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MPV17 is an integral inner mitochondrial membrane protein, whose loss-of-function is linked to the hepatocerebral form of the mitochondrial-DNA-depletion syndrome, leading to a tissue-specific reduction of mitochondrial DNA and organ failure in infants. Several disease-causing mutations in MPV17 have been identified and earlier studies with reconstituted protein suggest that MPV17 forms a high conductivity channel in the membrane. However, the molecular and structural basis of the MPV17 functionality remain only poorly understood. In order to make MPV17 accessible to high-resolution structural studies, we here present an efficient protocol for its high-level production in E. selleck inhibitor coli and refolding into detergent micelles. Using biophysical and NMR methods, we show that refolded MPV17 in detergent micelles adopts a compact structure consisting of six membrane-embedded α-helices. Furthermore, we demonstrate that MPV17 forms oligomers in a lipid bilayer that are further stabilized by disulfide-bridges. In line with these findings, MPV17 could only be inserted into lipid nanodiscs of 8-12 nm in diameter if intrinsic cysteines were either removed by mutagenesis or blocked by chemical modification. Using this nanodisc reconstitution approach, we could show that disease-linked mutations in MPV17 abolish its oligomerization properties in the membrane. These data suggest that, induced by oxidative stress, MPV17 can alter its oligomeric state from a properly folded monomer to a disulfide-stabilized oligomeric pore which might be required for the transport of metabolic DNA precursors into the mitochondrial matrix to compensate for the damage caused by reactive oxygen species.The announcement of the outstanding performance of AlphaFold 2 in the CASP 14 protein structure prediction competition came at the end of a long year defined by the COVID-19 pandemic. With an infectious organism dominating the world stage, the developers of Alphafold 2 were keen to play their part, accurately predicting novel structures of two proteins from SARS-CoV-2. In their blog post of December 2020, they highlighted this contribution, writing "we've also seen signs that protein structure prediction could be useful in future pandemic response efforts". So, what role does structural biology play in guiding vaccine immunogen design and what might be the contribution of AlphaFold 2?Protein dynamics play a major role for the catalytic function of enzymes, the interaction of protein complexes or signal integration in regulatory proteins. In the context of multi-domain proteins involved in light-regulation of enzymatic effectors, the central role of conformational dynamics is well established. Light activation of sensory modules is followed by long-range signal transduction to different effectors; rather than domino-style structural rearrangements, a complex interplay of functional elements is required to maintain functionality. One family of such sensor-effector systems are red-light-regulated phytochromes that control diguanylate cyclases involved in cyclic-dimeric-GMP formation. Based on structural and functional studies of one prototypic family member, the central role of the coiled-coil sensor-effector linker was established. Interestingly, subfamilies with different linker lengths feature strongly varying biochemical characteristics. The dynamic interplay of the domains involved, however, is presently not understood. Here we show that the PHY domain dimer interface plays an essential role in signal integration, and that a functional coupling with the coiled-coil linker element is crucial. Chimaeras of two biochemically different family members highlight the phytochrome-spanning helical spine as an essential structural element involved in light-dependent upregulation of enzymatic turnover. However, isolated structural elements can frequently not be assigned to individual characteristics, which further emphasises the importance of global conformational dynamics. Our results provide insights into the intricate processes at play during light signal integration and transduction in these photosensory systems and thus provide additional guidelines for a more directed design of novel sensor-effector combinations with potential applications as optogenetic tools.Glucose curve shapes during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) are mainly classified as incessant increase, monophasic and biphasic. Youth with an incessant increase curve have worse β-cell function. The aim of this paper was to investigate the incessant increase curve in Chinese adults with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and its association with β-cell function and gut hormone levels. Eighty-nine Chinese patients (59 males and 30 females) were included in this study with a mean age of 50.56 ± 16.00 years. They were all recently diagnosed with T2DM and underwent 180-min OGTTs. Data on demographics, β-cell function, and insulin sensitivity were also collected. Gut hormones, including glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), and ghrelin, were also detected during the OGTT. A total of 39.3 % of subjects had an incessant increase in the glucose response curve, while 59.6 % had a monophasic curve. Because only one curve was classified as biphasic, patients with a biphasic curcessant increase OGTT shape. In addition, compensatory elevated GLP-1 dose not prevent peak delay in the OGTT curve. Gut hormones may have an effect on OGTT shapes in T2DM adults.In pediatric ophthalmology it is often necessary to obtain axial length in young children. For children older than 3 years, noncontact biometry can be used. For younger children this is usually not an option, and the clinician needs to rely on other imaging modalities. Depicted data curves in textbooks elaborate on few studies and limited number of subjects. The existing literature regarding normal axial length for preterm infants and term newborns is summarized and critically appraised for number of subjects, relevance, measurement method and error, gender and retinopathy of prematurity. We obtained axial length measurements for a total number of 6,575 eyes in 27 papers published from 1964 to 2018 (9 papers with 2,272 eyes for preterm children, 24 papers with 4,303 eyes for term children). Initially, axial length increases rapidly from a mean 5.1-16.2 mm in week 12 to week 37 gestational age. From 38 weeks, growth rate decreases from 16.2 mm to a mean of 21.8 mm at 3 years old. Male infants have a larger average axial length than females at birth; the difference is 0.

Autoři článku: Futtrupbrandstrup3035 (Hamilton Zhu)