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A sequence comparison showed that the isolates were 25.4% identical in the S1 gene.Different forms of direct paternal investment have been described in mammals. One such species where paternal care was noticed, but remains poorly understood, is the horse (Equus caballus), where the male keeps a long-term relationship with several females and offspring. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse the interactions between the harem stallion and his foals. Two herds of Exmoor ponies living under semi-feral conditions in two separate reserves within Czech Republic were studied, each during one of the two consecutive breeding seasons (in 2016 and 2017). Both herds consisted of a stallion, 14 mares and their offspring (12 and 10 foals). The behaviour of all group members was recorded focusing on the stallion-foal interactions. The results show that the stallion receives more friendly interactions, snapping and playful behaviour from foals compared with adult mares. Furthermore, the stallion is more tolerant than mares, and actively plays with his offspring. There is no statistical difference in the sex of the foals in the stallion-foal interactions; however, male foals are more active than female foals in interacting with their father. The probability of a certain behaviour occurring between adult and foals changed over time. The stallion's presence might, therefore, be crucial for the physical and psychological development of the foals, especially the colts. These results may bring new insight into the common management of domestic horses, where stallions are usually kept separately and are not allowed to form natural groups.Animals can navigate an environment relying on different sources of information, such as geometrical or featural cues. The favoring of one type of information over another depends on multiple factors, such as inter-individual differences in behavior and cognition. Free-range chickens present different range use patterns, which may be explained by behavioral and cognitive differences. However, how behavior, cognition, and range use intercorrelate is still poorly understood. In this work, we aimed to further understand possible differences in behavior and cognition between two groups of free-range broiler chickens those who frequently explore their range ('high rangers') and those who prefer to stay in or near the barn ('low rangers'). Prior to range access, individual behavior was measured in open field-, emergence-, and social motivation tests. To investigate cognitive differences, we analyzed whether exploratory behavior was linked to different performances in the use of distal and local spatial cues during an orientation task. During the social motivation test, low rangers showed a higher inclination to be near conspecifics than did high rangers. Our orientation tests show that chickens preferred to orientate themselves using the local cues over the distal cues. Individual differences were only found for distal, but not for local, cue use suggesting that demanding tasks are more efficient in revealing individual cognitive differences. Our results suggest that considering variation in social motivation may allow a more comprehensive understanding of chicken range use. Our results also support the importance of incorporating multiple aspects of individual differences to understand individual reactions to its environment.Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) are widely used to determine the size of biological nanoparticles in liquid. In both cases, one first measures the nanoparticle diffusion coefficient and then converts it to the nanoparticle radius via the Stokes-Einstein relation. This relation is based on the no-slip boundary condition. Now, there is evidence that this condition can be violated in biologically relevant cases (e.g., for vesicles) and that in such situations the partial-slip boundary condition is more suitable. I show (i) how the latter condition can be employed in the context of DLS and NTA and (ii) that the use of the former condition may result in underestimation of the nanoparticle radius by about 10 nm compared with the nominal one.OBJECTIVES To analyze all artificial intelligence abstracts presented at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2019 with regard to their topics and their adherence to the Standards for Reporting Diagnostic accuracy studies (STARD) checklist. METHODS A total of 184 abstracts were analyzed with regard to adherence to the STARD criteria for abstracts as well as the reported modality, body region, pathology, and use cases. RESULTS Major topics of artificial intelligence abstracts were classification tasks in the abdomen, chest, and brain with CT being the most commonly used modality. Out of the 10 STARD for abstract criteria analyzed in the present study, on average, 5.32 (SD = 1.38) were reported by the 184 abstracts. Specifically, the highest adherence with STARD for abstracts was found for general interpretation of results of abstracts (100.0%, 184 of 184), clear study objectives (99.5%, 183 of 184), and estimates of diagnostic accuracy (96.2%, 177 of 184). The lowest STARD adherence was found for eligibility criteria for participants (9.2%, 17 of 184), type of study series (13.6%, 25 of 184), and implications for practice (20.7%, 44 of 184). There was no significant difference in the number of reported STARD criteria between abstracts accepted for oral presentation (M = 5.35, SD = 1.31) and abstracts accepted for the electronic poster session (M = 5.39, SD = 1.45) (p = .86). CONCLUSIONS The adherence with STARD for abstract was low, indicating that providing authors with the related checklist may increase the quality of abstracts.Even after a long time of research on dual-tasking, the question whether the two tasks are always processed serially (response selection bottleneck models, RSB) or also in parallel (capacity-sharing models) is still going on. The first models postulate that the central processing stages of two tasks cannot overlap, producing a central processing bottleneck in Task 2. The second class of models posits that cognitive resources are shared between the central processing stages of two tasks, allowing for parallel processing. In a series of three experiments, we aimed at inducing parallel vs. serial processing by manipulating the relative frequency of short vs. long SOAs (Experiments 1 and 2) and including no-go trials in Task 2 (Experiment 3). Beyond the conventional response time (RT) analyses, we employed drift-diffusion model analyses to differentiate between parallel and serial processing. Even though our findings were rather consistent across the three experiments, they neither support unambiguously the assumptions derived from the RSB model nor those derived from capacity-sharing models. SOA frequency might lead to an adaptation to frequent time patterns. Overall, our diffusion model results and mean RTs seem to be better explained by participant's time expectancies.In the original publication of the article.Transgender women are disproportionately affected by HIV and experiences of social adversity that may interfere with engagement in care and viral suppression. We used latent class analysis to examine patterns of social adversity and their impact on HIV care continuum outcomes in an urban sample of transgender women of color. Participants (n = 224) were median age 29 and 86% non-Hispanic Black. Lack of resources, unemployment, and housing instability were reported by over 50%, and 41% reported history of incarceration. Latent class analysis identified 2 distinct classes representing higher and lower levels of social adversity. In latent class regression, membership in the higher social adversity class was associated with statistically significantly lower odds of viral suppression and HIV care engagement in univariate analysis; when adjusted for age, race, and recruitment site the association remained statistically significant for viral suppression (aOR 0.38, 95% CI 0.18-0.79; chi-square = 6.681, d.f. = 1, p = 0.010), though not for HIV care engagement. Our findings highlight the impact of socio-structural barriers on engagement in the HIV care continuum among transgender women.The coordination of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) with Primary Care (PC) is necessary for the continuity of care of patients with fragility fractures. This study proposes a Best Practice Framework (BPF) and performance indicators for the implementation and follow-up of FLS-PC coordination in clinical practice in Spain. selleck compound PURPOSE To develop a BPF for the coordination of FLS with PC in Spain and to improve the continuity of care for patients with fragility fractures. METHODS A Steering Committee selected experts from seven Spanish FLS and related PC doctors and nurses to participate in a best practice workshop. Selection criteria were an active FLS with an identified champion and prior contact with PC centres linked to the hospital. The main aim of the workshop was to review current FLS practices in Spain and their integration with PC. A BPF document with processes, tools, roles, and metrics was then generated. RESULTS Spanish FLS consists of a multidisciplinary team of physicians/nurses but with low participation of other professionals and PC staff. Evaluation and treatment strategies are widely variable. Four desired standards were agreed upon (1) Effective channels for FLS-PC communication; (2) minimum contents of an FLS clinical report and its delivery to PC; (3) adherence monitoring 3 months after FLS baseline visit; and (4) follow-up by PC. Proposed key performance indicators are (a) number of FLS-PC communications, including consensus protocols; (b) confirmation FLS report received by PC; (c) medical/nursing PC appointment after FLS report received; and (d) number of training sessions in PC. CONCLUSIONS The BPF provides a comprehensive approach for FLS-PC coordination in Spain, to promote the continuity of care in patients with fragility fractures and improve secondary prevention. The implementation of BPF recommendations and performance indicator tracking will benchmark best FLS practices in the future.INTRODUCTION Cephallomedullary nail fixation is currently the most popular treatment for pertrochanteric fractures. Despite continuous improvement in implant design, fixation failures still occur in a concerning number of cases. This study aims to evaluate the effect of cement augmentation of the new-generation Trochanteric Femoral Nail Advanced (TFNA) perforated spiral blade on complications including fixation failure in the elderly population. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively evaluated 107 patients aged 65 + treated for pertrochanteric fractures via TFNA between 2015 and 2019 based on whether cementation was used. Baseline demographics, fracture classifications, and reduction quality were compared. Patients with a follow-up of at least 6 months were analyzed for the primary outcome of fixation failure. All patients, regardless of loss to follow-up within 6 months, were analyzed for other complications including mortality. RESULTS Seventy-six patients (47 cemented, 29 non-cemented) had a minimum follow-up of 6 months (mean 13 months). There were no statistically significant differences between the two treatment groups in terms of patient demographics, ASA or AO/OTA fracture classification, reduction quality, or length of follow-up. There was a lower rate of fixation failure in the cement-augmented (CA) group versus the non-cement-augmented (NCA) group (2.1% vs 13.8%; p = 0.047). No cut-out or cut-through was observed in the CA group. Seven patients had adverse intraoperative events, with a significantly higher rate of fixation failure in these patients (40% vs 2.8%; p = 0.00). There were no statistically significant differences in 30-day mortality (6.3% CA vs 4.3% NCA; p = 0.632) or 3-month mortality (9.5% CA vs 12.8% NCA; p = 0.589). CONCLUSIONS Cementation of TFNA blades may decrease risk of fixation failure, however, the surgeon must be aware of potential complications such as cement leakage into the hip joint and be able to manage them as they arise.

Autoři článku: Forsythbrennan2181 (Chung Santiago)