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UV radiation is a significant risk factor for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Ethnic Germans (resettlers) who immigrated to Germany from the former Soviet Union may have had a relatively high UV light exposure and thus a higher risk of developing NMSC. We compared the incidence of NMSC in a resettler cohort with the general population of the Saarland (Federal state of Germany) in relation to tumour location.

All new NMSC cases (resettler cohort and total population) between 1990 and 2007 were retrieved from the Saarland cancer registry and classified according to sex, histology, and location. The classification used for tumour location approximated the previous UV exposure. Age-standardized incidence rates (ASR) for the general population and standardized incidence ratios (SIR) for resettlers compared to the general population were calculated and modelled using Poisson regression.

Sex-specific overall SIR indicated a significant increase in female resettlers (SIR 1.31 (95% CI 1.02-1.67)) which can mostly be attributed to an increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma. The regression analysis showed that among resettlers the risk of developing tumours in UV-exposed skin areas was 2.16 (95% CI 1.35-3.45) higher compared to the general population.

Female resettlers have a higher risk to be diagnosed with NMSC than the general German population. Based on the observed distribution of tumour location, it is suspected that UV exposure contributed significantly to this risk.

Female resettlers have a higher risk to be diagnosed with NMSC than the general German population. Based on the observed distribution of tumour location, it is suspected that UV exposure contributed significantly to this risk.An accurate, precise, sensitive, and simple spectroscopic method was developed and validated for simultaneous quantification analysis of tretinoin (TRT) and nicotinamide (NCT) with a ratio of 140 (TRT NCT) in a synthetic mixture from dermal pharmaceutical preparations (solution and cream). Wavelengths were chosen in the first and second-order derivatives which are valid for the determination of NCT with the existence of TRT and excipients of the tested pharmaceutical preparations. Wavelength 253 nm was picked for the first-order derivative. Wavelengths 245 and 269 nm were picked for the second derivative. All previous wavelengths were zero-crossing points for TRT and its pharmaceutical preparations. Zero-order spectroscopy was used to determine TRT at the wavelength 348 nm, where no interference with NCT or any substance in the previous pharmaceutical preparation. The linearity range was studied and found to be 20-120 μg/mL and 0.5-5.0 μg/mL for NCT and TRT respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.9995-0.9999 for NCT and 0.9998-0.9999 for TRT. The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) of NCT were 1.510 μg/mL and 4.590 μg/mL respectively at the wavelength 269 nm of the second-order derivative.

Physical activity is required to maintain health; however, resources needed for physical activity (e.g. facilities, instructors, and programmes) are scarce for persons with disabilities (PWD), particularly those who require rehabilitation following hospital discharge and those with severe disabilities. The Republic of Korea presently lacks a legal and administrative framework that supports the implementation of health services for PWD. Therefore, it is necessary to develop such a framework based on the perspectives of PWD, medical and physical education experts, facility managers, and government organisations. Thus, this study aimed to establish expert consensus on the development of rehabilitation sports public services (RSPS) in the Republic of Korea by reviewing previous studies and expert statements.

Using the Delphi method, we reviewed the literature to identify the critical roles and factors required for planning efficient RSPS programmes, including coordinators, physicians, facility managers, rehab valuable information for state-led pilot projects and contribute to promoting physical activity and quality of life among PWD.

By identifying the factors and roles necessary for RSPS, this study is expected to offer valuable information for state-led pilot projects and contribute to promoting physical activity and quality of life among PWD.

Soft palate defects created during oral cancer surgery may prevent complete palatal closure and trigger palatopharyngeal insufficiency. One current treatment employs a rigid obturator prosthesis; an extension of acrylic resin at the level of the hard palate ensures surface contact with the remaining musculature. Unfortunately, airflow escape often causes hypernasality, compromises speech intelligibility, and creates swallowing problems (including leakage of food and fluid into the nasal airway). We plan to test a new removable denture featuring a thick dental dam that serves as a membrane obturator. The principal objective of the clinical trial is a comparison of speech handicap levels after 1 month in patients with acquired velar insufficiencies who wear either the new device or a conventional, rigid obturator. The secondary objectives are between-device comparisons of the swallowing handicaps and the health-related qualities of life.

The VELOMEMBRANE trial is a superiority, open-labeled, two-way, random9811 . Registered on 4 July 2019. NCT04009811 . Registered on 4 July 2019.

Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens are vector-borne zoonotic parasites which affect mainly dogs and humans worldwide. In Iran, information about the distribution of those nematodes is scant in several regions. Therefore, we investigated the prevalence of these filarial parasites in stray dogs from five Iranian provinces where no information about these parasites is available.

Blood samples were collected from 344 stray dogs in five provinces of Iran (i.e. Mazandaran, Gilan, Esfahan, Qazvin and Loresan). The presence of microfilariae was assessed using direct smear, modified Knott's test, molecular detection of filarial DNA (cox1 gene) and Wolbachia endosymbiont of parasitic nematodes (ftsZ gene) by conventional PCR (cPCR).All of the PCR products were sequenced and phylogeneticanalysis wasperformed.

In total, 75 dogs (21.8%) were found to be positive for D. immitis by cPCR. Infection was detected in all provinces, with the highest prevalence in Gilan province (22/28; 78.6%). Acanthocheilonema rectum is present in fewer regions. Effective control strategies are advocated for owned dogs, and a national program for the management of stray dogs is needed to minimize the risk of infection in animals and humans.

The data reported herein fill existing gaps in knowledge about canine filarial infection in two Iranian provinces and record the highest prevalence of D. immitis ever reported in the country (i.e. 78.6%). A geographical review of the literature about Dirofilaria spp. and A. reconditum infections in dogs and humans has also been summarized, indicating that D. immitis and D. QX77 mw repens are distributed in 22 of 31 provinces in Iran, whereas A. reconditum is present in fewer regions. Effective control strategies are advocated for owned dogs, and a national program for the management of stray dogs is needed to minimize the risk of infection in animals and humans.

Medical applications of ionising radiation and associated radiation protection research often encounter long delays and inconsistent implementation when translated into clinical practice. A coordinated effort is needed to analyse the research needs for innovation transfer in radiation-based high-quality healthcare across Europe which can inform the development of an innovation transfer framework tailored for equitable implementation of radiation research at scale.

Between March and September 2021 a Delphi methodology was employed to gain consensus on key translational challenges from a range of professional stakeholders. A total of three Delphi rounds were conducted using a series of electronic surveys comprised of open-ended and closed-type questions. The surveys were disseminated via the EURAMED Rocc-n-Roll consortium network and prominent medical societies in the field. Approximately 350 professionals were invited to participate. Participants' level of agreement with each generated statement was captura tailored innovation transfer framework for medical radiation research.

A lack of interoperability between systems, insufficient resources, unsatisfactory education and training, and the need for greater public awareness surrounding the benefits, risks, and applications of ionising radiation were identified as principal translational challenges. These findings will help to inform a tailored innovation transfer framework for medical radiation research.

Anesthetic agents are mandatory in colorectal cancer patients undergoing surgery. Studies published so far have shown that anesthetic drugs and intervention may have different impacts on patient's outcome. Among these drugs, propofol and, more recently, local anesthetics have been mostly targeted.

This study will be a prospective randomized control trial aiming to include 400 patients scheduled for curative colorectal surgery. Patients will be randomized to have general anesthesia with propofol or with sevoflurane. Each study group will be further divided into 2 subgroups of patients, of which one will receive intravenous lidocaine perioperatively. The primary outcome is to compare the incidence of cancer recurrence and survival after propofol versus sevoflurane anesthesia added or not intravenous lidocaine. Secondary outcomes will include the severity of postoperative pain, resumption of bowel function, morphine consumption, length of hospital stay, postoperative chronic pain, and rate of postoperative complications.

To our knowledge, this is the first randomized control trial registered on designed to compare the effects of two different anesthetic techniques added perioperative intravenous lidocaine infusion on long-term outcomes exclusively in colorectal cancer patients undergoing surgery. The study will bring more accurate data on the effect of propofol-TIVA and perioperative iv lidocaine on the incidence of recurrences after intended curative colorectal surgery.

Clinical Trial Registration NCT02786329 . Registered on 1 June 2016.

Clinical Trial Registration NCT02786329 . Registered on 1 June 2016.Mycoplasma (M.) hyopneumoniae interacts with the respiratory microbiota and facilitates colonization of other pathogens. The present study investigated the pulmonary and nasal microbiota of M. hyopneumoniae-infected and M. hyopneumoniae-free pigs. Sixty-six pigs from three commercial herds were selected at the end of the finishing phase 44 originated from two M. hyopneumoniae-positive herds and 22 from a M. hyopneumoniae-negative farm. At the slaughterhouse, samples of nasal turbinate (NT) and bronchus-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were collected. DNA was extracted with a commercial kit and the infection status was confirmed by qPCR. All samples from the same herd were pooled, and next-generation sequencing based on the hypervariable region V3-V4 of the 16 s bacterial rDNA was performed. Data analysis included the taxonomic analysis, Alpha diversity indexes, and Principal coordinates analysis (Pcoa) using Jaccard, Bray-Curtis, Weighted Unifrac, and Unweighted Unifrac distances. All pigs from the infected herds tested PCR positive for M.

Autoři článku: Forbesmaher1694 (Rosenkilde Medina)