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Chemical transformations determine the structure of a product, and therefore its properties, which in turn affect complex macroscopic functions such as the metabolic stability of pharmaceuticals or the volatility of perfumes. Therefore, reaction selection can influence the success or failure of a candidate molecule to meet a functional objective. The coupling of an amine with a carboxylic acid to form an amide bond is the most popular chemical reaction used for drug discovery1. However, there are many other ways to connect these two common functional groups together. Here we show computationally that amines and acids can couple via hundreds of hypothetical yet plausible transformations, and we demonstrate experimentally the application of a dozen such reactions. To investigate the contribution of chemical transformations to properties, we developed a string-based notation and used an enumerative combinatorics approach to produce a map of conceivable amine-acid coupling transformations, which can be charted using chemoinformatic techniques. We find that critical physicochemical parameters of the products, such as partition coefficient and polar surface area, vary considerably depending on the transformation chosen. Data mining the amine-acid coupling system produced here should enable reaction discovery, which we demonstrate by developing an esterification reaction found within the mapped space. Complex molecules with distinct property profiles can also be discovered within the amine-acid coupling system, as we show here via the late-stage diversification of drugs and natural products.Conservation laws are deeply related to any symmetry present in a physical system1,2. Analogously to electrons in atoms exhibiting spin symmetries3, it is possible to consider neutrons and protons in the atomic nucleus as projections of a single fermion with an isobaric spin (isospin) of t = 1/2 (ref. 4). Every nuclear state is thus characterized by a total isobaric spin T and a projection Tz-two quantities that are largely conserved in nuclear reactions and decays5,6. A mirror symmetry emerges from this isobaric-spin formalism nuclei with exchanged numbers of neutrons and protons, known as mirror nuclei, should have an identical set of states7, including their ground state, labelled by their total angular momentum J and parity π. Here we report evidence of mirror-symmetry violation in bound nuclear ground states within the mirror partners strontium-73 and bromine-73. We find that a J π = 5/2- spin assignment is needed to explain the proton-emission pattern observed from the T = 3/2 isobaric-analogue state in rubidium-73, which is identical to the ground state of strontium-73. Therefore the ground state of strontium-73 must differ from its J π = 1/2- mirror bromine-73. This observation offers insights into charge-symmetry-breaking forces acting in atomic nuclei.Pluripotent stem cells are increasingly used to model different aspects of embryogenesis and organ formation1. Despite recent advances in in vitro induction of major mesodermal lineages and cell types2,3, experimental model systems that can recapitulate more complex features of human mesoderm development and patterning are largely missing. Here we used induced pluripotent stem cells for the stepwise in vitro induction of presomitic mesoderm and its derivatives to model distinct aspects of human somitogenesis. We focused initially on modelling the human segmentation clock, a major biological concept believed to underlie the rhythmic and controlled emergence of somites, which give rise to the segmental pattern of the vertebrate axial skeleton. We observed oscillatory expression of core segmentation clock genes, including HES7 and DKK1, determined the period of the human segmentation clock to be around five hours, and demonstrated the presence of dynamic travelling-wave-like gene expression in in vitro-induced human presomitic mesoderm. Furthermore, we identified and compared oscillatory genes in human and mouse presomitic mesoderm derived from pluripotent stem cells, which revealed species-specific and shared molecular components and pathways associated with the putative mouse and human segmentation clocks. Using CRISPR-Cas9-based genome editing technology, we then targeted genes for which mutations in patients with segmentation defects of the vertebrae, such as spondylocostal dysostosis, have been reported (HES7, LFNG, DLL3 and MESP2). Subsequent analysis of patient-like and patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells revealed gene-specific alterations in oscillation, synchronization or differentiation properties. Our findings provide insights into the human segmentation clock as well as diseases associated with human axial skeletogenesis.Photoinduced electron transfer (PET) is a phenomenon whereby the absorption of light by a chemical species provides an energetic driving force for an electron-transfer reaction1-4. This mechanism is relevant in many areas of chemistry, including the study of natural and artificial photosynthesis, photovoltaics and photosensitive materials. In recent years, research in the area of photoredox catalysis has enabled the use of PET for the catalytic generation of both neutral and charged organic free-radical species. These technologies have enabled previously inaccessible chemical transformations and have been widely used in both academic and industrial settings. Such reactions are often catalysed by visible-light-absorbing organic molecules or transition-metal complexes of ruthenium, iridium, chromium or copper5,6. Although various closed-shell organic molecules have been shown to behave as competent electron-transfer catalysts in photoredox reactions, there are only limited reports of PET reactions involving neuother organic transformations that require dissolving metal reductants.Sustainable Development Goal 14 of the United Nations aims to "conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development". selleck inhibitor Achieving this goal will require rebuilding the marine life-support systems that deliver the many benefits that society receives from a healthy ocean. Here we document the recovery of marine populations, habitats and ecosystems following past conservation interventions. Recovery rates across studies suggest that substantial recovery of the abundance, structure and function of marine life could be achieved by 2050, if major pressures-including climate change-are mitigated. Rebuilding marine life represents a doable Grand Challenge for humanity, an ethical obligation and a smart economic objective to achieve a sustainable future.Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide1. Over the past decade, large-scale integrative genomics efforts have enhanced our understanding of this disease by characterizing its genetic and epigenetic landscape in thousands of patients2,3. However, most tumours profiled in these studies were obtained from patients from Western populations. Here we produced and analysed whole-genome, whole-transcriptome and DNA methylation data for 208 pairs of tumour tissue samples and matched healthy control tissue from Chinese patients with primary prostate cancer. Systematic comparison with published data from 2,554 prostate tumours revealed that the genomic alteration signatures in Chinese patients were markedly distinct from those of Western cohorts specifically, 41% of tumours contained mutations in FOXA1 and 18% each had deletions in ZNF292 and CHD1. Alterations of the genome and epigenome were correlated and were predictive of disease phenotype and progression. Coding and noncoding mutations, as well as epimutations, converged on pathways that are important for prostate cancer, providing insights into this devastating disease. link2 These discoveries underscore the importance of including population context in constructing comprehensive genomic maps for disease.Paternal and maternal epigenomes undergo marked changes after fertilization1. Recent epigenomic studies have revealed the unusual chromatin landscapes that are present in oocytes, sperm and early preimplantation embryos, including atypical patterns of histone modifications2-4 and differences in chromosome organization and accessibility, both in gametes5-8 and after fertilization5,8-10. However, these studies have led to very different conclusions the global absence of local topological-associated domains (TADs) in gametes and their appearance in the embryo8,9 versus the pre-existence of TADs and loops in the zygote5,11. The questions of whether parental structures can be inherited in the newly formed embryo and how these structures might relate to allele-specific gene regulation remain open. Here we map genomic interactions for each parental genome (including the X chromosome), using an optimized single-cell high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (HiC) protocol12,13, during preimplantation in the mouee-dimensional genome organization and gene expression during early development.Radial glial progenitor cells (RGPs) are the major neural progenitor cells that generate neurons and glia in the developing mammalian cerebral cortex1-4. In RGPs, the centrosome is positioned away from the nucleus at the apical surface of the ventricular zone of the cerebral cortex5-8. However, the molecular basis and precise function of this distinctive subcellular organization of the centrosome are largely unknown. Here we show in mice that anchoring of the centrosome to the apical membrane controls the mechanical properties of cortical RGPs, and consequently their mitotic behaviour and the size and formation of the cortex. link3 The mother centriole in RGPs develops distal appendages that anchor it to the apical membrane. Selective removal of centrosomal protein 83 (CEP83) eliminates these distal appendages and disrupts the anchorage of the centrosome to the apical membrane, resulting in the disorganization of microtubules and stretching and stiffening of the apical membrane. The elimination of CEP83 also activates the mechanically sensitive yes-associated protein (YAP) and promotes the excessive proliferation of RGPs, together with a subsequent overproduction of intermediate progenitor cells, which leads to the formation of an enlarged cortex with abnormal folding. Simultaneous elimination of YAP suppresses the cortical enlargement and folding that is induced by the removal of CEP83. Together, these results indicate a previously unknown role of the centrosome in regulating the mechanical features of neural progenitor cells and the size and configuration of the mammalian cerebral cortex.The ability to communicate quantum information over long distances is of central importance in quantum science and engineering1. Although some applications of quantum communication such as secure quantum key distribution2,3 are already being successfully deployed4-7, their range is currently limited by photon losses and cannot be extended using straightforward measure-and-repeat strategies without compromising unconditional security8. Alternatively, quantum repeaters9, which utilize intermediate quantum memory nodes and error correction techniques, can extend the range of quantum channels. However, their implementation remains an outstanding challenge10-16, requiring a combination of efficient and high-fidelity quantum memories, gate operations, and measurements. Here we use a single solid-state spin memory integrated in a nanophotonic diamond resonator17-19 to implement asynchronous photonic Bell-state measurements, which are a key component of quantum repeaters. In a proof-of-principle experiment, we demonstrate high-fidelity operation that effectively enables quantum communication at a rate that surpasses the ideal loss-equivalent direct-transmission method while operating at megahertz clock speeds.

Autoři článku: Franckgay4894 (Kjeldgaard Hejlesen)