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To determine the frequency and risk factors of narrow angles in pseudoexfoliation (PXF) patients.

A prospective case-control study was conducted during the period from March 2017 to December 2020. Adult patients (above 40years) presenting with PXF were consecutively enrolled (study group). Cases were matched with individuals above 40years presenting to a comprehensive ophthalmology clinic without evidence of PXF (control group).

We enrolled 196 PXF patients and 98 controls. The occurrence of narrow angles was 25% in the PXF group and 5.1% in the control group (P = 0.0001). Compared to controls, PXF patients were older (72.6 ± 9.6 vs. 64.4 ± 8.5, P < 0.0001) and had a lower mean ACD (2.79 ± 0.4 vs. 3.05 ± 0.4, P < 0.0001). There was no difference in AL measurements between both groups (23.3 ± 1.4 vs. 23.7 ± 1.0, P = 0.0714). After stratification by age group and gender, the risk of narrow angles was higher in PXF patients above 70years (OR, 4.15; 95% CI, 0.91-23.87; P, 0.044). There was no gender difference in the risk of developing narrow angles.

Narrow angles are more frequently encountered in PXF patients compared to controls. Advanced age (> 70years) is significantly associated with an increased likelihood of developing narrow angles.

 70 years) is significantly associated with an increased likelihood of developing narrow angles.Over the last 50 years, the term professionalism has undergone a widespread expansion in its use and a semantic shift in its meaning. As a result, it is at risk of losing its descriptive and analytical value and becoming instead simply an empty evaluative label, a fate described by C. S. Lewis as 'verbicide' (Lewis 1967). This article attempts to rescue professionalism from this fate by down-sizing its extension and reassigning some of its work to two other ethical domains, introduced as the neologisms organizationalism and sur-moralism. Professionalism is defined as a morality based in system of obligations that are assumed by physicians over the course of their professional training and which primarily refer to two groups patients and colleagues, including trainees. Organizationalism is also a morality, but the obligations are owed to the employing organization and on different grounds. A third ethical domain, here called sur-moralism, comprises actions that are not based in obligations. They are discretionary and potentially meritorious; they cannot be required by the profession or organization. This article presents a conceptual model of the three ethical domains and the shifting borders between them. One practical benefit of this typology is that physicians can more accurately understand the nature and sources of obligations that they are asked to accept, and when necessary prioritize them. Another is that physicians will be able to describe the potential tension between the three domains and understand how and why the borders between them can move. Both should help physicians to be more ethically oriented to their work settings.Exposure-response modeling is important to optimize dose and dosing regimens in clinical drug development. While primary clinical trial endpoints often have few categories and thus provide only limited information, sometimes there may be additional, more informative endpoints. Benefits of fully incorporating relevant information in longitudinal exposure-response modeling through joint modeling have recently been shown. This manuscript aims to further investigate the benefit of joint modeling of an ordered categorical primary endpoint with a related near-continuous endpoint, through the sharing of model parameters in the latent variable indirect response (IDR) modeling framework. This is illustrated by analyzing the data collected through up to 116 weeks from a phase 3b response-adaptive trial of ustekinumab in patients with psoriasis. The primary endpoint was based on the 6-point physician's global assessment (PGA) score. The Psoriasis area and severity Index (PASI) data, ranging from 0 to 72 with 0.1 increments, were also available. Separate and joint latent variable Type I IDR models of PGA and PASI scores were developed and compared. The results showed that the separate PGA model had a substantial structural bias, which was corrected by the joint modeling of PGA and PASI scores.

The COBL genes encode a plant-specific glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein. Recently identified COBRA genes are supposed as a key regulator of the orientation of cell expansion in the root indicating that COBRA gene family members are likely to be important players at the plasma membrane-cell wall interface.

Five COBL gene namely, TaCOBL 1, TaCOBL 2, TaCOBL 3, TaCOBL 4 and TaCOBL 5 were identified using database search and domain predictions. Chromosomal location of each gene was mapped on karyotype. Structure of genes, promoter analysis and phylogenetic analysis were performed using different bioinformatics tools. Set of novel SNPs were also predicted. Gene ontologies were analyzed, and the processes and pathways were identified in which COBRA genes were involved. The molecular weight all the cobra proteins was in range of 50-75 KDa with 429-461 amino acid residues. The COBL genes were mapped on homeologous groups 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Gene ontology analysis revealed that TaCOBL genes were inRKY, ABRE and DRE cis-regulatory elements. This evidence suggest that TaCOBL genes are involved in drought stress tolerance.

Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) is a photoperiod-sensitive short-day plant. Understanding the flowering-related genes is critical to developing photoperiod insensitive cultivars.

The CCT family genes were identified using 'CCT DOMAIN PROTEIN' as a keyword and localized on the chromosomes using the BLAST search option available at the LIS database. The centromeric positions were identified through BLAST search using the centromeric repeat sequence of C. cajan as a query against the chromosome-wise FASTA files downloaded from the NCBI database. The CCT family genes were classified based on additional domains and/or CCT domains. The orthologous and phylogenetic relationships were inferred using the OrthoFinder and MEGA 10.1 software, respectively. Vorinostat mouse The CCT family genes' expression level in photoperiod-sensitive and insensitive genotypes was compared using RNA-seq data and qRT-PCR analysis.

We identified 33 CCT family genes in C. cajan distributed on ten chromosomes and nine genomic scaffolds. They were classif difference in the number and types of active CONSTANS in them.The present study aimed at enhancing the assessment of adaptive behavior in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder trough the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-Second Edition. To overcome the limits underpinning floor effect, which are commonly observed with the traditional methods, the statistical Hessl method and its revision by Orsini, Pezzuti and Hulbert was adopted. The results showed a more variation using the former method compared to the latter a greater impairment in Social versus Leisure skills emerged. Regarding the Conceptual domain, a greater deficit in Functional Academics was observed. In the Practical domain, we found a greater impairment in Self-Care skills. Conversely, Home Living skills appeared as a strength compared to other skills. The results are discussed in reference to literature.Families of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often utilize a variety of services. Relatively few studies have examined the relationship between family empowerment and service utilization for this population. The present study investigated the relationship between family empowerment and service utilization in families of children with ASD from the Pacific Northwest. Family empowerment did not predict the use of behavioral services or established related services. However, higher family empowerment was reported for families who reported use of complementary and alternative medicine. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder with no clinical biomarker. This study used untargeted metabolomic analysis to identify metabolic characteristics in plasma that can distinguish ASD children. 29 boys with ASD (3.02 ± 0.67 years) and 30 typically developing (TD) boys (3.13 ± 0.46 years) were recruited. Developmental and behavioral assessments were conducted in ASD group. Samples of plasma were analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The association between metabolite concentration and scale score was assessed by Spearman rank correlation. Altered metabolic characteristics were found in boys with ASD. In Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis, ornithine had the highest AUC (Area under ROC) value. Furthermore, the concentration of choline and ornithine was negatively correlated with ABC-language score in ASD group.Participation has become an important measure of outcome in child rehabilitation as young children with developmental disabilities are increasingly at risk of decreased participation. Therefore, this study garnered information on clinicians' perspectives regarding perceived facilitators and barriers when rendering participation-based interventions using a qualitative research design. Semi-structured interviews of clinicians (Ns = 12, 25-57 years) were conducted and evaluated via an inductive thematic analysis. Results denote that current mechanisms of providing participation-based interventions resembled traditionally focused interventions; thus, resulting in a knowledge-to-practice gap. Clinicians desired more opportunities to communicate with caregivers and to be able to influence the children' s natural environments. They also identified shortness of time, resources, and rigid health care regulations as barriers hampering the efficacy of participation-based services.

The application of augmented reality technology to the partial hepatectomy procedure has high practical significance, but the existing augmented reality navigation system has major drawbacks in the display and registration methods, which result in low precision. The augmented reality surgical navigation system proposed in this study has been improved in the above two aspects, which can significantly improve the surgical accuracy.

The use of optical see-through head-mounted displays for imaging displays can prevent doctors from reconstructing the patient's two-dimensional image information in their minds and reduce the psychological burden of doctors. In the registration process, the biomechanical properties of the liver are introduced, and a non-rigid registration method based on biomechanics is proposed and realized by a meshless algorithm. In addition, this study uses the moving grid algorithm to carry out clinical experiments on ex-vivo pig liver for experimental verification.

The mark-based interactfore, the navigation system has a certain guiding significance for clinical surgery.

Advances in thoracoscopic surgery have made skin incisions smaller, but there are concerns about cancer cell contamination during sample extraction. We performed retrieval bag lavage cytology (BLC) during thoracoscopic surgery to evaluate the risk of cancer dissemination and the prognostic influence of BLC status.

BLC was investigated in 893 patients who underwent thoracoscopic lobectomy or segmentectomy for lung cancer between 2013 and 2018. The clinicopathological features and prognosis were compared between the BLC-positive and BLC-negative groups.

Forty-nine patients (5.5%) were positive for BLC. BLC correlated with pleural invasion (49.0% vs. 12.9%, P < 0.001); however, BLC was positive in 3.3% of cases without pleural invasion. Multivariate analysis revealed that tumor size, lymph node metastasis, lymphatic and pleural invasion were predictive factors for positive BLC. Prognosis was poorer in the BLC-positive group than in the BLC-negative group (5-year overall survival, 73.6% vs. 90.2%, P < 0.

Autoři článku: Fordlang4241 (Herskind Jones)