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Existing nonlinear-optic implementations of pure, unfiltered heralded single-photon sources do not offer the scalability required for densely integrated quantum networks. Additionally, lithium niobate has hitherto been unsuitable for such use due to its material dispersion. We engineer the dispersion and the quasi-phasematching conditions of a waveguide in the rapidly emerging thin-film lithium niobate platform to generate spectrally separable photon pairs in the telecommunications band. Such photon pairs can be used as spectrally pure heralded single-photon sources in quantum networks. We estimate a heralded-state spectral purity of >94% based on joint spectral intensity measurements. Further, a joint spectral phase-sensitive measurement of the unheralded time-integrated second-order correlation function yields a heralded-state purity of (86±5)%.The coherence-orbital angular momentum (COAM) matrix characterizes the second-order field correlations in stationary sources or fields, at a pair of spiral modes with the same or different topological charges, say l and m, and at a pair of radial positions. In this Letter, we reveal the general properties of the COAM matrix for the broad class of the Schell-model sources with circularly symmetric spectral densities. Our results imply that the structure of the COAM matrix is intimately related to the symmetries of the degree of coherence (DOC). In particular, the COAM matrix is diagonal if the DOC is real-valued and rotationally symmetric; otherwise, it may acquire non-zero off diagonal elements. In particular, if the real part of the DOC has Cartesian symmetry, the COAM matrix's elements with the even/odd index difference |l - m| contain information about the real/imaginary part of the DOC. A potential application of our results is envisioned for extracting the rotation angle of the DOC of light (or an object transparency) through measuring of the off-axis COAM matrix elements.We demonstrate the successful prediction of the continuous intensity time series and reproduction of the underlying dynamical behaviors for a chaotic semiconductor laser by reservoir computing. The laser subject to continuous-wave optical injection is considered using the rate-equation model. A reservoir network is constructed and trained using over 2 × 104 data points sampled every 1.19 ps from the simulated chaotic intensity time series. Upon careful optimization of the reservoir parameters, the future evolution of the continuous intensity time series can be accurately predicted for a time duration of longer than 0.6 ns, which is six times the reciprocal of the relaxation resonance frequency of the laser. Moreover, we demonstrate for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that the predicted intensity time series allows for accurate reproduction of the chaotic dynamical behaviors, including the microwave power spectrum, probability density function, and the chaotic attractor. In general, the demonstrated approach offers a relatively high flexibility in the choice of reservoir parameters according to the simulation results, and it provides new insights into the learning and prediction of semiconductor laser dynamics based on measured intensity time series.Chaotic optical communications can provide a high level of security in data transmission. High-speed chaotic optical communications have hardly been implemented so far limited by the bandwidth of chaotic signals and the difficulties of wideband chaos synchronization. Here, we experimentally demonstrate all-optical wideband chaos synchronization and communications based on mutual injection of semiconductor lasers. Both 12.5-Gbaud on-off keying (OOK) signals and 10-Gbaud quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signals are successfully encrypted and transmitted over a 10-km and 2-km single-mode fiber (SMF), respectively.Lanthanide-doped luminescent nanocrystals display both upconversion luminescence (UCL) and downconversion luminescence (DCL) properties, which offer potential applications in the second near-infrared window (NIR-II) images and biology sensors. Both UCL and DCL are sensitive to concentrations of activators. However, few works reveal the mechanism of concentration-dependent UCL and DCL. Herein, we synthesize core-shell upconversion nanocrystals (UCNCs) NaYF4 Yb3+(20%), Er3+ (2%)@NaYF4 Yb3+ (x%), Nd3+ (y%) with varying concentration of Nd and Yb ions. The UCL and DCL spectra are recorded under excitation of 980 nm and 808 nm lasers. The results indicate that the luminescence of core-shell UCNCs is influenced by the non-radiative rate between activators (Yb3+ and Nd3+) and the back energy transfer rate from Er3+ ions to activators. buy Cu-CPT22 UCL tends to be obtained at a relatively low concentration of Yb3+ and Nd3+ ions (about 5%), whereas NIR emission tends to be obtained at a relatively high concentration of Yb3+ and Nd3+ ions (not higher than 20%). Dual-mode anti-counterfeiting imaging is successfully fabricated using core-shell UCNCs, which can be detected and distinguished by visible and infrared detectors. The visible versus infrared brightness of dual-mode anti-counterfeiting imaging can be tuned by varying the concentration of activators (Yb3+, Nd3+). Our work demonstrates concentration-dependent UCL and DCL in core-shell UCNCs, which provides reference to obtain NIR emission in the NIR-II region and adds encrypted dimensions for anti-counterfeiting patterns in the field of file encryption.The Vernier effect has been widely used in the field of measurement and instrumentation for sensitivity enhancement. Single-point optical fiber sensors based on the Vernier effect have been extensively reported in recent years. In this Letter, for the first time, a distributed optical fiber sensor based on microwave photonics with improved sensitivity enabled by the Vernier effect is demonstrated. Distributed sensing is realized by interrogating a Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) array formed by cascaded reflectors along an optical fiber using an optical carrier-based microwave interferometry (OCMI) system. A reference FPI is also included in the system. The interferogram of each of the sensing FPIs can be unambiguously reconstructed and superimposed with the reconstructed interferogram of the reference FPI to generate the Vernier effect. By tracking the spectral shift of the envelope signals in the superimposed spectra, the measurement sensitivities of the sensing FPIs can be significantly improved. A simple direct modulation-based OCMI system is used in the proof-of-concept demonstration, showing sensitivity-enhanced distributed sensing capability. Moreover, the sensitivity amplification factor can be adjusted by varying the optical length difference of the sensing and reference FPIs, similar to that of Vernier effect-based single-point optical fiber sensors.Traditional monolithic fiber lasers can only achieve unidirectional high-power laser output. In this Letter, a novel high-power linear cavity fiber laser that can achieve bidirectional high-power output is proposed and demonstrated. In an ordinary laser resonant cavity, we replace the high-reflectivity fiber Bragg grating with a low-reflectivity fiber Bragg grating to realize bidirectional laser output. In our experiment, the laser cavity was composed of two fiber Bragg gratings with a reflectivity of about 10%. The pump power provided by the 976 nm laser diodes was injected into a double-clad Yb-doped fiber with core/cladding diameters of 20/400 µm. At the maximum pump power, the bidirectional output powers were 2025 W and 1948 W, respectively, and the output laser beam quality (M2 factor) at both ends was about 1.5. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the feasibility of a bidirectional output fiber laser that can achieve double high (2-kW-level) power was verified. Compared with a traditional unidirectional output laser, this type of bidirectional output laser can achieve a double high-power laser by employing a laser resonant cavity. Thus, the average cost and structure size can be further reduced in mass production.A 1-D linear array of 23 high-power broad-area laser diode (BALD) beams in the blue spectral region (447 nm) is combined employing a V-shape external Talbot cavity in Littrow configuration. A surface grating provides optical feedback via self-imaged diffractive coupling to the diode bar and induces all the emitters to lase at a common central wavelength. The external cavity reduces the spectral linewidth of the free-running laser diode bar from several nm to 20-50 pm (FWHM) with the power level of 11.8 W. The narrow spectrum of the external cavity stabilized laser can be tuned in the range of 3-4 nm by adjusting the tilt angle of the grating while the laser diode bar is operated in constant current mode at a temperature of 20°C.The electro-optic effect is an important mechanism for actively tuning the refractive index of materials. This effect has various important applications in communication, switching, modulation, and nonlinear optics. This research measured the quadratic electro-optic coefficient for a graphene oxide (GO) film with ellipsometry spectroscopy. The results show that this coefficient is about three orders of magnitude greater than that of other materials. The GO film with its giant electro-optic Kerr coefficient can improve devices based on this effect. For example, it can decrease power consumption and the complexity of these devices due to the need for a lower electric field. In addition, birefringence is obtained of about Δn = 0.08 at 730 nm, which can lead to promising improvements in commercial devices, such as the reduction of working voltage below 10 V.The thickness-dependent multimodal nature of three-dimensional (3D) coupled photonic crystal waveguides is investigated with the aim of realizing a medium for controlled optical gap soliton formation in the slow light regime. In the linear case, spectral properties of the modes (dispersion diagrams), location of the gap regions versus the thickness of the 3D photonic crystal, and the near-field distributions at frequencies in the slow light region are analyzed using a full-wave electromagnetic solver. In the nonlinear regime (Kerr-type nonlinearity), we infer an existence of crystal-thickness-dependent temporal solitons with stable pulse envelope and use the solitonic pulses for driving quantum transitions in localized quantum systems within the photonic crystal waveguide. The results may be useful for applications in optical communications, multiplexing systems, nonlinear physics, and ultrafast spectroscopy.The metasurface has recently emerged as a powerful platform to engineer wave packets of free electron radiation at the mesoscale. Here, we propose that Airy beams can be generated when moving electrons interact with bianisotropic metasurfaces. By changing the intrinsic coupling strength, full amplitude coverage and 0-to-π phase switching of Smith-Purcell radiation can be realized from the meta-atoms. This unusual property shifts the wave front of the assembled Airy beam toward a parabolic trajectory. Experimental implementation displays that evanescent fields bounded at slotted waveguides can be coupled into Airy beams via Smith-Purcell radiation from a designed bianisotropic metasurface. Our method and design strategy offer an alternative route toward free-electron lasers with diffraction-free, self-accelerating, and self-healing beam properties.

Autoři článku: Frostholm9154 (Risager Salling)