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Inhibition of intestinal sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2b (NaPi2b), responsible for intestinal phosphate absorption, is considered to reduce serum phosphate levels, making it a promising therapeutic approach for hyperphosphatemia. Previously, we aimed to identify new drugs for hyperphosphatemia treatment and obtained zwitterionic compound 3 (IC50 = 64 nM) as a potent selective inhibitor of intestinal NaPi2b. This small-molecule compound is gut-restricted owing to its almost membrane-impermeable property. However, when compound 3, containing an acylhydrazone structure, is exposed to plasma, it is easily metabolized and likely produces an acetylhydrazine compound. Clinical studies have shown that acetylhydrazine is a risk factor for hepatic toxicity owing to its microsomal metabolism, wherein toxic reactive intermediates are formed. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to obtain potent NaPi2b inhibitors without an acylhydrazone structure to reduce the risk of hepatic toxicity. We developed compound 18, an anilide compound with zwitterionic property having potent phosphate uptake inhibitory activity in vitro (IC50 = 14 nM) and low bioavailability (FaFg = 5.9%). Oral administration of compound 18 in rats showed a reduction in phosphate absorption comparable to that observed with lanthanum carbonate, a clinically effective phosphate binder used in hyperphosphatemia treatment. Moreover, combined administration of compound 18 and lanthanum carbonate resulted in an additive effect on phosphate absorption inhibition in rats. Our findings suggest that combination therapy with lanthanum carbonate and compound 18 will not only provide better treatment outcomes for hyperphosphatemia but also reduce gastrointestinal side effects in patients.CD31, a transmembrane protein expressed on endothelial and hematopoietic cells, plays important roles in leukocyte trafficking, mechanotransduction, angiogenesis, vascular permeability, and regulation of cellular responsiveness. CD31 immunoreactivity is employed as a sensitive and specific endothelial marker in diagnostic pathology. In this study, CD31 expression in myocardial tissues from deceased patients with ischemic heart disease and a mouse model of acute myocardial infarction were examined by immunohistochemical staining. We examined 24 neutral formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded myocardial tissue samples obtained within 48 h postmortem from the autopsies of patients who were diagnosed with ischemic heart disease. CD31 expression was observed in vascular endothelial and endocardial cells. In necrotic myocardium, diffusion of CD31 antigen was observed. Elevated CD31 expression was observed around myocardial cells undergoing remodeling, suggesting that endothelial proliferation occurred at these sites. In contrast, fibrotic myocardial foci did not show upregulated CD31 expression. The same CD31 expression characteristics as those observed in the human samples were observed in the mouse model. CD31 immunostaining as an endothelial and microvasculature marker may be a useful complement to conventional staining techniques currently used in the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease, and may allow the timing and process of myocardial remodeling to be analyzed in detail.

Approach tendency to smoking-related cues has been associated with greater cravings, nicotine dependence, and the likelihood of relapse. In this pilot randomized clinical trial, we examined the efficacy of approach bias retraining (ABR; i.e., increasing avoidance tendency) for enhancing standard smoking cessation treatment (ST).

Adult smokers (N=96) motivated to quit were randomly assigned to 7 weekly in-person treatment sessions consisting of either (1) cognitive-behavioral therapy for smoking cessation (ST) and ABR (ST+ABR) or ST and sham retraining (ST+Sham). All participants also received optional nicotine replacement therapy for up to 8 weeks following the scheduled quit date (week 6). We measured avoidance tendency from weeks 1-7. Point prevalence abstinence (PPA) and prolonged abstinence (PA) were measured up to 3 months following the quit attempt (week 18 follow-up).

Consistent with our hypothesis, participants in ST+ABR evidenced higher abstinence rates than those in ST+Sham at the final follow-up (b=0.71, 95% CI [0.14, 1.27], t[1721]=2.46, p=0.014, OR=2.03, 95% CI [1.15, 3.57]). Specifically, PPA and PA rates were 50% and 66% in ST+ABR compared to 31% and 47% in ST+Sham. As expected, participants assigned to the ST+ABR condition also showed a greater training-compatible increase in avoidance tendency scores relative to those assigned to the ST+Sham condition (b=248.06, 95% CI [148.51, 347,62], t[84]=4.96, p<.001).

The current pilot randomized clinical trial provides initial evidence for the efficacy of integrating standard smoking cessation with ABR. These findings encourage the testing of the long-term efficacy and mechanisms of action of this integrated intervention.

The current pilot randomized clinical trial provides initial evidence for the efficacy of integrating standard smoking cessation with ABR. These findings encourage the testing of the long-term efficacy and mechanisms of action of this integrated intervention.

Longitudinal research assessing whether mood disorders predict substance use behaviors is limited. We extend our prior work evaluating transition patterns with alcohol use to assess patterns with alcohol and drug use problems.

Using National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions prospective data, waves 1 and 2, we completed latent class analyses to empirically define classes of alcohol and drug problems from DSM disorder criteria. Latent transition analyses were used to assess associations of lifetime mood disorders at baseline with transitions across classes of alcohol and drug problems during follow-up.

A three-class model of alcohol and drug problems was identified (No problems, Alcohol Problems Only, and Alcohol and Drug Problems) for males and females. Females with mood disorders were over two times more likely to transition from No Problems, and Alcohol Problems Only at baseline to having both Alcohol and Drug Problems at follow-up relative to those without mood disorders (aOR=2.3roblems.The verbs ask and tell can be used both epistemically, referring to the flow of information, and deontically, referring to obligations through polite requests or commands. Some researchers suggest that children's understanding of deontic modals emerges earlier than their understanding of epistemic modals, possibly because theory of mind is required to understand epistemic modals. In the current study, 184 children aged 3-6 years were presented with vignettes depicting epistemic and deontic asking and telling and were asked whether the speaker asked or told, followed by first-order theory-of-mind tasks. An emergence of both epistemic and deontic understanding was found at 5 years of age, and both were correlated with children's theory-of-mind understanding. see more These findings are consistent with arguments that both epistemic and deontic understanding implicate theory-of-mind awareness and provide insight into the developmental trajectory of children's understanding.The extent to which the approximate number sense is based on the estimation of continuous visual properties has been widely discussed. Some investigators have hypothesized that humans are able to estimate numerosity directly and independently of visual cues. Other investigators have posited that numerosity can be processed only via the estimation of non-numeric visual properties. The latter theory is confirmed by the existence of the congruency effect, that is, greater accuracy in congruent trials where visual properties were positively correlated with numerosity compared with that in incongruent trials. In this study, we tested the assumption that the congruency effect, reflecting the bias in numerosity estimation due to the estimation of visual cues, varies depending on the format of the stimulus presentation and object heterogeneity. The study involved a sample of pupils in Grades 5-9 from Kyrgyzstan (N = 764; 48% girls; mean age = 13.06 years), whereby participants performed a nonsymbolic comparison test in four formats of stimulus presentation paired/homogeneous, paired/heterogeneous, mixed/homogeneous, and mixed/heterogeneous. Compared arrays of figures might be congruent or incongruent for one visual parameter (convex hull or cumulative area), whereas another visual parameter was held constant for two arrays. The results of generalized linear mixed-effect models demonstrated that the largest congruency effect occurred in a paired format with homogeneous figures. The congruency effect was insignificant in the mixed/heterogeneous format. The results also revealed that the effects of the convex hull and cumulative area varied in different formats of stimulus presentations.

To develop a Pediatric glucocorticoid toxicity index (pGTI), a standardized, weighted clinical outcome assessment that measures change in glucocorticoid (GC) toxicity over time.

Fourteen physician experts from 7 subspecialties participated. The physician experts represented multiple subspecialties in which GCs play a major role in the treatment of inflammatory disease nephrology, rheumatology, oncology, endocrinology, genetics, psychiatry, and maternal-fetal medicine. Nine investigators were from Canada, Europe, or New Zealand, and 5 were from the United States. Group consensus methods and multi-criteria decision analysis were used. The pGTI is an aggregate assessment of GC toxicities that are common, important, and dynamic. These toxicities are organized into health domains graded as minor, moderate, or major and are weighted according to severity. The relative weights were derived by group consensus and multi-criteria decision analysis using the 1000Minds

software platform. Two quantitative scores comforming the nuanced calculations necessary to ensure rigor, accuracy, and ease-of-use in both clinic and research settings.

We describe the development and initial evaluation of a weighted, composite toxicity index for the assessment of morbidity related to GC use in children and adolescents. Developing the pGTI digital platform was essential for performing the nuanced calculations necessary to ensure rigor, accuracy, and ease-of-use in both clinic and research settings.

Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) increasingly require imaging for the diagnosis of abdominal complications. We prospectively evaluated the image quality and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a modern radial volumetric encoding (RAVE) T


hybrid sequence for abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RAVET


is a three-dimensional radial sequence with fat saturation and blood flow suppression that acquires T

- and T

-weighted contrasts in one scan in an identical slice position during free-breathing.

Sixteen CF patients underwent axial T

HASTE (1000ms/93ms TR/TE), T

DIXON (6.8ms/2.4ms/4.8ms TR/TE


), and RAVE T


hybrid sequence (1200ms/1.7ms/3.3ms/4.9ms/102ms TR/TE




) of the upper abdomen at 1.5 Tesla. The SNR values in six different regions were assessed and compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The image quality criteria were rated on a 5-point Likert scale.

In all regions, the SNR was significantly higher in the T

weighted aspect of the RAVE T


hybrid sequence compared to T

HASTE (p<0.

Autoři článku: Foghpuggaard9100 (Lanier Munoz)