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In network control theory, driving all the nodes in the Feedback Vertex Set (FVS) by node-state override forces the network into one of its attractors (long-term dynamic behaviors). The FVS is often composed of more nodes than can be realistically manipulated in a system; for example, only up to three nodes can be controlled in intracellular networks, while their FVS may contain more than 10 nodes. this website Thus, we developed an approach to rank subsets of the FVS on Boolean models of intracellular networks using topological, dynamics-independent measures. We investigated the use of seven topological prediction measures sorted into three categories-centrality measures, propagation measures, and cycle-based measures. Using each measure, every subset was ranked and then evaluated against two dynamics-based metrics that measure the ability of interventions to drive the system toward or away from its attractors To Control and Away Control. After examining an array of biological networks, we found that the FVS subsets that ranked in the top according to the propagation metrics can most effectively control the network. This result was independently corroborated on a second array of different Boolean models of biological networks. Consequently, overriding the entire FVS is not required to drive a biological network to one of its attractors, and this method provides a way to reliably identify effective FVS subsets without the knowledge of the network dynamics.Computational modeling and experimental/clinical prediction of the complex signals during cardiac arrhythmias have the potential to lead to new approaches for prevention and treatment. Machine-learning (ML) and deep-learning approaches can be used for time-series forecasting and have recently been applied to cardiac electrophysiology. While the high spatiotemporal nonlinearity of cardiac electrical dynamics has hindered application of these approaches, the fact that cardiac voltage time series are not random suggests that reliable and efficient ML methods have the potential to predict future action potentials. This work introduces and evaluates an integrated architecture in which a long short-term memory autoencoder (AE) is integrated into the echo state network (ESN) framework. In this approach, the AE learns a compressed representation of the input nonlinear time series. Then, the trained encoder serves as a feature-extraction component, feeding the learned features into the recurrent ESN reservoir. The proposed AE-ESN approach is evaluated using synthetic and experimental voltage time series from cardiac cells, which exhibit nonlinear and chaotic behavior. Compared to the baseline and physics-informed ESN approaches, the AE-ESN yields mean absolute errors in predicted voltage 6-14 times smaller when forecasting approximately 20 future action potentials for the datasets considered. The AE-ESN also demonstrates less sensitivity to algorithmic parameter settings. Furthermore, the representation provided by the feature-extraction component removes the requirement in previous work for explicitly introducing external stimulus currents, which may not be easily extracted from real-world datasets, as additional time series, thereby making the AE-ESN easier to apply to clinical data.There is not a single species that does not strive for survival. Every species has crafted specialized techniques to avoid possible dangers that mostly come from the side of their predators. Survival instincts in nature led prey populations to develop many anti-predator strategies. Vigilance is a well-observed effective antipredator strategy that influences predator-prey dynamics significantly. We consider a simple discrete-time predator-prey model assuming that vigilance affects the predation rate and the growth rate of the prey. We investigate the system dynamics by constructing isoperiodic and Lyapunov exponent diagrams with the simultaneous variation of the prey's growth rate and the strength of vigilance. We observe a series of different types of organized periodic structures with different kinds of period-adding phenomena. The usual period-bubbling phenomenon is shown near a shrimp-shaped periodic structure. We observe the presence of double and triple heterogeneous attractors. We also notice Wada basin boundaries in the system, which is quite rare in ecological systems. The complex dynamics of the system in biparameter space are explored through extensive numerical simulations.Stochastic resetting and noise-enhanced stability are two phenomena that can affect the lifetime and relaxation of nonequilibrium states. They can be considered measures of controlling the efficiency of the completion process when a stochastic system has to reach the desired state. Here, we study the interaction of random (Poissonian) resetting and stochastic dynamics in unstable potentials. Unlike noise-induced stability that increases the relaxation time, the stochastic resetting may eliminate winding trajectories contributing to the lifetime and accelerate the escape kinetics from unstable states. In this paper, we present a framework to analyze compromises between the two contrasting phenomena in noise-driven kinetics subject to random restarts.Several distinct entrainment patterns can occur in the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model under external periodic forcing. Investigating the FHN model under different types of periodic forcing reveals the existence of multiple disconnected 11 entrainment segments for constant, low enough values of the input amplitude when the unforced system is in the vicinity of a Hopf bifurcation. This entrainment structure is termed polyglot to distinguish it from the single 11 entrainment region (monoglot) structure typically observed in Arnold tongue diagrams. The emergence of polyglot entrainment is then explained using phase-plane analysis and other dynamical system tools. Entrainment results are investigated for other slow-fast systems of neuronal, circadian, and glycolytic oscillations. Exploring these models, we found that polyglot entrainment structure (multiple 11 regions) is observed when the unforced system is in the vicinity of a Hopf bifurcation and the Hopf point is located near a knee of a cubic-like nullcline.In a recent work [Maity et al., Phys. Rev. E 102(2), 023213 (2020)] the equilibrium of a cluster of charged dust particles mutually interacting with screened Coulomb force and radially confined by an externally applied electric field in a two-dimensional configuration was studied. It was shown that the particles arranged themselves on discrete radial rings forming a lattice structure. In some cases with a specific number of particles, no static equilibrium was observed. Instead, angular rotation of particles positioned at various rings was observed. In a two-ringed structure, it was shown that the direction of rotation of the particles positioned in different rings was opposite. The direction of rotation was also observed to change apparently at random time intervals. A detailed characterization of the dynamics of small-sized Yukawa clusters, with a varying number of particles and different strengths of the confining force, has been carried out. The correlation dimension and the largest Lyapunov index for the dynamical state have been evaluated to demonstrate that the dynamics is chaotic. This is interesting considering that the charged microparticles have many applications in a variety of industrial processes.The peroxidase-oxidase (PO) reaction is a paradigmatic (bio)chemical system well suited to study the organization and stability of self-sustained oscillatory phases typically present in nonlinear systems. The PO reaction can be simulated by the state-of-the-art Bronnikova-Fedkina-Schaffer-Olsen model involving ten coupled ordinary differential equations. The complex and dynamically rich distribution of self-sustained oscillatory stability phases of this model was recently investigated in detail. However, would it be possible to understand aspects of such a complex model using much simpler models? Here, we investigate stability phases predicted by three simple four-variable subnetworks derived from the complete model. While stability diagrams for such subnetworks are found to be distorted compared to those of the complete model, we find them to surprisingly preserve significant features of the original model as well as from the experimental system, e.g., period-doubling and period-adding scenarios. In addition, return maps obtained from the subnetworks look very similar to maps obtained in the experimental system under different conditions. Finally, two of the three subnetwork models are found to exhibit quint points, i.e., recently reported singular points where five distinct stability phases coalesce. We also provide experimental evidence that such quint points are present in the PO reaction.We investigate the collective dynamics of a population of X Y model-type oscillators, globally coupled via non-separable interactions that are randomly chosen from a positive or negative value and subject to thermal noise controlled by temperature T. We find that the system at T = 0 exhibits a discontinuous, first-order like phase transition from the incoherent to the fully coherent state; when thermal noise is present ( T > 0 ), the transition from incoherence to the partial coherence is continuous and the critical threshold is now larger compared to the deterministic case ( T = 0 ). We derive an exact formula for the critical transition from incoherent to coherent oscillations for the deterministic and stochastic case based on both stability analysis for finite oscillators as well as for the thermodynamic limit ( N → ∞) based on a rigorous mean-field theory using graphons, valid for heterogeneous graph structures. Our theoretical results are supported by extensive numerical simulations. Remarkably, the synchronization threshold induced by the type of random coupling considered here is identical to the one found in studies, which consider uniform input or output strengths for each oscillator node [H. Hong and S. H. Strogatz, Phys. Rev. E 84(4), 046202 (2011); Phys. Rev. Lett. 106(5), 054102 (2011)], which suggests that these systems display a "universal" character for the onset of synchronization.Lean premixed combustors are highly susceptible to lean blowout flame instability, which can cause a fatal accident in aircrafts or expensive shutdown in stationary combustors. However, the lean blowout limit of a combustor may vary significantly depending on a number of variables that cannot be controlled in practical situations. Although a large literature exists on the lean blowout phenomena, a robust strategy for early lean blowout detection is still not available. To address this gap, we study a relatively unexplored route to lean blowout using a nonlinear dynamical tool, the recurrence network. Three recurrence network parameters global efficiency, average degree centrality, and global clustering coefficient are chosen as metrics for an early prediction of the lean blowout. We observe that the characteristics of the time series near the lean blowout limit are highly dependent on the degree of premixedness in the combustor. Still, for different degrees of premixedness, each of the three recurrence network metrics increases during transition to lean blowout, indicating a shift toward periodicity.

Autoři článku: Gaardechoate2472 (Sherwood Fitzsimmons)