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This study examines the potential defending effects of the diatom, Amphora coffeaeformis, as a feed additive versus the deleterious effects (mainly on gonads) caused by microplastics (MPs) in Nile tilapia, Oreochromes niloticus. Groups of male tilapia were pre-fed diets with four different supplementation levels of A. coffeaeformis (0%, 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%) for 70 days, then exposed to 10 mg/L MPs for 15 days. Thereafter, samples were taken from the four experimental groups and the control fish group, for evaluating blood picture, erythrocytes alterations, biochemical parameters, catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SDO), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). In addition, male reproductive performance was assessed by quantifying the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone (T), also testicular sections and GSI% were also assessed. The results showed that the number of leucocytes were significantly (p less then 0.05) higher, but the number of red blood cells (RBCs), the level of Hemoglobin (Hb), the percentage of Hematocrit (Ht), the number of platelets, and the eosinophil percentages were significantly decreased (p less then 0.05) when fish exposed to MPs. Biochemical parameters (ALP, glucose, uric acid, albumin, and A/G ratio) were significantly increased after MP exposure compared with the control group. Furthermore, MPs induced a significant decline in both serum LH and T levels. Testicular, histological, degenerative changes and testis-ova were found in the MP-exposed fish. Thus, A. coffeaeformis supplementation displayed ameliorative properties that detoxified the negative effects of MPs. This study provides a better understanding of the reproductive injuries caused by MPs exposure and evidence for the use of A. coffeaeformis as a natural remedy in freshwater tilapia.During the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, the important role of plastic becomes evident since vital equipment such as respirators have plastic parts, as well as personal protective equipment (PPE), which avoids the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is made of plastic. So, plastic during a pandemic is considered a life savior in the struggle against the virus. However, the same material that is a protector becomes a polluter when inadequately disposed of in the environment, generating or worsening socio-environmental problems, such as pollution of water bodies by plastic. This work proposes a reflection about the role and the importance of plastic in our society, bringing an overview of its main applications and consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic, correlating its use with aspects related to environmental problems and public health. Some questions revolving around the concerns caused by plastic pollution are posed, and some possible solutions to the problems are outlined.The presence of substances of emerging concern-pharmaceuticals-in marine environments has been studied to a lesser extent compared to fresh and wastewaters. This is the first study of pharmaceutical distribution in the Russian part of the Baltic Sea. Among 18 pharmaceuticals previously detected in influent waters of Saint-Petersburg WWTPs, 7 compounds (caffeine [81% of samples], carbamazepine [81%], ketoprofen [60%], diclofenac [23 %], ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim, and clarithromycin) were recorded in seawater samples in a range of measured concentrations from 0.1 to 4452 ng L-1. Antibiotics were presented in trace concentrations. In sediment samples, 6 pharmaceuticals (0.1-66.2 ng g-1) were detected. The most common was carbamazepine (80%). The remaining compounds were located in decreasing frequency as follows ketoprofen, trimethoprim, drotaverine, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin. Some specific features of the Gulf of Finland affecting the distribution of pharmaceutical concentrations were highlighted-among the most important, the megapolis of St. Petersburg with its population over 5 million and freshwater input by the Neva River (high urbanization of the territory with a potent dilution factor). We discussed the suitable set of anthropogenic markers for the Russian part of the Gulf of Finland.The material discarded by past mining extractive activities is exposed to the action of different environmental agents and constitutes the beginning of a problem that, inevitably, involves the population and the conditions of the environment where it is deposited. Bearing this in mind, a study of the Copaquilla-Chile valley was carried out with a focus on the socio-environmental conflict produced by the accumulation of abandoned mining waste in its vicinity. The objectives were to identify the role of the different actors and the main causes that originated the conflict and to characterize the physical-natural factors that conditioned the susceptibility and physical vulnerability of the studied environment. The methodological approach combined a set of qualitative and quantitative techniques, using participatory action research techniques (PAR) and multi-criteria evaluation models (MCE) through a geographic information system (GIS). The evaluation of the study area revealed quite severe levels in terms of the indices of susceptibility to processes of mass removal and vulnerability of the aquifer, which led us to infer that the morpho-climatic and hydrogeological characteristics of the sector generated the appropriate conditions to produce large damage to the complex socio-ecological system of the Copaquilla territory. This study generated participatory material, a chronology of the conflict, a database of the physical environment of the Copaquilla valley interpreted in thematic cartographies, and physicochemical soil and water samples to monitor contamination levels.The remediation of agricultural soil contaminated by acid mine drainages (AMD) with extreme acidity and elevated concentrations of metal(loid)s still remains to be solved. In the present study, the combination of soil replacement-biochar (BC) amendment was adopted in 270-day incubation experiments to evaluate the effect on the metal(loids) (As, Pb, Cu, Cd, and Zn) immobilization and soil properties (pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), redox potential (Eh), and soil water holding capacity (SWC)). The incubation study showed that soil replacement-biochar amendment improved soil health by changing soil properties, which in turn exhibited significant effects on CaCl2-extracted metal(loid)s. The combination of soil replacement and biochar amendment exhibited positive effect on the immobilization of Pb, Cu, Cd, and Zn, while, the risk of As and Cd mobility induced by biochar in the ageing process should be paid attention. Further laboratory seed germination study suggested that soil replacement-biochar amendment could effectively alleviate the stress of metal(loid)s, with the treatment of S50BC achieving the best remediation results. The results of this study suggested that soil replacement-biochar amendment was a promising remediation technology for agricultural soil contaminated by AMD. Graphical abstract.The natural grasslands in northern China have been seriously degraded due mainly to overgrazing and climate change in recent decades, leading to shortage of forage supply to animal husbandry. To maximize forage production, we developed a two-harvest regime of oat forage by sowing in spring in an alpine region of Hulun Buir, northern China, using two oat early maturation species. The agronomic characteristics and forage quality of the two-harvest regime were evaluated across three constructive years from 2017 to 2019. Saracatinib solubility dmso Compared to the traditional one-harvest regime, the production, resource use efficiency, and economic benefits were compared and quantified for both oat species across the 3 years. Dry weight forage by the two-harvest regime was increased by 17.5-18.5%, while crude protein was increased by 25.1-30.0%. Growing days by the two-harvest regime was increased by 36.7% on average, nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency was enhanced by 25.1-30.0%, while water use efficiency was not significantly changed. The two-harvest regime also increased the net profit by 28.0%. Taken together, our results reveal that the two-harvest regime of forage production in the cold region of northern China is a promising practice with high forage yield, nutritional value, and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency as well as economic profit.Heavy metal contamination in farmland soil is of great concern due to the threat to food security arising from the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in crops planted in contaminated soil, such as rice, corn, and vegetables. Cd is the main contaminant in both paddy soils and rice. The purpose of this study was to reveal the spatial distribution of 8 heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, and Hg) in the farmland protection areas in northwestern Hubei Province and to evaluate their pollution status, sources, and health risks. The total amounts of these 8 heavy metal elements in the samples were measured, and the health risk posed by their accumulation in rice was evaluated using the health risk evaluation model recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The mean contents of Cd, Ni, Cu, Zn, Hg, and As in soil exceeded the background levels (0.17, 37.3, 30.7, 83.6, 0.077, and 12.3 mg kg-1, respectively) of Hubei Province, and Cd showed the highest enrichment coefficient. The concentration of n >Hg >As >Ni >Cr >Pb. Cd and As were the main noncarcinogenic contributing factors, accounting for 80.8% of the total noncarcinogenic risk. The carcinogenic risk indexes of Cd, As, and Cr exceeded the risk index threshold of 10-4, indicating a carcinogenic risk to the human body. The highest risks to local residents from heavy metals were found in rice. Cd and As were the main noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic factors and should receive greater attention in risk decision management.Preventive interventions in early childhood have a range of behavioral and health effects. However, there is an emerging literature extending this work to include acts of civic engagement, such as voting. Given that America has one of the lowest and most disparate rates of voter turnout in the world-and most of the current efforts aimed at boosting voter turnout and making the electorate more representative of the general public are proximal to the voting experience-there is a need for a better understanding of the potential long-term impact of early-childhood programming on civic engagement in adulthood. This paper builds on theories of political socialization and prior research demonstrating significant impacts of the Fast Track preventive intervention on voter turnout to examine the extent to which there are positive impacts on voter participation for other evidence-based preventive interventions targeting children's social and emotional capacities. Specifically, we leveraged data from a randomized controlled trial of the classroom-centered (CC) and the family school partnership (FSP) preventive interventions delivered in first grade. We analyzed data from approximately 700 urban, predominately African American, public school students who were randomly assigned to classrooms that either implemented (1) the classroom-centered intervention (which included the good behavior game), (2) the FSP intervention, or (3) the business as usual (i.e., control group). Data from the trial were combined with archival voter data when the youth were in their early 30s. Analyses demonstrated positive impacts of the CC preventive intervention on voter turnout more than two decades after exposure to the prevention program. Taken together, these findings provide additional evidence that some of the attributes that promote active participation in democracy can be fostered in early childhood-long before most interventions that have previously tried, and often failed, to increase voter turnout.

Autoři článku: Forbesfarley2770 (Jarvis Neergaard)