions for the crystal packing are from H⋯H (46.1%), H⋯C/C⋯ H (35.4%) and H⋯Cl/Cl⋯H (13.8%) inter-actions. Thus C-H⋯π(ring) and van der Waals inter-actions are the dominant inter-actions in the crystal packing.The solid-state structure of di-μ-iodido-bis-[(1,2,5,6-η)-cyclo-octa-1,4-diene]rhodium(I), [Rh2I2(C8H12)2] or [Rh(μ-I)(COD)]2, was determined from two crystals with different morphologies, which were found to correspond to two polymorphs containing Rh dimers with significantly different mol-ecular structures. Both polymorphs are monoclinic and the [Rh(μ-I)(COD)]2 mol-ecules in each case possess C2 v symmetry. However, the core geometry of the butterfly-shaped Rh2I2 core differs substanti-ally. In the C2/c polymorph, the core geometry of [Rh(μ-I)(COD)]2 B is bent, with a hinge angle of 96.13 (8)° and a Rh⋯Rh distance of 2.9612 (11) Å. The P21/c polymorph features a more planar [Rh(μ-I)(COD)]2 P core geometry, with a hinge angle of 145.69 (9)° and a Rh⋯Rh distance of 3.7646 (5) Å.Two crystallographically independent mol-ecules are present in the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C14H11NO2, with virtually identical geometries. The carbazole units are planar. The hy-droxy group at position 1, carbaldehyde group at position 2, and methyl group at position 8 (with the exception of two H atoms) are coplanar with the attached benzene rings. The dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 2.20 (9)° in mol-ecule A and 2.01 (9)° in mol-ecule B. The pyrrole ring makes dihedral angles of 0.82 (10) and 1.40 (10)° [0.84 (10) and 1.18 (10)° in mol-ecule B] with the (-CH3)-substituted and (-OH and -CHO) substituted benzene rings, respectively. The mol-ecular structure is stabilized by the intra-molecular O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, while the crystal structure features N-H⋯O and C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds. A range of π-π contacts further stabilizes the crystal structure.Peer tutoring is a teaching strategy that offers a creative way of getting students more involved and accountable for their own learning in college-level chemistry courses. Ertugliflozin in vitro The authors have found that the 'Symmetry and Space Group Tutorial' [Jasinski & Foxman (2007). Symmetry and Space Group Tutorial, V1.55. http//] lends itself well to a peer-tutoring approach in a crystallography course for chemistry students. This in-class activity provides an opportunity for students to learn space-group diagrams, understand basic symmetry concepts, organize what they have learned, and explain it to their peers, which leads to a deeper overall understanding of the subject. We report on our experience in planning peer tutoring, advise on best practices, and demonstrate the positive impact on student learning and engagement.Knowledge of space groups and the implications of space group symmetry on the physical and chemical properties of solids are pivotal factors in all areas of crystalline solids. As Jerry Jasinski and I met to bring our ideas in teaching this subject to life, we both felt that 'early and often' - teaching the concepts with textual and visual reinforcement, is the key to providing a sound basis for students in this subject. The tutorial contains > 200 PowerPoint 'slides', in five modules, arranged by crystal class; a sixth module covers special topics. A 'credits' module gives the direct addresses of all embedded links. Space-group diagrams appear in Inter-national Tables format. The triclinic and monoclinic groups (2 + 13) are built from 'scratch', and are derived from the Hermann-Mauguin symbol. An additional section provides practice on many (but not all) of the ortho-rhom-bic groups in crystal class 222. Finally, a 'Special Topics' section on enanti-omorphous space groups features space groups P41 and P43. In the tutorial, lattice points build iteratively and inter-actively via keyclick, and the coordinates of points 'pop up' as the unit cell is filled. We trust that the elements of guidance, inquiry and occasional humor will make the learning process enjoyable.On account of the poor biocompatibility of synthetic prosthesis, millions of rhinoplasty recipients have been forced to choose autologous costal cartilage as grafts, which suffer from limited availability, morbidity at the donor site and prolonged operation time. Here, as a promising alternative to autologous costal cartilage, we developed a novel xenogeneic costal cartilage and explored its feasibility as a rhinoplasty graft for the first time. Adopting an improved decellularization protocol, in which the ionic detergent was substituted by trypsin, the resulting decellularized graft was confirmed to preserve more structural components and better mechanics, and eliminate cellular components effectively. The in vitro and in vivo compatibility experiments demonstrated that the decellularized graft showed excellent biocompatibility and biosecurity. Additionally, the functionality assessment of rhinoplasty was performed in a rabbit model, and the condition of grafts after implantation was comprehensively evaluated. The optimized graft exhibited better capacity to reduce the degradation rate and maintain the morphology, in comparison to the decellularized costal cartilage prepared by conventional protocol. These findings indicate that this optimized graft derived from decellularized xenogeneic costal cartilage provides a new prospective for future investigations of rhinoplasty prosthesis and has great potential for clinical application.This paper presents a new active electrode design for electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors based on inertial measurement units to remove motion artefacts during signal acquisition. Rather than measuring motion data from a single source for the entire recording unit, inertial measurement units are attached to each individual EEG or ECG electrode to collect local movement data. This data is then used to remove the motion artefact by using normalised least mean square adaptive filtering. Results show that the proposed active electrode design can reduce motion contamination from EEG and ECG signals in chest movement and head swinging motion scenarios. However, it is found that the performance varies, necessitating the need for the algorithm to be paired with more sophisticated signal processing to identify scenarios where it is beneficial in terms of improving signal quality. The new instrumentation hardware allows data driven artefact removal to be performed, providing a new data driven approach compared to widely used blind-source separation methods, and helps enable in the wild EEG recordings to be performed.Here, a sensory motion system is developed to diagnose gait disorders using the estimation of angular variations in the knee and ankle joints. The sensory system includes two transmitter sensors and a central node, where each transmitter comprises three sensors of accelerometer, gyroscopes, and magnetometer to estimate the angular movements in the ankle and knee joints. By using a proposed filter, the angular variation is estimated in a personal computer employing the raw data of the motion sensors that are sent by the central node. The obtained results of the presented filter in comparison to an actual reference illustrate that the root mean square error is less than 1.01, 1.34, and 1.61 degrees, respectively, for the angles of ϕ and θ and ψ that illustrate an improvement of 40% than the previous work. Moreover, a quantity value is defined based on the correlation between knee and ankle angles that show the amount of correctness in gating. Thus, the proposed system can be utilized for people who suffer problems in gait and help them to improve their movements.

Autoři článku: Gallegosratliff3039 (Myers Pittman)