The kinetics of contact processes are determined by the interplay among local mass transfer mechanisms, spatial heterogeneity, and segregation. Determining the macroscopic behavior of a wide variety of phenomena across the disciplines requires linking reaction times to the statistical properties of spatially fluctuating quantities. We formulate the dynamics of advected agents interacting with segregated immobile components in terms of a chemical continuous-time random walk. The inter-reaction times result from the first-passage times of mobile species to and across reactive regions, and available immobile reactants undergo a restart procedure. Segregation leads to memory effects and enhances the role of concentration fluctuations in the large-scale dynamics.Mixing by cutting and shuffling can be mathematically described by the dynamics of piecewise isometries (PWIs), higher dimensional analogs of one-dimensional interval exchange transformations. selleck In a two-dimensional domain under a PWI, the exceptional set, E[over ¯], which is created by the accumulation of cutting lines (the union of all iterates of cutting lines and all points that pass arbitrarily close to a cutting line), defines where mixing is possible but not guaranteed. There is structure within E[over ¯] that directly influences the mixing potential of the PWI. Here we provide computational and analytical formalisms for examining this structure by way of measuring the density and connectivity of ɛ-fattened cutting lines that form an approximation of E[over ¯]. For the example of a PWI on a hemispherical shell studied here, this approach reveals the subtle mixing behaviors and barriers to mixing formed by invariant ergodic subsets (confined orbits) within the fractal structure of the exceptional set. Some PWIs on the shell have provably nonergodic exceptional sets, which prevent mixing, while others have potentially ergodic exceptional sets where mixing is possible since ergodic exceptional sets have uniform cutting line density. For these latter exceptional sets, we show the connectivity of orbits in the PWI map through direct examination of orbit position and shape and through a two-dimensional return plot to explain the necessity of orbit connectivity for mixing.We report experimental studies on an azo-substituted compound consisting of bent-core hockey-stick-shaped molecules. The experimental results establish two pseudopolar tilted smectic phases, which are characterized by an in-plane axial-vector order parameter in addition to tilt order in the smectic layers. Electro-optical measurements in the mesophases indicate that the birefringence of the sample strongly depends on the applied electric field. We develop a theoretical model to account for this observation. The change in the birefringence of the sample arises from the field-induced reorientation of the tilt plane of the molecules in the layer above a threshold field. The effect is analogous to the field-induced Freedericksz transition which is quadratic in the applied electric field.We examine a quantum Otto engine with a harmonic working medium consisting of two particles to explore the use of wave function symmetry as an accessible resource. It is shown that the bosonic system displays enhanced performance when compared to two independent single particle engines, while the fermionic system displays reduced performance. To this end, we explore the trade-off between efficiency and power output and the parameter regimes under which the system functions as engine, refrigerator, or heater. Remarkably, the bosonic system operates under a wider parameter space both when operating as an engine and as a refrigerator.The magnetoelectric effect of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising ladder in the presence of external electric and magnetic fields is rigorously examined by taking into account the Katsura-Nagaosa-Balatsky mechanism. It is shown that an applied electric field may control the quantum phase transition between a Néel (stripy) ordered phase and a disordered paramagnetic phase. The staggered magnetization vanishes according to a power law with an Ising-type critical exponent 1/8, the electric polarization exhibits a weak singularity, and the dielectric susceptibility shows a logarithmic divergence at this particular quantum phase transition. The external electric field may alternatively invoke a discontinuous phase transition accompanied with abrupt jumps of the dielectric polarization and susceptibility on the assumption that the external magnetic field becomes nonzero.Multiple experiments on active systems consider oriented active suspensions on substrates or in chambers tightly confined along one direction. The theories of polar and apolar phases in such geometries were considered in A. Maitra et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 028002 (2020)10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.028002] and A. Maitra et al. [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 6934 (2018)10.1073/pnas.1720607115], respectively. However, the presence of quenched random disorder due to the substrate cannot be completely eliminated in many experimental contexts possibly masking the predictions from those theories. In this paper, I consider the effect of quenched orientational disorder on the phase behavior of both polar and apolar suspensions on substrates. I show that polar suspensions have long-range order in two dimensions with anomalous number fluctuations, while their apolar counterparts have only short-range order, albeit with a correlation length that can increase with activity, and even more violent number fluctuations than active nematics without quenched disorder. These results should be of value in interpreting experiments on active suspensions on substrates with random disorder.We analyze the annihilation of equally charged particles based on the Brownian motion model built by Dyson for N particles with charge q interacting via the log-Coulomb potential on the unitary circle at a reduced inverse temperature β, defined as β=q^2/(k_BT). We derive an analytical approach to describe the large-t asymptotic behavior for the number density decay, which can be described as a power law, n∼t^-ν. For a sufficiently large β, the power-law exponent ν behaves as (β+1)^-1, which was corroborated through several computational simulations. For small β, in the diffusive regime, we recover the exponent of 1/2 as predicted by single-species uncharged annihilation.