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There were no differences in anhedonia reductions between treatments. Within-person, changes in average rsFC were unrelated to changes in anhedonia. Between-person, higher than average FPN rsFC was related to less anhedonia across timepoints. Seed-to-voxel and edgewise rsFC analyses corroborated reductions within the DMN and between the DMN and FPN over time, across the sample.

Reductions in rsFC within the DMN, FPN, and between these networks co-occurred with anhedonia improvement across two psychosocial treatments for anhedonia. Future anhedonia clinical trials with a waitlist control group should disambiguate treatment versus time-related effects on rsFC.

Reductions in rsFC within the DMN, FPN, and between these networks co-occurred with anhedonia improvement across two psychosocial treatments for anhedonia. Future anhedonia clinical trials with a waitlist control group should disambiguate treatment versus time-related effects on rsFC.

China's rapid urbanization has created a large number of labour transferring from rural to urban areas and large numbers of college students with left-behind experience (LBE). LBE was an important influencing factor on college students' mental health.

A mixed method involving quantitative survey and qualitative interview was emplyed to explore the influence of LBE on mental health of college students. In the quantitative survey, 1605 college students from three different universities of Shandong province in China were recruited. Their mental health status was measured using Symptom Check-list 90(SCL-90 scale) compiled by American psychologist Derogatis. In the qualitative interview, 40 college students with left-behind experience from the same three universities were interviewed.

The prevalence estimate of total mental health problems among left-behind students was 2.14 times higher than that among those without left-behindexperience. LBE increased the problems of somatization, obsessive-compulsion (Ocd), international sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, terror, paranoia, psychoticism and other symptoms. The result of qualitative interview showed the mental health problems of the college students with left-behind experience were mainly on anxiety, depression, Ocd, interpersonal sensitive and hostility, which was consistent with the results of quantitative survey.

Representativeness of the sample is the major limitation of our study. Due to rare similar studies performed in other countries, we could not compare the results in China to that in other countries.

Left-behind experience was an important factor associated with the mental health of college students. The mental health of college students with LBE needs more attention.

Left-behind experience was an important factor associated with the mental health of college students. The mental health of college students with LBE needs more attention.Pesticides are a major cause of the reduction in the global amphibian population. In this study, the acute toxicity and chronic effects of metamifop on Xenopus laevis (X. laevis) tadpoles were investigated. The 96 h-LC50 value of metamifop on X. laevis tadpoles was 0.634 mg/L, which indicated that metamifop was highly toxic to tadpoles. In the chronic toxicity study, tadpoles were exposed to 0.063 mg/L of metamifop. After 14, 21 and 35 d of exposure, metamifop significantly inhibited the body weight and neurotransmitter synthesis of tadpoles, caused abnormal behavior and interfered with fat metabolism. According to the results of antioxidant enzymes and malondialdehyde (MDA), tadpoles exposed to 0.063 mg/L metamifop suffered severe lipid oxidative damage. Compared with the control group, the thyroid hormone (TH) levels and related gene expression in tadpoles in the treatment group were affected, reflecting the endocrine interference effect of metamifop. The data of this study can enrich our knowledge of the effects of aryloxyphenoxy propionate pesticides on amphibians and highlight the role of metamifop and other pesticides play in global decline of amphibians.Chloropicrin (CP) can cause long-term damage to beneficial microbes which reduces soil health. Biochar (BC) can mitigate against the effects of CP by reducing the time for beneficial microbes to recover after CP fumigation. In this study, we used Real-Time Quantitative PCR to determine the effects of different rates of BC added to CP-fumigated soil on the speed of recovery of bacteria and fungi population and on changes to gene copy number of the target pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. And then we compared the structure and composition of the beneficial microbial community in the different treatments soil by using High throughput Illumina sequencing. As the results shown, adding 1 or 3% BC after CP fumigation accelerated the recovery of bacterial and fungal populations without increasing F. oxysporum abundance. BC also promoted the recovery of beneficial bacteria Rokubacteria and Latescibacteria damaged by CP. And these two bacteria may be related to the immunity of soil to F. PI3K inhibitor oxysporum. In CP-fumigated soil, BC improved the disease resistance of the soil by increasing beneficial microbes, such as Steroidobacter, Sphingomonas, Purpureocillium and Mortierella. link2 This combination of CP and BC is a new concept that could encourages the development of a healthy and sustainable soil ecosystems while controlling plant pathogens.

Despite increasing evidence that particulate air pollution has adverse effects on human semen quality, few studies examine the impact of air pollution on clinically relevant thresholds used to diagnose male fertility problems. Furthermore, exposure is often assessed using average air pollution levels in a geographic area rather than individualized estimates. Finally, physiologically-informed exposure windows are inconsistent.

We sought to test the hypothesis that airborne particulate exposures during early-phase spermatogenesis will have a differential impact on spermatogenic formation compared to late-phase exposures, using an individualized model of exposure to particulate matter ≤2.5µm and ≤10µm (PM

and PM

, respectively).

From an original cohort of 183 couples, we conducted a retrospective analysis of 130 healthy males seeking to become parents, using spermatogenesis-relevant exposure windows of 77-34 days and 37-0 days prior to semen collection to encompass sperm development stages of mitosis/mehas a differential and more deleterious impact on sperm during early-phase spermatogenesis than late-phase.Lead (Pb) toxicity is a growing serious environmental pollution that threatens human health and crop productivity. Poplar, as an important economic and ecological forest species, has the characteristics of fasting growth and accumulating heavy metals, which is a powerful model plant for phytoremediation. Here, a novel label-free quantitative proteomic platform of SWATH-MS was applied to detect proteome changes in poplar seedling roots following Pb treatment. In total 4388 unique proteins were identified and quantified, among which 542 proteins showed significant abundance changes upon Pb(II) exposure. Functional categorizations revealed that differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) primarily distributed in specialized biological processes. Particularly, lignin and flavonoid biosynthesis pathway were strongly activated upon Pb exposure, implicating their potential roles for Pb detoxification in poplar. Furthermore, hemicellulose and pectin related cell wall proteins exhibited increased abundances, where may function as a sequestration reservoir to reduce Pb toxicity in cytoplasm. Simultaneously, up-regulation of glutathione metabolism may serve as a protective role for Pb-induced oxidative damages in poplar. Further correlation investigation revealed an extra layer of post-transcriptional regulation during Pb response in poplar. Overall, our work represents multiply potential regulators in mediating Pb tolerance in poplar, providing molecular targets and strategies for phytoremediation.

Anti-TNFα is increasingly used as treatment for immune mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID), such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriasis (PS). However, the impact of anti-TNFα during pregnancy on mother and newborn is under debate. This requires a sound knowledge of the effects of this treatment on pregnancy and neonatal outcomes.

To assess pregnancy and neonatal outcomes after anti-TNFα therapy during pregnancy in women with IMID, specifically IBD, RA and PS.

We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of 39 studies assessing pregnancy and neonatal outcomes of women with IMID exposed to anti-TNFα agents during pregnancy. We used a random-effects model to determine pooled outcome measures.

An increased risk of preterm births (OR 1.45, 95% CI=1.16 to 1.82, p=0.001) and infections in newborns (OR 1.12, 95% CI=1.00 to 1.27, p=0.05)) was seen for women in the combined group of IMID exposed to anti-TNFα compared to diseased controls. Specifically for IBD patiensus the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Exposure to anti-TNFα agents during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of preterm birth and infections in newborns of women with IMID compared to diseased controls. The risk of preterm birth and low birth weight was increased in women with IBD specifically. The increased risk of infections in newborns underlines the importance of vaccination, which seems to be safe in children exposed to anti-TNFα. Delay of vaccination is therefore unnecessary in these children. These data may aid in balancing the continuing anti-TNFα therapy versus the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.The first measurement of meteoric beryllium-10 (10Be) using Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) is reported from PRL-AURiS (Physical Research Laboratory-Accelerator Unit for Radioisotope Studies). link3 Strategically, the meteoric 10Be dating method can date events as old as 10 Myr, and its accuracy while dating marine sediment cores has been well tested with magnetic methods. An attempt is made for a comparative study between radiocarbon (14C) and meteoric 10Be dating methods from a 6 m long sediment core collected from the equatorial Indian Ocean. The core was dated using both radiocarbon and meteoric 10Be and results showed remarkable similarity for both methods in terms of the sedimentation rate. A continuous age offset observed within 50 kyr could be due to a continuous influx of sediment with low 10Be content and that may have caused the meteoric 10Be ages to be younger. The sedimentation rate calculated by changing the 10Be depositional flux rate from 1.5 to 2.5 × 10-2 shows large variation, indicating the choice of appropriate 10Be depositional flux rate for the region. Additionally, being the first meteoric beryllium-10 measurements using AURiS, we have also discussed and reported the laboratory protocols and efficiency based on repeat standard and blank measurements.Inhalation of the airborne short-lived radon progeny is regarded as the most crucial way of internal exposure to the natural radiation dose delivered to the human lung. In this respect, this study aims to determine the unattached and aerosol-attached activities of radon progeny and to estimate some important physical parameters employed to assess the radiological impact of this radiation on humans. For this purpose, radioactive aerosol samples collected on polycarbonate membrane filters to measure total alpha activity by passive alpha dosimetric technique using CR-39 detectors in sixteen different locations including some houses and workplaces in El Jadida city, in Morocco. In addition, the room-specific parameters and aerosol physical processes that affect the unattached and attached activity concentrations were determined. The obtained experimental results by the three-count method and room model parameters were used as input data on a developed PC-based software that we have developed to solve mathematical equations and calculate required physical quantities.

Autoři článku: Franklinbille3764 (Kirkeby Woodward)